-- -- Distributed Partitioned Table MX Tests -- SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1700000; SET citus.shard_count TO 4; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; -- make sure wen can create partitioning tables in MX SET citus.replication_model TO 'streaming'; SELECT start_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); -- 1-) Distributing partitioned table -- create partitioned table CREATE TABLE partitioning_test(id int, time date) PARTITION BY RANGE (time); -- create its partitions CREATE TABLE partitioning_test_2009 PARTITION OF partitioning_test FOR VALUES FROM ('2009-01-01') TO ('2010-01-01'); CREATE TABLE partitioning_test_2010 PARTITION OF partitioning_test FOR VALUES FROM ('2010-01-01') TO ('2011-01-01'); -- load some data and distribute tables INSERT INTO partitioning_test VALUES (1, '2009-06-06'); INSERT INTO partitioning_test VALUES (2, '2010-07-07'); INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2009 VALUES (3, '2009-09-09'); INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2010 VALUES (4, '2010-03-03'); -- distribute partitioned table SELECT create_distributed_table('partitioning_test', 'id'); -- see from MX node, the data is loaded to shards \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT * FROM partitioning_test ORDER BY 1; -- see from MX node, partitioned table and its partitions are distributed SELECT logicalrelid FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2009', 'partitioning_test_2010') ORDER BY 1; SELECT logicalrelid, count(*) FROM pg_dist_shard WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2009', 'partitioning_test_2010') GROUP BY logicalrelid ORDER BY 1,2; -- see from MX node, partitioning hierarchy is built SELECT inhrelid::regclass FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = 'partitioning_test'::regclass; \c - - - :master_port SET citus.replication_model TO 'streaming'; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; -- 2-) Creating partition of a distributed table CREATE TABLE partitioning_test_2011 PARTITION OF partitioning_test FOR VALUES FROM ('2011-01-01') TO ('2012-01-01'); -- see from MX node, new partition is automatically distributed as well \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT logicalrelid FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2011') ORDER BY 1; SELECT logicalrelid, count(*) FROM pg_dist_shard WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2011') GROUP BY logicalrelid ORDER BY 1,2; -- see from MX node, partitioning hierarchy is built SELECT inhrelid::regclass FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = 'partitioning_test'::regclass; \c - - - :master_port SET citus.replication_model TO 'streaming'; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; -- 3-) Attaching non distributed table to a distributed table CREATE TABLE partitioning_test_2012(id int, time date); -- load some data INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2012 VALUES (5, '2012-06-06'); INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2012 VALUES (6, '2012-07-07'); ALTER TABLE partitioning_test ATTACH PARTITION partitioning_test_2012 FOR VALUES FROM ('2012-01-01') TO ('2013-01-01'); -- see from MX node, attached partition is distributed as well \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT logicalrelid FROM pg_dist_partition WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2012') ORDER BY 1; SELECT logicalrelid, count(*) FROM pg_dist_shard WHERE logicalrelid IN ('partitioning_test', 'partitioning_test_2012') GROUP BY logicalrelid ORDER BY 1,2; -- see from MX node, see the data is loaded to shards SELECT * FROM partitioning_test ORDER BY 1; -- see from MX node, partitioning hierarchy is built SELECT inhrelid::regclass FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = 'partitioning_test'::regclass; \c - - - :master_port SET citus.replication_model TO 'streaming'; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; -- 4-) Attaching distributed table to distributed table CREATE TABLE partitioning_test_2013(id int, time date); SELECT create_distributed_table('partitioning_test_2013', 'id'); -- load some data INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2013 VALUES (7, '2013-06-06'); INSERT INTO partitioning_test_2013 VALUES (8, '2013-07-07'); ALTER TABLE partitioning_test ATTACH PARTITION partitioning_test_2013 FOR VALUES FROM ('2013-01-01') TO ('2014-01-01'); -- see from MX node, see the data is loaded to shards \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT * FROM partitioning_test ORDER BY 1; -- see from MX node, partitioning hierarchy is built SELECT inhrelid::regclass FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = 'partitioning_test'::regclass; \c - - - :master_port -- 5-) Detaching partition of the partitioned table ALTER TABLE partitioning_test DETACH PARTITION partitioning_test_2009; -- see from MX node, partitioning hierarchy is built \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT inhrelid::regclass FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent = 'partitioning_test'::regclass; -- make sure DROPping from worker node is not allowed DROP TABLE partitioning_test; \c - - - :master_port -- make sure we can repeatedly call start_metadata_sync_to_node SELECT start_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT start_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT start_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); -- make sure we can drop partitions DROP TABLE partitioning_test_2009; DROP TABLE partitioning_test_2010; -- make sure we can drop partitioned table DROP TABLE partitioning_test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS partitioning_test_2013; -- test schema drop with partitioned tables SET citus.replication_model TO 'streaming'; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; CREATE SCHEMA partition_test; SET SEARCH_PATH TO partition_test; CREATE TABLE partition_parent_table(a int, b int, c int) PARTITION BY RANGE (b); SELECT create_distributed_table('partition_parent_table', 'a'); CREATE TABLE partition_0 PARTITION OF partition_parent_table FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (10); CREATE TABLE partition_1 PARTITION OF partition_parent_table FOR VALUES FROM (10) TO (20); CREATE TABLE partition_2 PARTITION OF partition_parent_table FOR VALUES FROM (20) TO (30); CREATE TABLE partition_3 PARTITION OF partition_parent_table FOR VALUES FROM (30) TO (40); DROP SCHEMA partition_test CASCADE; RESET SEARCH_PATH;