-- -- MULTI_MULTIUSERS -- -- Test user permissions. -- -- print whether we're using version > 10 to make version-specific tests clear SHOW server_version \gset SELECT substring(:'server_version', '\d+')::int > 10 AS version_above_ten; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1420000; ALTER SEQUENCE pg_catalog.pg_dist_jobid_seq RESTART 1420000; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; CREATE TABLE test (id integer, val integer); SELECT create_distributed_table('test', 'id'); CREATE TABLE test_coloc (id integer, val integer); SELECT create_distributed_table('test_coloc', 'id', colocate_with := 'none'); SET citus.shard_count TO 1; CREATE TABLE singleshard (id integer, val integer); SELECT create_distributed_table('singleshard', 'id'); -- turn off propagation to avoid Enterprise processing the following section SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO off; CREATE USER full_access; CREATE USER read_access; CREATE USER no_access; CREATE ROLE some_role; GRANT some_role TO full_access; GRANT some_role TO read_access; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test TO full_access; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test TO read_access; CREATE SCHEMA full_access_user_schema; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema TO full_access; SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO DEFAULT; \c - - - :worker_1_port CREATE USER full_access; CREATE USER read_access; CREATE USER no_access; CREATE ROLE some_role; GRANT some_role TO full_access; GRANT some_role TO read_access; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_1420000 TO full_access; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_1420000 TO read_access; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_1420002 TO full_access; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_1420002 TO read_access; CREATE SCHEMA full_access_user_schema; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema TO full_access; \c - - - :worker_2_port CREATE USER full_access; CREATE USER read_access; CREATE USER no_access; CREATE ROLE some_role; GRANT some_role TO full_access; GRANT some_role TO read_access; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_1420001 TO full_access; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_1420001 TO read_access; GRANT ALL ON TABLE test_1420003 TO full_access; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE test_1420003 TO read_access; CREATE SCHEMA full_access_user_schema; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA full_access_user_schema TO full_access; \c - - - :master_port -- create prepare tests PREPARE prepare_insert AS INSERT INTO test VALUES ($1); PREPARE prepare_select AS SELECT count(*) FROM test; -- not allowed to read absolute paths, even as superuser COPY "/etc/passwd" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); -- not allowed to read paths outside pgsql_job_cache, even as superuser COPY "postgresql.conf" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); -- check full permission SET ROLE full_access; EXECUTE prepare_insert(1); EXECUTE prepare_select; INSERT INTO test VALUES (2); SELECT count(*) FROM test; SELECT count(*) FROM test WHERE id = 1; SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'task-tracker'; SELECT count(*), min(current_user) FROM test; -- test re-partition query (needs to transmit intermediate results) SELECT count(*) FROM test a JOIN test b ON (a.val = b.val) WHERE a.id = 1 AND b.id = 2; -- should not be able to transmit directly COPY "postgresql.conf" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'real-time'; -- should not be able to transmit directly COPY "postgresql.conf" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); -- create a task that other users should not be able to inspect SELECT task_tracker_assign_task(1, 1, 'SELECT 1'); -- check read permission SET ROLE read_access; EXECUTE prepare_insert(1); EXECUTE prepare_select; INSERT INTO test VALUES (2); SELECT count(*) FROM test; SELECT count(*) FROM test WHERE id = 1; SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'task-tracker'; SELECT count(*), min(current_user) FROM test; -- test re-partition query (needs to transmit intermediate results) SELECT count(*) FROM test a JOIN test b ON (a.val = b.val) WHERE a.id = 1 AND b.id = 2; -- should not be able to transmit directly COPY "postgresql.conf" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); -- should not be able to access tasks or jobs belonging to a different user SELECT task_tracker_task_status(1, 1); SELECT task_tracker_assign_task(1, 2, 'SELECT 1'); SELECT task_tracker_cleanup_job(1); -- should not be allowed to take aggressive locks on table BEGIN; SELECT lock_relation_if_exists('test', 'ACCESS SHARE'); SELECT lock_relation_if_exists('test', 'EXCLUSIVE'); ABORT; SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'real-time'; -- check no permission SET ROLE no_access; EXECUTE prepare_insert(1); EXECUTE prepare_select; INSERT INTO test VALUES (2); SELECT count(*) FROM test; SELECT count(*) FROM test WHERE id = 1; SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'task-tracker'; SELECT count(*), min(current_user) FROM test; -- test re-partition query SELECT count(*) FROM test a JOIN test b ON (a.val = b.val) WHERE a.id = 1 AND b.id = 2; -- should not be able to transmit directly COPY "postgresql.conf" TO STDOUT WITH (format transmit); SET citus.task_executor_type TO 'real-time'; -- should be able to use intermediate results as any user BEGIN; SELECT create_intermediate_result('topten', 'SELECT s FROM generate_series(1,10) s'); SELECT * FROM read_intermediate_result('topten', 'binary'::citus_copy_format) AS res (s int) ORDER BY s; END; -- as long as we don't read from a table BEGIN; SELECT create_intermediate_result('topten', 'SELECT count(*) FROM test'); ABORT; SELECT * FROM citus_stat_statements_reset(); -- should not be allowed to upgrade to reference table SELECT upgrade_to_reference_table('singleshard'); -- should not be allowed to co-located tables SELECT mark_tables_colocated('test', ARRAY['test_coloc'::regclass]); -- table owner should be the same on the shards, even when distributing the table as superuser SET ROLE full_access; CREATE TABLE my_table (id integer, val integer); RESET ROLE; SELECT create_distributed_table('my_table', 'id'); SELECT result FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT tableowner FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename LIKE 'my_table_%' LIMIT 1$$); SELECT task_tracker_cleanup_job(1); -- table should be distributable by super user when it has data in there SET ROLE full_access; CREATE TABLE my_table_with_data (id integer, val integer); INSERT INTO my_table_with_data VALUES (1,2); RESET ROLE; SELECT create_distributed_table('my_table_with_data', 'id'); SELECT count(*) FROM my_table_with_data; -- table that is owned by a role should be distributable by a user that has that role granted -- while it should not be if the user has the role not granted SET ROLE full_access; CREATE TABLE my_role_table_with_data (id integer, val integer); ALTER TABLE my_role_table_with_data OWNER TO some_role; INSERT INTO my_role_table_with_data VALUES (1,2); RESET ROLE; -- we first try to distribute it with a user that does not have the role so we can reuse the table SET ROLE no_access; SELECT create_distributed_table('my_role_table_with_data', 'id'); RESET ROLE; -- then we try to distribute it with a user that has the role but different then the one creating SET ROLE read_access; SELECT create_distributed_table('my_role_table_with_data', 'id'); RESET ROLE; -- lastly we want to verify the table owner is set to the role, not the user that distributed SELECT result FROM run_command_on_workers($cmd$ SELECT tableowner FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename LIKE 'my_role_table_with_data%' LIMIT 1; $cmd$); -- we want to verify a user without CREATE access cannot distribute its table, but can get -- its table distributed by the super user -- we want to make sure the schema and user are setup in such a way they can't create a -- table SET ROLE full_access; CREATE TABLE full_access_user_schema.t1 (id int); RESET ROLE; -- now we create the table for the user CREATE TABLE full_access_user_schema.t1 (id int); ALTER TABLE full_access_user_schema.t1 OWNER TO full_access; -- make sure we can insert data SET ROLE full_access; INSERT INTO full_access_user_schema.t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); -- creating the table should fail with a failure on the worker machine since the user is -- not allowed to create a table SELECT create_distributed_table('full_access_user_schema.t1', 'id'); RESET ROLE; -- now we distribute the table as super user SELECT create_distributed_table('full_access_user_schema.t1', 'id'); -- verify the owner of the shards for the distributed tables SELECT result FROM run_command_on_workers($cmd$ SELECT tableowner FROM pg_tables WHERE true AND schemaname = 'full_access_user_schema' AND tablename LIKE 't1_%' LIMIT 1; $cmd$); DROP SCHEMA full_access_user_schema CASCADE; DROP TABLE my_table, my_table_with_data, my_role_table_with_data, singleshard, test, test_coloc; DROP USER full_access; DROP USER read_access; DROP USER no_access; DROP ROLE some_role;