/* * NOTE: All pg_temp objects must be dropped at the end of the script! * Otherwise the eventual DROP CASCADE of pg_temp when the session ends will * also drop the extension! Instead of risking problems, create our own * "temporary" schema instead. */ CREATE SCHEMA __cat_tools; CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'sql = %', sql; EXECUTE sql; END $body$; CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE create_template CONSTANT text := $template$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s( %s ) RETURNS %s AS %L $template$ ; revoke_template CONSTANT text := $template$ REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) FROM public; $template$ ; grant_template CONSTANT text := $template$ GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) TO %s; $template$ ; BEGIN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( create_template , function_name , args , options , body ) ) ; PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( revoke_template , function_name , args ) ) ; IF grants IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( grant_template , function_name , args , grants ) ) ; END IF; END $body$; /* * ACTUAL UPGRADE STARTS HERE! */ CREATE TYPE cat_tools.relation_kind AS ENUM( 'table' , 'index' , 'sequence' , 'toast table' , 'view' , 'materialized view' , 'composite type' , 'foreign table' ); CREATE TYPE cat_tools.relation_relkind AS ENUM( 'r' , 'i' , 'S' , 't' , 'v' , 'c' , 'f' , 'm' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__kind' , 'relkind cat_tools.relation_relkind' , 'cat_tools.relation_kind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT CASE relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'i' THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 't' THEN 'toast table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'c' THEN 'materialized view' WHEN 'f' THEN 'composite type' WHEN 'm' THEN 'foreign table' END::cat_tools.relation_kind $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__relkind' , 'kind cat_tools.relation_kind' , 'cat_tools.relation_relkind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT CASE kind WHEN 'table' THEN 'r' WHEN 'index' THEN 'i' WHEN 'sequence' THEN 'S' WHEN 'toast table' THEN 't' WHEN 'view' THEN 'v' WHEN 'materialized view' THEN 'c' WHEN 'composite type' THEN 'f' WHEN 'foreign table' THEN 'm' END::cat_tools.relation_relkind $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__relkind' , 'kind text' , 'cat_tools.relation_relkind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.relation__relkind(kind::cat_tools.relation_kind)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__kind' , 'relkind text' , 'cat_tools.relation_kind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.relation__kind(relkind::cat_tools.relation_relkind)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.function__arg_types' , $$arguments text$$ , $$regtype[] LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE input_arg_types regtype[]; c_template CONSTANT text := $fmt$CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.cat_tools__function__arg_types__temp_function( %s ) RETURNS %s LANGUAGE plpgsql AS 'BEGIN NULL; END' $fmt$; temp_proc regprocedure; sql text; BEGIN sql := format( c_template , arguments , 'void' ); --RAISE DEBUG 'Executing SQL %', sql; DECLARE v_type regtype; BEGIN EXECUTE sql; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_function_definition THEN v_type := (regexp_matches( SQLERRM, 'function result type must be ([^ ]+) because of' ))[1]; sql := format( c_template , arguments , v_type ); EXECUTE sql; END; /* * Get new OID. *This must be done dynamically!* Otherwise we get stuck * with a CONST oid after first compilation. The regproc cast ensures there's * only one function with this name. The cast to regprocedure is for the sake * of the DROP down below. */ EXECUTE $$SELECT 'pg_temp.cat_tools__function__arg_types__temp_function'::regproc::regprocedure$$ INTO temp_proc; SELECT INTO STRICT input_arg_types -- This is here to re-cast the array as 1-based instead of 0 based (better solutions welcome!) string_to_array(proargtypes::text,' ')::regtype[] FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = temp_proc ; -- NOTE: DROP may not accept all the argument options that CREATE does, so use temp_proc EXECUTE format( $fmt$DROP FUNCTION %s$fmt$ , temp_proc ); RETURN input_arg_types; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.function__arg_types_text' , $$arguments text$$ , $$text LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT array_to_string(cat_tools.function__arg_types($1), ', ') $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.regprocedure' , $$ function_name text , arguments text$$ , $$regprocedure LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT format( '%s(%s)' , $1 , cat_tools.function__arg_types_text($2) )::regprocedure $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); /* * END OF UPGRADE! */ DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ); DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text ); DROP SCHEMA __cat_tools;