/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ LOAD 'age'; SET search_path TO ag_catalog; SELECT create_graph('cypher_create'); NOTICE: graph "cypher_create" has been created create_graph -------------- (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- vertex graphid SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v {})$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v {key: 'value'})$$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$MATCH (n:v) RETURN n$$) AS (n agtype); n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex (3 rows) -- Left relationship SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id:"right rel, initial node"})-[:e {id:"right rel"}]->(:v {id:"right rel, end node"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- Right relationship SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id:"left rel, initial node"})<-[:e {id:"left rel"}]-(:v {id:"left rel, end node"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- Pattern creates a path from the initial node to the last node SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id: "path, initial node"})-[:e {id: "path, edge one"}]->(:v {id:"path, middle node"})-[:e {id:"path, edge two"}]->(:v {id:"path, last node"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- middle vertex points to the initial and last vertex SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id: "divergent, initial node"})<-[:e {id: "divergent, edge one"}]-(:v {id: "divergent middle node"})-[:e {id: "divergent, edge two"}]->(:v {id: "divergent, end node"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- initial and last vertex point to the middle vertex SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id: "convergent, initial node"})-[:e {id: "convergent, edge one"}]->(:v {id: "convergent middle node"})<-[:e {id: "convergent, edge two"}]-(:v {id: "convergent, end node"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) -- Validate Paths work correctly SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:v {id: "paths, vertex one"})-[:e {id: "paths, edge one"}]->(:v {id: "paths, vertex two"}), (:v {id: "paths, vertex three"})-[:e {id: "paths, edge two"}]->(:v {id: "paths, vertex four"}) $$) AS (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) --edge with double relationship will throw an error SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)<-[:e]->()$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: syntax error at or near ">" LINE 1: ... FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)<-[:e]->()$$) AS ... ^ --edge with no relationship will throw an error SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)-[:e]-()$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: only directed relationships are allowed in CREATE LINE 1: ...LECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)-[:e]-()$$)... ^ --edges without labels are not supported SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)-[]->(:v)$$) AS (a agtype); ERROR: relationships must be specify a label in CREATE. LINE 1: ...LECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (:v)-[]->(:v)$$... ^ SELECT * FROM cypher_create.e; id | start_id | end_id | properties ------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------- 1125899906842625 | 844424930131972 | 844424930131973 | {"id": "right rel"} 1125899906842626 | 844424930131975 | 844424930131974 | {"id": "left rel"} 1125899906842627 | 844424930131977 | 844424930131978 | {"id": "path, edge two"} 1125899906842628 | 844424930131976 | 844424930131977 | {"id": "path, edge one"} 1125899906842629 | 844424930131980 | 844424930131981 | {"id": "divergent, edge two"} 1125899906842630 | 844424930131980 | 844424930131979 | {"id": "divergent, edge one"} 1125899906842631 | 844424930131984 | 844424930131983 | {"id": "convergent, edge two"} 1125899906842632 | 844424930131982 | 844424930131983 | {"id": "convergent, edge one"} 1125899906842633 | 844424930131985 | 844424930131986 | {"id": "paths, edge one"} 1125899906842634 | 844424930131987 | 844424930131988 | {"id": "paths, edge two"} (10 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher_create.v; id | properties -----------------+------------------------------------ 844424930131969 | {} 844424930131970 | {} 844424930131971 | {"key": "value"} 844424930131972 | {"id": "right rel, initial node"} 844424930131973 | {"id": "right rel, end node"} 844424930131974 | {"id": "left rel, initial node"} 844424930131975 | {"id": "left rel, end node"} 844424930131976 | {"id": "path, initial node"} 844424930131977 | {"id": "path, middle node"} 844424930131978 | {"id": "path, last node"} 844424930131979 | {"id": "divergent, initial node"} 844424930131980 | {"id": "divergent middle node"} 844424930131981 | {"id": "divergent, end node"} 844424930131982 | {"id": "convergent, initial node"} 844424930131983 | {"id": "convergent middle node"} 844424930131984 | {"id": "convergent, end node"} 844424930131985 | {"id": "paths, vertex one"} 844424930131986 | {"id": "paths, vertex two"} 844424930131987 | {"id": "paths, vertex three"} 844424930131988 | {"id": "paths, vertex four"} (20 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:n_var {name: 'Node A'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:n_var {name: 'Node B'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:n_var {name: 'Node C'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var), (b:n_var) WHERE a.name <> b.name CREATE (a)-[:e_var {name: a.name + ' -> ' + b.name}]->(b) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) CREATE (a)-[:e_var {name: a.name + ' -> ' + a.name}]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) CREATE (a)-[:e_var {name: a.name + ' -> new node'}]->(:n_other_node) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) WHERE a.name = 'Node A' CREATE (a)-[b:e_var]->() $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a)-[:b_var]->() RETURN a, id(a) $$) as (a agtype, b agtype); a | b ----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------- {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex | 281474976710659 (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE ()-[b:e_var]->() RETURN b, id(b) $$) as (a agtype, b agtype); a | b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------ {"id": 1688849860263950, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710662, "start_id": 281474976710661, "properties": {}}::edge | 1688849860263950 (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a)-[b:e_var {id: 0}]->() RETURN a, b, b.id, b.id + 1 $$) as (a agtype, b agtype, c agtype, d agtype); a | b | c | d ----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---+--- {"id": 281474976710663, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263951, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710664, "start_id": 281474976710663, "properties": {"id": 0}}::edge | 0 | 1 (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) CREATE (a)-[b:e_var]->(a) RETURN a, b $$) as (a agtype, b agtype); a | b --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node A"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263952, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553281, "start_id": 1407374883553281, "properties": {}}::edge {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node B"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263953, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553282, "start_id": 1407374883553282, "properties": {}}::edge {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node C"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263954, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553283, "start_id": 1407374883553283, "properties": {}}::edge (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) CREATE (a)-[b:e_var]->(c) RETURN a, b, c $$) as (a agtype, b agtype, c agtype); a | b | c --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node A"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263955, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710665, "start_id": 1407374883553281, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 281474976710665, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node B"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263956, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710666, "start_id": 1407374883553282, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 281474976710666, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node C"}}::vertex | {"id": 1688849860263957, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710667, "start_id": 1407374883553283, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 281474976710667, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a)-[:e_var]->() RETURN a $$) as (b agtype); b ---------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710668, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE ()-[b:e_var]->() RETURN b $$) as (b agtype); b ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 1688849860263959, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710671, "start_id": 281474976710670, "properties": {}}::edge (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=()-[:e_var]->() RETURN p $$) as (b agtype); b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"id": 281474976710672, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263960, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710673, "start_id": 281474976710672, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 281474976710673, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex]::path (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(a {id:0})-[:e_var]->(a) RETURN p $$) as (b agtype); b ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"id": 281474976710674, "label": "", "properties": {"id": 0}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263961, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710674, "start_id": 281474976710674, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 281474976710674, "label": "", "properties": {"id": 0}}::vertex]::path (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) CREATE p=(a)-[:e_var]->(a) RETURN p $$) as (b agtype); b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [{"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node A"}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263962, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553281, "start_id": 1407374883553281, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node A"}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node B"}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263963, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553282, "start_id": 1407374883553282, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node B"}}::vertex]::path [{"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node C"}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263964, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 1407374883553283, "start_id": 1407374883553283, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node C"}}::vertex]::path (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(a)-[:e_var]->(), (a)-[b:e_var]->(a) RETURN p, b $$) as (a agtype, b agtype); a | b --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [{"id": 281474976710675, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex, {"id": 1688849860263965, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710676, "start_id": 281474976710675, "properties": {}}::edge, {"id": 281474976710676, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex]::path | {"id": 1688849860263966, "label": "e_var", "end_id": 281474976710675, "start_id": 281474976710675, "properties": {}}::edge (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) WHERE a.name = 'Node Z' CREATE (a)-[:e_var {name: a.name + ' -> does not exist'}]->(:n_other_node) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher_create.n_var; id | properties ------------------+-------------------- 1407374883553281 | {"name": "Node A"} 1407374883553282 | {"name": "Node B"} 1407374883553283 | {"name": "Node C"} (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher_create.e_var; id | start_id | end_id | properties ------------------+------------------+------------------+-------------------------------- 1688849860263937 | 1407374883553281 | 1407374883553282 | {"name": "Node A -> Node B"} 1688849860263938 | 1407374883553281 | 1407374883553283 | {"name": "Node A -> Node C"} 1688849860263939 | 1407374883553282 | 1407374883553281 | {"name": "Node B -> Node A"} 1688849860263940 | 1407374883553282 | 1407374883553283 | {"name": "Node B -> Node C"} 1688849860263941 | 1407374883553283 | 1407374883553281 | {"name": "Node C -> Node A"} 1688849860263942 | 1407374883553283 | 1407374883553282 | {"name": "Node C -> Node B"} 1688849860263943 | 1407374883553281 | 1407374883553281 | {"name": "Node A -> Node A"} 1688849860263944 | 1407374883553282 | 1407374883553282 | {"name": "Node B -> Node B"} 1688849860263945 | 1407374883553283 | 1407374883553283 | {"name": "Node C -> Node C"} 1688849860263946 | 1407374883553281 | 1970324836974593 | {"name": "Node A -> new node"} 1688849860263947 | 1407374883553282 | 1970324836974594 | {"name": "Node B -> new node"} 1688849860263948 | 1407374883553283 | 1970324836974595 | {"name": "Node C -> new node"} 1688849860263949 | 1407374883553281 | 281474976710658 | {} 1688849860263950 | 281474976710661 | 281474976710662 | {} 1688849860263951 | 281474976710663 | 281474976710664 | {"id": 0} 1688849860263952 | 1407374883553281 | 1407374883553281 | {} 1688849860263953 | 1407374883553282 | 1407374883553282 | {} 1688849860263954 | 1407374883553283 | 1407374883553283 | {} 1688849860263955 | 1407374883553281 | 281474976710665 | {} 1688849860263956 | 1407374883553282 | 281474976710666 | {} 1688849860263957 | 1407374883553283 | 281474976710667 | {} 1688849860263958 | 281474976710668 | 281474976710669 | {} 1688849860263959 | 281474976710670 | 281474976710671 | {} 1688849860263960 | 281474976710672 | 281474976710673 | {} 1688849860263961 | 281474976710674 | 281474976710674 | {} 1688849860263962 | 1407374883553281 | 1407374883553281 | {} 1688849860263963 | 1407374883553282 | 1407374883553282 | {} 1688849860263964 | 1407374883553283 | 1407374883553283 | {} 1688849860263965 | 281474976710675 | 281474976710676 | {} 1688849860263966 | 281474976710675 | 281474976710675 | {} (30 rows) --Check every label has been created SELECT name, kind FROM ag_label ORDER BY name; name | kind ------------------+------ _ag_label_edge | e _ag_label_vertex | v b_var | e e | e e_var | e n_other_node | v n_var | v v | v (8 rows) --Validate every vertex has the correct label SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$MATCH (n) RETURN n$$) AS (n agtype); n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710657, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710658, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710659, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710660, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710661, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710662, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710663, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710664, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710665, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710666, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710667, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710668, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710669, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710670, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710671, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710672, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710673, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710674, "label": "", "properties": {"id": 0}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710675, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 281474976710676, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131969, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131970, "label": "v", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131971, "label": "v", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131972, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "right rel, initial node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131973, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "right rel, end node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131974, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "left rel, initial node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131975, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "left rel, end node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131976, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "path, initial node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131977, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "path, middle node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131978, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "path, last node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131979, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "divergent, initial node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131980, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "divergent middle node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131981, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "divergent, end node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131982, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "convergent, initial node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131983, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "convergent middle node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131984, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "convergent, end node"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131985, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "paths, vertex one"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131986, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "paths, vertex two"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131987, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "paths, vertex three"}}::vertex {"id": 844424930131988, "label": "v", "properties": {"id": "paths, vertex four"}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553281, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node A"}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553282, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node B"}}::vertex {"id": 1407374883553283, "label": "n_var", "properties": {"name": "Node C"}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974593, "label": "n_other_node", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974594, "label": "n_other_node", "properties": {}}::vertex {"id": 1970324836974595, "label": "n_other_node", "properties": {}}::vertex (46 rows) -- prepared statements PREPARE p_1 AS SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (v:new_vertex {key: 'value'}) RETURN v$$) AS (a agtype); EXECUTE p_1; a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395905, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex (1 row) EXECUTE p_1; a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395906, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex (1 row) PREPARE p_2 AS SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (v:new_vertex {key: $var_name}) RETURN v$$, $1) AS (a agtype); EXECUTE p_2('{"var_name": "Hello Prepared Statements"}'); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395907, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "Hello Prepared Statements"}}::vertex (1 row) EXECUTE p_2('{"var_name": "Hello Prepared Statements 2"}'); a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395908, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "Hello Prepared Statements 2"}}::vertex (1 row) -- pl/pgsql CREATE FUNCTION create_test() RETURNS TABLE(vertex agtype) LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE AS $BODY$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (v:new_vertex {key: 'value'}) RETURN v$$) AS (a agtype); END $BODY$; SELECT create_test(); create_test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395909, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT create_test(); create_test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 2533274790395910, "label": "new_vertex", "properties": {"key": "value"}}::vertex (1 row) -- -- Errors -- -- Var 'a' cannot have properties in the create clause SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) WHERE a.name = 'Node A' CREATE (a {test:1})-[:e_var]->() $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: previously declared nodes in a create clause cannot have properties LINE 4: CREATE (a {test:1})-[:e_var]->() ^ -- Var 'a' cannot change labels SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var) WHERE a.name = 'Node A' CREATE (a:new_label)-[:e_var]->() $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: previously declared variables cannot have a label LINE 4: CREATE (a:new_label)-[:e_var]->() ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:n_var)-[b]-() WHERE a.name = 'Node A' CREATE (a)-[b:e_var]->() $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable b already exists LINE 4: CREATE (a)-[b:e_var]->() ^ -- A valid single vertex path SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(a) RETURN p $$) as (a agtype); a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [{"id": 281474976710677, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex]::path (1 row) --CREATE with joins SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a) RETURN a $$) as q(a agtype), cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (b) RETURN b $$) as t(b agtype); ERROR: cypher create clause cannot be rescanned HINT: its unsafe to use joins in a query with a Cypher CREATE clause -- column definition list for CREATE clause must contain a single agtype -- attribute SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a int); ERROR: column definition list for CREATE clause must contain a single agtype attribute LINE 1: SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a i... ^ HINT: ... cypher($$ ... CREATE ... $$) AS t(c agtype) ... SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a agtype, b int); ERROR: column definition list for CREATE clause must contain a single agtype attribute LINE 1: SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE ()$$) AS (a a... ^ HINT: ... cypher($$ ... CREATE ... $$) AS t(c agtype) ... -- nodes cannot use edge labels and edge labels cannot use node labels SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (:existing_vlabel {id: 1}) -[c:existing_elabel {id: 3}]-> (:existing_vlabel {id: 2}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH(a), (b) WHERE a.id = 1 AND b.id = 2 CREATE (a)-[c:existing_vlabel { id: 4}]->(b) RETURN c.id $$) as (c agtype); ERROR: label existing_vlabel is for vertices, not edges LINE 4: CREATE (a)-[c:existing_vlabel { id: 4}]->(b) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:existing_elabel { id: 5}) RETURN a.id $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: label existing_elabel is for edges, not vertices LINE 2: CREATE (a:existing_elabel { id: 5}) ^ -- -- check the cypher CREATE clause inside an INSERT INTO -- CREATE TABLE simple_path (u agtype, e agtype, v agtype); INSERT INTO simple_path(SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$CREATE (u)-[e:knows]->(v) return u, e, v $$) AS (u agtype, e agtype, v agtype)); SELECT count(*) FROM simple_path; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- -- check the cypher CREATE clause inside of a BEGIN/END/COMMIT block -- BEGIN; SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:Part {part_num: '670'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:Part) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 3659174697238529, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "670"}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:Part {part_num: '671'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:Part {part_num: '672'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:Part) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 3659174697238529, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "670"}}::vertex {"id": 3659174697238530, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "671"}}::vertex {"id": 3659174697238531, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "672"}}::vertex (3 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:Part {part_num: '673'}) $$) as (a agtype); a --- (0 rows) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a:Part) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 3659174697238529, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "670"}}::vertex {"id": 3659174697238530, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "671"}}::vertex {"id": 3659174697238531, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "672"}}::vertex {"id": 3659174697238532, "label": "Part", "properties": {"part_num": "673"}}::vertex (4 rows) END; -- -- variable reuse -- -- Valid variable reuse SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p) RETURN p,a,p $$) as (n1 agtype, e agtype, n2 agtype); n1 | e | n2 ----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710681, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 3940649673949185, "label": "new", "end_id": 281474976710681, "start_id": 281474976710681, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 281474976710681, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p:node)-[e:new]->(p) RETURN p,e,p $$) as (n1 agtype, e agtype, n2 agtype); n1 | e | n2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 4222124650659841, "label": "node", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 3940649673949186, "label": "new", "end_id": 4222124650659841, "start_id": 4222124650659841, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 4222124650659841, "label": "node", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p) CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p) RETURN p,a,p $$) as (n1 agtype, e agtype, n2 agtype); n1 | e | n2 ----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 281474976710682, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 3940649673949187, "label": "new", "end_id": 281474976710682, "start_id": 281474976710682, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 281474976710682, "label": "", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p:n1) CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p) RETURN p,a,p $$) as (n1 agtype, e agtype, n2 agtype); n1 | e | n2 -------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 4503599627370497, "label": "n1", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 3940649673949188, "label": "new", "end_id": 4503599627370497, "start_id": 4503599627370497, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 4503599627370497, "label": "n1", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (p:node) CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p) RETURN p,a,p $$) as (n1 agtype, e agtype, n2 agtype); n1 | e | n2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 4222124650659841, "label": "node", "properties": {}}::vertex | {"id": 3940649673949189, "label": "new", "end_id": 4222124650659841, "start_id": 4222124650659841, "properties": {}}::edge | {"id": 4222124650659841, "label": "node", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) -- Invalid variable reuse SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p {n0:'n1'}) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: previously declared nodes in a create clause cannot have properties LINE 2: CREATE (p)-[a:new]->(p {n0:'n1'}) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (p:n0)-[a:new]->(p:n1) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: previously declared variables cannot have a label LINE 2: CREATE (p:n0)-[a:new]->(p:n1) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(p) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable "p" already exists LINE 2: CREATE p=(p) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=() CREATE (p) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: agtype must resolve to a vertex SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(a)-[p:b]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable "p" already exists LINE 2: CREATE p=(a)-[p:b]->(a) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE p=(a)-[:new]->(p) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable "p" already exists LINE 2: CREATE p=(a)-[:new]->(p) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (p) CREATE p=() $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable "p" already exists LINE 2: MATCH (p) CREATE p=() ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (p) CREATE p=(p) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable "p" already exists LINE 2: MATCH (p) CREATE p=(p) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (p) CREATE (a)-[p:b]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable p already exists LINE 2: MATCH (p) CREATE (a)-[p:b]->(a) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a)-[e:new]->(p)-[e]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: relationships must be specify a label in CREATE. LINE 2: CREATE (a)-[e:new]->(p)-[e]->(a) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a)-[e:new]->(p) CREATE (p)-[e:new]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable e already exists LINE 3: CREATE (p)-[e:new]->(a) ^ SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ MATCH (a)-[e:new]->(p) CREATE (p)-[e:new]->(a) $$) as (a agtype); ERROR: variable e already exists LINE 3: CREATE (p)-[e:new]->(a) ^ -- Validate usage of keywords as labels is supported and case sensitive SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:CREATE) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 5348024557502465, "label": "CREATE", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:create) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 5629499534213121, "label": "create", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) SELECT * FROM cypher('cypher_create', $$ CREATE (a:CrEaTe) RETURN a $$) as (a agtype); a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- {"id": 5910974510923777, "label": "CrEaTe", "properties": {}}::vertex (1 row) -- -- Clean up -- DROP TABLE simple_path; DROP FUNCTION create_test; SELECT drop_graph('cypher_create', true); NOTICE: drop cascades to 19 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to table cypher_create._ag_label_vertex drop cascades to table cypher_create._ag_label_edge drop cascades to table cypher_create.v drop cascades to table cypher_create.e drop cascades to table cypher_create.n_var drop cascades to table cypher_create.e_var drop cascades to table cypher_create.n_other_node drop cascades to table cypher_create.b_var drop cascades to table cypher_create.new_vertex drop cascades to table cypher_create.existing_vlabel drop cascades to table cypher_create.existing_elabel drop cascades to table cypher_create.knows drop cascades to table cypher_create."Part" drop cascades to table cypher_create.new drop cascades to table cypher_create.node drop cascades to table cypher_create.n1 drop cascades to table cypher_create."CREATE" drop cascades to table cypher_create."create" drop cascades to table cypher_create."CrEaTe" NOTICE: graph "cypher_create" has been dropped drop_graph ------------ (1 row) -- -- End --