/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * multi_logical_planner.h * Type declarations for multi-relational algebra operators, and function * declarations for building logical plans over distributed relations. * * Copyright (c) Citus Data, Inc. * * $Id$ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef MULTI_LOGICAL_PLANNER_H #define MULTI_LOGICAL_PLANNER_H #include "distributed/citus_nodes.h" #include "distributed/errormessage.h" #include "distributed/log_utils.h" #include "distributed/multi_join_order.h" #include "distributed/relation_restriction_equivalence.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "nodes/primnodes.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #define SUBQUERY_RANGE_TABLE_ID -1 #define SUBQUERY_RELATION_ID 10000 #define SUBQUERY_PUSHDOWN_RELATION_ID 10001 /* * MultiNode represents the base node type for all multi-relational algebra * nodes. By creating this base node, we can simulate inheritance and represent * derived operator nodes as a MultiNode type. A similar structure to simulate * inheritance is also used in PostgreSQL's plan nodes. */ typedef struct MultiNode { CitusNode type; struct MultiNode *parentNode; /* child node(s) are defined in unary and binary nodes */ } MultiNode; /* Represents unary nodes that have only one child */ typedef struct MultiUnaryNode { MultiNode node; struct MultiNode *childNode; } MultiUnaryNode; /* Represents binary nodes that have two children */ typedef struct MultiBinaryNode { MultiNode node; struct MultiNode *leftChildNode; struct MultiNode *rightChildNode; } MultiBinaryNode; /* * MultiTreeRoot keeps a pointer to the root node in the multi-relational * operator tree. This node is always on the top of every logical plan. */ typedef struct MultiTreeRoot { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; } MultiTreeRoot; /* * MultiTable represents a distributed table in a logical query plan. Note that * this node does not represent a query operator, and differs from the nodes * that follow in that sense. */ typedef struct MultiTable { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; Oid relationId; int rangeTableId; Var *partitionColumn; Alias *alias; Alias *referenceNames; Query *subquery; /* this field is only valid for non-relation subquery types */ bool includePartitions; } MultiTable; /* Defines the columns to project in multi-relational algebra */ typedef struct MultiProject { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; List *columnList; } MultiProject; /* * MultiCollect defines the Collect operator in multi-relational algebra. This * operator collects data from remote nodes; the collected data are output from * the query operator that is beneath this Collect in the logical query tree. */ typedef struct MultiCollect { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; } MultiCollect; /* * MultiSelect defines the MultiSelect operator in multi-relational algebra. * This operator contains select predicates which apply to a selected logical * relation. */ typedef struct MultiSelect { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; List *selectClauseList; } MultiSelect; /* * MultiJoin joins the output of two query operators that are beneath it in the * query tree. The operator also keeps the join rule that applies between the * two operators, and the partition key to use if the join is distributed. */ typedef struct MultiJoin { MultiBinaryNode binaryNode; List *joinClauseList; JoinRuleType joinRuleType; JoinType joinType; } MultiJoin; /* Defines the (re-)Partition operator in multi-relational algebra */ typedef struct MultiPartition { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; Var *partitionColumn; uint32 splitPointTableId; } MultiPartition; /* Defines the CartesianProduct operator in multi-relational algebra */ typedef struct MultiCartesianProduct { MultiBinaryNode binaryNode; } MultiCartesianProduct; /* * MultiExtendedOp defines a set of extended operators that operate on columns * in relational algebra. This node allows us to distinguish between operations * in the coordinator and worker nodes, and also captures the following: * * (1) Aggregate functions such as sums or averages; * (2) Grouping of attributes; these groupings may also be tied to aggregates; * (3) Extended projection expressions including columns, arithmetic and string * functions; * (4) User's intented display information, such as column display order; * (5) Sort clauses on columns, expressions, or aggregates; and * (6) Limit count and offset clause. */ typedef struct MultiExtendedOp { MultiUnaryNode unaryNode; List *targetList; List *groupClauseList; List *sortClauseList; Node *limitCount; Node *limitOffset; #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= PG_VERSION_13 LimitOption limitOption; #endif Node *havingQual; List *distinctClause; List *windowClause; bool hasDistinctOn; bool hasWindowFuncs; bool onlyPushableWindowFunctions; } MultiExtendedOp; /* Function declarations for building logical plans */ extern MultiTreeRoot * MultiLogicalPlanCreate(Query *originalQuery, Query *queryTree, PlannerRestrictionContext * plannerRestrictionContext); extern bool FindNodeMatchingCheckFunction(Node *node, bool (*check)(Node *)); extern bool TargetListOnPartitionColumn(Query *query, List *targetEntryList); extern bool FindNodeMatchingCheckFunctionInRangeTableList(List *rtable, bool (*check)( Node *)); extern bool IsCitusTableRTE(Node *node); extern bool IsDistributedOrReferenceTableRTE(Node *node); extern bool IsDistributedTableRTE(Node *node); extern bool IsReferenceTableRTE(Node *node); extern bool QueryContainsDistributedTableRTE(Query *query); extern bool IsCitusExtraDataContainerRelation(RangeTblEntry *rte); extern bool ContainsReadIntermediateResultFunction(Node *node); extern bool ContainsReadIntermediateResultArrayFunction(Node *node); extern char * FindIntermediateResultIdIfExists(RangeTblEntry *rte); extern MultiNode * ParentNode(MultiNode *multiNode); extern MultiNode * ChildNode(MultiUnaryNode *multiNode); extern MultiNode * GrandChildNode(MultiUnaryNode *multiNode); extern void SetChild(MultiUnaryNode *parent, MultiNode *child); extern void SetLeftChild(MultiBinaryNode *parent, MultiNode *leftChild); extern void SetRightChild(MultiBinaryNode *parent, MultiNode *rightChild); extern bool UnaryOperator(MultiNode *node); extern bool BinaryOperator(MultiNode *node); extern List * OutputTableIdList(MultiNode *multiNode); extern List * FindNodesOfType(MultiNode *node, int type); extern List * JoinClauseList(List *whereClauseList); extern bool IsJoinClause(Node *clause); extern List * SubqueryEntryList(Query *queryTree); extern DeferredErrorMessage * DeferErrorIfQueryNotSupported(Query *queryTree); extern List * WhereClauseList(FromExpr *fromExpr); extern List * QualifierList(FromExpr *fromExpr); extern List * TableEntryList(List *rangeTableList); extern List * UsedTableEntryList(Query *query); extern List * pull_var_clause_default(Node *node); extern bool OperatorImplementsEquality(Oid opno); extern DeferredErrorMessage * DeferErrorIfUnsupportedClause(List *clauseList); extern MultiProject * MultiProjectNode(List *targetEntryList); extern MultiExtendedOp * MultiExtendedOpNode(Query *queryTree, Query *originalQuery); extern DeferredErrorMessage * DeferErrorIfUnsupportedSubqueryRepartition(Query * subqueryTree); extern MultiNode * MultiNodeTree(Query *queryTree); #endif /* MULTI_LOGICAL_PLANNER_H */