/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ LOAD 'age'; SET search_path TO ag_catalog; SELECT create_graph('cypher_set'); NOTICE: graph "cypher_set" has been created create_graph -------------- (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE (:v)$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE (:v {i: 0, j: 5, a: 0})$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE (:v {i: 1})$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --Simple SET test case SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 3$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) WHERE n.j = 5 SET n.i = NULL RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "j": 5}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = NULL RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 3 RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) --Test assigning properties to rand() and pi() SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = rand() RETURN n.i < 1 AND n.i >= 0$$) AS (a agtype); a ------ true true true (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = pi() RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3.141592653589793}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3.141592653589793}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3.141592653589793, "j": 5}}::vertex (3 rows) --Handle Inheritance SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 3 RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5}}::vertex (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5}}::vertex (4 rows) --Validate Paths are updated SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) CREATE (n)-[:e {j:20}]->(:other_v {k:10}) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5}}::vertex (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH p=(n)-[]->() SET n.i = 50 RETURN p$$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 50}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842625, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553281, "start_id": 281474976710657, "properties": {"j": 20}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"k": 10}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 50}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842626, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553282, "start_id": 844424930131969, "properties": {"j": 20}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"k": 10}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 50}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842627, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553283, "start_id": 844424930131971, "properties": {"j": 20}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"k": 10}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842628, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553284, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"j": 20}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"k": 10}}::vertex]::path (4 rows) --Edges SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH ()-[n]-(:other_v) SET n.i = 3 RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1125899906842625, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553281, "start_id": 281474976710657, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842626, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553282, "start_id": 844424930131969, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842627, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553283, "start_id": 844424930131971, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842628, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553284, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH ()-[n]->(:other_v) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1125899906842625, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553281, "start_id": 281474976710657, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842626, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553282, "start_id": 844424930131969, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842627, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553283, "start_id": 844424930131971, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842628, "label": "e", "end_id": 1407374883553284, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 20}}::edge (4 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n {j: 5}) SET n.y = 50 SET n.z = 99 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 50, "z": 99}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n {j: 5}) SET n.y = 53 SET n.y = 50 SET n.z = 99 SET n.arr = [n.y, n.z] RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 50, "z": 99, "arr": [50, 99]}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n {j: 5}) REMOVE n.arr RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 50, "z": 99}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n {j: 5}) RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 50, "z": 99}}::vertex (1 row) --Create a loop and see that set can work after create SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n {j: 5}) CREATE p=(n)-[e:e {j:34}]->(n) SET n.y = 99 RETURN n, p $$) AS (a agtype, b agtype); a | b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex | [{"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842629, "label": "e", "end_id": 844424930131970, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"j": 34}}::edge, {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex]::path (1 row) --Create a loop and see that set can work after create SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ CREATE ()-[e:e {j:34}]->() SET e.y = 99 RETURN e $$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1125899906842630, "label": "e", "end_id": 281474976710659, "start_id": 281474976710658, "properties": {"j": 34, "y": 99}}::edge (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n) MATCH (n)-[e:e {j:34}]->() SET n.y = 1 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 1, "z": 99}}::vertex (2 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH (n) MATCH ()-[e:e {j:34}]->(n) SET n.y = 2 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 2, "z": 99}}::vertex (2 rows) -- Test that SET works with nodes(path) and relationships(path) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH p=(n)-[e:e {j:34}]->() WITH nodes(p) AS ns WITH ns[0] AS n SET n.k = 99 SET n.k = 999 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"k": 999, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "k": 999, "y": 2, "z": 99}}::vertex (2 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH p=(n)-[e:e {j:34}]->() WITH relationships(p) AS rs WITH rs[0] AS r SET r.l = 99 SET r.l = 999 RETURN r $$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1125899906842630, "label": "e", "end_id": 281474976710659, "start_id": 281474976710658, "properties": {"j": 34, "l": 999, "y": 99}}::edge {"id": 1125899906842629, "label": "e", "end_id": 844424930131970, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"j": 34, "l": 999}}::edge (2 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$ MATCH p=(n)-[e:e {j:34}]->() REMOVE n.k, e.l RETURN p $$) AS (a agtype); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"y": 1}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842630, "label": "e", "end_id": 281474976710659, "start_id": 281474976710658, "properties": {"j": 34, "y": 99}}::edge, {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"y": 2}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 2, "z": 99}}::vertex, {"id": 1125899906842629, "label": "e", "end_id": 844424930131970, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"j": 34}}::edge, {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 2, "z": 99}}::vertex]::path (2 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n)-[]->(n) SET n.y = 99 RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) MATCH (n)-[]->(m) SET n.t = 150 RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 50, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 50, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 50, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 50, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex (6 rows) -- prepared statements PREPARE p_1 AS SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 3 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); EXECUTE p_1; a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) EXECUTE p_1; a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) PREPARE p_2 AS SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = $var_name RETURN n $$, $1) AS (a agtype); EXECUTE p_2('{"var_name": 4}'); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 4, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 4, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 4, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 4, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 4, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 4, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 4, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 4, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 4, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 4, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) EXECUTE p_2('{"var_name": 6}'); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 6, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 6, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 6, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 6, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 6, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 6, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 6, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 6, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 6, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 6, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) CREATE FUNCTION set_test() RETURNS TABLE(vertex agtype) LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE AS $BODY$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 7 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); END $BODY$; SELECT set_test(); set_test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 7, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) SELECT set_test(); set_test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 7, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 7, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 7, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) -- -- Updating multiple fields -- SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = 3, n.j = 5 RETURN n $$) AS (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex (10 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n)-[m]->(n) SET m.y = n.y RETURN n, m$$) AS (a agtype, b agtype); a | b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": 3, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex | {"id": 1125899906842629, "label": "e", "end_id": 844424930131970, "start_id": 844424930131970, "properties": {"j": 34, "y": 99}}::edge (1 row) --Errors SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$SET n.i = NULL$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: SET cannot be the first clause in a Cypher query LINE 1: SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$SET n.i = NULL$$) AS (a... ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET wrong_var.i = 3$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: undefined reference to variable wrong_var in SET clause LINE 1: ...ELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET wrong_var.... ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET i = 3$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: SET clause expects a map LINE 1: ...ELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET i = 3$$) A... ^ -- -- SET refactor regression tests -- -- INSERT INTO CREATE TABLE tbl (result agtype); SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE (u:vertices) $$) AS (result agtype); result -------- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$CREATE (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) $$) AS (result agtype); result -------- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ----------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) INSERT INTO tbl (SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) SET u.i = 7 return u $$) AS (result agtype)); INSERT INTO tbl (SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) SET u.i = 13 return u $$) AS (result agtype)); SELECT * FROM tbl; result -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 7}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 13}}::vertex (2 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 13}}::vertex (1 row) BEGIN; SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) SET u.i = 1, u.j = 3, u.k = 5 return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3, "k": 5}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3, "k": 5}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) SET u.i = 2, u.j = 4, u.k = 6 return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4, "k": 6}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4, "k": 6}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) SET u.i = 3, u.j = 6, u.k = 9 return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) SET u.i = 1, v.i = 2, u.j = 3, v.j = 4 return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) SET u.i = 2, v.i = 1, u.j = 4, v.j = 3 return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3}}::vertex (1 row) END; SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:vertices) return u $$) AS (result agtype); result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": 3, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, v $$) AS (u agtype, v agtype); u | v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": 2, "j": 4}}::vertex | {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": 1, "j": 3}}::vertex (1 row) -- test lists SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = [3, 'test', [1, 2, 3], {id: 1}, 1.0, 1.0::numeric] RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) -- test that lists get updated in paths SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) SET u.i = [1, 2, 3] return u, p $$) AS (u agtype, p agtype); u | p --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [1, 2, 3], "j": 4}}::vertex | [{"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [1, 2, 3], "j": 4}}::vertex, {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2533274790395905, "start_id": 1970324836974593, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 3}}::vertex]::path (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, p $$) AS (u agtype, p agtype); u | p --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [1, 2, 3], "j": 4}}::vertex | [{"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [1, 2, 3], "j": 4}}::vertex, {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2533274790395905, "start_id": 1970324836974593, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [3, "test", [1, 2, 3], {"id": 1}, 1.0, 1::numeric], "j": 3}}::vertex]::path (1 row) -- test empty lists SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = [] RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": [], "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": [], "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) -- test maps SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = {prop1: 3, prop2:'test', prop3: [1, 2, 3], prop4: {id: 1}, prop5: 1.0, prop6:1.0::numeric} RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) -- test maps in paths SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) SET u.i = {prop1: 1, prop2: 2, prop3: 3} return u, p $$) AS (u agtype, p agtype); u | p -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 1, "prop2": 2, "prop3": 3}, "j": 4}}::vertex | [{"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 1, "prop2": 2, "prop3": 3}, "j": 4}}::vertex, {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2533274790395905, "start_id": 1970324836974593, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 3}}::vertex]::path (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH p=(u:begin)-[:edge]->(v:end) return u, p $$) AS (u agtype, p agtype); u | p -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 1, "prop2": 2, "prop3": 3}, "j": 4}}::vertex | [{"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 1, "prop2": 2, "prop3": 3}, "j": 4}}::vertex, {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "edge", "end_id": 2533274790395905, "start_id": 1970324836974593, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {"prop1": 3, "prop2": "test", "prop3": [1, 2, 3], "prop4": {"id": 1}, "prop5": 1.0, "prop6": 1::numeric}, "j": 3}}::vertex]::path (1 row) -- test empty maps SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) SET n.i = {} RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "y": 2}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 1}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {"a": 0, "i": {}, "j": 5, "t": 150, "y": 99, "z": 99}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553284, "label": "other_v", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 5, "k": 10}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "vertices", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 6, "k": 9}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "begin", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 4}}::vertex {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "end", "properties": {"i": {}, "j": 3}}::vertex (13 rows) -- -- Test entire property update -- SELECT * FROM create_graph('cypher_set_1'); NOTICE: graph "cypher_set_1" has been created create_graph -------------- (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Andy {name:'Andy', age:36, hungry:true}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Peter {name:'Peter', age:34}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Kevin {name:'Kevin', age:32, hungry:false}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Matt {name:'Matt', city:'Toronto'}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Juan {name:'Juan', role:'admin'}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (a:Robert {name:'Robert', role:'manager', city:'London'}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- test copying properties between entities SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (at {name: 'Andy'}), (pn {name: 'Peter'}) SET at = properties(pn) RETURN at, pn $$) AS (at agtype, pn agtype); at | pn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "Andy", "properties": {"age": 34, "name": "Peter"}}::vertex | {"id": 1125899906842625, "label": "Peter", "properties": {"age": 34, "name": "Peter"}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (at {name: 'Kevin'}), (pn {name: 'Matt'}) SET at = pn RETURN at, pn $$) AS (at agtype, pn agtype); at | pn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "Kevin", "properties": {"city": "Toronto", "name": "Matt"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "Matt", "properties": {"city": "Toronto", "name": "Matt"}}::vertex (1 row) -- test replacing all properties using a map and = SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (m {name: 'Matt'}) SET m = {name: 'Peter Smith', position: 'Entrepreneur', city:NULL} RETURN m $$) AS (m agtype); m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "Kevin", "properties": {"name": "Peter Smith", "position": "Entrepreneur"}}::vertex {"id": 1688849860263937, "label": "Matt", "properties": {"name": "Peter Smith", "position": "Entrepreneur"}}::vertex (2 rows) -- test removing all properties using an empty map and = SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (p {name: 'Juan'}) SET p = {} RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); p --------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "Juan", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) -- test assigning non-map to an entity SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (p {name: 'Peter'}) SET p = "Peter" RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); ERROR: SET clause expects a map LINE 3: SET p = "Peter" ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (p {name: 'Peter'}) SET p = sqrt(4) RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); ERROR: a map is expected -- test plus-equal -- expected: {name:'Rob', age:47, city:London} SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (p {name: 'Robert'}) SET p += {name:'Rob', role:NULL, age:47} RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "Robert", "properties": {"age": 47, "city": "London", "name": "Rob"}}::vertex (1 row) -- expected: no change SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ MATCH (p {name: 'Rob'}) SET p += {} RETURN p $$) AS (p agtype); p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2251799813685249, "label": "Robert", "properties": {"age": 47, "city": "London", "name": "Rob"}}::vertex (1 row) -- -- Check passing mismatched types with SET -- Issue 899 -- SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (x) SET x.n0 = (true OR true) RETURN x $$) AS (p agtype); p -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {"n0": true}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_set_1', $$ CREATE (x) SET x.n0 = (true OR false), x.n1 = (false AND false), x.n2 = (false = false) RETURN x $$) AS (p agtype); p --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {"n0": true, "n1": false, "n2": true}}::vertex (1 row) -- -- Clean up -- DROP TABLE tbl; DROP FUNCTION set_test; SELECT drop_graph('cypher_set', true); NOTICE: drop cascades to 9 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table cypher_set._ag_label_vertex drop cascades to table cypher_set._ag_label_edge drop cascades to table cypher_set.v drop cascades to table cypher_set.e drop cascades to table cypher_set.other_v drop cascades to table cypher_set.vertices drop cascades to table cypher_set.begin drop cascades to table cypher_set.edge drop cascades to table cypher_set."end" NOTICE: graph "cypher_set" has been dropped drop_graph ------------ (1 row) SELECT drop_graph('cypher_set_1', true); NOTICE: drop cascades to 8 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table cypher_set_1._ag_label_vertex drop cascades to table cypher_set_1._ag_label_edge drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Andy" drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Peter" drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Kevin" drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Matt" drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Juan" drop cascades to table cypher_set_1."Robert" NOTICE: graph "cypher_set_1" has been dropped drop_graph ------------ (1 row) --