CREATE SCHEMA adaptive_executor; SET search_path TO adaptive_executor; SET citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; SET citus.enable_repartition_joins TO true; CREATE TABLE ab(a int, b int); SELECT create_distributed_table('ab', 'a'); INSERT INTO ab SELECT *,* FROM generate_series(1,10); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ab k, ab l, ab m, ab t WHERE k.a = l.b AND k.a = m.b AND t.b = l.a; SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT k.a FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b) first, (SELECT * FROM ab) second WHERE first.a = second.b; BEGIN; SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT k.a FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b) first, (SELECT * FROM ab) second WHERE first.a = second.b; SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT k.a FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b) first, (SELECT * FROM ab) second WHERE first.a = second.b; SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT k.a FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b) first, (SELECT * FROM ab) second WHERE first.a = second.b; ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO ab values(1, 2); SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT k.a FROM ab k, ab l WHERE k.a = l.b) first, (SELECT * FROM ab) second WHERE first.a = second.b; ROLLBACK; SET citus.enable_single_hash_repartition_joins TO ON; CREATE TABLE single_hash_repartition_first (id int, sum int, avg float); CREATE TABLE single_hash_repartition_second (id int, sum int, avg float); CREATE TABLE ref_table (id int, sum int, avg float); SELECT create_distributed_table('single_hash_repartition_first', 'id'); SELECT create_distributed_table('single_hash_repartition_second', 'id'); SELECT create_reference_table('ref_table'); -- single hash repartition after bcast joins EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT count(*) FROM ref_table r1, single_hash_repartition_second t1, single_hash_repartition_first t2 WHERE = AND t2.sum =; -- a more complicated join order, first colocated join, later single hash repartition join EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT count(*) FROM single_hash_repartition_first t1, single_hash_repartition_first t2, single_hash_repartition_second t3 WHERE = AND t1.sum =; SET citus.enable_single_hash_repartition_joins TO OFF; --issue 4315 create table cars (car_id int); insert into cars select s from generate_series(1,10) s; create table trips (trip_id int, car_id int); insert into trips select s % 10, s % 11 from generate_series(1, 100) s; -- the result of this should be the same when the tables are distributed select count(*) from trips t1, cars r1, trips t2, cars r2 where t1.trip_id = t2.trip_id and t1.car_id = r1.car_id and t2.car_id = r2.car_id; select create_distributed_table('trips', 'trip_id'); select create_distributed_table('cars', 'car_id'); set citus.enable_repartition_joins to on; set citus.enable_single_hash_repartition_joins to off; select count(*) from trips t1, cars r1, trips t2, cars r2 where t1.trip_id = t2.trip_id and t1.car_id = r1.car_id and t2.car_id = r2.car_id; set citus.enable_single_hash_repartition_joins to on; select count(*) from trips t1, cars r1, trips t2, cars r2 where t1.trip_id = t2.trip_id and t1.car_id = r1.car_id and t2.car_id = r2.car_id; SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; DROP SCHEMA adaptive_executor CASCADE;