CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE output (line text); CREATE SCHEMA dumper; SET search_path TO 'dumper'; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 2900000; SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; CREATE TABLE data ( key int, value text ); SELECT create_distributed_table('data', 'key'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) COPY data FROM STDIN WITH (format csv, delimiter '|', escape '\'); -- duplicate the data using pg_dump \COPY output FROM PROGRAM 'pg_dump --quote-all-identifiers -h localhost -p 57636 -U postgres -d regression -t --data-only | psql -tAX -h localhost -p 57636 -U postgres -d regression' -- data should now appear twice COPY data TO STDOUT; 1 {this:is,json:1} 1 {this:is,json:1} 3 {{}:\t} 4 {} 3 {{}:\t} 4 {} 2 {$":9} 2 {$":9} CREATE TABLE simple_columnar(i INT, t TEXT) USING columnar; INSERT INTO simple_columnar VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'); CREATE TABLE dist_columnar(i INT, t TEXT) USING columnar; SELECT create_distributed_table('dist_columnar', 'i'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) INSERT INTO dist_columnar VALUES (1000, 'one thousand'), (2000, 'two thousand'); -- go crazy with names CREATE TABLE "weird.table" ( "key," int primary key, "data.jsonb" jsonb, "?empty(" text default '' ); SELECT create_distributed_table('"weird.table"', 'key,'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) CREATE INDEX "weird.json_idx" ON "weird.table" USING GIN ("data.jsonb" jsonb_path_ops); COPY "weird.table" ("key,", "data.jsonb") FROM STDIN WITH (format 'text'); -- fast table dump with many options COPY dumper."weird.table" ("data.jsonb", "?empty(")TO STDOUT WITH (format csv, force_quote ("?empty("), null 'null', delimiter '?', quote '_', header 1); data.jsonb?_?empty(_ {"weird": {"table": "{:"}}?__ _{"?\"": []}_?__ -- do a full pg_dump of the schema, use some weird quote/escape/delimiter characters to capture the full line \COPY output FROM PROGRAM 'pg_dump -f results/pg_dump.tmp -h localhost -p 57636 -U postgres -d regression -n dumper --quote-all-identifiers' WITH (format csv, delimiter '|', escape '^', quote '^') -- drop the schema DROP SCHEMA dumper CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 4 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table data drop cascades to table simple_columnar drop cascades to table dist_columnar drop cascades to table "weird.table" -- recreate the schema \COPY (SELECT line FROM output WHERE line IS NOT NULL) TO PROGRAM 'psql -qtAX -h localhost -p 57636 -U postgres -d regression -f results/pg_dump.tmp' WITH (format csv, delimiter '|', escape '^', quote '^') -- redistribute the schema SELECT create_distributed_table('data', 'key'); NOTICE: Copying data from local table... NOTICE: copying the data has completed DETAIL: The local data in the table is no longer visible, but is still on disk. HINT: To remove the local data, run: SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table($$$$) create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT create_distributed_table('"weird.table"', 'key,'); NOTICE: Copying data from local table... NOTICE: copying the data has completed DETAIL: The local data in the table is no longer visible, but is still on disk. HINT: To remove the local data, run: SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table($$dumper."weird.table"$$) create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT create_distributed_table('dist_columnar', 'i'); NOTICE: Copying data from local table... NOTICE: copying the data has completed DETAIL: The local data in the table is no longer visible, but is still on disk. HINT: To remove the local data, run: SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table($$dumper.dist_columnar$$) create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) -- check the table contents COPY data (value) TO STDOUT WITH (format csv, force_quote *); "{this:is,json:1}" "{this:is,json:1}" "{{}: }" "{}" "{{}: }" "{}" "{$"":9}" "{$"":9}" COPY dumper."weird.table" ("data.jsonb", "?empty(") TO STDOUT WITH (format csv, force_quote ("?empty("), null 'null', header true); data.jsonb,?empty( "{""weird"": {""table"": ""{:""}}","" "{""?\"""": []}","" -- Check to be sure that the recreated table is still columnar. \set is_columnar '(SELECT amname=''columnar'' from pg_am where relam=oid)' SELECT :is_columnar AS check_columnar FROM pg_class WHERE oid='simple_columnar'::regclass; check_columnar --------------------------------------------------------------------- t (1 row) COPY simple_columnar TO STDOUT; 1 one 2 two SELECT :is_columnar AS check_columnar FROM pg_class WHERE oid='dist_columnar'::regclass; check_columnar --------------------------------------------------------------------- t (1 row) COPY dist_columnar TO STDOUT; 1000 one thousand 2000 two thousand SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'weird.table' ORDER BY indexname; indexname --------------------------------------------------------------------- weird.json_idx weird.table_pkey (2 rows) DROP SCHEMA dumper CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 4 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table data drop cascades to table dist_columnar drop cascades to table simple_columnar drop cascades to table "weird.table" CREATE SCHEMA dumper; CREATE TABLE data ( key int, value text ); SELECT create_distributed_table('data', 'key'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) COPY data FROM STDIN WITH (format csv, delimiter '|', escape '\'); -- run pg_dump on worker (which has shards) \COPY output FROM PROGRAM 'PGAPPNAME=pg_dump pg_dump -f results/pg_dump.tmp -h localhost -p 57637 -U postgres -d regression -n dumper --quote-all-identifiers' -- restore pg_dump from worker via coordinator DROP SCHEMA dumper CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to table data \COPY (SELECT line FROM output WHERE line IS NOT NULL) TO PROGRAM 'psql -qtAX -h localhost -p 57636 -U postgres -d regression -f results/pg_dump.tmp' -- check the tables (should not include shards) SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'dumper' ORDER BY 1; tablename --------------------------------------------------------------------- data (1 row) DROP SCHEMA dumper CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to table data