SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1220000; -- Tests functions related to cluster membership -- before starting the test, lets try to create reference table and see a -- meaningful error CREATE TABLE test_reference_table (y int primary key, name text); SELECT create_reference_table('test_reference_table'); -- add the nodes to the cluster SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- get the active nodes SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- try to add a node that is already in the cluster SELECT nodeid, groupid FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); -- get the active nodes SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- try to remove a node (with no placements) SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- verify that the node has been deleted SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- try to disable a node with no placements see that node is removed SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_disable_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- add some shard placements to the cluster SET citus.shard_count TO 16; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SELECT isactive FROM master_activate_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); CREATE TABLE cluster_management_test (col_1 text, col_2 int); SELECT create_distributed_table('cluster_management_test', 'col_1', 'hash'); -- see that there are some active placements in the candidate node SELECT shardid, shardstate, nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_shard_placement WHERE nodeport=:worker_2_port; -- try to remove a node with active placements and see that node removal is failed SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- insert a row so that master_disable_node() exercises closing connections INSERT INTO test_reference_table VALUES (1, '1'); -- try to disable a node with active placements see that node is removed -- observe that a notification is displayed SELECT master_disable_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- try to disable a node which does not exist and see that an error is thrown SELECT master_disable_node('localhost.noexist', 2345); CREATE USER non_super_user; CREATE USER node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_activate_node(text,int) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_add_inactive_node(text,int,int,noderole,name) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_add_node(text,int,int,noderole,name) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_add_secondary_node(text,int,text,int,name) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_disable_node(text,int) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_remove_node(text,int) TO node_metadata_user; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION master_update_node(int,text,int) TO node_metadata_user; -- try to manipulate node metadata via non-super user SET ROLE non_super_user; SELECT 1 FROM master_initialize_node_metadata(); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_inactive_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_activate_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_disable_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_secondary_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 2, 'localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_update_node(nodeid, 'localhost', :worker_2_port + 3) FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport = :worker_2_port; -- try to manipulate node metadata via privileged user SET ROLE node_metadata_user; BEGIN; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_inactive_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_activate_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_disable_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 1); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_secondary_node('localhost', :worker_2_port + 2, 'localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_update_node(nodeid, 'localhost', :worker_2_port + 3) FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport = :worker_2_port; SELECT nodename, nodeport, noderole FROM pg_dist_node ORDER BY nodeport; ABORT; \c - postgres - :master_port SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- restore the node for next tests SELECT isactive FROM master_activate_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- try to remove a node with active placements and see that node removal is failed SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- mark all placements in the candidate node as inactive SELECT groupid AS worker_2_group FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport=:worker_2_port \gset UPDATE pg_dist_placement SET shardstate=3 WHERE groupid=:worker_2_group; SELECT shardid, shardstate, nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_shard_placement WHERE nodeport=:worker_2_port; -- try to remove a node with only inactive placements and see that removal still fails SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_get_active_worker_nodes(); -- clean-up SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); UPDATE pg_dist_placement SET shardstate=1 WHERE groupid=:worker_2_group; -- when there is no primary we should get a pretty error UPDATE pg_dist_node SET noderole = 'secondary' WHERE nodeport=:worker_2_port; SELECT * FROM cluster_management_test; -- when there is no node at all in the group we should get a different error DELETE FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport=:worker_2_port; SELECT * FROM cluster_management_test; -- clean-up SELECT groupid as new_group FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port) \gset UPDATE pg_dist_placement SET groupid = :new_group WHERE groupid = :worker_2_group; -- test that you are allowed to remove secondary nodes even if there are placements SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', 9990, groupid => :new_group, noderole => 'secondary'); SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', 9990); -- clean-up DROP TABLE cluster_management_test; -- check that adding/removing nodes are propagated to nodes with hasmetadata=true SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); UPDATE pg_dist_node SET hasmetadata=true WHERE nodeport=:worker_1_port; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; \c - - - :master_port SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; \c - - - :master_port -- check that added nodes are not propagated to nodes with hasmetadata=false UPDATE pg_dist_node SET hasmetadata=false WHERE nodeport=:worker_1_port; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; \c - - - :master_port -- check that removing two nodes in the same transaction works SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_1_port), master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT count(1) FROM pg_dist_node; -- check that adding two nodes in the same transaction works SELECT master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port), master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT * FROM pg_dist_node ORDER BY nodeid; -- check that mixed add/remove node commands work fine inside transaction BEGIN; SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); COMMIT; SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; UPDATE pg_dist_node SET hasmetadata=true WHERE nodeport=:worker_1_port; BEGIN; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); COMMIT; SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT nodename, nodeport FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodename='localhost' AND nodeport=:worker_2_port; \c - - - :master_port SELECT master_remove_node(nodename, nodeport) FROM pg_dist_node; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- check that a distributed table can be created after adding a node in a transaction SET citus.shard_count TO 4; SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); BEGIN; SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); CREATE TABLE temp(col1 text, col2 int); SELECT create_distributed_table('temp', 'col1'); INSERT INTO temp VALUES ('row1', 1); INSERT INTO temp VALUES ('row2', 2); COMMIT; SELECT col1, col2 FROM temp ORDER BY col1; SELECT count(*) FROM pg_dist_shard_placement, pg_dist_shard WHERE pg_dist_shard_placement.shardid = pg_dist_shard.shardid AND pg_dist_shard.logicalrelid = 'temp'::regclass AND pg_dist_shard_placement.nodeport = :worker_2_port; DROP TABLE temp; \c - - - :worker_1_port DELETE FROM pg_dist_partition; DELETE FROM pg_dist_shard; DELETE FROM pg_dist_placement; DELETE FROM pg_dist_node; \c - - - :master_port SELECT stop_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT stop_metadata_sync_to_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); -- check that you can't add a primary to a non-default cluster SELECT master_add_node('localhost', 9999, nodecluster => 'olap'); -- check that you can't add more than one primary to a group SELECT groupid AS worker_1_group FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport = :worker_1_port \gset SELECT master_add_node('localhost', 9999, groupid => :worker_1_group, noderole => 'primary'); -- check that you can add secondaries and unavailable nodes to a group SELECT groupid AS worker_2_group FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport = :worker_2_port \gset SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', 9998, groupid => :worker_1_group, noderole => 'secondary'); SELECT 1 FROM master_add_node('localhost', 9997, groupid => :worker_1_group, noderole => 'unavailable'); -- add_inactive_node also works with secondaries SELECT 1 FROM master_add_inactive_node('localhost', 9996, groupid => :worker_2_group, noderole => 'secondary'); -- check that you can add a seconary to a non-default cluster, and activate it, and remove it SELECT master_add_inactive_node('localhost', 9999, groupid => :worker_2_group, nodecluster => 'olap', noderole => 'secondary'); SELECT master_activate_node('localhost', 9999); SELECT master_disable_node('localhost', 9999); SELECT master_remove_node('localhost', 9999); -- check that you can't manually add two primaries to a group INSERT INTO pg_dist_node (nodename, nodeport, groupid, noderole) VALUES ('localhost', 5000, :worker_1_group, 'primary'); UPDATE pg_dist_node SET noderole = 'primary' WHERE groupid = :worker_1_group AND nodeport = 9998; -- check that you can't manually add a primary to a non-default cluster INSERT INTO pg_dist_node (nodename, nodeport, groupid, noderole, nodecluster) VALUES ('localhost', 5000, 1000, 'primary', 'olap'); UPDATE pg_dist_node SET nodecluster = 'olap' WHERE nodeport = :worker_1_port; -- check that you /can/ add a secondary node to a non-default cluster SELECT groupid AS worker_2_group FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport = :worker_2_port \gset SELECT master_add_node('localhost', 8888, groupid => :worker_1_group, noderole => 'secondary', nodecluster=> 'olap'); -- check that super-long cluster names are truncated SELECT master_add_node('localhost', 8887, groupid => :worker_1_group, noderole => 'secondary', nodecluster=> 'thisisasixtyfourcharacterstringrepeatedfourtimestomake256chars.' 'thisisasixtyfourcharacterstringrepeatedfourtimestomake256chars.' 'thisisasixtyfourcharacterstringrepeatedfourtimestomake256chars.' 'thisisasixtyfourcharacterstringrepeatedfourtimestomake256chars.' 'overflow' ); SELECT * FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport=8887; -- don't remove the secondary and unavailable nodes, check that no commands are sent to -- them in any of the remaining tests -- master_add_secondary_node lets you skip looking up the groupid SELECT master_add_secondary_node('localhost', 9995, 'localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT master_add_secondary_node('localhost', 9994, primaryname => 'localhost', primaryport => :worker_2_port); SELECT master_add_secondary_node('localhost', 9993, 'localhost', 2000); SELECT master_add_secondary_node('localhost', 9992, 'localhost', :worker_1_port, nodecluster => 'second-cluster'); SELECT nodeid AS worker_1_node FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeport=:worker_1_port \gset -- master_update_node checks node exists SELECT master_update_node(100, 'localhost', 8000); -- master_update_node disallows aliasing existing node SELECT master_update_node(:worker_1_node, 'localhost', :worker_2_port); -- master_update_node moves a node SELECT master_update_node(:worker_1_node, 'somehost', 9000); SELECT * FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeid = :worker_1_node; -- cleanup SELECT master_update_node(:worker_1_node, 'localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT * FROM pg_dist_node WHERE nodeid = :worker_1_node;