CREATE SCHEMA fast_path_router_select; SET search_path TO fast_path_router_select; SET citus.next_shard_id TO 1840000; -- all the tests in this file is intended for testing fast-path -- router planner, so we're explicitly enabling itin this file. -- We've bunch of other tests that triggers non-fast-path-router -- planner (note this is already true by default) SET citus.enable_fast_path_router_planner TO true; -- =================================================================== -- test router planner functionality for via fast path on -- single shard select queries -- =================================================================== CREATE TABLE articles_hash ( id bigint NOT NULL, author_id bigint NOT NULL, title varchar(20) NOT NULL, word_count integer ); CREATE TABLE articles_range ( id bigint NOT NULL, author_id bigint NOT NULL, title varchar(20) NOT NULL, word_count integer ); CREATE TABLE articles_append ( id bigint NOT NULL, author_id bigint NOT NULL, title varchar(20) NOT NULL, word_count integer ); -- Check for the existence of line 'DEBUG: Creating router plan' -- to determine if router planner is used. -- this table is used in a CTE test CREATE TABLE authors_hash ( name varchar(20), id bigint ); CREATE TABLE authors_range ( name varchar(20), id bigint ); SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SET citus.shard_count TO 2; SELECT create_distributed_table('articles_hash', 'author_id'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) CREATE TABLE authors_reference (id int, name text); SELECT create_reference_table('authors_reference'); create_reference_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) -- create a bunch of test data INSERT INTO articles_hash VALUES (1, 1, 'arsenous', 9572), (2, 2, 'abducing', 13642),( 3, 3, 'asternal', 10480),( 4, 4, 'altdorfer', 14551),( 5, 5, 'aruru', 11389), (6, 6, 'atlases', 15459),(7, 7, 'aseptic', 12298),( 8, 8, 'agatized', 16368),(9, 9, 'alligate', 438), (10, 10, 'aggrandize', 17277),(11, 1, 'alamo', 1347),(12, 2, 'archiblast', 18185), (13, 3, 'aseyev', 2255),(14, 4, 'andesite', 19094),(15, 5, 'adversa', 3164), (16, 6, 'allonym', 2),(17, 7, 'auriga', 4073),(18, 8, 'assembly', 911),(19, 9, 'aubergiste', 4981), (20, 10, 'absentness', 1820),(21, 1, 'arcading', 5890),(22, 2, 'antipope', 2728),(23, 3, 'abhorring', 6799), (24, 4, 'audacious', 3637),(25, 5, 'antehall', 7707),(26, 6, 'abington', 4545),(27, 7, 'arsenous', 8616), (28, 8, 'aerophyte', 5454),(29, 9, 'amateur', 9524),(30, 10, 'andelee', 6363),(31, 1, 'athwartships', 7271), (32, 2, 'amazon', 11342),(33, 3, 'autochrome', 8180),(34, 4, 'amnestied', 12250),(35, 5, 'aminate', 9089), (36, 6, 'ablation', 13159),(37, 7, 'archduchies', 9997),(38, 8, 'anatine', 14067),(39, 9, 'anchises', 10906), (40, 10, 'attemper', 14976),(41, 1, 'aznavour', 11814),(42, 2, 'ausable', 15885),(43, 3, 'affixal', 12723), (44, 4, 'anteport', 16793),(45, 5, 'afrasia', 864),(46, 6, 'atlanta', 17702),(47, 7, 'abeyance', 1772), (48, 8, 'alkylic', 18610),(49, 9, 'anyone', 2681),(50, 10, 'anjanette', 19519); SET client_min_messages TO 'DEBUG2'; -- test simple select for a single row SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 10 AND id = 50; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 10 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | 10 | anjanette | 19519 (1 row) -- get all titles by a single author SELECT title FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 10; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 10 title --------------------------------------------------------------------- aggrandize absentness andelee attemper anjanette (5 rows) -- try ordering them by word count SELECT title, word_count FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 10 ORDER BY word_count DESC NULLS LAST; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 10 title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- anjanette | 19519 aggrandize | 17277 attemper | 14976 andelee | 6363 absentness | 1820 (5 rows) -- look at last two articles by an author SELECT title, id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 5 ORDER BY id LIMIT 2; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 5 title | id --------------------------------------------------------------------- aruru | 5 adversa | 15 (2 rows) -- find all articles by two authors in same shard -- but plan is not fast path router plannable due to -- two distribution columns in the query SELECT title, author_id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 7 OR author_id = 8 ORDER BY author_id ASC, id; DEBUG: Creating router plan title | author_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- aseptic | 7 auriga | 7 arsenous | 7 archduchies | 7 abeyance | 7 agatized | 8 assembly | 8 aerophyte | 8 anatine | 8 alkylic | 8 (10 rows) -- having clause is supported if it goes to a single shard -- and single dist. key on the query SELECT author_id, sum(word_count) AS corpus_size FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 GROUP BY author_id HAVING sum(word_count) > 1000 ORDER BY sum(word_count) DESC; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 author_id | corpus_size --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 35894 (1 row) -- fast path planner only support = operator SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id <= 1; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id IN (1, 3); DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 3 | 3 | asternal | 10480 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 13 | 3 | aseyev | 2255 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 23 | 3 | abhorring | 6799 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 33 | 3 | autochrome | 8180 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 43 | 3 | affixal | 12723 (10 rows) -- queries with CTEs cannot go through fast-path planning WITH first_author AS ( SELECT id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1) SELECT * FROM first_author; DEBUG: CTE first_author is going to be inlined via distributed planning DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 21 31 41 (5 rows) -- two CTE joins also cannot go through fast-path planning WITH id_author AS ( SELECT id, author_id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1), id_title AS (SELECT id, title from articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1) SELECT * FROM id_author, id_title WHERE =; DEBUG: CTE id_author is going to be inlined via distributed planning DEBUG: CTE id_title is going to be inlined via distributed planning DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | id | title --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | arsenous 11 | 1 | 11 | alamo 21 | 1 | 21 | arcading 31 | 1 | 31 | athwartships 41 | 1 | 41 | aznavour (5 rows) -- this is a different case where each CTE is recursively planned and those goes -- through the fast-path router planner, but the top level join is not WITH id_author AS ( SELECT id, author_id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1), id_title AS (SELECT id, title from articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2) SELECT * FROM id_author, id_title WHERE =; DEBUG: CTE id_author is going to be inlined via distributed planning DEBUG: CTE id_title is going to be inlined via distributed planning DEBUG: cannot run command which targets multiple shards DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 DEBUG: generating subplan XXX_1 for subquery SELECT id, title FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash WHERE (author_id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 2) DEBUG: Plan XXX query after replacing subqueries and CTEs: SELECT, id_author.author_id,, id_title.title FROM (SELECT, articles_hash.author_id FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash WHERE (articles_hash.author_id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)) id_author, (SELECT, intermediate_result.title FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(id bigint, title character varying(20))) id_title WHERE ( OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | id | title --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) CREATE TABLE company_employees (company_id int, employee_id int, manager_id int); SET citus.shard_replication_factor TO 1; SELECT create_distributed_table('company_employees', 'company_id', 'hash'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) INSERT INTO company_employees values(1, 1, 0); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 INSERT INTO company_employees values(1, 2, 1); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 INSERT INTO company_employees values(1, 3, 1); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 INSERT INTO company_employees values(1, 4, 2); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 INSERT INTO company_employees values(1, 5, 4); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 INSERT INTO company_employees values(3, 1, 0); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 3 INSERT INTO company_employees values(3, 15, 1); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 3 INSERT INTO company_employees values(3, 3, 1); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 3 -- recursive CTEs are also cannot go through fast -- path planning WITH RECURSIVE hierarchy as ( SELECT *, 1 AS level FROM company_employees WHERE company_id = 1 and manager_id = 0 UNION SELECT ce.*, (h.level+1) FROM hierarchy h JOIN company_employees ce ON (h.employee_id = ce.manager_id AND h.company_id = ce.company_id AND ce.company_id = 1)) SELECT * FROM hierarchy WHERE LEVEL <= 2; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 company_id | employee_id | manager_id | level --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 (3 rows) WITH update_article AS ( UPDATE articles_hash SET word_count = 10 WHERE id = 1 AND word_count = 9 RETURNING * ) SELECT * FROM update_article; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: generating subplan XXX_1 for CTE update_article: UPDATE fast_path_router_select.articles_hash SET word_count = 10 WHERE ((id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1) AND (word_count OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 9)) RETURNING id, author_id, title, word_count DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Plan XXX query after replacing subqueries and CTEs: SELECT id, author_id, title, word_count FROM (SELECT, intermediate_result.author_id, intermediate_result.title, intermediate_result.word_count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(id bigint, author_id bigint, title character varying(20), word_count integer)) update_article DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) WITH delete_article AS ( DELETE FROM articles_hash WHERE id = 1 AND word_count = 10 RETURNING * ) SELECT * FROM delete_article; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: generating subplan XXX_1 for CTE delete_article: DELETE FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash WHERE ((id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1) AND (word_count OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 10)) RETURNING id, author_id, title, word_count DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Plan XXX query after replacing subqueries and CTEs: SELECT id, author_id, title, word_count FROM (SELECT, intermediate_result.author_id, intermediate_result.title, intermediate_result.word_count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(id bigint, author_id bigint, title character varying(20), word_count integer)) delete_article DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- grouping sets are supported via fast-path SELECT id, substring(title, 2, 1) AS subtitle, count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((id),(subtitle)) ORDER BY id, subtitle; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | subtitle | count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | | 1 11 | | 1 21 | | 1 31 | | 1 41 | | 1 | l | 1 | r | 2 | t | 1 | z | 1 (9 rows) -- grouping sets are not supported with multiple quals SELECT id, substring(title, 2, 1) AS subtitle, count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 or author_id = 2 GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((id),(subtitle)) ORDER BY id, subtitle; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries ERROR: could not run distributed query with GROUPING SETS, CUBE, or ROLLUP HINT: Consider using an equality filter on the distributed table's partition column. -- queries which involve functions in FROM clause are not supported via fast path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash, position('om' in 'Thomas') WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count | position --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 | 3 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 | 3 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 | 3 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 | 3 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 | 3 (5 rows) -- sublinks are not supported via fast path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id IN (SELECT author_id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2) ORDER BY; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | 2 | abducing | 13642 12 | 2 | archiblast | 18185 22 | 2 | antipope | 2728 32 | 2 | amazon | 11342 42 | 2 | ausable | 15885 (5 rows) -- subqueries are not supported via fast path planning SELECT,test.word_count FROM articles_hash, (SELECT id, word_count FROM articles_hash) AS test WHERE = ORDER BY test.word_count DESC, LIMIT 5; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: generating subplan XXX_1 for subquery SELECT id, word_count FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash DEBUG: Plan XXX query after replacing subqueries and CTEs: SELECT, test.word_count FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash, (SELECT, intermediate_result.word_count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(id bigint, word_count integer)) test WHERE ( OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ORDER BY test.word_count DESC, LIMIT 5 DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: push down of limit count: 5 id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 | 19519 14 | 19094 48 | 18610 12 | 18185 46 | 17702 (5 rows) SELECT,test.word_count FROM articles_hash, (SELECT id, word_count FROM articles_hash) AS test WHERE = and articles_hash.author_id = 1 ORDER BY; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries DEBUG: generating subplan XXX_1 for subquery SELECT id, word_count FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash DEBUG: Plan XXX query after replacing subqueries and CTEs: SELECT, test.word_count FROM fast_path_router_select.articles_hash, (SELECT, intermediate_result.word_count FROM read_intermediate_result('XXX_1'::text, 'binary'::citus_copy_format) intermediate_result(id bigint, word_count integer)) test WHERE (( OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) AND (articles_hash.author_id OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 1)) ORDER BY DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) -- subqueries are not supported in SELECT clause SELECT a.title AS name, (SELECT FROM articles_hash a2 WHERE = LIMIT 1) AS special_price FROM articles_hash a; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries ERROR: complex joins are only supported when all distributed tables are co-located and joined on their distribution columns -- simple lookup query just works SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- below query hits a single shard but with multiple filters -- so cannot go via fast-path SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 OR author_id = 17; DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- rename the output columns SELECT id as article_id, word_count * id as random_value FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 article_id | random_value --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 14817 21 | 123690 31 | 225401 41 | 484374 (5 rows) -- joins do not go through fast-path planning SELECT a.author_id as first_author, b.word_count as second_word_count FROM articles_hash a, articles_hash b WHERE a.author_id = 10 and a.author_id = b.author_id LIMIT 3; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 10 first_author | second_word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | 17277 10 | 1820 10 | 6363 (3 rows) -- single shard select with limit goes through fast-path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 LIMIT 3; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 (3 rows) -- single shard select with limit + offset goes through fast-path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 LIMIT 2 OFFSET 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 (2 rows) -- single shard select with limit + offset + order by goes through fast-path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 2 OFFSET 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 (2 rows) -- single shard select with group by on non-partition column goes through fast-path planning SELECT id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 GROUP BY id ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 21 31 41 (5 rows) -- single shard select with distinct goes through fast-path planning SELECT DISTINCT id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 21 31 41 (5 rows) -- single shard aggregate goes through fast-path planning SELECT avg(word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 avg --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12356.400000000000 (1 row) -- max, min, sum, count goes through fast-path planning SELECT max(word_count) as max, min(word_count) as min, sum(word_count) as sum, count(word_count) as cnt FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 max | min | sum | cnt --------------------------------------------------------------------- 18185 | 2728 | 61782 | 5 (1 row) -- queries with aggregates and group by goes through fast-path planning SELECT max(word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 GROUP BY author_id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 max --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11814 (1 row) -- set operations are not supported via fast-path planning SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 3 ) AS combination ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 3 | 3 | asternal | 10480 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 13 | 3 | aseyev | 2255 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 23 | 3 | abhorring | 6799 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 33 | 3 | autochrome | 8180 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 43 | 3 | affixal | 12723 (10 rows) -- function calls in the target list is supported via fast path SELECT LEFT(title, 1) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 -- top-level union queries are supported through recursive planning SET client_min_messages to 'NOTICE'; ERROR: syntax error at or near "SET" -- unions in subqueries are not supported via fast-path planning SELECT * FROM ( (SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1) UNION (SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1)) uu ORDER BY 1, 2 LIMIT 5; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- Test various filtering options for router plannable check SET client_min_messages to 'DEBUG2'; -- cannot go through fast-path if there is -- explicit coercion SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1::bigint; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- can go through fast-path if there is -- implicit coercion -- This doesn't work see the related issue -- reported -- SELECT * -- FROM articles_hash -- WHERE author_id = 1.0; SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 68719476736; -- this is bigint DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 68719476736 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- cannot go through fast-path due to -- multiple filters on the dist. key SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and author_id >= 1; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- cannot go through fast-path due to -- multiple filters on the dist. key SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 or id = 1; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- goes through fast-path planning because -- the dist. key is ANDed with the rest of the -- filters SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and (id = 1 or id = 41); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (2 rows) -- this time there is an OR clause which prevents -- router planning at all SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and id = 1 or id = 41; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (2 rows) -- goes through fast-path planning because -- the dist. key is ANDed with the rest of the -- filters SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and (id = random()::int * 0); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- not router plannable due to function call on the right side SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = (random()::int * 0 + 1); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- Citus does not qualify this as a fast-path because -- dist_key = func() SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = abs(-1); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- Citus does not qualify this as a fast-path because -- dist_key = func() SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE 1 = abs(author_id); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- Citus does not qualify this as a fast-path because -- dist_key = func() SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = abs(author_id - 2); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- the function is not on the dist. key, so qualify as -- fast-path SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and (id = abs(id - 2)); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 (1 row) -- not router plannable due to is true SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 1) is true; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- router plannable, (boolean expression) = true is collapsed to (boolean expression) SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 1) = true; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- some more complex quals SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 15) AND (id = 1 OR word_count > 5); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 15 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 15) OR (id = 1 AND word_count > 5); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) OR (author_id = 1 AND word_count > 5); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) AND (author_id = 1 OR word_count > 5); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) AND (author_id = 1 AND (word_count > 5 OR id = 2)); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) AND (title ilike 'a%' AND (word_count > 5 OR author_id = 2)); DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) AND (title ilike 'a%' AND (word_count > 5 AND author_id = 2)); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 15) AND (title ilike 'a%' AND ((word_count > 5 OR title ilike 'b%' ) AND (author_id = 2 AND word_count > 50))); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- fast-path router plannable, between operator is on another column SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 1) and id between 0 and 20; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 (2 rows) -- fast-path router plannable, partition column expression is and'ed to rest SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (author_id = 1) and (id = 1 or id = 31) and title like '%s'; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 (2 rows) -- fast-path router plannable, order is changed SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (id = 1 or id = 31) and title like '%s' and (author_id = 1); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 (2 rows) -- fast-path router plannable SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (title like '%s' or title like 'a%') and (author_id = 1); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- fast-path router plannable SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE (title like '%s' or title like 'a%') and (author_id = 1) and (word_count < 3000 or word_count > 8000); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (3 rows) -- window functions are supported with fast-path router plannable SELECT LAG(title, 1) over (ORDER BY word_count) prev, title, word_count FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 5; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 5 prev | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- | afrasia | 864 afrasia | adversa | 3164 adversa | antehall | 7707 antehall | aminate | 9089 aminate | aruru | 11389 (5 rows) SELECT LAG(title, 1) over (ORDER BY word_count) prev, title, word_count FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 5 ORDER BY word_count DESC; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 5 prev | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- aminate | aruru | 11389 antehall | aminate | 9089 adversa | antehall | 7707 afrasia | adversa | 3164 | afrasia | 864 (5 rows) SELECT id, MIN(id) over (order by word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | min --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | 11 21 | 11 31 | 11 1 | 1 41 | 1 (5 rows) SELECT id, word_count, AVG(word_count) over (order by word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | word_count | avg --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | 1347 | 1347.0000000000000000 21 | 5890 | 3618.5000000000000000 31 | 7271 | 4836.0000000000000000 1 | 9572 | 6020.0000000000000000 41 | 11814 | 7178.8000000000000000 (5 rows) SELECT word_count, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY author_id ORDER BY word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 word_count | rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1347 | 1 5890 | 2 7271 | 3 9572 | 4 11814 | 5 (5 rows) -- some more tests on complex target lists SELECT DISTINCT ON (author_id, id) author_id, id, MIN(id) over (order by avg(word_count)) * AVG(id * 5.2 + (1.0/max(word_count))) over (order by max(word_count)) as t1, count(*) FILTER (WHERE title LIKE 'al%') as cnt_with_filter, count(*) FILTER (WHERE '0300030' LIKE '%3%') as cnt_with_filter_2, avg(case when id > 2 then char_length(word_count::text) * (id * strpos(word_count::text, '1')) end) as case_cnt, COALESCE(strpos(avg(word_count)::text, '1'), 20) FROM articles_hash as aliased_table WHERE author_id = 1 GROUP BY author_id, id HAVING count(DISTINCT title) > 0 ORDER BY author_id, id, sum(word_count) - avg(char_length(title)) DESC, COALESCE(array_upper(ARRAY[max(id)],1) * 5,0) DESC; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 author_id | id | t1 | cnt_with_filter | cnt_with_filter_2 | case_cnt | coalesce --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 83.20028854345579490574 | 0 | 1 | | 0 1 | 11 | 629.20816629547141796586 | 1 | 1 | 44.0000000000000000 | 1 1 | 21 | 915.20501693381380745499 | 0 | 1 | 0.00000000000000000000 | 0 1 | 31 | 1201.20384890897723321000 | 0 | 1 | 496.0000000000000000 | 4 1 | 41 | 109.200247763831844321405335 | 0 | 1 | 205.0000000000000000 | 1 (5 rows) -- where false queries are router plannable but not fast-path SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE false; DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- fast-path with false SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and false; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- fast-path with false SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and 1=0; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE null and author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- we cannot qualify dist_key = X operator Y via -- fast-path planning SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 + 1; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 2 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | 2 | abducing | 13642 12 | 2 | archiblast | 18185 22 | 2 | antipope | 2728 32 | 2 | amazon | 11342 42 | 2 | ausable | 15885 (5 rows) -- where false with immutable function returning false -- goes through fast-path SELECT * FROM articles_hash a WHERE a.author_id = 10 and int4eq(1, 2); DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 10 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- partition_column is null clause does not prune out any shards, -- all shards remain after shard pruning, not router plannable -- not fast-path router either SELECT * FROM articles_hash a WHERE a.author_id is null; DEBUG: Router planner cannot handle multi-shard select queries id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- partition_column equals to null clause prunes out all shards -- no shards after shard pruning, router plannable -- not fast-path router either SELECT * FROM articles_hash a WHERE a.author_id = null; DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- union/difference /intersection with where false -- this query was not originally router plannable, addition of 1=0 -- makes it router plannable but not fast-path SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2 and 1=0 ) AS combination ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- same with the above, but with WHERE false SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 UNION SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 2 and 1=0 ) AS combination WHERE false ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- window functions with where false SELECT word_count, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY author_id ORDER BY word_count) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 and 1=0; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 word_count | rank --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- create a dummy function to be used in filtering SET citus.enable_metadata_sync TO OFF; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION someDummyFunction(regclass) RETURNS text AS $$ BEGIN RETURN md5($1::text); END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE; -- we execute the query within a function to consolidate the error messages -- between different executors CREATE FUNCTION raise_failed_execution_f_router(query text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE query; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLERRM LIKE '%failed to execute task%' THEN RAISE 'Task failed to execute'; ELSIF SQLERRM LIKE '%does not exist%' THEN RAISE 'Task failed to execute'; ELSIF SQLERRM LIKE '%could not receive query results%' THEN RAISE 'Task failed to execute'; END IF; END; $$LANGUAGE plpgsql; RESET citus.enable_metadata_sync; SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; \set VERBOSITY terse -- fast path router plannable, but errors SELECT raise_failed_execution_f_router($$ SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE someDummyFunction('articles_hash') = md5('articles_hash') AND author_id = 1 ORDER BY author_id, id LIMIT 5; $$); ERROR: Task failed to execute \set VERBOSITY DEFAULT SET client_min_messages TO DEFAULT; -- temporarily turn off debug messages before dropping the function SET client_min_messages TO 'NOTICE'; DROP FUNCTION someDummyFunction(regclass); SET client_min_messages TO 'DEBUG2'; -- complex query hitting a single shard and a fast-path SELECT count(DISTINCT CASE WHEN word_count > 100 THEN id ELSE NULL END) as c FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 5; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 5 c --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (1 row) -- queries inside transactions can be fast-path router plannable BEGIN; SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) END; -- queries inside read-only transactions can be fast-path router plannable SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY; WARNING: SET TRANSACTION can only be used in transaction blocks SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) END; WARNING: there is no transaction in progress -- cursor queries are fast-path router plannable BEGIN; DECLARE test_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 FETCH test_cursor; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 (1 row) FETCH ALL test_cursor; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (4 rows) FETCH test_cursor; -- fetch one row after the last id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) FETCH BACKWARD test_cursor; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (1 row) END; -- queries inside copy can be router plannable COPY ( SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id) TO STDOUT; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 1 1 arsenous 9572 11 1 alamo 1347 21 1 arcading 5890 31 1 athwartships 7271 41 1 aznavour 11814 -- table creation queries inside can be fast-path router plannable CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_articles_hash as SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1 ORDER BY id; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 -- fast-path router plannable queries may include filter for aggregates SELECT count(*), count(*) FILTER (WHERE id < 3) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 count | count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | 1 (1 row) -- prepare queries can be router plannable PREPARE author_1_articles as SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; EXECUTE author_1_articles; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_1_articles; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_1_articles; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_1_articles; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_1_articles; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_1_articles; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- parametric prepare queries can be router plannable PREPARE author_articles(int) as SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = $1; EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) EXECUTE author_articles(NULL); id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) PREPARE author_articles_update(int) AS UPDATE articles_hash SET title = 'test' WHERE author_id = $1; EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan EXECUTE author_articles_update(NULL); -- queries inside plpgsql functions could be router plannable CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION author_articles_max_id() RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE max_id integer; BEGIN SELECT MAX(id) FROM articles_hash ah WHERE author_id = 1 into max_id; return max_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DEBUG: switching to sequential query execution mode DETAIL: A command for a distributed function is run. To make sure subsequent commands see the function correctly we need to make sure to use only one connection for all future commands -- we don't want too many details. though we're omitting -- "DETAIL: distribution column value:", we see it acceptable -- since the query results verifies the correctness \set VERBOSITY terse SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) -- queries inside plpgsql functions could be router plannable CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION author_articles_max_id(int) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE max_id integer; BEGIN SELECT MAX(id) FROM articles_hash ah WHERE author_id = $1 into max_id; return max_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DEBUG: switching to sequential query execution mode SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) SELECT author_articles_max_id(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan author_articles_max_id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 (1 row) -- check that function returning setof query are router plannable CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION author_articles_id_word_count() RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, word_count int) AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT, ah.word_count FROM articles_hash ah WHERE author_id = 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DEBUG: switching to sequential query execution mode SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) -- check that function returning setof query are router plannable CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION author_articles_id_word_count(int) RETURNS TABLE(id bigint, word_count int) AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT, ah.word_count FROM articles_hash ah WHERE author_id = $1; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; DEBUG: switching to sequential query execution mode SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT * FROM author_articles_id_word_count(1); DEBUG: function does not have co-located tables DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 9572 11 | 1347 21 | 5890 31 | 7271 41 | 11814 (5 rows) \set VERBOSITY default -- insert .. select via coordinator could also -- use fast-path queries PREPARE insert_sel(int, int) AS INSERT INTO articles_hash SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = $2 AND word_count = $1 OFFSET 0; EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator EXECUTE insert_sel(1,1); DEBUG: OFFSET clauses are not allowed in distributed INSERT ... SELECT queries DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: Collecting INSERT ... SELECT results on coordinator -- one final interesting preperad statement -- where one of the filters is on the target list PREPARE fast_path_agg_filter(int, int) AS SELECT count(*) FILTER (WHERE word_count=$1) FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = $2; EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(1,1); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(2,2); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(3,3); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(4,4); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(5,5); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) EXECUTE fast_path_agg_filter(6,6); DEBUG: Deferred pruning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- views internally become subqueries, so not fast-path router query CREATE VIEW test_view AS SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; SELECT * FROM test_view; DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) -- materialized views can be created for fast-path router plannable queries CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_articles_hash_empty AS SELECT * FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 SELECT * FROM mv_articles_hash_empty; id | author_id | title | word_count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | arsenous | 9572 11 | 1 | alamo | 1347 21 | 1 | arcading | 5890 31 | 1 | athwartships | 7271 41 | 1 | aznavour | 11814 (5 rows) SELECT id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 21 31 41 (5 rows) INSERT INTO articles_hash VALUES (51, 1, 'amateus', 1814), (52, 1, 'second amateus', 2824); DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 -- verify insert is successfull (not router plannable and executable) SELECT id FROM articles_hash WHERE author_id = 1; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 1 id --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 11 21 31 41 51 52 (7 rows) SET client_min_messages to 'NOTICE'; -- finally, some tests with partitioned tables CREATE TABLE collections_list ( key bigint, ts timestamptz, collection_id integer, value numeric ) PARTITION BY LIST (collection_id ); CREATE TABLE collections_list_1 PARTITION OF collections_list (key, ts, collection_id, value) FOR VALUES IN ( 1 ); CREATE TABLE collections_list_2 PARTITION OF collections_list (key, ts, collection_id, value) FOR VALUES IN ( 2 ); -- we don't need many shards SET citus.shard_count TO 2; SELECT create_distributed_table('collections_list', 'key'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) INSERT INTO collections_list SELECT i % 10, now(), (i % 2) + 1, i*i FROM generate_series(0, 50)i; SET client_min_messages to 'DEBUG2'; SELECT count(*) FROM collections_list WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM collections_list_1 WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM collections_list_2 WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) UPDATE collections_list SET value = 15 WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 SELECT count(*) FILTER (where value = 15) FROM collections_list WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FILTER (where value = 15) FROM collections_list_1 WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FILTER (where value = 15) FROM collections_list_2 WHERE key = 4; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan DEBUG: query has a single distribution column value: 4 count --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- test INSERT using values from generate_series() and repeat() functions INSERT INTO authors_reference (id, name) VALUES (generate_series(1, 10), repeat('Migjeni', 3)); DEBUG: Creating router plan SELECT * FROM authors_reference ORDER BY 1, 2; DEBUG: Distributed planning for a fast-path router query DEBUG: Creating router plan id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 2 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 3 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 4 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 5 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 6 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 7 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 8 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 9 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni 10 | MigjeniMigjeniMigjeni (10 rows) SET client_min_messages to 'NOTICE'; DROP FUNCTION author_articles_max_id(); DROP FUNCTION author_articles_id_word_count(); DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_articles_hash_empty; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_articles_hash_data; ERROR: materialized view "mv_articles_hash_data" does not exist DROP TABLE articles_hash; ERROR: cannot drop table articles_hash because other objects depend on it DETAIL: view test_view depends on table articles_hash HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. DROP TABLE authors_hash; DROP TABLE authors_range; DROP TABLE authors_reference; DROP TABLE company_employees; DROP TABLE articles_range; DROP TABLE articles_append; DROP TABLE collections_list; RESET search_path; DROP SCHEMA fast_path_router_select CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 5 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table fast_path_router_select.articles_hash drop cascades to function fast_path_router_select.raise_failed_execution_f_router(text) drop cascades to function fast_path_router_select.author_articles_max_id(integer) drop cascades to function fast_path_router_select.author_articles_id_word_count(integer) drop cascades to view fast_path_router_select.test_view