CREATE SCHEMA recursive_dml_queries; SET search_path TO recursive_dml_queries, public; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 2370000; CREATE TABLE recursive_dml_queries.distributed_table (tenant_id text, dept int, info jsonb); SELECT create_distributed_table('distributed_table', 'tenant_id'); CREATE TABLE recursive_dml_queries.second_distributed_table (tenant_id text, dept int, info jsonb); SELECT create_distributed_table('second_distributed_table', 'tenant_id'); CREATE TABLE recursive_dml_queries.reference_table (id text, name text); SELECT create_reference_table('reference_table'); CREATE TABLE recursive_dml_queries.local_table (id text, name text); INSERT INTO distributed_table SELECT i::text, i % 10, row_to_json(row(i, i*i)) FROM generate_series (0, 100) i; INSERT INTO second_distributed_table SELECT i::text, i % 10, row_to_json(row(i, i*i)) FROM generate_series (0, 100) i; INSERT INTO reference_table SELECT i::text, 'user_' || i FROM generate_series (0, 100) i; INSERT INTO local_table SELECT i::text, 'user_' || i FROM generate_series (0, 100) i; CREATE VIEW tenant_ids AS SELECT tenant_id, name FROM distributed_table, reference_table WHERE distributed_table.dept::text = ORDER BY 2 DESC, 1 DESC; SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG1; -- the subquery foo is recursively planned UPDATE reference_table SET name = 'new_' || name FROM ( SELECT avg(second_distributed_table.tenant_id::int) as avg_tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table ) as foo WHERE foo.avg_tenant_id::int::text = RETURNING; -- the subquery foo is recursively planned -- but note that the subquery foo itself is pushdownable UPDATE second_distributed_table SET dept = foo.max_dept * 2 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (tenant_id) tenant_id, max(dept) as max_dept FROM ( SELECT second_distributed_table.dept, second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id ) foo_inner GROUP BY tenant_id ORDER BY 1 DESC ) as foo WHERE foo.tenant_id != second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (2) RETURNING second_distributed_table.tenant_id, second_distributed_table.dept; -- the subquery foo is recursively planned -- and foo itself is a non colocated subquery and recursively planned UPDATE second_distributed_table SET dept = foo.tenant_id::int / 4 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT foo_inner_1.tenant_id FROM ( SELECT second_distributed_table.dept, second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (3,4) ) foo_inner_1, ( SELECT second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (4,5) )foo_inner_2 WHERE foo_inner_1.tenant_id != foo_inner_2.tenant_id ) as foo WHERE foo.tenant_id != second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (3); -- we currently do not allow local tables in modification queries UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = avg_tenant_id::int FROM ( SELECT avg( as avg_tenant_id FROM local_table ) as foo WHERE foo.avg_tenant_id::int::text = distributed_table.tenant_id RETURNING distributed_table.*; -- we currently do not allow views in modification queries UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = avg_tenant_id::int FROM ( SELECT avg(tenant_id::int) as avg_tenant_id FROM tenant_ids ) as foo WHERE foo.avg_tenant_id::int::text = distributed_table.tenant_id RETURNING distributed_table.*; -- there is a lateral join (e.g., corrolated subquery) thus the subqueries cannot be -- recursively planned UPDATE second_distributed_table SET dept = foo.tenant_id::int / 4 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT foo_inner_1.tenant_id FROM ( SELECT second_distributed_table.dept, second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (3,4) ) foo_inner_1 JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND foo_inner_1.dept = second_distributed_table.dept AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (4,5) ) foo_inner_2 ON (foo_inner_2.tenant_id != foo_inner_1.tenant_id) ) as foo RETURNING *; -- again a corrolated subquery -- this time distribution key eq. exists -- however recursive planning is prevented due to correlated subqueries UPDATE second_distributed_table SET dept = foo.tenant_id::int / 4 FROM ( SELECT baz.tenant_id FROM ( SELECT second_distributed_table.dept, second_distributed_table.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table, distributed_table as d1 WHERE d1.tenant_id = second_distributed_table.tenant_id AND second_distributed_table.dept IN (3,4) AND second_distributed_table.tenant_id IN ( SELECT s2.tenant_id FROM second_distributed_table as s2 GROUP BY d1.tenant_id, s2.tenant_id ) ) as baz ) as foo WHERE second_distributed_table.tenant_id = foo.tenant_id RETURNING *; -- we don't support subquerues/CTEs inside VALUES INSERT INTO second_distributed_table (tenant_id, dept) VALUES ('3', (WITH vals AS (SELECT 3) select * from vals)); INSERT INTO second_distributed_table (tenant_id, dept) VALUES ('3', (SELECT 3)); -- DML with an unreferenced SELECT CTE WITH cte_1 AS ( WITH cte_2 AS ( SELECT tenant_id as cte2_id FROM second_distributed_table WHERE dept >= 2 ) UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = 10 RETURNING * ) UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = 5 FROM cte_1 WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id < cte_1.tenant_id; WITH cte_1 AS ( WITH cte_2 AS ( SELECT tenant_id as cte2_id FROM second_distributed_table WHERE dept >= 2 ) UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = 10 RETURNING * ) UPDATE distributed_table SET dept = 5 FROM cte_1 WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id < cte_1.tenant_id; -- we don't support updating local table with a join with -- distributed tables UPDATE local_table SET id = 'citus_test' FROM distributed_table WHERE distributed_table.tenant_id =; RESET client_min_messages; DROP SCHEMA recursive_dml_queries CASCADE;