/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ LOAD 'age'; SET search_path TO ag_catalog; SELECT create_graph('cypher_vle'); -- -- Create table to hold the start and end vertices to test the SRF -- CREATE TABLE start_and_end_points (start_vertex agtype, end_vertex agtype); -- Create a graph to test SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$CREATE (b:begin)-[:edge {name: 'main edge', number: 1, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}}]->(u1:middle)-[:edge {name: 'main edge', number: 2, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}, packages: [2,4,6]}]->(u2:middle)-[:edge {name: 'main edge', number: 3, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}}]->(u3:middle)-[:edge {name: 'main edge', number: 4, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}}]->(e:end), (u1)-[:self_loop {name: 'self loop', number: 1, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}}]->(u1), (e)-[:self_loop {name: 'self loop', number: 2, dangerous: {type: "all", level: "all"}}]->(e), (b)-[:alternate_edge {name: 'alternate edge', number: 1, packages: [2,4,6], dangerous: {type: "poisons", level: "all"}}]->(u1), (u2)-[:alternate_edge {name: 'alternate edge', number: 2, packages: [2,4,6], dangerous: {type: "poisons", level: "all"}}]->(u3), (u3)-[:alternate_edge {name: 'alternate edge', number: 3, packages: [2,4,6], dangerous: {type: "poisons", level: "all"}}]->(e), (u2)-[:bypass_edge {name: 'bypass edge', number: 1, packages: [1,3,5,7]}]->(e), (e)-[:alternate_edge {name: 'backup edge', number: 1, packages: [1,3,5,7]}]->(u3), (u3)-[:alternate_edge {name: 'backup edge', number: 2, packages: [1,3,5,7]}]->(u2), (u2)-[:bypass_edge {name: 'bypass edge', number: 2, packages: [1,3,5,7], dangerous: {type: "poisons", level: "all"}}]->(b) RETURN b, e $$) AS (b agtype, e agtype); -- Insert start and end points for graph INSERT INTO start_and_end_points (SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (b:begin)-[:edge]->()-[:edge]->()-[:edge]->()-[:edge]->(e:end) RETURN b, e $$) AS (b agtype, e agtype)); -- Display our points SELECT * FROM start_and_end_points; -- Count the total paths from left (start) to right (end) -[]-> should be 400 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '1'::agtype) group by ctid; -- Count the total paths from right (end) to left (start) <-[]- should be 2 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '-1'::agtype) group by ctid; -- Count the total paths undirectional -[]- should be 7092 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '0'::agtype) group by ctid; -- All paths of length 3 -[]-> should be 2 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '1'::agtype); -- All paths of length 3 <-[]- should be 1 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '-1'::agtype); -- All paths of length 3 -[]- should be 12 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '3'::agtype, '0'::agtype); -- Test edge label matching - should match 1 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '1'::agtype); -- Test scalar property matching - should match 1 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {"name": "main edge"}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '1'::agtype); -- Test object property matching - should match 4 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {"dangerous": {"type": "all", "level": "all"}}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '1'::agtype); -- Test array property matching - should match 2 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {"packages": [1,3,5,7]}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '0'::agtype); -- Test array property matching - should match 1 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {"packages": [2,4,6]}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '0'::agtype); -- Test object property matching - should match 1 SELECT count(edges) FROM start_and_end_points, age_vle( '"cypher_vle"'::agtype, start_vertex, end_vertex, '{"id": 1111111111111111, "label": "", "end_id": 2222222222222222, "start_id": 333333333333333, "properties": {"dangerous": {"type": "poisons", "level": "all"}}}::edge'::agtype, '1'::agtype, 'null'::agtype, '0'::agtype); -- Test the VLE match integration -- Each should find 400 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*]->(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*..]->(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*0..]->(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*1..]->(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*1..200]->(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 2 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[*]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[*..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[*0..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[*1..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[*1..200]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 7092 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*0..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*1..]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[*1..200]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge*]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge* {name: "main edge"}]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[* {name: "main edge"}]-(v:end) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH ()<-[*4..4 {name: "main edge"}]-() RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u)<-[*4..4 {name: "main edge"}]-() RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH ()<-[*4..4 {name: "main edge"}]-(v) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 2922 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH ()-[*]->() RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u)-[*]->() RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH ()-[*]->(v) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Should find 2 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)<-[e*]-(v:end) RETURN e $$) AS (e agtype); -- Should find 5 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(:begin)<-[*1..1]-()-[]-() RETURN p ORDER BY p $$) AS (e agtype); -- Should find 2922 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=()-[*]->(v) RETURN count(*) $$) AS (e agtype); -- Should find 2 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[*3..3]->(v:end) RETURN p $$) AS (e agtype); -- Should find 12 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[*3..3]-(v:end) RETURN p $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should find 2 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)<-[*]-(v:end) RETURN p $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)<-[e*]-(v:end) RETURN p $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)<-[e*]-(v:end) RETURN e $$) AS (e agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(:begin)<-[*]-()<-[]-(:end) RETURN p $$) AS (e agtype); -- Each should return 31 SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1]->(v)-[e2]->() RETURN e1,e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1*1..1]->(v)-[e2*1..1]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (v)-[e1*1..1]->()-[e2*1..1]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1]->(v)-[e2*1..1]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1]->()-[e2*1..1]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1*1..1]->(v)-[e2]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[e1*1..1]->()-[e2]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (a)-[e1]->(a)-[e2*1..1]->() RETURN e1, e2 $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (a) MATCH (a)-[e1*1..1]->(v) RETURN e1 $$) AS (e1 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (a) MATCH ()-[e1*1..1]->(a) RETURN e1 $$) AS (e1 agtype); SELECT count(*) FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (a)-[e*1..1]->() RETURN a, e $$) AS (e1 agtype, e2 agtype); -- Should return 1 path SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH p=()<-[e1*]-(:end)-[e2*]->(:begin) RETURN p $$) AS (result agtype); -- Each should return 3 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[e*0..1]->(v) RETURN id(u), e, id(v) $$) AS (u agtype, e agtype, v agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[e*0..1]->(v) RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); -- Each should return 5 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH (u)-[e*0..0]->(v) RETURN id(u), e, id(v) $$) AS (u agtype, e agtype, v agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=(u)-[e*0..0]->(v) RETURN id(u), p, id(v) $$) AS (u agtype, p agtype, v agtype); -- Each should return 13 and will be the same SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=()-[*0..0]->()-[]->() RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$MATCH p=()-[]->()-[*0..0]->() RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); -- -- Test VLE inside of a BEGIN/COMMIT block -- BEGIN; SELECT create_graph('mygraph'); /* should create 1 path with 1 edge */ SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $$ CREATE (a:Node {name: 'a'})-[:Edge]->(c:Node {name: 'c'}) $$) AS (g1 agtype); /* should return 1 path with 1 edge */ SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $$ MATCH p = ()-[:Edge*]->() RETURN p $$) AS (g2 agtype); /* should delete the original path and replace it with a path with 2 edges */ SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $$ MATCH (a:Node {name: 'a'})-[e:Edge]->(c:Node {name: 'c'}) DELETE e CREATE (a)-[:Edge]->(:Node {name: 'b'})-[:Edge]->(c) $$) AS (g3 agtype); /* should find 2 paths with 1 edge */ SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $$ MATCH p = ()-[:Edge]->() RETURN p $$) AS (g4 agtype); /* should return 3 paths, 2 with 1 edge, 1 with 2 edges */ SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $$ MATCH p = ()-[:Edge*]->() RETURN p $$) AS (g5 agtype); SELECT drop_graph('mygraph', true); COMMIT; -- -- Test VLE inside procedures -- SELECT create_graph('mygraph'); SELECT create_vlabel('mygraph', 'head'); SELECT create_vlabel('mygraph', 'tail'); SELECT create_vlabel('mygraph', 'node'); SELECT create_elabel('mygraph', 'next'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_list(list_name text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $$ DECLARE ag_param agtype; BEGIN ag_param = FORMAT('{"list_name": "%s"}', $1)::agtype; PERFORM * FROM cypher('mygraph', $CYPHER$ MERGE (:head {name: $list_name})-[:next]->(:tail {name: $list_name}) $CYPHER$, ag_param) AS (a agtype); END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prepend_node(list_name text, node_content text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $$ DECLARE ag_param agtype; BEGIN ag_param = FORMAT('{"list_name": "%s", "node_content": "%s"}', $1, $2)::agtype; PERFORM * FROM cypher('mygraph', $CYPHER$ MATCH (h:head {name: $list_name})-[e:next]->(v) DELETE e CREATE (h)-[:next]->(:node {content: $node_content})-[:next]->(v) $CYPHER$, ag_param) AS (a agtype); END $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION show_list_use_vle(list_name text) RETURNS TABLE(node agtype) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $$ DECLARE ag_param agtype; BEGIN ag_param = FORMAT('{"list_name": "%s"}', $1)::agtype; RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM cypher('mygraph', $CYPHER$ MATCH (h:head {name: $list_name})-[e:next*]->(v:node) RETURN v $CYPHER$, ag_param) AS (node agtype); END $$; -- create a list SELECT create_list('list01'); -- prepend a node 'a' -- should find 1 row SELECT prepend_node('list01', 'a'); SELECT * FROM show_list_use_vle('list01'); -- prepend a node 'b' -- should find 2 rows SELECT prepend_node('list01', 'b'); SELECT * FROM show_list_use_vle('list01'); -- prepend a node 'c' -- should find 3 rows SELECT prepend_node('list01', 'c'); SELECT * FROM show_list_use_vle('list01'); DROP FUNCTION show_list_use_vle; SELECT drop_graph('mygraph', true); -- invalid reuse of VLE SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p]-()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-()-[p]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (p)-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-(p) RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH p=()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p]-() MATCH ()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-() MATCH ()-[p]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-() MATCH ()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH (p) MATCH ()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-() MATCH (p) RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH p=() MATCH ()-[p *]-() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_vle', $$ MATCH ()-[p *]-() MATCH p=() RETURN p $$)as (p agtype); -- issue 1033, agtype_access_operator not working on containerized edges SELECT create_graph('access'); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ CREATE ()-[:knows]->() $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ CREATE ()-[:knows]->()-[:knows]->()$$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ CREATE ()-[:knows {id:0}]->()-[:knows {id: 1}]->() $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ CREATE ()-[:knows {id:2, arry:[0,1,2,3,{name: "joe"}]}]->()-[:knows {id: 3, arry:[1,3,{name:"john", stats: {age: 1000}}]}]->() $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access', $$ MATCH (u)-[e*]->(v) RETURN e $$)as (edges agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access', $$ MATCH (u)-[e*2..2]->(v) RETURN e $$)as (edges agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN properties(e[0]) $$) as (prop_first_edge agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN e[0].id $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN e[0].arry[2] $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN properties(e[1]) $$) as (prop_second_edge agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN e[1].id $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN e[1].arry[2] $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN e[1].arry[2].stats $$) as (results agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*2..2]->() RETURN properties(e[2]) $$) as (prop_third_edge agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*]->() RETURN properties(e[0]), properties(e[1]) $$) as (prop_1st agtype, prop_2nd agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*]->() RETURN e[0].id, e[1].id $$) as (results_1st agtype, results_2nd agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*]->() RETURN e[0].arry, e[1].arry $$) as (results_1st agtype, results_2nd agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('access',$$ MATCH ()-[e*]->() RETURN e[0].arry[2], e[1].arry[2] $$) as (results_1st agtype, results_2nd agtype); SELECT drop_graph('access', true); -- issue 1043 SELECT create_graph('issue_1043'); SELECT * FROM cypher('issue_1043', $$ CREATE (n)-[:KNOWS {n:'hello'}]->({n:'hello'}) $$) as (a agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('issue_1043', $$ MATCH (x)<-[y *]-(),({n:y[0].n}) RETURN x $$) as (a agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('issue_1043', $$ CREATE (n)-[:KNOWS {n:'hello'}]->({n:'hello'}) $$) as (a agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('issue_1043', $$ MATCH (x)<-[y *]-(),({n:y[0].n}) RETURN x $$) as (a agtype); SELECT drop_graph('issue_1043', true); -- -- Clean up -- DROP TABLE start_and_end_points; SELECT drop_graph('cypher_vle', true); -- -- End --