-- Tests related to distributed DDL commands on mx cluster SELECT * FROM mx_ddl_table ORDER BY key; -- CREATE INDEX CREATE INDEX ddl_test_index ON mx_ddl_table(value); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ddl_test_concurrent_index ON mx_ddl_table(value); -- ADD COLUMN ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ADD COLUMN version INTEGER; -- SET DEFAULT ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ALTER COLUMN version SET DEFAULT 1; SELECT master_modify_multiple_shards('UPDATE mx_ddl_table SET version=0.1 WHERE version IS NULL'); -- SET NOT NULL ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ALTER COLUMN version SET NOT NULL; -- See that the changes are applied on coordinator, worker tables and shards SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; SELECT "relname", "Column", "Type", "Definition" FROM index_attrs WHERE relname LIKE 'ddl_test%_index'; \c - - - :worker_1_port -- make sure we don't break the following tests by hiding the shard names SET citus.override_table_visibility TO FALSE; SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; SELECT "relname", "Column", "Type", "Definition" FROM index_attrs WHERE relname LIKE 'ddl_test%_index'; SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table_1220088'::regclass; SELECT "relname", "Column", "Type", "Definition" FROM index_attrs WHERE relname LIKE 'ddl_test%_index_1220088'; \c - - - :worker_2_port -- make sure we don't break the following tests by hiding the shard names SET citus.override_table_visibility TO FALSE; SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; SELECT "relname", "Column", "Type", "Definition" FROM index_attrs WHERE relname LIKE 'ddl_test%_index'; SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table_1220089'::regclass; SELECT "relname", "Column", "Type", "Definition" FROM index_attrs WHERE relname LIKE 'ddl_test%_index_1220089'; INSERT INTO mx_ddl_table VALUES (37, 78, 2); INSERT INTO mx_ddl_table VALUES (38, 78); -- Switch to the coordinator \c - - - :master_port -- SET DATA TYPE ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ALTER COLUMN version SET DATA TYPE double precision; INSERT INTO mx_ddl_table VALUES (78, 83, 2.1); \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT * FROM mx_ddl_table ORDER BY key; -- Switch to the coordinator \c - - - :master_port -- DROP INDEX DROP INDEX ddl_test_index; DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY ddl_test_concurrent_index; -- DROP DEFAULT ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ALTER COLUMN version DROP DEFAULT; -- DROP NOT NULL ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table ALTER COLUMN version DROP NOT NULL; -- DROP COLUMN ALTER TABLE mx_ddl_table DROP COLUMN version; -- See that the changes are applied on coordinator, worker tables and shards SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; \di ddl_test*_index \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; \di ddl_test*_index SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table_1220088'::regclass; \di ddl_test*_index_1220088 \c - - - :worker_2_port SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table'::regclass; \di ddl_test*_index SELECT "Column", "Type", "Modifiers" FROM table_desc WHERE relid='mx_ddl_table_1220089'::regclass; \di ddl_test*_index_1220089 -- Show that DDL commands are done within a two-phase commit transaction \c - - - :master_port CREATE INDEX ddl_test_index ON mx_ddl_table(value); DROP INDEX ddl_test_index; -- show that sequences owned by mx tables result in unique values SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SET citus.shard_count TO 4; SET citus.replication_model TO streaming; CREATE TABLE mx_sequence(key INT, value BIGSERIAL); SELECT create_distributed_table('mx_sequence', 'key'); \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT last_value AS worker_1_lastval FROM mx_sequence_value_seq \gset \c - - - :worker_2_port SELECT last_value AS worker_2_lastval FROM mx_sequence_value_seq \gset \c - - - :master_port -- don't look at the actual values because they rely on the groupids of the nodes -- which can change depending on the tests which have run before this one SELECT :worker_1_lastval = :worker_2_lastval; -- the type of sequences can't be changed ALTER TABLE mx_sequence ALTER value TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE mx_sequence ALTER value TYPE INT;