-- -- MULTI_JSON_AGG -- SET citus.next_shard_id TO 520000; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sort (json) RETURNS json LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT json_agg(value) FROM ( SELECT value FROM json_array_elements($1) ORDER BY value::jsonb ) t $$; -- Check multi_cat_agg() aggregate which is used to implement json_agg() SELECT json_cat_agg(i) FROM (VALUES ('[1,{"a":2}]'::json), ('[null]'::json), (NULL), ('["3",5,4]'::json)) AS t(i); -- Check that we don't support distinct and order by with json_agg() SELECT json_agg(distinct l_orderkey) FROM lineitem; SELECT json_agg(l_orderkey ORDER BY l_partkey) FROM lineitem; SELECT json_agg(distinct l_orderkey ORDER BY l_orderkey) FROM lineitem; -- Check json_agg() for different data types and LIMIT clauses SELECT array_sort(json_agg(l_partkey)) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_orderkey ORDER BY l_orderkey LIMIT 10; SELECT array_sort(json_agg(l_extendedprice)) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_orderkey ORDER BY l_orderkey LIMIT 10; SELECT array_sort(json_agg(l_shipdate)) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_orderkey ORDER BY l_orderkey LIMIT 10; SELECT array_sort(json_agg(l_shipmode)) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_orderkey ORDER BY l_orderkey LIMIT 10; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() within other functions SELECT json_array_length(json_agg(l_orderkey)) FROM lineitem; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() on select queries that hit multiple -- shards and contain different aggregates, filter clauses and other complex -- expressions. Note that the l_orderkey ranges are such that the matching rows -- lie in different shards. SELECT l_quantity, count(*), avg(l_extendedprice), array_sort(json_agg(l_orderkey)) FROM lineitem WHERE l_quantity < 5 AND l_orderkey > 5500 AND l_orderkey < 9500 GROUP BY l_quantity ORDER BY l_quantity; SELECT l_quantity, array_sort(json_agg(extract (month FROM o_orderdate))) AS my_month FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_orderkey = o_orderkey AND l_quantity < 5 AND l_orderkey > 5500 AND l_orderkey < 9500 GROUP BY l_quantity ORDER BY l_quantity; SELECT l_quantity, array_sort(json_agg(l_orderkey * 2 + 1)) FROM lineitem WHERE l_quantity < 5 AND octet_length(l_comment) + octet_length('randomtext'::text) > 40 AND l_orderkey > 5500 AND l_orderkey < 9500 GROUP BY l_quantity ORDER BY l_quantity; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() with an expression containing NULL values SELECT json_agg(case when l_quantity > 20 then l_quantity else NULL end) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey < 5; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() with an expression containing different types SELECT json_agg(case when l_quantity > 20 then to_json(l_quantity) else '"f"'::json end) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey < 5; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() with an expression containing json arrays SELECT json_agg(json_build_array(l_quantity, l_shipdate)) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey < 3; -- Check that we can execute json_agg() with an expression containing arrays SELECT json_agg(ARRAY[l_quantity, l_orderkey]) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey < 3; -- Check that we return NULL in case there are no input rows to json_agg() SELECT json_agg(l_orderkey) FROM lineitem WHERE l_quantity < 0;