CREATE SCHEMA "statistics'TestTarget"; SET search_path TO "statistics'TestTarget"; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 980000; SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; SET citus.shard_count TO 32; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int); CREATE STATISTICS s1 ON a,b FROM t1; CREATE STATISTICS s2 ON a,b FROM t1; CREATE STATISTICS s3 ON a,b FROM t1; CREATE STATISTICS s4 ON a,b FROM t1; -- test altering stats target -- test alter target before distribution ALTER STATISTICS s1 SET STATISTICS 3; -- since max value for target is 10000, this will automatically be lowered ALTER STATISTICS s2 SET STATISTICS 999999; SELECT create_distributed_table('t1', 'b'); -- test alter target before distribution ALTER STATISTICS s3 SET STATISTICS 46; \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT stxstattarget, stxrelid::regclass FROM pg_statistic_ext WHERE stxnamespace IN ( SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname IN ('statistics''TestTarget') ) AND stxname SIMILAR TO '%\_\d+' ORDER BY stxstattarget, stxrelid::regclass ASC; \c - - - :master_port -- the first one should log a notice that says statistics object does not exist ALTER STATISTICS IF EXISTS stats_that_doesnt_exists SET STATISTICS 0; -- these three should error out as ALTER STATISTICS syntax doesn't support these with IF EXISTS clause -- if output of any of these three changes, we should support them and update the test output here ALTER STATISTICS IF EXISTS stats_that_doesnt_exists RENAME TO this_should_error_out; ALTER STATISTICS IF EXISTS stats_that_doesnt_exists OWNER TO CURRENT_USER; ALTER STATISTICS IF EXISTS stats_that_doesnt_exists SET SCHEMA "statistics'Test"; SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; DROP SCHEMA "statistics'TestTarget" CASCADE;