-- BITMAP SAMPLING ESTIMATOR -- bitmap estimator (shell type) CREATE TYPE bitmap_estimator; -- get estimator size for the requested error rate / number of distinct items CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_size(error_rate real, ndistinct int) RETURNS int AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_size' LANGUAGE C; -- creates a new bitmap estimator with a given error / number of distinct items CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_init(error_rate real, ndistinct int) RETURNS bitmap_estimator AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_init' LANGUAGE C; -- add an item to the estimator CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_add_item(counter bitmap_estimator, item anyelement) RETURNS void AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_add_item' LANGUAGE C; -- get current estimate of the distinct values (as a real number) CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_get_estimate(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS real AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_get_estimate' LANGUAGE C STRICT; -- get error rate used when creating the estimator (as a real number) CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_get_error(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS real AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_get_error' LANGUAGE C STRICT; -- get expected number of distinct values used when creating the estimator (int) CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_get_ndistinct(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS int AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_get_ndistinct' LANGUAGE C STRICT; -- reset the estimator (start counting from the beginning) CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_reset(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS void AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_reset' LANGUAGE C STRICT; -- length of the estimator (about the same as adaptive_size with existing estimator) CREATE FUNCTION length(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS int AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_length' LANGUAGE C STRICT; /* function for aggregate functions */ CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_add_item_agg(counter bitmap_estimator, item anyelement, error_rate real, ndistinct integer) RETURNS bitmap_estimator AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_add_item_agg' LANGUAGE C; CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_add_item_agg2(counter bitmap_estimator, item anyelement) RETURNS bitmap_estimator AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_add_item_agg2' LANGUAGE C; /* input/output function */ CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_in(value cstring) RETURNS bitmap_estimator AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_in' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION bitmap_out(counter bitmap_estimator) RETURNS cstring AS '$libdir/bitmap_counter', 'bitmap_out' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- data type for the s-bitmap based distinct estimator CREATE TYPE bitmap_estimator ( INPUT = bitmap_in, OUTPUT = bitmap_out, LIKE = bytea ); -- s-bitmap based aggregate (item, error rate, ndistinct) CREATE AGGREGATE bitmap_distinct(anyelement, real, int) ( sfunc = bitmap_add_item_agg, stype = bitmap_estimator, finalfunc = bitmap_get_estimate ); -- s-bitmap based aggregate (item) CREATE AGGREGATE bitmap_distinct(anyelement) ( sfunc = bitmap_add_item_agg2, stype = bitmap_estimator, finalfunc = bitmap_get_estimate ); -- build the counter(s), but does not perform the final estimation (i.e. can be used to pre-aggregate data) -- parameters: item, error_rate, ndistinct CREATE AGGREGATE bitmap_accum(anyelement, real, int) ( sfunc = bitmap_add_item_agg, stype = bitmap_estimator ); -- parameters: item CREATE AGGREGATE bitmap_accum(anyelement) ( sfunc = bitmap_add_item_agg2, stype = bitmap_estimator ); -- evaluates the estimate (for an estimator) CREATE OPERATOR # ( PROCEDURE = bitmap_get_estimate, RIGHTARG = bitmap_estimator );