-- -- MULTI_REPARTITION_JOIN_PLANNING -- -- Tests that cover repartition join planning. Note that we explicitly start a -- transaction block here so that we don't emit debug messages with changing -- transaction ids in them. Also, we set the executor type to task tracker -- executor here, as we cannot run repartition jobs with real time executor. SET citus.next_shard_id TO 690000; SET citus.enable_unique_job_ids TO off; -- print whether we're using version > 9 to make version-specific tests clear SHOW server_version \gset SELECT substring(:'server_version', '\d+')::int > 9 AS version_above_nine; BEGIN; SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG4; SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'task-tracker'; -- Debug4 log messages display jobIds within them. We explicitly set the jobId -- sequence here so that the regression output becomes independent of the number -- of jobs executed prior to running this test. -- Multi-level repartition join to verify our projection columns are correctly -- referenced and propagated across multiple repartition jobs. The test also -- validates that only the minimal necessary projection columns are transferred -- between jobs. SELECT l_partkey, o_orderkey, count(*) FROM lineitem, part_append, orders, customer_append WHERE l_orderkey = o_orderkey AND l_partkey = p_partkey AND c_custkey = o_custkey AND (l_quantity > 5.0 OR l_extendedprice > 1200.0) AND p_size > 8 AND o_totalprice > 10.0 AND c_acctbal < 5000.0 AND l_partkey < 1000 GROUP BY l_partkey, o_orderkey ORDER BY l_partkey, o_orderkey; SELECT l_partkey, o_orderkey, count(*) FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_suppkey = o_shippriority AND l_quantity < 5.0 AND o_totalprice <> 4.0 GROUP BY l_partkey, o_orderkey ORDER BY l_partkey, o_orderkey; -- Reset client logging level to its previous value SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE; COMMIT;