# BedquiltDB Spec ## Overview This document specifies a high-level interface to BedquiltDB. The examples will be given in a pseudo-python language. ## Connections - Connect to a PostgreSQL database directly: `db = bedquilt.BedquiltClient("localhost/bedquilt_test")` - Get a collection from the database: `coll = db[‘people’]` ## Database Operations ## Create Collection Create a collection. Does nothing if the collection already exists. Params: - collectionName::String Returns: Boolean indicating whether the collection was created. Examples: ``` db.create_collection("people") ``` ## Delete Collection Delete a collection. Does nothing if the collection does not exist. Params: - collectionName::String Returns: Boolean indicating whether the collection was deleted. Examples: ``` db.delete_collection("people") ``` ## List Collections Get a list of collection names. Params: None Returns: List of string names of collections. Examples: ``` for collection_name in db.list_collections(): print collection_name ``` ## Collection Operations ### Create Index: Add an index to the collection. The spec is a json-like map where the keys are field names and the values are numbers. positive numbers correspond to ascending index, negative numbers to descending index. If unique is true, then the index will enforce uniqueness. Params: - spec::Map - unique::Boolean (default False) Returns: None Examples: ``` coll.create_index({"name": 1}) ``` ### Delete Index Remove an index from the collection. Params: - spec::Map Returns: None Examples: ``` coll.delete_index({"name": 1}) ``` ### Add Constraint Adds a constraint to the fields of this collection. The spec describes the fields which should be constrained, and how. This will validate all existing documents in the collection before applying. Further writes to this collection will be validated before writing, and will fail if the written document does not satisfy the constraints. Spec Options: - $required (Boolean) : Enforces that this field must be present in all documents - $notnull (Boolean) : Field must never have a null value - $type (String) : enforce the type of this field, options are "string", "number|double|float", "array", "object" Params: - spec::Map Returns: Boolean indicating success or failure Examples: ``` coll.add_constraint({"name": {"$required": True, "$notnull": True, "$type": "string", "$unique": False}}) ``` ### Insert Insert a document into the collection. If the document does not contain an \_id field, one will be generated and added to the document before insertion. If an \_id is supplied and there already exists a document in this collection with the same \_id, that is an error. Params: - doc::Map Returns: String representing the \_id field of the document Examples: ``` _id = coll.insert({"_id": "sarah@example.com", "name": "Sarah Bingham", "age": 42, "likes": ["icecream", "code", "hockey"]}) ``` ### Save Write a document to the collection. If an \_id is supplied and there already exists a document in this collection with the same \_id, that document will be replaced with this one. If the document does not contain an \_id field, one will be generated and added to the document before insertion as a new document. Params: - doc::Map Returns: String representing the \_id field of the document Examples: ``` _id = coll.insert({"_id": "sarah@example.com", "name": "Sarah Bingham", "age": 42, "likes": ["icecream", "code", "hockey"]}) sarah_doc = coll.find_one(_id) sarah_doc[‘likes’].append("music") coll.save(sarah_doc) ``` ### Find One Retrieve the first document which matches the provided query document from the collection. The filter specifies the structure of the returned document. Params: - query::Map - filter::Map (optional) Returns: A single document, or null if none could be found. Examples: ``` likes = coll.find_one({"name": "Sarah Bingham"}, {"likes": 1}) ``` ### Find Retrieve a sequence of documents which match the provided query document. if `skip` is supplied, that number of documents are skipped. If `limit` is supplied, the result sequence is limited to that number of documents. The `sort` parameter is an array of `key->integer` maps, where the key is the name of the field to sort by and the integer indicates ascending (1) or descending (-1) ordering. If the sort array contains more than one value, the sorts are applied in that order. For example `[{age: 1}, {name: 1}]` means "sort by age, then by name". Params: - query::Map - skip::Integer (optional, default 0) - limit::Integer (optional, default null) - sort::Array (optional, default null) Returns: a (possibly empty) sequence of documents. Examples: ``` people_who_like_icecream = coll.find( {"likes": ["icecream"]} ) coll.find( {"likes": ["icecream"]}, skip=4, limit=2, sort=[{"age": 1}] ) coll.find( {"likes": ["icecream"]}, skip=4, limit=2, sort=[{"age": 1, "name": -1}] ) ``` ### Find One By Id Retrieve the document whose `_id` field matches the supplied value. Params: - id::String Returns: A single document, or null if none could be found. Examples: ``` likes = coll.find_one_by_id("sarah@example.com") ``` ### Find Many By Ids Retrieve documents whose `_id` field is in the supplied list of ids. Params: - ids::List[String] Returns: a (possibly empty) sequence of documents. Examples: ``` orders = coll.find_many_by_ids(["X224", "X573", "X248"]) ``` ### Remove Remove documents matching the query. Params: - query::Map - multi::Boolean (default False) Returns: Number, representing the number of documents removed Examples: ``` removed = coll.remove({"likes": ["pears"]}, multi=True) ``` ### Update Update documents in collection with new data. The operations map supports the following update operations: - $set : set fields to values - $unset : unset, or remove specified fields Params: - query::Map - operations::Map Examples: ``` coll.update({"_id": "some_id"}, {"$set": {"description": "A nice thing"}) coll.update({"likes": ["jazz"]}, {"$set": {"goodPerson": True}}) coll.update({"likes": ["pineapple"]}, {"$unset": {"goodPerson": 1}}) ``` ### Update One Todo ### Update One By Id Todo