SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO OFF; CREATE SCHEMA local_schema; SET search_path TO local_schema; -- Create type and function that depends on it CREATE TYPE test_type AS (f1 int, f2 text); CREATE FUNCTION test_function(int) RETURNS test_type AS $$ SELECT $1, CAST($1 AS text) || ' is text' $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- Create various objects CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy'); -- Create a sequence under a different schema CREATE SCHEMA test_sequence_schema; CREATE SEQUENCE test_sequence_schema.test_sequence; -- show that none of the objects above are marked as distributed SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema'::regnamespace::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.mood'::regtype::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_type'::regtype::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'test_sequence_schema.test_sequence'::regclass::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_function'::regproc::oid; SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; CREATE USER non_super_user_test_user; SELECT 1 FROM run_command_on_workers($$CREATE USER non_super_user_test_user;$$); RESET client_min_messages; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA local_schema TO non_super_user_test_user; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA test_sequence_schema TO non_super_user_test_user; SET ROLE non_super_user_test_user; SET search_path TO local_schema; CREATE TABLE dist_table(a int, b mood, c test_type, d int DEFAULT nextval('test_sequence_schema.test_sequence'), e bigserial); -- Citus requires that user must own the dependent sequence -- SELECT create_distributed_table('local_schema.dist_table', 'a'); -- Citus requires that user must own the function to distribute SELECT create_distributed_function('test_function(int)'); RESET ROLE; SET search_path TO local_schema; ALTER SEQUENCE test_sequence_schema.test_sequence OWNER TO non_super_user_test_user; ALTER FUNCTION test_function(int) OWNER TO non_super_user_test_user; SET ROLE non_super_user_test_user; SET search_path TO local_schema; -- Show that we can distribute table and function after -- having required ownerships SELECT create_distributed_table('dist_table', 'a'); SELECT create_distributed_function('test_function(int)'); -- Create and distribute plpgsql extension's function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plpgsql_dist_function(text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE '%', $1; END; $$; SELECT create_distributed_function('plpgsql_dist_function(text)'); -- show that schema, types, function and sequence has marked as distributed -- on the coordinator node RESET ROLE; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema'::regnamespace::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'test_sequence_schema'::regnamespace::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.mood'::regtype::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_type'::regtype::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'test_sequence_schema.test_sequence'::regclass::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.dist_table_e_seq'::regclass::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_function'::regproc::oid; SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.plpgsql_dist_function'::regproc::oid; -- show those objects marked as distributed on metadata worker node as well SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema'::regnamespace::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'test_sequence_schema'::regnamespace::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.mood'::regtype::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_type'::regtype::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'test_sequence_schema.test_sequence'::regclass::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.dist_table_e_seq'::regclass::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.test_function'::regproc::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object where objid = 'local_schema.plpgsql_dist_function'::regproc::oid;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that extension plpgsql is also marked as distributed as a dependency of plpgsl_dist_function SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{plpgsql}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{plpgsql}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- show that schema is owned by the superuser SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_namespace ON(pg_namespace.nspowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE nspname = 'local_schema'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_namespace ON(pg_namespace.nspowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE nspname = 'local_schema';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- show that types are owned by the superuser SELECT DISTINCT(rolname) FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_type ON(pg_type.typowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE typname IN ('test_type', 'mood'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT DISTINCT(rolname) FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_type ON(pg_type.typowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE typname IN ('test_type', 'mood');$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- show that table is owned by the non_super_user_test_user SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_class ON(pg_class.relowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE relname = 'dist_table'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles JOIN pg_class ON(pg_class.relowner = pg_roles.oid) WHERE relname = 'dist_table'$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SET ROLE non_super_user_test_user; SET search_path TO local_schema; -- ensure we can load data INSERT INTO dist_table VALUES (1, 'sad', (1,'onder')::test_type), (2, 'ok', (1,'burak')::test_type), (3, 'happy', (1,'marco')::test_type); SELECT a, b, c , d FROM dist_table ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; -- Show that dropping the table removes the dependent sequence from pg_dist_object -- on both coordinator and metadata worker nodes when ddl propagation is on SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO ON; DROP TABLE dist_table CASCADE; RESET ROLE; SET search_path TO local_schema; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%dist_table_e_seq%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%dist_table_e_seq%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that altering the function's schema marks the schema distributed CREATE SCHEMA schema_to_prop_with_function; ALTER FUNCTION test_function SET SCHEMA schema_to_prop_with_function; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{schema_to_prop_with_function}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{schema_to_prop_with_function}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that dropping the function removes the metadata from pg_dist_object -- on both coordinator and metadata worker node DROP FUNCTION schema_to_prop_with_function.test_function; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%test_function%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%test_function%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that altering the type's schema marks the schema distributed CREATE SCHEMA schema_to_prop_with_type; ALTER TYPE test_type SET SCHEMA schema_to_prop_with_type; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{schema_to_prop_with_type}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{schema_to_prop_with_type}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that dropping type removes the metadata from pg_dist_object -- on both coordinator and metadata worker node DROP TYPE mood CASCADE; DROP TYPE schema_to_prop_with_type.test_type CASCADE; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%test_type%' or obj_identifier::text like '%mood%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%test_type%' or obj_identifier::text like '%mood%'$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that distributed function related metadata are also propagated set citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; CREATE TABLE metadata_dist_test_table (a int, b int); SELECT create_distributed_table('metadata_dist_test_table', 'a'); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE metadata_dist_test_proc(dist_key integer, dist_key_2 integer) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE res INT := 0; BEGIN INSERT INTO metadata_dist_test_table VALUES (dist_key); SELECT count(*) INTO res FROM metadata_dist_test_table; RAISE NOTICE 'Res: %', res; COMMIT; END;$$; -- create a distributed function and show its distribution_argument_index SELECT create_distributed_function('metadata_dist_test_proc(integer, integer)', 'dist_key', 'metadata_dist_test_table'); SELECT distribution_argument_index FROM pg_catalog.pg_dist_object WHERE objid = 'metadata_dist_test_proc'::regproc; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT distribution_argument_index FROM pg_catalog.pg_dist_object WHERE objid = 'local_schema.metadata_dist_test_proc'::regproc;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- re-distribute and show that now the distribution_argument_index is updated on both the coordinator and workers SELECT create_distributed_function('metadata_dist_test_proc(integer, integer)', 'dist_key_2', 'metadata_dist_test_table'); SELECT distribution_argument_index FROM pg_catalog.pg_dist_object WHERE objid = 'metadata_dist_test_proc'::regproc; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$ SELECT distribution_argument_index FROM pg_catalog.pg_dist_object WHERE objid = 'local_schema.metadata_dist_test_proc'::regproc;$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that the schema is dropped on worker node as well DROP SCHEMA local_schema CASCADE; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{local_schema}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{local_schema}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that extension and dependent sequence also created and marked as distributed CREATE SCHEMA extension_schema; CREATE EXTENSION ltree WITH SCHEMA extension_schema; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{extension_schema}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{extension_schema}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{ltree}%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%{ltree}%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Show that dropping a distributed table drops the pg_dist_object entry on worker CREATE TABLE extension_schema.table_to_check_object(id int); SELECT create_distributed_table('extension_schema.table_to_check_object', 'id'); SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%table_to_check_object%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%table_to_check_object%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; DROP TABLE extension_schema.table_to_check_object; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%table_to_check_object%'; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers($$SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_identify_object_as_address(classid, objid, objsubid) as obj_identifier from pg_catalog.pg_dist_object) as obj_identifiers where obj_identifier::text like '%table_to_check_object%';$$) ORDER BY 1,2; -- Revert the settings for following tests RESET citus.enable_ddl_propagation; RESET citus.shard_replication_factor;