-- -- MULTI_JOIN_ORDER_ADDITIONAL -- SET citus.next_shard_id TO 650000; -- Set configuration to print table join order and pruned shards SET citus.explain_distributed_queries TO off; SET citus.log_multi_join_order TO TRUE; SET citus.task_executor_type = 'task-tracker'; -- can't explain all queries otherwise SET citus.shard_count to 2; SET citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; RESET client_min_messages; -- Create new table definitions for use in testing in distributed planning and -- execution functionality. Also create indexes to boost performance. CREATE TABLE lineitem_hash ( l_orderkey bigint not null, l_partkey integer not null, l_suppkey integer not null, l_linenumber integer not null, l_quantity decimal(15, 2) not null, l_extendedprice decimal(15, 2) not null, l_discount decimal(15, 2) not null, l_tax decimal(15, 2) not null, l_returnflag char(1) not null, l_linestatus char(1) not null, l_shipdate date not null, l_commitdate date not null, l_receiptdate date not null, l_shipinstruct char(25) not null, l_shipmode char(10) not null, l_comment varchar(44) not null, PRIMARY KEY(l_orderkey, l_linenumber) ); SELECT create_distributed_table('lineitem_hash', 'l_orderkey'); CREATE INDEX lineitem_hash_time_index ON lineitem_hash (l_shipdate); CREATE TABLE orders_hash ( o_orderkey bigint not null, o_custkey integer not null, o_orderstatus char(1) not null, o_totalprice decimal(15,2) not null, o_orderdate date not null, o_orderpriority char(15) not null, o_clerk char(15) not null, o_shippriority integer not null, o_comment varchar(79) not null, PRIMARY KEY(o_orderkey) ); SELECT create_distributed_table('orders_hash', 'o_orderkey'); CREATE TABLE customer_hash ( c_custkey integer not null, c_name varchar(25) not null, c_address varchar(40) not null, c_nationkey integer not null, c_phone char(15) not null, c_acctbal decimal(15,2) not null, c_mktsegment char(10) not null, c_comment varchar(117) not null); SELECT create_distributed_table('customer_hash', 'c_custkey'); SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG2; -- The following query checks that we can correctly handle self-joins EXPLAIN SELECT l1.l_quantity FROM lineitem l1, lineitem l2 WHERE l1.l_orderkey = l2.l_orderkey AND l1.l_quantity > 5; SET client_min_messages TO LOG; -- The following queries check that we correctly handle joins and OR clauses. In -- particular, these queries check that we factorize out OR clauses if possible, -- and that we default to a cartesian product otherwise. EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM lineitem, orders WHERE (l_orderkey = o_orderkey AND l_quantity > 5) OR (l_orderkey = o_orderkey AND l_quantity < 10); EXPLAIN SELECT l_quantity FROM lineitem, orders WHERE (l_orderkey = o_orderkey OR l_quantity > 5); EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM orders, lineitem_hash WHERE o_orderkey = l_orderkey; -- Verify we handle local joins between two hash-partitioned tables. EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM orders_hash, lineitem_hash WHERE o_orderkey = l_orderkey; -- Validate that we can handle broadcast joins with hash-partitioned tables. EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM customer_hash, nation WHERE c_nationkey = n_nationkey; -- Validate that we don't use a single-partition join method for a hash -- re-partitioned table, thus preventing a partition of just the customer table. EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM orders, lineitem, customer_append WHERE o_custkey = l_partkey AND o_custkey = c_nationkey; -- Validate that we don't chose a single-partition join method with a -- hash-partitioned base table EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM orders, customer_hash WHERE c_custkey = o_custkey; -- Validate that we can re-partition a hash partitioned table to join with a -- range partitioned one. EXPLAIN SELECT count(*) FROM orders_hash, customer_append WHERE c_custkey = o_custkey; -- Reset client logging level to its previous value SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE; DROP TABLE lineitem_hash; DROP TABLE orders_hash; DROP TABLE customer_hash;