# Citus toplevel Makefile citus_subdir = . citus_top_builddir = . # Hint that configure should be run first ifeq (,$(wildcard Makefile.global)) $(error ./configure needs to be run before compiling Citus) endif include Makefile.global all: extension csql # build extension extension: $(MAKE) -C src/backend/distributed/ all install-extension: extension $(MAKE) -C src/backend/distributed/ install install-headers: extension $(MKDIR_P) '$(DESTDIR)$(includedir_server)/distributed/' # generated headers are located in the build directory $(INSTALL_DATA) src/include/citus_config.h '$(DESTDIR)$(includedir_server)/' # the rest in the source tree $(INSTALL_DATA) $(citus_abs_srcdir)/src/include/distributed/*.h '$(DESTDIR)$(includedir_server)/distributed/' clean-extension: $(MAKE) -C src/backend/distributed/ clean .PHONY: extension install-extension clean-extension # Add to generic targets install: install-extension install-headers clean: clean-extension # build csql binary csql: $(MAKE) -C src/bin/csql/ all install-csql: csql $(MAKE) -C src/bin/csql/ install clean-csql: $(MAKE) -C src/bin/csql/ clean .PHONY: csql install-csql clean-csql # Add to generic targets install: install-csql clean: clean-csql # apply or check style reindent: cd ${citus_abs_top_srcdir} && citus_indent --quiet check-style: cd ${citus_abs_top_srcdir} && citus_indent --quiet --check .PHONY: reindent check-style # depend on install for now check: all install $(MAKE) -C src/test/regress check-full .PHONY: all check install clean