-- -- MULTI_DROP_EXTENSION -- -- Tests around dropping and recreating the extension SET citus.next_shard_id TO 550000; CREATE TABLE testtableddl(somecol int, distributecol text NOT NULL); SELECT create_distributed_table('testtableddl', 'distributecol', 'append'); -- this emits a NOTICE message for every table we are dropping with our CASCADE. It would -- be nice to check that we get those NOTICE messages, but it's nicer to not have to -- change this test every time the previous tests change the set of tables they leave -- around. SET client_min_messages TO 'WARNING'; DROP EXTENSION citus CASCADE; RESET client_min_messages; CREATE EXTENSION citus; -- re-add the nodes to the cluster SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- verify that a table can be created after the extension has been dropped and recreated CREATE TABLE testtableddl(somecol int, distributecol text NOT NULL); SELECT create_distributed_table('testtableddl', 'distributecol', 'append'); SELECT 1 FROM master_create_empty_shard('testtableddl'); SELECT * FROM testtableddl; DROP TABLE testtableddl;