SET citus.next_shard_id TO 610000; -- =================================================================== -- test ddl command generation functionality -- =================================================================== -- first make sure a simple table works CREATE TABLE simple_table ( first_name text, last_name text, id bigint ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('simple_table'); -- ensure not-null constraints are propagated CREATE TABLE not_null_table ( city text, id bigint not null ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('not_null_table'); -- ensure tables not in search path are schema-prefixed CREATE SCHEMA not_in_path CREATE TABLE simple_table (id bigint); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('not_in_path.simple_table'); -- even more complex constraints should be preserved... CREATE TABLE column_constraint_table ( first_name text, last_name text, age int CONSTRAINT non_negative_age CHECK (age >= 0) ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('column_constraint_table'); -- including table constraints CREATE TABLE table_constraint_table ( bid_item_id bigint, min_bid decimal not null, max_bid decimal not null, CONSTRAINT bids_ordered CHECK (min_bid > max_bid) ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('table_constraint_table'); -- default values are supported CREATE TABLE default_value_table ( name text, price decimal default 0.00 ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('default_value_table'); -- of course primary keys work... CREATE TABLE pkey_table ( first_name text, last_name text, id bigint PRIMARY KEY ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('pkey_table'); -- as do unique indexes... CREATE TABLE unique_table ( user_id bigint not null, username text UNIQUE not null ); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('unique_table'); -- and indexes used for clustering CREATE TABLE clustered_table ( data json not null, received_at timestamp not null ); CREATE INDEX clustered_time_idx ON clustered_table (received_at); CLUSTER clustered_table USING clustered_time_idx; SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('clustered_table'); -- fiddly things like storage type and statistics also work CREATE TABLE fiddly_table ( hostname char(255) not null, os char(255) not null, ip_addr inet not null, traceroute text not null ); ALTER TABLE fiddly_table ALTER hostname SET STORAGE PLAIN, ALTER os SET STORAGE MAIN, ALTER ip_addr SET STORAGE EXTENDED, ALTER traceroute SET STORAGE EXTERNAL, ALTER ip_addr SET STATISTICS 500; SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('fiddly_table'); -- test foreign tables using fake FDW CREATE FOREIGN TABLE foreign_table ( id bigint not null, full_name text not null default '' ) SERVER fake_fdw_server OPTIONS (encoding 'utf-8', compression 'true'); SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('foreign_table'); -- propagating views is not supported CREATE VIEW local_view AS SELECT * FROM simple_table; SELECT master_get_table_ddl_events('local_view'); -- clean up DROP VIEW IF EXISTS local_view; DROP FOREIGN TABLE IF EXISTS foreign_table; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS simple_table, not_null_table, column_constraint_table, table_constraint_table, default_value_table, pkey_table, unique_table, clustered_table, fiddly_table;