CREATE SCHEMA multi_subtransactions; SET search_path TO 'multi_subtransactions'; CREATE TABLE artists ( id bigint NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL ); SELECT create_distributed_table('artists', 'id'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) -- add some data INSERT INTO artists VALUES (1, 'Pablo Picasso'); INSERT INTO artists VALUES (2, 'Vincent van Gogh'); INSERT INTO artists VALUES (3, 'Claude Monet'); INSERT INTO artists VALUES (4, 'William Kurelek'); -- RELEASE SAVEPOINT BEGIN; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (5, 'Asher Lev'); SAVEPOINT s1; DELETE FROM artists WHERE id=5; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=5; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT BEGIN; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (5, 'Asher Lev'); SAVEPOINT s1; DELETE FROM artists WHERE id=5; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=5; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | Asher Lev (1 row) -- Serial sub-transaction releases BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; DELETE FROM artists WHERE id=5; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (5, 'Jacob Kahn'); RELEASE SAVEPOINT s2; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=5; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | Jacob Kahn (1 row) -- Serial sub-transaction rollbacks BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; UPDATE artists SET name='A' WHERE id=5; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; DELETE FROM artists WHERE id=5; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s2; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=5; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 | Jacob Kahn (1 row) -- Multiple sub-transaction activity before first query BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s0; SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; SAVEPOINT s3; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s2; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (6, 'John J. Audubon'); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s0; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (6, 'Emily Carr'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=6; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 | Emily Carr (1 row) -- Release after rollback BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; ROLLBACK TO s1; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (7, 'John J. Audubon'); ROLLBACK TO s2; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s2; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id=7; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- (0 rows) -- Recover from errors \set VERBOSITY terse BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (7, NULL); ERROR: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; COMMIT; -- Don't recover from errors BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; SAVEPOINT s2; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (7, NULL); ERROR: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint SAVEPOINT s3; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s3; ERROR: savepoint "s3" does not exist COMMIT; -- Recover from multi-shard modify errors BEGIN; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (8, 'Sogand'); SAVEPOINT s1; UPDATE artists SET name = NULL; ERROR: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint ROLLBACK TO s1; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (9, 'Mohsen Namjoo'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id IN (7, 8, 9) ORDER BY id; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | Sogand 9 | Mohsen Namjoo (2 rows) -- Recover from multi-shard copy shutdown failure. -- Constraint check for non-partition columns happen only at copy shutdown. BEGIN; DELETE FROM artists; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO artists SELECT i, NULL FROM generate_series(1, 5) i; ERROR: null value in column "name" violates not-null constraint ROLLBACK TO s1; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (10, 'Mahmoud Farshchian'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id IN (9, 10) ORDER BY id; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | Mahmoud Farshchian (1 row) -- Recover from multi-shard copy send failure. -- Constraint check for partition column happens at copy send. BEGIN; DELETE FROM artists; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO artists SELECT NULL, NULL FROM generate_series(1, 5) i; ERROR: the partition column of table multi_subtransactions.artists cannot be NULL ROLLBACK TO s1; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (11, 'Egon Schiele'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id IN (10, 11) ORDER BY id; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 | Egon Schiele (1 row) -- Recover from multi-shard copy startup failure. -- Check for existence of a value for partition columnn happens at copy startup. BEGIN; DELETE FROM artists; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO artists(name) SELECT 'a' FROM generate_series(1, 5) i; ERROR: the partition column of table multi_subtransactions.artists should have a value ROLLBACK TO s1; INSERT INTO artists VALUES (12, 'Marc Chagall'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM artists WHERE id IN (11, 12) ORDER BY id; id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | Marc Chagall (1 row) -- Recover from multi-shard CTE modify failures create table t1(a int, b int); create table t2(a int, b int CHECK(b > 0)); ALTER SEQUENCE pg_catalog.pg_dist_shardid_seq RESTART 1190000; select create_distributed_table('t1', 'a'), create_distributed_table('t2', 'a'); create_distributed_table | create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- | (1 row) begin; insert into t2 select i, i+1 from generate_series(1, 3) i; with r AS ( update t2 set b = b + 1 returning * ) insert into t1 select * from r; savepoint s1; with r AS ( update t1 set b = b - 10 returning * ) insert into t2 select * from r; ERROR: new row for relation "t2_xxxxxxx" violates check constraint "t2_b_check" rollback to savepoint s1; savepoint s2; with r AS ( update t2 set b = b - 10 returning * ) insert into t1 select * from r; ERROR: new row for relation "t2_xxxxxxx" violates check constraint "t2_b_check" rollback to savepoint s2; savepoint s3; with r AS ( insert into t2 select i, i+1 from generate_series(-10,-5) i returning * ) insert into t1 select * from r; ERROR: new row for relation "t2_xxxxxxx" violates check constraint "t2_b_check" rollback to savepoint s3; savepoint s4; with r AS ( insert into t1 select i, i+1 from generate_series(-10,-5) i returning * ) insert into t2 select * from r; ERROR: new row for relation "t2_xxxxxxx" violates check constraint "t2_b_check" rollback to savepoint s4; with r AS ( update t2 set b = b + 1 returning * ) insert into t1 select * from r; commit; select * from t2 order by a, b; a | b --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 4 2 | 5 3 | 6 (3 rows) select * from t1 order by a, b; a | b --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 3 1 | 4 2 | 4 2 | 5 3 | 5 3 | 6 (6 rows) drop table t1, t2; -- =================================================================== -- Tests for replication factor > 1 -- =================================================================== CREATE TABLE researchers ( id bigint NOT NULL, lab_id int NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL ); SET citus.shard_count TO 2; SELECT create_distributed_table('researchers', 'lab_id', 'hash'); create_distributed_table --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 row) -- Basic rollback and release BEGIN; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (7, 4, 'Jan Plaza'); SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (8, 4, 'Alonzo Church'); ROLLBACK TO s1; RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE id in (7, 8); id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | 4 | Jan Plaza (1 row) -- Recover from failure on one of nodes BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (11, 11, 'Dana Scott'); INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Stephen Kleene'); ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (12, 10, 'Stephen Kleene'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) -- Don't recover, but rollback BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block SAVEPOINT s2; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) -- Don't recover, and commit BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint RELEASE SAVEPOINT s1; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block SAVEPOINT s2; ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) -- Implicit savepoints via pl/pgsql exceptions BEGIN; DO $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (15, 10, 'Melvin Fitting'); INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); EXCEPTION WHEN not_null_violation THEN RAISE NOTICE 'caught not_null_violation'; END $$; NOTICE: caught not_null_violation COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) BEGIN; DO $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (15, 10, 'Melvin Fitting'); RAISE EXCEPTION plpgsql_error; EXCEPTION WHEN plpgsql_error THEN RAISE NOTICE 'caught manual plpgsql_error'; END $$; NOTICE: caught manual plpgsql_error COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) BEGIN; DO $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (15, 10, 'Melvin Fitting'); INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); EXCEPTION WHEN not_null_violation THEN RAISE EXCEPTION not_null_violation; -- rethrow it END $$; ERROR: not_null_violation COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene (1 row) -- Insert something after catching error. BEGIN; DO $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (15, 10, 'Melvin Fitting'); INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (NULL, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); EXCEPTION WHEN not_null_violation THEN INSERT INTO researchers VALUES (32, 10, 'Raymond Smullyan'); END $$; COMMIT; SELECT * FROM researchers WHERE lab_id=10; id | lab_id | name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 | 10 | Stephen Kleene 32 | 10 | Raymond Smullyan (2 rows) -- Verify that we don't have a memory leak in subtransactions -- See CREATE FUNCTION text2number(v_value text) RETURNS numeric LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE AS $$ BEGIN RETURN v_value::numeric; exception when others then return null; END; $$; -- if we leak at least an integer in each subxact, then size of TopTransactionSize -- will be way beyond the 50k limit. If issue #3999 happens, then this will also take -- a long time, since for each row we will create a memory context that is not destroyed -- until the end of command. SELECT max(text2number('1234')), max(public.top_transaction_context_size()) > 50000 AS leaked FROM generate_series(1, 20000); max | leaked --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1234 | f (1 row) -- Clean-up SET client_min_messages TO ERROR; DROP SCHEMA multi_subtransactions CASCADE;