-- -- Tests sequential and parallel DDL command execution -- in combination with 1PC and 2PC -- Note: this test should not be executed in parallel with -- other tests since we're relying on disabling 2PC recovery -- CREATE SCHEMA test_seq_ddl; SET search_path TO 'test_seq_ddl'; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 16000; SET citus.next_placement_id TO 16000; -- this function simply checks the equality of the number of transactions in the -- pg_dist_transaction and number of primary worker nodes -- The function is useful to ensure that a single connection is opened per worker -- in a distributed transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count() RETURNS bool AS $$ DECLARE result bool; BEGIN SELECT tx_count = worker_count FROM (SELECT count(*) as tx_count FROM pg_dist_transaction WHERE gid LIKE 'citus_%_' || pg_backend_pid() || '%_%') as s1, (SELECT count(*) as worker_count FROM pg_dist_node WHERE noderole = 'primary') as s2 INTO result; RETURN result; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; -- this function simply checks the equality of the number of transactions in the -- pg_dist_transaction and number of shard placements for a distributed table -- The function is useful to ensure that a single connection is opened per -- shard placement in a distributed transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count() RETURNS bool AS $$ DECLARE result bool; BEGIN SELECT count(*) = current_setting('citus.shard_count')::bigint * current_setting('citus.shard_replication_factor')::bigint FROM pg_dist_transaction WHERE gid LIKE 'citus_%_' || pg_backend_pid() || '%_%' INTO result; RETURN result; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; -- this function simply checks existence of distributed transcations in -- pg_dist_transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION no_distributed_2PCs() RETURNS bool AS $$ DECLARE result bool; BEGIN SELECT tx_count = 0 FROM (SELECT count(*) as tx_count FROM pg_dist_transaction WHERE gid LIKE 'citus_%_' || pg_backend_pid() || '%_%') as s1 INTO result; RETURN result; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION set_local_multi_shard_modify_mode_to_sequential() RETURNS void LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT AS 'citus', $$set_local_multi_shard_modify_mode_to_sequential$$; -- disbable 2PC recovery since our tests will check that ALTER SYSTEM SET citus.recover_2pc_interval TO -1; SELECT pg_reload_conf(); CREATE TABLE test_table(a int, b int); SELECT create_distributed_table('test_table', 'a'); -- not useful if not in transaction SELECT set_local_multi_shard_modify_mode_to_sequential(); -- we should see #worker transactions -- when sequential mode is used SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); ALTER TABLE test_table ADD CONSTRAINT a_check CHECK(a > 0); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- we should see placement count # transactions -- when parallel mode is used SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); ALTER TABLE test_table ADD CONSTRAINT b_check CHECK(b > 0); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); -- with 1PC, we should not see and distributed TXs in the pg_dist_transaction SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '1pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); ALTER TABLE test_table ADD CONSTRAINT c_check CHECK(a > 0); SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '1pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); ALTER TABLE test_table ADD CONSTRAINT d_check CHECK(a > 0); SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); CREATE TABLE ref_test(a int); SELECT create_reference_table('ref_test'); SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '1pc'; -- reference tables should always use 2PC SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX ref_test_seq_index ON ref_test(a); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- reference tables should always use 2PC SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX ref_test_seq_index_2 ON ref_test(a); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- tables with replication factor > 1 should also obey -- both multi_shard_commit_protocol and multi_shard_modify_mode SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 2; CREATE TABLE test_table_rep_2 (a int); SELECT create_distributed_table('test_table_rep_2', 'a'); -- 1PC should never use 2PC with rep > 1 SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '1pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX test_table_rep_2_i_1 ON test_table_rep_2(a); SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX test_table_rep_2_i_2 ON test_table_rep_2(a); SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); -- 2PC should always use 2PC with rep > 1 SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '2pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX test_table_rep_2_i_3 ON test_table_rep_2(a); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX test_table_rep_2_i_4 ON test_table_rep_2(a); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); -- CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY should work fine with rep > 1 -- with both 2PC and different parallel modes SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '2pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test_table_rep_2_i_5 ON test_table_rep_2(a); -- we shouldn't see any distributed transactions SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); SET citus.multi_shard_commit_protocol TO '2pc'; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY test_table_rep_2_i_6 ON test_table_rep_2(a); -- we shouldn't see any distributed transactions SELECT no_distributed_2PCs(); -- test TRUNCATE on sequential and parallel modes CREATE TABLE test_seq_truncate (a int); INSERT INTO test_seq_truncate SELECT i FROM generate_series(0, 100) i; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_truncate', 'a'); -- with parallel modification mode, we should see #shards records SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); TRUNCATE test_seq_truncate; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); -- with sequential modification mode, we should see #primary worker records SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); TRUNCATE test_seq_truncate; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- truncate with rep > 1 should work both in parallel and seq. modes CREATE TABLE test_seq_truncate_rep_2 (a int); SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 2; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_truncate_rep_2', 'a'); INSERT INTO test_seq_truncate_rep_2 SELECT i FROM generate_series(0, 100) i; SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); TRUNCATE test_seq_truncate_rep_2; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); TRUNCATE test_seq_truncate_rep_2; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); CREATE TABLE multi_shard_modify_test ( t_key integer not null, t_name varchar(25) not null, t_value integer not null); SELECT create_distributed_table('multi_shard_modify_test', 't_key'); -- with parallel modification mode, we should see #shards records SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); SELECT master_modify_multiple_shards('DELETE FROM multi_shard_modify_test'); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); -- with sequential modification mode, we should see #primary worker records SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); SELECT master_modify_multiple_shards('DELETE FROM multi_shard_modify_test'); SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- one more realistic test with sequential inserts and truncate in the same tx INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test SELECT i, i::text, i FROM generate_series(0,100) i; BEGIN; INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test VALUES (1,'1',1), (2,'2',2), (3,'3',3), (4,'4',4); -- now switch to sequential mode to enable a successful TRUNCATE SELECT set_local_multi_shard_modify_mode_to_sequential(); TRUNCATE multi_shard_modify_test; COMMIT; -- see that all the data successfully removed SELECT count(*) FROM multi_shard_modify_test; -- test INSERT ... SELECT queries -- with sequential modification mode, we should see #primary worker records SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test SELECT * FROM multi_shard_modify_test; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'parallel'; SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test SELECT * FROM multi_shard_modify_test; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_placement_count(); -- one more realistic test with sequential inserts and INSERT .. SELECT in the same tx INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test SELECT i, i::text, i FROM generate_series(0,100) i; BEGIN; INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test VALUES (1,'1',1), (2,'2',2), (3,'3',3), (4,'4',4); -- now switch to sequential mode to enable a successful INSERT .. SELECT SELECT set_local_multi_shard_modify_mode_to_sequential(); INSERT INTO multi_shard_modify_test SELECT * FROM multi_shard_modify_test; COMMIT; -- see that all the data successfully inserted SELECT count(*) FROM multi_shard_modify_test; ALTER SYSTEM SET citus.recover_2pc_interval TO DEFAULT; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO DEFAULT; SELECT pg_reload_conf(); -- The following tests are added to test if create_distributed_table honors sequential mode SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); -- Check if multi_shard_update works properly after create_distributed_table in sequential mode CREATE TABLE test_seq_multi_shard_update(a int, b int); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_multi_shard_update', 'a'); INSERT INTO test_seq_multi_shard_update VALUES (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0); SELECT master_modify_multiple_shards('DELETE FROM test_seq_multi_shard_update WHERE b < 2'); COMMIT; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); DROP TABLE test_seq_multi_shard_update; -- Check if truncate works properly after create_distributed_table in sequential mode SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE TABLE test_seq_truncate_after_create(a int, b int); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_truncate_after_create', 'a'); INSERT INTO test_seq_truncate_after_create VALUES (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0); TRUNCATE test_seq_truncate_after_create; COMMIT; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); DROP TABLE test_seq_truncate_after_create; -- Check if drop table works properly after create_distributed_table in sequential mode SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE TABLE test_seq_drop_table(a int, b int); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_drop_table', 'a'); DROP TABLE test_seq_drop_table; COMMIT; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); -- Check if copy errors out properly after create_distributed_table in sequential mode SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE TABLE test_seq_copy(a int, b int); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_copy', 'a'); \COPY test_seq_copy FROM STDIN DELIMITER AS ','; 1,1 2,2 3,3 \. ROLLBACK; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); DROP TABLE test_seq_copy; -- Check if DDL + CREATE INDEX works properly after create_distributed_table in sequential mode SELECT recover_prepared_transactions(); CREATE TABLE test_seq_ddl_index(a int, b int); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_seq_ddl_index', 'a'); INSERT INTO test_seq_ddl_index VALUES (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0); ALTER TABLE test_seq_ddl_index ADD COLUMN c int; CREATE INDEX idx ON test_seq_ddl_index(c); COMMIT; SELECT distributed_2PCs_are_equal_to_worker_count(); DROP TABLE test_seq_ddl_index; -- create_distributed_table should fail on relations with data in sequential mode in and out transaction block CREATE TABLE test_create_seq_table (a int); INSERT INTO test_create_seq_table VALUES (1); SET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; SELECT create_distributed_table('test_create_seq_table' ,'a'); RESET citus.multi_shard_modify_mode; BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; select create_distributed_table('test_create_seq_table' ,'a'); ROLLBACK; SET search_path TO 'public'; DROP SCHEMA test_seq_ddl CASCADE;