-- -- MULTI_EXTENSION -- -- Tests around extension creation / upgrades -- -- It'd be nice to script generation of this file, but alas, that's -- not done yet. SET citus.next_shard_id TO 580000; ALTER SEQUENCE pg_catalog.pg_dist_jobid_seq RESTART 580000; CREATE SCHEMA test; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test.maintenance_worker(p_dbname text DEFAULT current_database()) RETURNS pg_stat_activity LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE activity record; BEGIN LOOP SELECT * INTO activity FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE application_name = 'Citus Maintenance Daemon' AND datname = p_dbname; IF activity.pid IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN activity; ELSE PERFORM pg_sleep(0.1); PERFORM pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); END IF ; END LOOP; END; $$; -- check maintenance daemon is started SELECT datname, datname = current_database(), usename = (SELECT extowner::regrole::text FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'citus') FROM test.maintenance_worker(); -- ensure no objects were created outside pg_catalog SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_depend AS pgd, pg_extension AS pge, LATERAL pg_identify_object(pgd.classid, pgd.objid, pgd.objsubid) AS pgio WHERE pgd.refclassid = 'pg_extension'::regclass AND pgd.refobjid = pge.oid AND pge.extname = 'citus' AND pgio.schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'citus', 'test'); -- DROP EXTENSION pre-created by the regression suite DROP EXTENSION citus; \c SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'false'; -- Create extension in oldest version CREATE EXTENSION citus VERSION '5.0'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.0-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.0-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.1-8'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.2-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.2-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.2-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '5.2-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-8'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-9'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-10'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-11'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-12'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-13'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-14'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-15'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-16'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-17'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.0-18'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-8'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-9'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-10'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-11'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-12'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-13'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-14'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-15'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-16'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.1-17'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-8'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-9'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-10'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-11'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-12'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-13'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-14'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.0-15'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.1-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.1-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.1-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.1-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.2-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.2-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.2-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.3-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.4-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.4-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.4-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '7.5-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-1'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-2'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-3'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-4'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-5'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-6'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-7'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-8'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-9'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-10'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-11'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '8.0-12'; -- show running version SHOW citus.version; -- ensure no objects were created outside pg_catalog SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_depend AS pgd, pg_extension AS pge, LATERAL pg_identify_object(pgd.classid, pgd.objid, pgd.objsubid) AS pgio WHERE pgd.refclassid = 'pg_extension'::regclass AND pgd.refobjid = pge.oid AND pge.extname = 'citus' AND pgio.schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'citus', 'test'); -- see incompatible version errors out RESET citus.enable_version_checks; DROP EXTENSION citus; CREATE EXTENSION citus VERSION '5.0'; -- Test non-distributed queries work even in version mismatch SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'false'; CREATE EXTENSION citus VERSION '6.2-1'; SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'true'; -- Test CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE version_mismatch_table(column1 int); -- Test COPY \copy version_mismatch_table FROM STDIN; 0 1 2 3 4 \. -- Test INSERT INSERT INTO version_mismatch_table(column1) VALUES(5); -- Test SELECT SELECT * FROM version_mismatch_table ORDER BY column1; -- Test SELECT from pg_catalog SELECT d.datname as "Name", pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner", pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'\n') AS "Access privileges" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d ORDER BY 1; -- We should not distribute table in version mistmatch SELECT create_distributed_table('version_mismatch_table', 'column1'); -- This function will cause fail in next ALTER EXTENSION CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.citus_table_size(table_name regclass) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN END; $function$; SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'false'; -- This will fail because of previous function declaration ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-2'; -- We can DROP problematic function and continue ALTER EXTENSION even when version checks are on SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'true'; DROP FUNCTION citus_table_size(regclass); SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'false'; ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE TO '6.2-2'; -- Test updating to the latest version without specifying the version number ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE; -- re-create in newest version DROP EXTENSION citus; \c CREATE EXTENSION citus; -- test cache invalidation in workers \c - - - :worker_1_port DROP EXTENSION citus; SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'false'; CREATE EXTENSION citus VERSION '5.2-4'; SET citus.enable_version_checks TO 'true'; -- during ALTER EXTENSION, we should invalidate the cache ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE; -- if cache is invalidated succesfull, this \d should work without any problem \d \c - - - :master_port -- check that maintenance daemon gets (re-)started for the right user DROP EXTENSION citus; CREATE USER testuser SUPERUSER; SET ROLE testuser; CREATE EXTENSION citus; SELECT datname, datname = current_database(), usename = (SELECT extowner::regrole::text FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'citus') FROM test.maintenance_worker(); -- and recreate as the right owner RESET ROLE; DROP EXTENSION citus; CREATE EXTENSION citus; -- Check that maintenance daemon can also be started in another database CREATE DATABASE another; \c another CREATE EXTENSION citus; CREATE SCHEMA test; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test.maintenance_worker(p_dbname text DEFAULT current_database()) RETURNS pg_stat_activity LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE activity record; BEGIN LOOP SELECT * INTO activity FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE application_name = 'Citus Maintenance Daemon' AND datname = p_dbname; IF activity.pid IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN activity; ELSE PERFORM pg_sleep(0.1); PERFORM pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); END IF ; END LOOP; END; $$; -- see that the deamon started SELECT datname, datname = current_database(), usename = (SELECT extowner::regrole::text FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'citus') FROM test.maintenance_worker(); -- Test that database with active worker can be dropped. \c regression CREATE SCHEMA test_deamon; -- we create a similar function on the regression database -- note that this function checks for the existence of the daemon -- when not found, returns true else tries for 5 times and -- returns false CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_deamon.maintenance_deamon_died(p_dbname text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE activity record; BEGIN PERFORM pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); LOOP SELECT * INTO activity FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE application_name = 'Citus Maintenance Daemon' AND datname = p_dbname; IF activity.pid IS NULL THEN RETURN true; ELSE RETURN false; END IF; END LOOP; END; $$; -- drop the database and see that the deamon is dead DROP DATABASE another; SELECT * FROM test_deamon.maintenance_deamon_died('another'); -- we don't need the schema and the function anymore DROP SCHEMA test_deamon CASCADE; -- verify citus does not crash while creating a table when run against an older worker -- create_distributed_table piggybacks multiple commands into single one, if one worker -- did not have the required UDF it should fail instead of crash. -- create a test database, configure citus with single node CREATE DATABASE another; \c - - - :worker_1_port CREATE DATABASE another; \c - - - :master_port \c another CREATE EXTENSION citus; SELECT FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); \c - - - :worker_1_port CREATE EXTENSION citus; ALTER FUNCTION assign_distributed_transaction_id(initiator_node_identifier integer, transaction_number bigint, transaction_stamp timestamp with time zone) RENAME TO dummy_assign_function; \c - - - :master_port SET citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; -- create_distributed_table command should fail CREATE TABLE t1(a int, b int); SELECT create_distributed_table('t1', 'a'); \c regression \c - - - :worker_1_port DROP DATABASE another; \c - - - :master_port DROP DATABASE another;