-- -- WORKER_CREATE_TABLE -- -- Create new table definitions for lineitem and supplier tables to test worker -- node execution logic. For now,the tests include range and hash partitioning -- of existing tables. SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1110000; CREATE TABLE lineitem ( l_orderkey bigint not null, l_partkey integer not null, l_suppkey integer not null, l_linenumber integer not null, l_quantity decimal(15, 2) not null, l_extendedprice decimal(15, 2) not null, l_discount decimal(15, 2) not null, l_tax decimal(15, 2) not null, l_returnflag char(1) not null, l_linestatus char(1) not null, l_shipdate date not null, l_commitdate date not null, l_receiptdate date not null, l_shipinstruct char(25) not null, l_shipmode char(10) not null, l_comment varchar(44) not null, PRIMARY KEY(l_orderkey, l_linenumber) ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_complex ( l_partkey integer not null, l_discount decimal(15, 2) not null, l_shipdate date not null, l_comment varchar(44) not null ); -- Range partitioned lineitem data are inserted into these four tables CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_part_00 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_part_01 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_part_02 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_part_03 ( LIKE lineitem ); -- Complex range partitioned lineitem data are inserted into these four tables CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_complex_part_00 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_complex_part_01 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_complex_part_02 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_range_complex_part_03 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); -- Hash partitioned lineitem data are inserted into these four tables CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_part_00 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_part_01 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_part_02 ( LIKE lineitem ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_part_03 ( LIKE lineitem ); -- Complex hash partitioned lineitem data are inserted into these four tables CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_complex_part_00 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_complex_part_01 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_complex_part_02 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash_complex_part_03 ( LIKE lineitem_complex ); -- Now create a supplier table to test repartitioning the data on the nation key -- column, where the column's values can be null or zero. CREATE TABLE SUPPLIER ( s_suppkey integer not null, s_name char(25) not null, s_address varchar(40) not null, s_nationkey integer, s_phone char(15) not null, s_acctbal decimal(15,2) not null, s_comment varchar(101) not null ); -- Range partitioned supplier data are inserted into three tables CREATE TABLE supplier_range_part_00 ( LIKE supplier ); CREATE TABLE supplier_range_part_01 ( LIKE supplier ); CREATE TABLE supplier_range_part_02 ( LIKE supplier ); -- Hash partitioned supplier data are inserted into three tables CREATE TABLE supplier_hash_part_00 ( LIKE supplier ); CREATE TABLE supplier_hash_part_01 ( LIKE supplier ); CREATE TABLE supplier_hash_part_02 ( LIKE supplier );