/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ \! cp -r regress/age_load/data regress/instance/data/age_load LOAD 'age'; SET search_path TO ag_catalog; SET enable_mergejoin = ON; SET enable_hashjoin = ON; SET enable_nestloop = ON; SET enable_seqscan = false; SELECT create_graph('cypher_index'); NOTICE: graph "cypher_index" has been created create_graph -------------- (1 row) /* * Section 1: Unique Index on Properties */ --Section 1 Setup SELECT create_vlabel('cypher_index', 'idx'); NOTICE: VLabel "idx" has been created create_vlabel --------------- (1 row) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cypher_index_idx_props_uq ON cypher_index.idx(properties); --Test 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cypher_index_idx_props_uq" DETAIL: Key (properties)=({"i": 1}) already exists. --Clean Up SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Test 2 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}), (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cypher_index_idx_props_uq" DETAIL: Key (properties)=({"i": 1}) already exists. --Clean Up SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Test 3 --Data Setup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Query SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) SET n.i = 1$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cypher_index_idx_props_uq" DETAIL: Key (properties)=({"i": 1}) already exists. --Clean Up SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Test 4 --create a vertex with i = 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --delete the vertex SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --we should be able to create a new vertex with the same value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --data cleanup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) /* * Test 5 * * Same queries as Test 4, only in 1 transaction */ BEGIN TRANSACTION; --create a vertex with i = 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --delete the vertex SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --we should be able to create a new vertex with the same value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) COMMIT; --data cleanup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Test 6 --create a vertex with i = 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- change the value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) SET n.i = 2 $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --we should be able to create a new vertex with the same value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --validate the data SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131979, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 2}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131980, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 1}}::vertex (2 rows) --data cleanup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) /* * Test 7 * * Same queries as Test 6, only in 1 transaction */ BEGIN TRANSACTION; --create a vertex with i = 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- change the value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) SET n.i = 2 $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --we should be able to create a new vertex with the same value SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --validate the data SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131981, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 2}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131982, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 1}}::vertex (2 rows) COMMIT; --validate the data again out of the transaction, just in case SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131981, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 2}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131982, "label": "idx", "properties": {"i": 1}}::vertex (2 rows) --data cleanup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Test 8 --create a vertex with i = 1 SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (:idx {i: 1}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- Use Merge and force an index error SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) MERGE (n)-[:e]->(:idx {i: n.i}) $$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cypher_index_idx_props_uq" DETAIL: Key (properties)=({"i": 1}) already exists. --data cleanup SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH(n) DETACH DELETE n $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) /* * Section 2: Graphid Indices to Improve Join Performance */ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ CREATE (us:Country {name: "United States", country_code: "US", life_expectancy: 78.79, gdp: 20.94::numeric}), (ca:Country {name: "Canada", country_code: "CA", life_expectancy: 82.05, gdp: 1.643::numeric}), (mx:Country {name: "Mexico", country_code: "MX", life_expectancy: 75.05, gdp: 1.076::numeric}), (us)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 1, name:"New York", west_coast: false, country_code:"US"}), (us)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 2, name:"San Fransisco", west_coast: true, country_code:"US"}), (us)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 3, name:"Los Angeles", west_coast: true, country_code:"US"}), (us)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 4, name:"Seattle", west_coast: true, country_code:"US"}), (ca)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 5, name:"Vancouver", west_coast: true, country_code:"CA"}), (ca)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 6, name:"Toronto", west_coast: false, country_code:"CA"}), (ca)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 7, name:"Montreal", west_coast: false, country_code:"CA"}), (mx)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 8, name:"Mexico City", west_coast: false, country_code:"MX"}), (mx)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 9, name:"Monterrey", west_coast: false, country_code:"MX"}), (mx)<-[:has_city]-(:City {city_id: 10, name:"Tijuana", west_coast: false, country_code:"MX"}) $$) as (n agtype); n --- (0 rows) ALTER TABLE cypher_index."Country" ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cntry_id_idx ON cypher_index."Country" (id); ALTER TABLE cypher_index."Country" CLUSTER ON cntry_id_idx; ALTER TABLE cypher_index."City" ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX city_id_idx ON cypher_index."City" (id); ALTER TABLE cypher_index."City" CLUSTER ON city_id_idx; ALTER TABLE cypher_index.has_city ADD CONSTRAINT has_city_end_fk FOREIGN KEY (end_id) REFERENCES cypher_index."Country"(id) MATCH FULL; CREATE INDEX load_has_city_eid_idx ON cypher_index.has_city (end_id); CREATE INDEX load_has_city_sid_idx ON cypher_index.has_city (start_id); ALTER TABLE cypher_index."has_city" CLUSTER ON load_has_city_eid_idx; SET enable_mergejoin = ON; SET enable_hashjoin = OFF; SET enable_nestloop = OFF; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (a:Country)<-[e:has_city]-() RETURN e $$) as (n agtype); count ------- 10 (1 row) SET enable_mergejoin = OFF; SET enable_hashjoin = ON; SET enable_nestloop = OFF; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (a:Country)<-[e:has_city]-() RETURN e $$) as (n agtype); count ------- 10 (1 row) SET enable_mergejoin = OFF; SET enable_hashjoin = OFF; SET enable_nestloop = ON; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (a:Country)<-[e:has_city]-() RETURN e $$) as (n agtype); count ------- 10 (1 row) SET enable_mergejoin = ON; SET enable_hashjoin = ON; SET enable_nestloop = ON; -- -- Section 3: Agtype GIN Indices to Improve WHERE clause Performance -- CREATE INDEX load_city_gin_idx ON cypher_index."City" USING gin (properties); CREATE INDEX load_country_gin_idx ON cypher_index."Country" USING gin (properties); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (c:City {city_id: 1}) RETURN c $$) as (n agtype); n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "New York", "city_id": 1, "west_coast": false, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (:Country {country_code: "US"})<-[]-(city:City) RETURN city $$) as (n agtype); n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "New York", "city_id": 1, "west_coast": false, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974594, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "San Fransisco", "city_id": 2, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974595, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "Los Angeles", "city_id": 3, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974596, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "Seattle", "city_id": 4, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (c:City {west_coast: true}) RETURN c $$) as (n agtype); n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974594, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "San Fransisco", "city_id": 2, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974595, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "Los Angeles", "city_id": 3, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974596, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "Seattle", "city_id": 4, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "US"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974597, "label": "City", "properties": {"name": "Vancouver", "city_id": 5, "west_coast": true, "country_code": "CA"}}::vertex (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (c:Country {life_expectancy: 82.05}) RETURN c $$) as (n agtype); n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "Country", "properties": {"gdp": 1.643::numeric, "name": "Canada", "country_code": "CA", "life_expectancy": 82.05}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (c:Country {gdp: 20.94::numeric}) RETURN c $$) as (n agtype); n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "Country", "properties": {"gdp": 20.94::numeric, "name": "United States", "country_code": "US", "life_expectancy": 78.79}}::vertex (1 row) DROP INDEX cypher_index.load_city_gin_idx; DROP INDEX cypher_index.load_country_gin_idx; -- -- Section 4: Index use with WHERE clause -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('cypher_index', $$ MATCH (a:City) WHERE a.country_code = 'RS' RETURN a $$) as (n agtype); count ------- 0 (1 row) CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cntry_ode_idx ON cypher_index."City" (ag_catalog.agtype_access_operator(properties, '"country_code"'::agtype)); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('agload_test_graph', $$ MATCH (a:City) WHERE a.country_code = 'RS' RETURN a $$) as (n agtype); ERROR: graph "agload_test_graph" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cypher('agload_test_graph', $$ ^ -- -- General Cleanup -- SELECT drop_graph('cypher_index', true); NOTICE: drop cascades to 6 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table cypher_index._ag_label_vertex drop cascades to table cypher_index._ag_label_edge drop cascades to table cypher_index.idx drop cascades to table cypher_index."Country" drop cascades to table cypher_index.has_city drop cascades to table cypher_index."City" NOTICE: graph "cypher_index" has been dropped drop_graph ------------ (1 row) SELECT drop_graph('agload_test_graph', true); ERROR: graph "agload_test_graph" does not exist