FROM ubuntu:22.04 AS base # environment is to make python pass an interactive shell, probably not the best timezone given a wide variety of colleagues ENV TZ=UTC RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone # install build tools RUN apt update && apt install -y \ bzip2 \ cpanminus \ curl \ flex \ gcc \ git \ libcurl4-gnutls-dev \ libicu-dev \ libkrb5-dev \ liblz4-dev \ libpam0g-dev \ libreadline-dev \ libselinux1-dev \ libssl-dev \ libxslt-dev \ libzstd-dev \ locales \ make \ perl \ pkg-config \ python3 \ python3-pip \ software-properties-common \ sudo \ uuid-dev \ valgrind \ zlib1g-dev \ && add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y \ && apt install -y \ python3.9-full \ # software properties pulls in pkexec, which makes the debugger unusable in vscode && apt purge -y \ software-properties-common \ && apt autoremove -y \ && apt clean RUN sudo pip3 install pipenv pipenv-shebang RUN cpanm install IPC::Run RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 # add the citus user to sudoers and allow all sudoers to login without a password prompt RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash citus \ && usermod -aG sudo citus \ && echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers WORKDIR /home/citus USER citus # run all make commands with the number of cores available RUN echo "export MAKEFLAGS=\"-j \$(nproc)\"" >> "/home/citus/.bashrc" RUN git clone --branch v1.3.2 --depth 1 .pgenv COPY --chown=citus:citus pgenv/config/ .pgenv/config/ ENV PATH="/home/citus/.pgenv/bin:${PATH}" ENV PATH="/home/citus/.pgenv/pgsql/bin:${PATH}" USER citus # build postgres versions separately for effective parrallelism and caching of already built versions when changing only certain versions FROM base AS pg14 RUN MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" pgenv build 14.15 RUN rm .pgenv/src/*.tar* RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/ clean RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/src/include install # create a staging directory with all files we want to copy from our pgenv build # we will copy the contents of the staged folder into the final image at once RUN mkdir .pgenv-staging/ RUN cp -r .pgenv/src .pgenv/pgsql-* .pgenv/config .pgenv-staging/ RUN rm .pgenv-staging/config/default.conf FROM base AS pg15 RUN MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" pgenv build 15.10 RUN rm .pgenv/src/*.tar* RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/ clean RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/src/include install # create a staging directory with all files we want to copy from our pgenv build # we will copy the contents of the staged folder into the final image at once RUN mkdir .pgenv-staging/ RUN cp -r .pgenv/src .pgenv/pgsql-* .pgenv/config .pgenv-staging/ RUN rm .pgenv-staging/config/default.conf FROM base AS pg16 RUN MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" pgenv build 16.6 RUN rm .pgenv/src/*.tar* RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/ clean RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/src/include install # create a staging directory with all files we want to copy from our pgenv build # we will copy the contents of the staged folder into the final image at once RUN mkdir .pgenv-staging/ RUN cp -r .pgenv/src .pgenv/pgsql-* .pgenv/config .pgenv-staging/ RUN rm .pgenv-staging/config/default.conf FROM base AS pg17 RUN MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" pgenv build 17.2 RUN rm .pgenv/src/*.tar* RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/ clean RUN make -C .pgenv/src/postgresql-*/src/include install # create a staging directory with all files we want to copy from our pgenv build # we will copy the contents of the staged folder into the final image at once RUN mkdir .pgenv-staging/ RUN cp -r .pgenv/src .pgenv/pgsql-* .pgenv/config .pgenv-staging/ RUN rm .pgenv-staging/config/default.conf FROM base AS uncrustify-builder RUN sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y cmake tree WORKDIR /uncrustify RUN curl -L | tar xz WORKDIR /uncrustify/uncrustify-uncrustify-0.68.1/ RUN mkdir build WORKDIR /uncrustify/uncrustify-uncrustify-0.68.1/build/ RUN cmake .. RUN MAKEFLAGS="-j $(nproc)" make -s RUN make install DESTDIR=/uncrustify # builder for all pipenv's to get them contained in a single layer FROM base AS pipenv WORKDIR /workspaces/citus/ # tools to sync pgenv with vscode COPY --chown=citus:citus .vscode/Pipfile .vscode/Pipfile.lock .devcontainer/.vscode/ RUN ( cd .devcontainer/.vscode && pipenv install ) # environment to run our failure tests COPY --chown=citus:citus src/ src/ RUN ( cd src/test/regress && pipenv install ) # assemble the final container by copying over the artifacts from separately build containers FROM base AS devcontainer LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source= LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Development container for the Citus project" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses=AGPL-3.0-only RUN yes | sudo unminimize # install developer productivity tools RUN sudo apt update \ && sudo apt install -y \ autoconf2.69 \ bash-completion \ fswatch \ gdb \ htop \ libdbd-pg-perl \ libdbi-perl \ lsof \ man \ net-tools \ psmisc \ pspg \ tree \ vim \ && sudo apt clean # Since gdb will run in the context of the root user when debugging citus we will need to both # download the script as the root user, into their home directory, as well as add .gdbinit # as a file owned by root # This will make that as soon as the debugger attaches to a postgres backend (or frankly any other process) # the script will be sourced and the developer can direcly use it. RUN sudo curl -o /root/ COPY --chown=root:root .gdbinit /root/ # install developer dependencies in the global environment RUN --mount=type=bind,source=requirements.txt,target=requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt # for persistent bash history across devcontainers we need to have # a) a directory to store the history in # b) a prompt command to append the history to the file # c) specify the history file to store the history in # b and c are done in the .bashrc to make it persistent across shells only RUN sudo install -d -o citus -g citus /commandhistory \ && echo "export PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a' && export HISTFILE=/commandhistory/.bash_history" >> "/home/citus/.bashrc" # install citus-dev RUN git clone --branch develop citus-tools \ && ( cd citus-tools/citus_dev && pipenv install ) \ && mkdir -p ~/.local/bin \ && ln -s /home/citus/citus-tools/citus_dev/citus_dev-pipenv .local/bin/citus_dev \ && sudo make -C citus-tools/uncrustify install bindir=/usr/local/bin pkgsysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/ \ && mkdir -p ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/ \ && ln -s ~/citus-tools/citus_dev/bash_completion ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/citus_dev # TODO some LC_ALL errors, possibly solved by locale-gen RUN git clone \ && mkdir -p ~/.local/bin \ && ln -s /home/citus/diff-so-fancy/diff-so-fancy .local/bin/ COPY --link --from=uncrustify-builder /uncrustify/usr/ /usr/ COPY --link --from=pg14 /home/citus/.pgenv-staging/ /home/citus/.pgenv/ COPY --link --from=pg15 /home/citus/.pgenv-staging/ /home/citus/.pgenv/ COPY --link --from=pg16 /home/citus/.pgenv-staging/ /home/citus/.pgenv/ COPY --link --from=pipenv /home/citus/.local/share/virtualenvs/ /home/citus/.local/share/virtualenvs/ # place to run your cluster with citus_dev VOLUME /data RUN sudo mkdir /data \ && sudo chown citus:citus /data COPY --chown=citus:citus .psqlrc . # with the copy linking of layers github actions seem to misbehave with the ownership of the # directories leading upto the link, hence a small patch layer to have to right ownerships set RUN sudo chown --from=root:root citus:citus -R ~ # sets default pg version RUN pgenv switch 17.2 # make connecting to the coordinator easy ENV PGPORT=9700