/* citus--6.1-8--6.1-9.sql */ SET search_path = 'pg_catalog'; CREATE FUNCTION master_drop_distributed_table_metadata(logicalrelid regclass, schema_name text, table_name text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE C STRICT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', $$master_drop_distributed_table_metadata$$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION master_drop_distributed_table_metadata(logicalrelid regclass, schema_name text, table_name text) IS 'delete metadata of the distributed table'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.citus_drop_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog AS $cdbdt$ DECLARE v_obj record; sequence_names text[] := '{}'; node_names text[] := '{}'; node_ports bigint[] := '{}'; node_name text; node_port bigint; table_colocation_id integer; BEGIN -- collect set of dropped sequences to drop on workers later SELECT array_agg(object_identity) INTO sequence_names FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() WHERE object_type = 'sequence'; -- Must accumulate set of affected nodes before deleting placements, as -- master_drop_all_shards will erase their rows, making it impossible for -- us to know where to drop sequences (which must be dropped after shards, -- since they have default value expressions which depend on sequences). SELECT array_agg(sp.nodename), array_agg(sp.nodeport) INTO node_names, node_ports FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() AS dobj, pg_dist_shard AS s, pg_dist_shard_placement AS sp WHERE dobj.object_type IN ('table', 'foreign table') AND dobj.objid = s.logicalrelid AND s.shardid = sp.shardid; FOR v_obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() LOOP IF v_obj.object_type NOT IN ('table', 'foreign table') THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- nothing to do if not a distributed table IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE logicalrelid = v_obj.objid) THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- get colocation group SELECT colocationid INTO table_colocation_id FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE logicalrelid = v_obj.objid; -- ensure all shards are dropped PERFORM master_drop_all_shards(v_obj.objid, v_obj.schema_name, v_obj.object_name); PERFORM master_drop_distributed_table_metadata(v_obj.objid, v_obj.schema_name, v_obj.object_name); -- drop colocation group if all referencing tables are dropped IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE colocationId = table_colocation_id) THEN DELETE FROM pg_dist_colocation WHERE colocationId = table_colocation_id; END IF; END LOOP; IF cardinality(sequence_names) = 0 THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR node_name, node_port IN SELECT DISTINCT name, port FROM unnest(node_names, node_ports) AS nodes(name, port) LOOP PERFORM master_drop_sequences(sequence_names, node_name, node_port); END LOOP; END; $cdbdt$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION citus_drop_trigger() IS 'perform checks and actions at the end of DROP actions'; RESET search_path;