# Core API This page describes the sql functions which make up the bedquilt extension. ---- ---- ---- ---- ## bq\_generate\_id - params: `None` - returns: `char(24)` - language: `plpgsql` Generate a random string ID. Used by the insert function to populate the '_id' field if missing. ## bq\_doc\_set\_key - params: `i_jdoc json, i_key text, i_val anyelement` - returns: `json` - language: `plpgsql` Set a key in a json document. ## bq\_collection\_exists - params: `None` - returns: `boolean` - language: `plpgsql` Check if a collection exists. Currently does a simple check for a table with the specified name. ## bq\_check\_id\_type - params: `i_jdoc json` - returns: `VOID` - language: `plpgsql` Ensure the _id field of the supplied json document is a string value. If it's not, an exception is raised. Ideally, the client should validate this is the case before submitting to the server. ## bq\_create\_collection - params: `i_coll text` - returns: `BOOLEAN` - language: `plpgsql` Create a collection with the specified name ## bq\_list\_collections - params: `None` - returns: `table(collection_name text)` - language: `plpgsql` Get a list of existing collections. This checks information_schema for tables matching the expected structure. ## bq\_delete\_collection - params: `i_coll text` - returns: `BOOLEAN` - language: `plpgsql` Delete/drop a collection. At the moment, this just drops whatever table matches the collection name. ## bq\_find\_one - params: `i_coll text, i_json_query json` - returns: `table(bq_jdoc json)` - language: `plpgsql` find one ## bq\_find\_one\_by\_id - params: `i_coll text, i_id text` - returns: `table(bq_jdoc json)` - language: `plpgsql` ## bq\_find - params: `i_coll text, i_json_query json` - returns: `table(bq_jdoc json)` - language: `plpgsql` find many documents ## bq\_insert - params: `i_coll text, i_jdoc json` - returns: `text` - language: `plpgsql` insert document ## bq\_remove - params: `i_coll text, i_jdoc json` - returns: `setof integer` - language: `plpgsql` remove documents ## bq\_remove\_one - params: `i_coll text, i_jdoc json` - returns: `setof integer` - language: `plpgsql` remove one document ## bq\_remove\_one\_by\_id - params: `i_coll text, i_id text` - returns: `setof boolean` - language: `plpgsql` remove one document ## bq\_save - params: `i_coll text, i_jdoc json` - returns: `text` - language: `plpgsql` save document