SET citus.next_shard_id TO 990000; -- =================================================================== -- test utility statement functionality -- =================================================================== SET citus.shard_count TO 2; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; CREATE SCHEMA multi_utilities; SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; CREATE TABLE sharded_table ( name text, id bigint ); SELECT create_distributed_table('sharded_table', 'id', 'hash'); -- COPY out is supported with distributed tables COPY sharded_table TO STDOUT; COPY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sharded_table) TO STDOUT; BEGIN; SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; COPY sharded_table TO STDOUT; COPY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sharded_table) TO STDOUT; COMMIT; -- ANALYZE is supported in a transaction block BEGIN; ANALYZE sharded_table; ANALYZE sharded_table; END; -- cursors may not involve distributed tables DECLARE all_sharded_rows CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM sharded_table; -- verify PREPARE functionality PREPARE sharded_insert AS INSERT INTO sharded_table VALUES ('adam', 1); PREPARE sharded_update AS UPDATE sharded_table SET name = 'bob' WHERE id = 1; PREPARE sharded_delete AS DELETE FROM sharded_table WHERE id = 1; PREPARE sharded_query AS SELECT name FROM sharded_table WHERE id = 1; EXECUTE sharded_query; EXECUTE sharded_insert; EXECUTE sharded_query; EXECUTE sharded_update; EXECUTE sharded_query; EXECUTE sharded_delete; EXECUTE sharded_query; -- drop all shards SELECT citus_drop_all_shards('sharded_table','',''); SET citus.shard_count TO 4; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 999001; ALTER SEQUENCE pg_catalog.pg_dist_colocationid_seq RESTART 1400000; CREATE TABLE lockable_table ( name text, id bigint ); SELECT create_distributed_table('lockable_table', 'id', 'hash', colocate_with := 'none'); SET citus.shard_count TO 2; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 990002; -- lock shard metadata: take some share locks and exclusive locks BEGIN; SELECT lock_shard_metadata(5, ARRAY[999001, 999002, 999002]); SELECT lock_shard_metadata(7, ARRAY[999001, 999003, 999004]); SELECT CASE WHEN l.objsubid = 5 THEN 'shard' WHEN l.objsubid = 4 THEN 'shard_metadata' ELSE 'colocated_shards_metadata' END AS locktype, objid, classid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks l WHERE l.locktype = 'advisory' ORDER BY locktype, objid, classid, mode; END; -- lock shard metadata: unsupported lock type SELECT lock_shard_metadata(0, ARRAY[990001, 999002]); -- lock shard metadata: invalid shard ID SELECT lock_shard_metadata(5, ARRAY[0]); -- lock shard metadata: lock nothing SELECT lock_shard_metadata(5, ARRAY[]::bigint[]); -- lock shard resources: take some share locks and exclusive locks BEGIN; SELECT lock_shard_resources(5, ARRAY[999001, 999002, 999002]); SELECT lock_shard_resources(7, ARRAY[999001, 999003, 999004]); SELECT locktype, objid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks WHERE objid IN (999001, 999002, 999003, 999004) ORDER BY objid, mode; END; -- lock shard metadata: unsupported lock type SELECT lock_shard_resources(0, ARRAY[990001, 999002]); -- lock shard metadata: invalid shard ID SELECT lock_shard_resources(5, ARRAY[-1]); -- lock shard metadata: lock nothing SELECT lock_shard_resources(5, ARRAY[]::bigint[]); -- drop table DROP TABLE sharded_table; DROP TABLE lockable_table; -- VACUUM tests -- create a table with a single shard (for convenience) SET citus.shard_count TO 1; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 2; CREATE TABLE dustbunnies (id integer, name text, age integer); SELECT create_distributed_table('dustbunnies', 'id', 'hash'); -- add some data to the distributed table \copy dustbunnies (id, name) from stdin with csv 1,bugs 2,babs 3,buster 4,roger \. CREATE TABLE second_dustbunnies(id integer, name text, age integer); SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 2; SELECT create_distributed_table('second_dustbunnies', 'id', 'hash', shard_count := 1); -- run VACUUM and ANALYZE against the table on the master \c - - :master_host :master_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; VACUUM dustbunnies; ANALYZE dustbunnies; -- send a VACUUM FULL and a VACUUM ANALYZE VACUUM (FULL) dustbunnies; VACUUM ANALYZE dustbunnies; \c - - :public_worker_1_host :worker_1_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; -- disable auto-VACUUM for next test ALTER TABLE dustbunnies_990002 SET (autovacuum_enabled = false); SELECT relfrozenxid AS frozenxid FROM pg_class WHERE oid='dustbunnies_990002'::regclass \gset -- send a VACUUM FREEZE after adding a new row \c - - :master_host :master_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; INSERT INTO dustbunnies VALUES (5, 'peter'); VACUUM (FREEZE) dustbunnies; -- verify that relfrozenxid increased \c - - :public_worker_1_host :worker_1_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; SELECT relfrozenxid::text::integer > :frozenxid AS frozen_performed FROM pg_class WHERE oid='dustbunnies_990002'::regclass; -- check there are no nulls in either column SELECT attname, null_frac FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'dustbunnies_990002' ORDER BY attname; -- add NULL values, then perform column-specific ANALYZE \c - - :master_host :master_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; INSERT INTO dustbunnies VALUES (6, NULL, NULL); ANALYZE dustbunnies (name); -- verify that name's NULL ratio is updated but age's is not \c - - :public_worker_1_host :worker_1_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; SELECT attname, null_frac FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'dustbunnies_990002' ORDER BY attname; \c - - :master_host :master_port SET search_path TO multi_utilities, public; SET citus.log_remote_commands TO ON; -- check for multiple table vacuum VACUUM dustbunnies, second_dustbunnies; -- and do not propagate when using targeted VACUUM without DDL propagation SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation to false; VACUUM dustbunnies; ANALYZE dustbunnies; SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation to DEFAULT; -- test worker_hash SELECT worker_hash(123); SELECT worker_hash('1997-08-08'::date); -- test a custom type (this test should run after multi_data_types) SELECT worker_hash('(1, 2)'); SELECT worker_hash('(1, 2)'::test_composite_type); SELECT citus_truncate_trigger(); -- make sure worker_create_or_alter_role does not crash with NULL input SELECT worker_create_or_alter_role(NULL, NULL, NULL); SELECT worker_create_or_alter_role(NULL, 'create role dontcrash', NULL); -- confirm that citus_create_restore_point works SELECT 1 FROM citus_create_restore_point('regression-test'); SET citus.shard_count TO 1; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 970000; SET citus.log_remote_commands TO OFF; CREATE TABLE local_vacuum_table(id int primary key, b text); CREATE TABLE reference_vacuum_table(id int); SELECT create_reference_table('reference_vacuum_table'); CREATE TABLE distributed_vacuum_table(id int); SELECT create_distributed_table('distributed_vacuum_table', 'id'); SET citus.log_remote_commands TO ON; -- should propagate to all workers because no table is specified VACUUM; -- should not propagate because no distributed table is specified insert into local_vacuum_table select i from generate_series(1,1000000) i; delete from local_vacuum_table; VACUUM local_vacuum_table; SELECT CASE WHEN s BETWEEN 20000000 AND 25000000 THEN 22500000 ELSE s END FROM pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') s ; -- vacuum full deallocates pages of dead tuples whereas normal vacuum only marks dead tuples on visibility map VACUUM FULL local_vacuum_table; SELECT CASE WHEN s BETWEEN 0 AND 50000 THEN 25000 ELSE s END size FROM pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') s ; -- should propagate to all workers because table is reference table VACUUM reference_vacuum_table; -- should propagate to all workers because table is distributed table VACUUM distributed_vacuum_table; -- only distributed_vacuum_table and reference_vacuum_table should propagate VACUUM distributed_vacuum_table, local_vacuum_table, reference_vacuum_table; -- only reference_vacuum_table should propagate VACUUM local_vacuum_table, reference_vacuum_table; -- vacuum (disable_page_skipping) aggressively process pages of the relation, it does not respect visibility map VACUUM (DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING true) local_vacuum_table; VACUUM (DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING false) local_vacuum_table; -- vacuum (index_cleanup on, parallel 1) should execute index vacuuming and index cleanup phases in parallel insert into local_vacuum_table select i from generate_series(1,1000000) i; delete from local_vacuum_table; VACUUM (INDEX_CLEANUP OFF, PARALLEL 1) local_vacuum_table; SELECT CASE WHEN s BETWEEN 50000000 AND 70000000 THEN 60000000 ELSE s END size FROM pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') s ; insert into local_vacuum_table select i from generate_series(1,1000000) i; delete from local_vacuum_table; VACUUM (INDEX_CLEANUP ON, PARALLEL 1) local_vacuum_table; SELECT CASE WHEN s BETWEEN 20000000 AND 49999999 THEN 35000000 ELSE s END size FROM pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') s ; -- vacuum (truncate false) should not attempt to truncate off any empty pages at the end of the table (default is true) insert into local_vacuum_table select i from generate_series(1,1000000) i; delete from local_vacuum_table; vacuum (TRUNCATE false) local_vacuum_table; SELECT pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') as size1 \gset insert into local_vacuum_table select i from generate_series(1,1000000) i; delete from local_vacuum_table; vacuum (TRUNCATE true) local_vacuum_table; SELECT pg_total_relation_size('local_vacuum_table') as size2 \gset SELECT :size1 > :size2 as truncate_less_size; -- vacuum (analyze) should be analyzing the table to generate statistics after vacuuming select analyze_count from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 'local_vacuum_table' or relname = 'reference_vacuum_table'; vacuum (analyze) local_vacuum_table, reference_vacuum_table; -- give enough time for stats to be updated.(updated per 500ms by default) select pg_sleep(1); select analyze_count from pg_stat_all_tables where relname = 'local_vacuum_table' or relname = 'reference_vacuum_table'; -- should not propagate because ddl propagation is disabled SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO OFF; VACUUM distributed_vacuum_table; SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO ON; SET citus.log_remote_commands TO OFF; -- ANALYZE tests CREATE TABLE local_analyze_table(id int); CREATE TABLE reference_analyze_table(id int); SELECT create_reference_table('reference_analyze_table'); CREATE TABLE distributed_analyze_table(id int); SELECT create_distributed_table('distributed_analyze_table', 'id'); CREATE TABLE loc (a INT, b INT); CREATE TABLE dist (a INT); SELECT create_distributed_table ('dist', 'a'); SET citus.log_remote_commands TO ON; SET citus.grep_remote_commands = '%ANALYZE%'; -- should propagate to all workers because no table is specified ANALYZE; -- should not propagate because no distributed table is specified ANALYZE local_analyze_table; -- should propagate to all workers because table is reference table ANALYZE reference_analyze_table; -- should propagate to all workers because table is distributed table ANALYZE distributed_analyze_table; -- only distributed_analyze_table and reference_analyze_table should propagate ANALYZE distributed_analyze_table, local_analyze_table, reference_analyze_table; -- only reference_analyze_table should propagate ANALYZE local_analyze_table, reference_analyze_table; -- should not propagate because ddl propagation is disabled SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO OFF; ANALYZE distributed_analyze_table; SET citus.enable_ddl_propagation TO ON; -- analyze only specified columns for corresponding tables ANALYZE loc(b), dist(a); RESET citus.log_remote_commands; RESET citus.grep_remote_commands; SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; DROP SCHEMA multi_utilities CASCADE;