# 1.3.0 - Support up to Postgres 14. - Added support for `NUMERIC` (aka `DECIMAL`) to most functions. - Added `vec_weighted_mean`. - Added non-aggregate functions like `vec_add` etc. - Added `vec_agg_stat` to compute several aggregates at once. - Added `vec_to_first` and `vec_to_last`. - Added helper functions `pad_vec`, `vec_coalesce`, `vec_trim_scale`. - Converted tests to `pg_regress`. # 1.2.1 Updated documentation. # 1.2.0 Added `hist_2d` and `hist_md` functions. # 1.1.1 Fixed precision errors in `vec_to_var_samp` with many input rows. # 1.1.0 Added `vec_to_sum` function. # 1.0.1 Fixed array out-of-bounds access. Added support for Postgres 9.4. # 1.0.0 Initial release.