-- -- MULTI CITUS TOOLS -- -- tests UDFs created for citus tools -- CREATE SCHEMA tools; SET SEARCH_PATH TO 'tools'; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1240000; -- test with invalid port, prevent OS dependent warning from being displayed SET client_min_messages to ERROR; SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY['localhost']::text[], ARRAY['666']::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from pg_dist_shard']::text[], false); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY['localhost']::text[], ARRAY['666']::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from pg_dist_shard']::text[], true); RESET client_min_messages; -- store worker node name and port SELECT quote_literal(node_name) as node_name, node_port as node_port FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes() ORDER BY node_port LIMIT 1 \gset -- connect to the first worker and ask for shard count, should return 0 SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from pg_dist_shard']::text[], false); -- connect to the first worker and ask for shards, should fail with -- expecting a single column error SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select * from pg_dist_shard']::text[], false); -- query result may only contain a single row SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], false); -- send multiple queries SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,1) a', 'select a from generate_series(2,2) a']::text[], false); -- send multiple queries, one fails SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,1) a', 'select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], false); -- send multiple queries, both fail SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,2) a', 'select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], false); -- can create tables at worker SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['create table first_table(a int, b int)', 'create table second_table(a int, b int)']::text[], false); -- can insert into table SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into first_table select a,a from generate_series(1,20) a']::text[], false); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from first_table']::text[], false); -- insert into second table twice SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into second_table select * from first_table']::text[], false); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into second_table select * from first_table']::text[], false); -- check inserted values at second table SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from second_table']::text[], false); -- store worker node name and port again -- previously set variables become unusable after some number of uses SELECT quote_literal(node_name) as node_name, node_port as node_port FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes() ORDER BY node_port LIMIT 1 \gset -- create index on tables SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['create index first_table_index on first_table(a)']::text[], false); -- drop created tables SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['drop table first_table']::text[], false); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['drop table second_table']::text[], false); -- verify table is dropped SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from second_table']::text[], false); -- -- Run the same tests in parallel -- -- connect to the first worker and ask for shard count, should return 0 SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from pg_dist_shard']::text[], true); -- connect to the first worker and ask for shards, should fail with -- expecting a single column error SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select * from pg_dist_shard']::text[], true); -- query result may only contain a single row SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], true); -- send multiple queries SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,1) a', 'select a from generate_series(2,2) a']::text[], true); -- send multiple queries, one fails SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,1) a', 'select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], true); -- send multiple queries, both fail SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select a from generate_series(1,2) a', 'select a from generate_series(1,2) a']::text[], true); -- can create tables at worker SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name, :node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port, :node_port]::int[], ARRAY['create table first_table(a int, b int)', 'create table second_table(a int, b int)']::text[], true); -- store worker node name and port again -- previously set variables become unusable after some number of uses SELECT quote_literal(node_name) as node_name, node_port as node_port FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes() ORDER BY node_port LIMIT 1 \gset -- can insert into table SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into first_table select a,a from generate_series(1,20) a']::text[], true); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from first_table']::text[], true); -- insert into second table twice SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into second_table select * from first_table']::text[], true); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['insert into second_table select * from first_table']::text[], true); -- check inserted values at second table SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from second_table']::text[], true); -- create index on tables SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['create index first_table_index on first_table(a)']::text[], true); -- drop created tables SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['drop table first_table']::text[], true); SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['drop table second_table']::text[], true); -- verify table is dropped SELECT * FROM master_run_on_worker(ARRAY[:node_name]::text[], ARRAY[:node_port]::int[], ARRAY['select count(*) from second_table']::text[], true); -- run_command_on_XXX tests SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers('select 1') ORDER BY 2 ASC; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_workers('select count(*) from pg_dist_partition') ORDER BY 2 ASC; -- make sure run_on_all_placements respects shardstate SET citus.shard_count TO 5; CREATE TABLE check_placements (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('check_placements', 'key', 'hash'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_placements('check_placements', 'select 1'); UPDATE pg_dist_shard_placement SET shardstate = 3 WHERE shardid % 2 = 0 AND nodeport = :worker_1_port; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_placements('check_placements', 'select 1'); DROP TABLE check_placements CASCADE; -- make sure run_on_all_colocated_placements correctly detects colocation CREATE TABLE check_colocated (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('check_colocated', 'key', 'hash'); SET citus.shard_count TO 4; CREATE TABLE second_table (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('second_table', 'key', 'hash'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_colocated_placements('check_colocated', 'second_table', 'select 1'); -- even when the difference is in replication factor, an error is thrown DROP TABLE second_table; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SET citus.shard_count TO 5; CREATE TABLE second_table (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('second_table', 'key', 'hash'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_colocated_placements('check_colocated', 'second_table', 'select 1'); -- when everything matches, the command is run! DROP TABLE second_table; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 2; SET citus.shard_count TO 5; CREATE TABLE second_table (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('second_table', 'key', 'hash'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_colocated_placements('check_colocated', 'second_table', 'select 1'); DROP TABLE check_colocated CASCADE; DROP TABLE second_table CASCADE; -- runs on all shards SET citus.shard_count TO 5; CREATE TABLE check_shards (key int); SELECT create_distributed_table('check_shards', 'key', 'hash'); SELECT * FROM run_command_on_shards('check_shards', 'select 1'); UPDATE pg_dist_shard_placement SET shardstate = 3 WHERE shardid % 2 = 0; SELECT * FROM run_command_on_shards('check_shards', 'select 1'); DROP TABLE check_shards CASCADE; -- test the connections to worker nodes SELECT bool_and(success) AS all_nodes_are_successful FROM ( SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node(nodename, nodeport) AS success FROM pg_dist_node WHERE isactive = 't' AND noderole='primary' ) subquery; -- verify that the coordinator can connect to itself SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :master_port); -- verify that the connections are not successful for wrong port -- test with invalid port, prevent OS dependent warning from being displayed SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', nodeport:=1234); -- verify that the connections are not successful due to timeouts SET citus.node_connection_timeout TO 10; SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('www.citusdata.com'); RESET citus.node_connection_timeout; SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG; -- check the connections in a transaction block BEGIN; SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node(nodename, nodeport) FROM pg_dist_node WHERE isactive = 't' AND noderole='primary'; CREATE TABLE distributed(id int, data text); SELECT create_distributed_table('distributed', 'id'); SELECT count(*) FROM distributed; ROLLBACK; -- create some roles for testing purposes SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; CREATE ROLE role_without_login WITH NOLOGIN; SELECT 1 FROM run_command_on_workers($$CREATE ROLE role_without_login WITH NOLOGIN$$); CREATE ROLE role_with_login WITH LOGIN; SELECT 1 FROM run_command_on_workers($$CREATE ROLE role_with_login WITH LOGIN$$); SET client_min_messages TO DEBUG; -- verify that we can create connections only with users with login privileges. SET ROLE role_without_login; SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SET ROLE role_with_login; SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); RESET role; DROP ROLE role_with_login, role_without_login; SELECT 1 FROM run_command_on_workers($$DROP ROLE role_with_login, role_without_login$$); -- check connections from a worker node \c - - - :worker_1_port SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :master_port); SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :worker_1_port); SELECT citus_check_connection_to_node('localhost', :worker_2_port); \c - - - :master_port SELECT * FROM citus_check_cluster_node_health() ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; -- test cluster connectivity when we have broken nodes SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; SET citus.node_connection_timeout TO 10; BEGIN; INSERT INTO pg_dist_node VALUES (123456789, 123456789, 'localhost', 123456789), (1234567890, 1234567890, 'www.citusdata.com', 5432); SELECT * FROM citus_check_cluster_node_health() ORDER BY 5,1,2,3,4; ROLLBACK; RESET citus.node_connection_timeout; RESET client_min_messages; DROP SCHEMA tools CASCADE; RESET SEARCH_PATH; -- set SHOW_CONTEXT back to default \set SHOW_CONTEXT errors