@generated@ SET LOCAL client_min_messages = WARNING; DO $$ BEGIN CREATE ROLE cat_tools__usage NOLOGIN; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN NULL; END $$; /* * NOTE: All pg_temp objects must be dropped at the end of the script! * Otherwise the eventual DROP CASCADE of pg_temp when the session ends will * also drop the extension! Instead of risking problems, create our own * "temporary" schema instead. */ CREATE SCHEMA __cat_tools; -- Schema already created via CREATE EXTENSION GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cat_tools TO cat_tools__usage; CREATE SCHEMA _cat_tools; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.pg_class_v AS SELECT c.oid AS reloid, c.*, n.nspname AS relschema FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON( n.oid = c.relnamespace ) ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.pg_class_v FROM public; @generated@ CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'sql = %', sql; EXECUTE sql; END $body$; @generated@ /* * Temporary stub function. We do this so we can use the nice create_function * function that we're about to create to create the real version of this * function. */ CREATE FUNCTION cat_tools.function__arg_types_text(text ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS 'SELECT $1'; CREATE FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text DEFAULT NULL , comment text DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE c_simple_args CONSTANT text := cat_tools.function__arg_types_text(args); create_template CONSTANT text := $template$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s( %s ) RETURNS %s AS %L $template$ ; revoke_template CONSTANT text := $template$ REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) FROM public; $template$ ; grant_template CONSTANT text := $template$ GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) TO %s; $template$ ; comment_template CONSTANT text := $template$ COMMENT ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) IS %L; $template$ ; @generated@ BEGIN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( create_template , function_name , args , options -- TODO: Force search_path if options ~* 'definer' , body ) ) ; PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( revoke_template , function_name , c_simple_args ) ) ; IF grants IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( grant_template , function_name , c_simple_args , grants ) ) ; END IF; IF comment IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __cat_tools.exec( format( comment_template , function_name , c_simple_args , comment ) ) ; END IF; END $body$; @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.function__arg_types' , $$arguments text$$ , $$pg_catalog.regtype[] LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE input_arg_types pg_catalog.regtype[]; c_template CONSTANT text := $fmt$CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.cat_tools__function__arg_types__temp_function( %s ) RETURNS %s LANGUAGE plpgsql AS 'BEGIN NULL; END' $fmt$; temp_proc pg_catalog.regprocedure; sql text; BEGIN sql := format( c_template , arguments , 'void' ); --RAISE DEBUG 'Executing SQL %', sql; DECLARE v_type pg_catalog.regtype; BEGIN EXECUTE sql; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_function_definition THEN v_type := (regexp_matches( SQLERRM, 'function result type must be ([^ ]+) because of' ))[1]; sql := format( c_template , arguments , v_type ); EXECUTE sql; END; /* * Get new OID. *This must be done dynamically!* Otherwise we get stuck * with a CONST oid after first compilation. The regproc cast ensures there's * only one function with this name. The cast to regprocedure is for the sake * of the DROP down below. */ EXECUTE $$SELECT 'pg_temp.cat_tools__function__arg_types__temp_function'::pg_catalog.regproc::pg_catalog.regprocedure$$ INTO temp_proc; SELECT INTO STRICT input_arg_types -- This is here to re-cast the array as 1-based instead of 0 based (better solutions welcome!) string_to_array(proargtypes::text,' ')::pg_catalog.regtype[] FROM pg_proc WHERE oid = temp_proc ; -- NOTE: DROP may not accept all the argument options that CREATE does, so use temp_proc EXECUTE format( $fmt$DROP FUNCTION %s$fmt$ , temp_proc ); RETURN input_arg_types; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns argument types for a function argument body as an array. Unlike a normal regprocedure cast, this function accepts anything that is valid when defining a function.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.function__arg_types_text' , $$arguments text$$ , $$text LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT array_to_string(cat_tools.function__arg_types($1), ', ') $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns argument types for a function argument body as text. Unlike a normal regprocedure cast, this function accepts anything that is valid when defining a function.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.regprocedure' , $$ function_name text , arguments text$$ , $$pg_catalog.regprocedure LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT format( '%s(%s)' , $1 , cat_tools.function__arg_types_text($2) )::pg_catalog.regprocedure $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns a regprocedure for a given function name and arguments. Unlike a normal regprocedure cast, arguments can contain anything that is valid when defining a function.' ); @generated@ CREATE TYPE cat_tools.constraint_type AS ENUM( 'domain constraint', 'table constraint' ); COMMENT ON TYPE cat_tools.constraint_type IS $$Descriptive names for every type of Postgres object (table, operator, rule, etc)$$; CREATE TYPE cat_tools.procedure_type AS ENUM( 'aggregate', 'function' ); COMMENT ON TYPE cat_tools.procedure_type IS $$Types of constraints (`domain constraint` or `table_constraint`)$$; CREATE TYPE cat_tools.relation_type AS ENUM( 'table' , 'index' , 'sequence' , 'toast table' , 'view' , 'materialized view' , 'composite type' , 'foreign table' ); COMMENT ON TYPE cat_tools.relation_type IS $$Types of objects stored in `pg_class`$$; CREATE TYPE cat_tools.relation_relkind AS ENUM( 'r' , 'i' , 'S' , 't' , 'v' , 'c' , 'f' , 'm' ); COMMENT ON TYPE cat_tools.relation_relkind IS $$Valid values for `pg_class.relkind`$$; @generated@ CREATE TYPE cat_tools.object_type AS ENUM( -- pg_class 'table' , 'index' , 'sequence' , 'toast table' , 'view' , 'materialized view' , 'composite type' , 'foreign table' /* * NOTE! These are a bit weird because columns live in pg_attribute, but * address stuff recognizes columns as part of pg_class with a subobjid <> 0! */ , 'table column' , 'index column' , 'sequence column' , 'toast table column' , 'view column' , 'materialized view column' , 'composite type column' , 'foreign table column' -- pg_constraint -- NOTE: a domain itself is considered to be a type , 'domain constraint', 'table constraint' -- pg_proc , 'aggregate', 'function' -- This is taken from getObjectTypeDescription() in objectaddress.c in the Postgres source code , 'type' , 'cast' , 'collation' , 'conversion' , 'default value' -- pg_attrdef , 'language' , 'large object' -- pg_largeobject , 'operator' , 'operator class' -- pg_opclass , 'operator family' -- pg_opfamily , 'operator of access method' -- pg_amop , 'function of access method' -- pg_amproc , 'rule' -- pg_rewrite , 'trigger' , 'schema' -- pg_namespace , 'text search parser' -- pg_ts_parser , 'text search dictionary' -- pg_ts_dict , 'text search template' -- pg_ts_template , 'text search configuration' -- pg_ts_config , 'role' -- pg_authid , 'database' , 'tablespace' , 'foreign-data wrapper' -- pg_foreign_data_wrapper , 'server' -- pg_foreign_server , 'user mapping' -- pg_user_mapping , 'default acl' -- pg_default_acl , 'extension' , 'event trigger' -- pg_event_trigger -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , 'policy' -- SED: REQUIRES 9.5! , 'transform' -- SED: REQUIRES 9.5! , 'access method' -- pg_am ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.objects__shared' , '' , 'cat_tools.object_type[] LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT '{role,database,tablespace}'::cat_tools.object_type[] $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns array of object types for shared objects.' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.objects__shared_srf' , '' , 'SETOF cat_tools.object_type LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.unnest(cat_tools.objects__shared()) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns set of object types for shared objects.' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__is_shared' , 'object_type cat_tools.object_type' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT object_type = ANY(cat_tools.objects__shared()) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns true if object_type is a shared object.' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__is_shared' , 'object_type text' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT cat_tools.object__is_shared(object_type::cat_tools.object_type) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns true if object_type is a shared object.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.objects__address_unsupported' , '' , 'cat_tools.object_type[] LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT array[ 'toast table'::cat_tools.object_type, 'composite type' , 'index column' , 'sequence column', 'toast table column', 'view column' , 'materialized view column', 'composite type column' ] $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns array of object types not supported by pg_get_object_address().' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.objects__address_unsupported_srf' , '' , 'SETOF cat_tools.object_type LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.unnest(cat_tools.objects__address_unsupported()) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns set of object types not supported by pg_get_object_address().' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__is_address_unsupported' , 'object_type cat_tools.object_type' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT object_type = ANY(cat_tools.objects__address_unsupported()) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns true if object type is not supported by pg_get_object_address().' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__is_address_unsupported' , 'object_type text' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT cat_tools.object__is_address_unsupported(object_type::cat_tools.object_type) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns true if object type is not supported by pg_get_object_address().' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__catalog' , 'object_type cat_tools.object_type' , 'pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT ( 'pg_catalog.' || CASE WHEN object_type = ANY( array[ 'table' , 'index' , 'sequence' , 'toast table' , 'view' , 'materialized view' , 'composite type' , 'foreign table' ]::cat_tools.object_type[] ) THEN 'pg_class' WHEN object_type = ANY( '{domain constraint,table constraint}'::cat_tools.object_type[] ) THEN 'pg_constraint' WHEN object_type = ANY( '{aggregate,function}'::cat_tools.object_type[] ) THEN 'pg_proc' WHEN object_type::text LIKE '% column' THEN 'pg_attribute' ELSE CASE object_type -- Unusual cases -- s/, \(.\{-}\) -- \(.*\)/ WHEN \1 THEN '\2'/ WHEN 'default value' THEN 'pg_attrdef' WHEN 'large object' THEN 'pg_largeobject' WHEN 'operator class' THEN 'pg_opclass' WHEN 'operator family' THEN 'pg_opfamily' WHEN 'operator of access method' THEN 'pg_amop' WHEN 'function of access method' THEN 'pg_amproc' WHEN 'rule' THEN 'pg_rewrite' WHEN 'schema' THEN 'pg_namespace' WHEN 'text search parser' THEN 'pg_ts_parser' WHEN 'text search dictionary' THEN 'pg_ts_dict' WHEN 'text search template' THEN 'pg_ts_template' WHEN 'text search configuration' THEN 'pg_ts_config' WHEN 'role' THEN 'pg_authid' WHEN 'foreign-data wrapper' THEN 'pg_foreign_data_wrapper' WHEN 'server' THEN 'pg_foreign_server' WHEN 'user mapping' THEN 'pg_user_mapping' WHEN 'default acl' THEN 'pg_default_acl' WHEN 'event trigger' THEN 'pg_event_trigger' -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! WHEN 'access method' THEN 'pg_am' ELSE 'pg_' || object_type::text END END )::pg_catalog.regclass $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns catalog table that is used to store objects' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__catalog' , 'object_type text' , 'pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.object__catalog(object_type::cat_tools.object_type)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns catalog table that is used to store objects' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__address_classid' , 'object_type cat_tools.object_type' , 'pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT CASE WHEN c = 'pg_catalog.pg_attribute'::regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass ELSE c END FROM cat_tools.object__catalog(object_type::cat_tools.object_type) c $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the classid used by the pg_*_object*() functions for an object_type' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__address_classid' , 'object_type text' , 'pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.object__address_classid(object_type::cat_tools.object_type)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the classid used by the pg_*_object*() functions for an object_type' ); @generated@ CREATE TABLE _cat_tools.catalog_metadata( object_catalog pg_catalog.regclass CONSTRAINT catalog_metadata__pk_object_catalog PRIMARY KEY , namespace_field name , reg_type pg_catalog.regtype , simple_reg_type pg_catalog.regtype ); -- Table is populated later, after enum_range_srf is created SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( '_cat_tools.catalog_metadata__get' , 'object_catalog _cat_tools.catalog_metadata.object_catalog%TYPE' , '_cat_tools.catalog_metadata LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE' -- Technically should be STABLE , $body$ DECLARE o _cat_tools.catalog_metadata; BEGIN SELECT INTO STRICT o * FROM _cat_tools.catalog_metadata m WHERE m.object_catalog = catalog_metadata__get.object_catalog ; RETURN o; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__reg_type' , 'object_catalog pg_catalog.regclass' , 'pg_catalog.regtype LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT (_cat_tools.catalog_metadata__get(object_catalog)).reg_type $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the object identifier type (ie: regclass) associated with a system catalog (ie: pg_class).' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__reg_type' , 'object_type cat_tools.object_type' , 'pg_catalog.regtype LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.object__reg_type(cat_tools.object__catalog(object_type))$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the object identifier type (ie: regclass) associated with a system catalog (ie: pg_class).' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__reg_type' , 'object_type text' , 'pg_catalog.regtype LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.object__reg_type(object_type::cat_tools.object_type)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the object identifier type (ie: regclass) associated with a system catalog (ie: pg_class).' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.object__reg_type_catalog' , 'object_identifier_type regtype' , 'pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ DECLARE cat pg_catalog.regclass; BEGIN SELECT INTO STRICT cat object_catalog FROM _cat_tools.catalog_metadata m WHERE m.reg_type = object_identifier_type OR m.simple_reg_type = object_identifier_type ; RETURN cat; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN IF object_identifier_type::text LIKE 'reg%' THEN RAISE 'object identifier type % is not supported', object_identifier_type USING HINT = format( 'If %I is a valid object identifier type please open an issue on github.', object_identifier_type ) , ERRCODE = 'feature_not_supported' ; ELSE RAISE '% is not a object identifier type', object_identifier_type USING HINT = 'See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-oid.html' , ERRCODE = 'wrong_object_type' ; END IF; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Returns the system catalog that stores a particular object identifier type.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__kind' , 'relkind cat_tools.relation_relkind' , 'cat_tools.relation_type LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT CASE relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'i' THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 't' THEN 'toast table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'c' THEN 'materialized view' WHEN 'f' THEN 'composite type' WHEN 'm' THEN 'foreign table' END::cat_tools.relation_type $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Mapping from to a ' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__relkind' , 'kind cat_tools.relation_type' , 'cat_tools.relation_relkind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$ SELECT CASE kind WHEN 'table' THEN 'r' WHEN 'index' THEN 'i' WHEN 'sequence' THEN 'S' WHEN 'toast table' THEN 't' WHEN 'view' THEN 'v' WHEN 'materialized view' THEN 'c' WHEN 'composite type' THEN 'f' WHEN 'foreign table' THEN 'm' END::cat_tools.relation_relkind $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Mapping from to a value' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__relkind' , 'kind text' , 'cat_tools.relation_relkind LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.relation__relkind(kind::cat_tools.relation_type)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Mapping from to a value' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.relation__kind' , 'relkind text' , 'cat_tools.relation_type LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE' , $body$SELECT cat_tools.relation__kind(relkind::cat_tools.relation_relkind)$body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Mapping from to a value' ); @generated@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.pg_depend_identity_v AS -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! SELECT o.type AS object_type -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , o.schema AS object_schema -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , o.name AS object_name -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , o.identity AS object_identity -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.type AS reference_type -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.schema AS reference_schema -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.name AS reference_name -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.identity AS reference_identity -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , d.* -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend d -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , pg_catalog.pg_identify_object(classid, objid, objsubid) o -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , pg_catalog.pg_identify_object(refclassid, refobjid, refobjsubid) r -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! WHERE classid <> 0 -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! UNION ALL -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.type AS reference_type -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.schema AS reference_schema -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.name AS reference_name -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , r.identity AS reference_identity -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , d.* -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend d -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! , pg_catalog.pg_identify_object(refclassid, refobjid, refobjsubid) r -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! WHERE classid = 0 -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! ; -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! @generated@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.pg_class_v AS SELECT * FROM _cat_tools.pg_class_v /* * Oddly, there's no security associated with schema or table visibility. * Be a bit paranoid though. */ WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(relnamespace) AND relkind IN( 'r', 'v', 'f' ) ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.pg_class_v TO cat_tools__usage; @generated@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v AS SELECT a.* , c.* , t.oid AS typoid , t.* FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN _cat_tools.pg_class_v c ON ( c.reloid = a.attrelid ) LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON ( t.oid = a.atttypid ) ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v FROM public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW _cat_tools.column AS SELECT * , pg_catalog.format_type(typoid, atttypmod) AS column_type , CASE typtype -- domain WHEN 'd' THEN pg_catalog.format_type(typbasetype, typtypmod) -- enum WHEN 'e' THEN 'text' ELSE pg_catalog.format_type(typoid, atttypmod) END AS base_type , pk.conkey AS pk_columns , ARRAY[attnum] <@ pk.conkey AS is_pk_member , (SELECT pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef ) AS column_default FROM _cat_tools.pg_attribute_v a LEFT JOIN pg_constraint pk ON ( reloid = pk.conrelid ) AND pk.contype = 'p' ; REVOKE ALL ON _cat_tools.column FROM public; @generated@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.column AS SELECT * FROM _cat_tools.column -- SECURITY WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(relnamespace) AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped AND relkind IN( 'r', 'v', 'f' ) AND ( pg_has_role(SESSION_USER, relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_column_privilege(SESSION_USER, reloid, attnum, 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text) ) ORDER BY relschema, relname, attnum ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.column TO cat_tools__usage; -- Borrowed from newsysviews: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/newsysviews/ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( '_cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array' , 'OID, SMALLINT[]' , 'NAME[] LANGUAGE sql STABLE' , $$ SELECT ARRAY( SELECT a.attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN generate_series(1, array_upper($2, 1)) s(i) ON a.attnum = $2[i] WHERE attrelid = $1 ORDER BY i ) $$ ); @generated@ -- Borrowed from newsysviews: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/newsysviews/ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( '_cat_tools._pg_sv_table_accessible' , 'OID, OID' , 'boolean LANGUAGE sql STABLE' , $$ SELECT CASE WHEN has_schema_privilege($1, 'USAGE') THEN ( has_table_privilege($2, 'SELECT') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'INSERT') or has_table_privilege($2, 'UPDATE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'DELETE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'RULE') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'REFERENCES') OR has_table_privilege($2, 'TRIGGER') ) ELSE FALSE END; $$ ); @generated@ -- Borrowed from newsysviews: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/newsysviews/ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cat_tools.pg_all_foreign_keys AS SELECT n1.nspname AS fk_schema_name, c1.relname AS fk_table_name, k1.conname AS fk_constraint_name, c1.oid AS fk_table_oid, _cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array(k1.conrelid,k1.conkey) AS fk_columns, n2.nspname AS pk_schema_name, c2.relname AS pk_table_name, k2.conname AS pk_constraint_name, c2.oid AS pk_table_oid, ci.relname AS pk_index_name, _cat_tools._pg_sv_column_array(k1.confrelid,k1.confkey) AS pk_columns, CASE k1.confmatchtype WHEN 'f' THEN 'FULL' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PARTIAL' WHEN 'u' THEN 'NONE' else null END AS match_type, CASE k1.confdeltype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' -- @generated@ WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' else null END AS on_delete, CASE k1.confupdtype WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT' WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT' ELSE NULL END AS on_update, k1.condeferrable AS is_deferrable, -- @generated@ k1.condeferred AS is_deferred FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint k1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON (n1.oid = k1.connamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c1 ON (c1.oid = k1.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c2 ON (c2.oid = k1.confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n2 ON (n2.oid = c2.relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend d ON ( d.classid = 'pg_constraint'::pg_catalog.regclass -- @generated@ AND d.objid = k1.oid AND d.objsubid = 0 AND d.deptype = 'n' AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::pg_catalog.regclass AND d.refobjsubid=0 ) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = d.refobjid AND ci.relkind = 'i') LEFT JOIN pg_depend d2 ON ( d2.classid = 'pg_class'::pg_catalog.regclass -- @generated@ AND d2.objid = ci.oid AND d2.objsubid = 0 AND d2.deptype = 'i' AND d2.refclassid = 'pg_constraint'::pg_catalog.regclass AND d2.refobjsubid = 0 ) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint k2 ON ( -- @generated@ k2.oid = d2.refobjid AND k2.contype IN ('p', 'u') ) WHERE k1.conrelid != 0 AND k1.confrelid != 0 AND k1.contype = 'f' AND _cat_tools._pg_sv_table_accessible(n1.oid, c1.oid) ; GRANT SELECT ON cat_tools.pg_all_foreign_keys TO cat_tools__usage; @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.pg_attribute__get' , $$ relation pg_catalog.regclass , column_name name $$ , $$pg_catalog.pg_attribute LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE r pg_catalog.pg_attribute; BEGIN SELECT INTO STRICT r * FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = relation AND attname = column_name ; RETURN r; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE 'column "%" of relation "%" does not exist', column_name, relation USING ERRCODE = 'undefined_column' ; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.get_serial_sequence' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$pg_catalog.regclass LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE seq pg_catalog.regclass; BEGIN -- Note: the function will throw an error if table or column doesn't exist seq := pg_get_serial_sequence( table_name, column_name ); IF seq IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '"%" is not a serial column', column_name USING ERRCODE = 'wrong_object_type' -- TODO: SCHEMA and COLUMN , COLUMN = column_name -- SED: REQUIRES 9.3! ; END IF; RETURN seq; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Return sequence that is associated with a column. Unlike the pg_get_serial_sequence, throw an exception if there is no sequence associated with the column.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.sequence__last' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT pg_catalog.currval(cat_tools.get_serial_sequence($1,$2))' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Return the last value assigned to a column with an associated sequence.' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.currval' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT cat_tools.sequence__last($1,$2)' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Return the last value assigned to a column with an associated sequence.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.sequence__next' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT pg_catalog.nextval(cat_tools.get_serial_sequence($1,$2))' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Return the next value to assign to a column with an associated sequence. THIS ADVANCES THE SEQUENCE.' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.nextval' , $$ table_name text , column_name text $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT cat_tools.sequence__next($1,$2)' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Return the next value to assign to a column with an associated sequence. THIS ADVANCES THE SEQUENCE.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.setval' , $$ table_name text , column_name text , new_value bigint , has_been_used boolean DEFAULT true $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT pg_catalog.setval(cat_tools.get_serial_sequence($1,$2), $3, $4)' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Changes the value for a sequence associated with a column. If has_been_used is true, the sequence will be set to new_value + 1. Returns new_value. See also sequence__set_last() and sequence__set_next().' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.sequence__set_last' , $$ table_name text , column_name text , last_value bigint $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT cat_tools.setval($1,$2,$3,true)' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Changes the value for a sequence associated with a column. last_value is the last value used, so sequence is set to last_value+1. See also sequence__set_next().' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.sequence__set_next' , $$ table_name text , column_name text , next_value bigint $$ , $$bigint LANGUAGE sql$$ , 'SELECT cat_tools.setval($1,$2,$3,false)' , 'cat_tools__usage' , 'Changes the value for a sequence associated with a column. next_value is the next value the sequence will assign. See also sequence__last_value.' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.enum_range' , 'enum pg_catalog.regtype' , $$text[] LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE$$ , $body$ DECLARE ret text[]; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT pg_catalog.enum_range( NULL::%s )', enum) INTO ret; RETURN ret; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.enum_range_srf' , 'enum pg_catalog.regtype' , $$SETOF text LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT * FROM unnest( cat_tools.enum_range($1) ) AS r(enum_label) $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.pg_class' , 'rel pg_catalog.regclass' , $$cat_tools.pg_class_v LANGUAGE sql STABLE$$ , $body$ SELECT * FROM cat_tools.pg_class_v WHERE reloid = $1 $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.name__check' , 'name_to_check text' , $$void LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ BEGIN IF name_to_check IS DISTINCT FROM name_to_check::name THEN RAISE '"%" becomes "%" when cast to name', name_to_check, name_to_check::name; END IF; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__parse' , $$ trigger_oid oid , OUT timing text , OUT events text[] , OUT defer text , OUT row_statement text , OUT when_clause text , OUT function_arguments text $$ , $$record LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE r_trigger pg_catalog.pg_trigger; v_triggerdef text; v_create_stanza text; v_on_clause text; v_execute_clause text; v_work text; v_array text[]; BEGIN -- Do this first to make sure trigger exists v_triggerdef := pg_catalog.pg_get_triggerdef(trigger_oid, true); SELECT * INTO STRICT r_trigger FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger WHERE oid = trigger_oid; v_create_stanza := format( 'CREATE %sTRIGGER %I ' , CASE WHEN r_trigger.tgconstraint=0 THEN '' ELSE 'CONSTRAINT ' END , r_trigger.tgname ); -- Strip CREATE [CONSTRAINT] TRIGGER ... off v_work := replace( v_triggerdef, v_create_stanza, '' ); -- Get BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF timing := split_part( v_work, ' ', 1 ); timing := timing || CASE timing WHEN 'INSTEAD' THEN ' OF' ELSE '' END; -- Strip off timing clause v_work := replace( v_work, timing || ' ', '' ); -- Get array of events (INSERT, UPDATE [OF column, column], DELETE, TRUNCATE) v_on_clause := ' ON ' || r_trigger.tgrelid::pg_catalog.regclass || ' '; v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, v_on_clause ); events := string_to_array( v_array[1], ' OR ' ); -- Get everything after ON table_name v_work := v_array[2]; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; -- Strip off FROM referenced_table if we have it IF r_trigger.tgconstrrelid<>0 THEN v_work := replace( v_work , 'FROM ' || r_trigger.tgconstrrelid::pg_catalog.regclass || ' ' , '' ); END IF; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; -- Get function arguments v_execute_clause := ' EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || r_trigger.tgfoid::pg_catalog.regproc || E'\\('; v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, v_execute_clause ); function_arguments := rtrim( v_array[2], ')' ); -- Yank trailing ) -- Get everything prior to EXECUTE PROCEDURE ... v_work := v_array[1]; RAISE DEBUG 'v_work "%"', v_work; row_statement := (regexp_matches( v_work, 'FOR EACH (ROW|STATEMENT)' ))[1]; -- Get [ NOT DEFERRABLE | [ DEFERRABLE ] { INITIALLY IMMEDIATE | INITIALLY DEFERRED } ] v_array := regexp_split_to_array( v_work, 'FOR EACH (ROW|STATEMENT)' ); RAISE DEBUG 'v_work = "%", v_array = "%"', v_work, v_array; defer := rtrim(v_array[1]); IF r_trigger.tgqual IS NOT NULL THEN when_clause := rtrim( (regexp_split_to_array( v_array[2], E' WHEN \\(' ))[2] , ')' ); END IF; RAISE DEBUG $$v_create_stanza = "%" v_on_clause = "%" v_execute_clause = "%"$$ , v_create_stanza , v_on_clause , v_execute_clause ; RETURN; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__get_oid__loose' , $$ trigger_table pg_catalog.regclass , trigger_name text $$ , $$oid LANGUAGE sql$$ , $body$ SELECT oid FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = $1 --trigger_table AND tgname = $2 --trigger_name ; $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ SELECT __cat_tools.create_function( 'cat_tools.trigger__get_oid' , $$ trigger_table pg_catalog.regclass , trigger_name text $$ , $$oid LANGUAGE plpgsql$$ , $body$ DECLARE v_oid oid; BEGIN -- Note that because __loose isn't an SRF it'll always return a value v_oid := cat_tools.trigger__get_oid__loose( trigger_table, trigger_name ) ; IF v_oid IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'trigger % on table % does not exist', trigger_name, trigger_table; END IF; RETURN v_oid; END $body$ , 'cat_tools__usage' ); @generated@ INSERT INTO _cat_tools.catalog_metadata(object_catalog, reg_type, namespace_field) SELECT object__catalog , CASE object__catalog WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regclass' WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_ts_config'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regconfig' WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_ts_dict'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regdictionary' WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_namespace'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regnamespace' -- SED: REQUIRES 9.5! WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_operator'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regoperator' WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regprocedure' WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_authid'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regrole' -- SED: REQUIRES 9.5! WHEN 'pg_catalog.pg_type'::pg_catalog.regclass THEN 'pg_catalog.regtype' END::pg_catalog.regtype , n.attname FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT cat_tools.object__catalog(object_type) FROM cat_tools.enum_range_srf('cat_tools.object_type') r(object_type) ) d LEFT JOIN cat_tools.column n ON n.attrelid = object__catalog AND n.attname ~ 'namespace$' AND atttypid = 'oid'::pg_catalog.regtype ; UPDATE _cat_tools.catalog_metadata SET simple_reg_type = 'pg_catalog.regproc' WHERE object_catalog = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::pg_catalog.regclass ; UPDATE _cat_tools.catalog_metadata SET simple_reg_type = 'pg_catalog.regoper' WHERE object_catalog = 'pg_catalog.pg_operator'::pg_catalog.regclass ; -- Cluster to get rid of dead rows CLUSTER _cat_tools.catalog_metadata USING catalog_metadata__pk_object_catalog; @generated@ /* * Drop "temporary" objects */ DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.exec( sql text ); DROP FUNCTION __cat_tools.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , grants text , comment text ); DROP SCHEMA __cat_tools; -- vi: expandtab ts=2 sw=2