CREATE SCHEMA cte_failure; SET SEARCH_PATH=cte_failure; SET citus.shard_count to 2; SET citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; SELECT pg_backend_pid() as pid \gset CREATE TABLE users_table (user_id int, user_name text); CREATE TABLE events_table(user_id int, event_id int, event_type int); SELECT create_distributed_table('users_table', 'user_id'); SELECT create_distributed_table('events_table', 'user_id'); CREATE TABLE users_table_local AS SELECT * FROM users_table; -- kill at the first copy (push) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^COPY").kill()'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- kill at the second copy (pull) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="SELECT user_id FROM cte_failure.events_table_102250").kill()'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- kill at the third copy (pull) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user").kill()'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- cancel at the first copy (push) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^COPY").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- cancel at the second copy (pull) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="SELECT user_id FROM").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- cancel at the third copy (pull) SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); WITH cte AS ( WITH local_cte AS ( SELECT * FROM users_table_local ), dist_cte AS ( SELECT user_id FROM events_table ) SELECT dist_cte.user_id FROM local_cte join dist_cte on dist_cte.user_id=local_cte.user_id ) SELECT count(*) FROM cte, (SELECT DISTINCT users_table.user_id FROM users_table, events_table WHERE users_table.user_id = events_table.user_id AND event_type IN (1,2,3,4) ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 5 ) as foo WHERE foo.user_id = cte.user_id; -- distributed update tests SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); -- insert some rows INSERT INTO users_table VALUES (1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (4, 'D'), (5, 'E'); INSERT INTO events_table VALUES (1,1,1), (1,2,1), (1,3,1), (2,1, 4), (3, 4,1), (5, 1, 2), (5, 2, 1), (5, 2,2); SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- following will delete and insert the same rows WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; -- verify contents are the same SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- kill connection during deletion SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^DELETE FROM").kill()'); WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; -- verify contents are the same SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- kill connection during insert SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^COPY").kill()'); WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; -- verify contents are the same SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- cancel during deletion SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^DELETE FROM").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; -- verify contents are the same SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- cancel during insert SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^COPY").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; -- verify contents are the same SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT * FROM users_table ORDER BY 1, 2; -- test sequential delete/insert SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^DELETE FROM").kill()'); BEGIN; SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode = 'sequential'; WITH cte_delete as (DELETE FROM users_table WHERE user_name in ('A', 'D') RETURNING *) INSERT INTO users_table SELECT * FROM cte_delete; END; RESET SEARCH_PATH; SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); DROP SCHEMA cte_failure CASCADE;