-- -- failure_insert_select_pushdown -- -- performs failure/cancellation test for insert/select pushed down to shards. -- SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); CREATE SCHEMA insert_select_pushdown; SET SEARCH_PATH=insert_select_pushdown; SET citus.shard_count to 2; SET citus.shard_replication_factor to 1; SELECT pg_backend_pid() as pid \gset CREATE TABLE events_table(user_id int, event_id int, event_type int); CREATE TABLE events_summary(user_id int, event_id int, event_count int); SELECT create_distributed_table('events_table', 'user_id'); SELECT create_distributed_table('events_summary', 'user_id'); INSERT INTO events_table VALUES (1, 1, 3 ), (1, 2, 1), (1, 3, 2), (2, 4, 3), (3, 5, 1), (4, 7, 1), (4, 1, 9), (4, 3, 2); SELECT count(*) FROM events_summary; -- insert/select from one distributed table to another -- kill worker query SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^INSERT INTO insert_select_pushdown").kill()'); INSERT INTO events_summary SELECT user_id, event_id, count(*) FROM events_table GROUP BY 1,2; --verify nothing is modified SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT count(*) FROM events_summary; -- cancel worker query SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^INSERT INTO insert_select_pushdown").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); INSERT INTO events_summary SELECT user_id, event_id, count(*) FROM events_table GROUP BY 1,2; --verify nothing is modified SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT count(*) FROM events_summary; -- test self insert/select SELECT count(*) FROM events_table; -- kill worker query SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^INSERT INTO insert_select_pushdown").kill()'); INSERT INTO events_table SELECT * FROM events_table; --verify nothing is modified SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT count(*) FROM events_table; -- cancel worker query SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.onQuery(query="^INSERT INTO insert_select_pushdown").cancel(' || :pid || ')'); INSERT INTO events_table SELECT * FROM events_table; --verify nothing is modified SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); SELECT count(*) FROM events_table; RESET SEARCH_PATH; SELECT citus.mitmproxy('conn.allow()'); DROP SCHEMA insert_select_pushdown CASCADE;