/* * * variant.c: * I/O and support functions for the variant data type * * We use two different structures to represent variant types. VariantData is * the structure that is passed around to the rest of the database. It's geared * towards space efficiency rather than ease of access. VariantDataInt is an * easier-to-use structure that we use internally. * * Copyright (c) 2014 Jim Nasby, Blue Treble Consulting http://BlueTreble.com */ #include "c.h" #include "postgres.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/datum.h" #include "utils/array.h" #include "executor/executor.h" #include "executor/spi.h" #include "utils/typcache.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "variant.h" /* fn_extra cache entry */ typedef struct VariantCache { FmgrInfo proc; /* lookup result for typiofunc */ /* Information for original type */ Oid typid; int typmod; Oid typioparam; int16 typlen; bool typbyval; char typalign; IOFuncSelector IOfunc; /* We should always either be in or out; make sure we're not mixing. */ char *formatted_name; /* Formatted type string. Only set when IOfunc is output/send */ } VariantCache; #define GetCache(fcinfo) ((VariantCache *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra) static Variant variant_in_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, char *input, int variant_typmod); static char * variant_out_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, Variant input); static int variant_cmp_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo); static char * variant_get_variant_name(int typmod); static VariantInt make_variant_int(Variant v, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, IOFuncSelector func); static Variant make_variant(VariantInt vi, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, IOFuncSelector func); static VariantCache * get_cache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, VariantInt vi, IOFuncSelector func); static Oid getIntOid(); static Oid get_oid(Variant v, uint *flags); static bool _SPI_conn(); static void _SPI_disc(bool pop); static int32 get_fn_expr_argtypmod(FmgrInfo *flinfo, int argnum); static int32 get_call_expr_argtypmod(Node *expr, int argnum); /* * You can include more files here if needed. * To use some types, you must include the * correct file here based on: * http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/xfunc-c.html#XFUNC-C-TYPE-TABLE */ PG_MODULE_MAGIC; /* * variant_in: Parse text representation of a variant * * - Cast to _variant._variant * - Extract type name and validate * * TODO: use type's input function to convert type info to internal format. For * now, just store the raw _variant._variant Datum. */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_in); Datum variant_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must be strict */ PG_RETURN_VARIANT( variant_in_int(fcinfo, PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0), PG_GETARG_INT32(2)) ); } /* * variant_cast_in: Cast an arbitrary type to a variant * * Arguments: * Original data * Target typmod * * Returns: * Variant */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_cast_in); Datum variant_cast_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { VariantInt vi = palloc0(sizeof(*vi)); vi->isnull = PG_ARGISNULL(0); vi->typid = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 0); vi->typmod = get_fn_expr_argtypmod(fcinfo->flinfo, 0); Assert(!fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must be callable on NULL input */ if (!OidIsValid(vi->typid)) elog(ERROR, "could not determine data type of input"); /* Validate that we're casting to a registered variant */ if( PG_ARGISNULL(1) ) elog( ERROR, "Target typemod must not be NULL" ); variant_get_variant_name(PG_GETARG_INT32(1)); if( !vi->isnull ) vi->data = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0); /* Since we're casting in, we'll call for INFunc_input, even though we don't need it */ PG_RETURN_VARIANT( make_variant(vi, fcinfo, IOFunc_input) ); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_out); Datum variant_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_CSTRING( variant_out_int(fcinfo, PG_GETARG_VARIANT(0)) ); } /* * variant_cast_out: Cast a variant to some other type * * The type to return is determined by the return type of the Postgres-defined * function that is calling us. There is a separate database cast function * defined for each type, but they all just call this C function. */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_cast_out); Datum variant_cast_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Oid targettypid = get_fn_expr_rettype(fcinfo->flinfo); VariantInt vi; Datum out; if( PG_ARGISNULL(0) ) PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* No reason to format type name, so use IOFunc_input instead of IOFunc_output */ vi = make_variant_int(PG_GETARG_VARIANT(0), fcinfo, IOFunc_input); /* If original was NULL then we MUST return NULL */ if( vi->isnull ) PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* If our types match exactly we don't need to cast */ if( vi->typid == targettypid ) PG_RETURN_DATUM(vi->data); /* Keep cruft localized to just here */ { bool do_pop; int ret; bool isnull; MemoryContext cctx = CurrentMemoryContext; HeapTuple tup; StringInfoData cmdd; StringInfo cmd = &cmdd; char *nulls = " "; do_pop = _SPI_conn(); initStringInfo(cmd); appendStringInfo( cmd, "SELECT $1::%s", format_type_be(targettypid) ); /* command, nargs, Oid *argument_types, *values, *nulls, read_only, count */ if( !(ret =SPI_execute_with_args( cmd->data, 1, &vi->typid, &vi->data, nulls, true, 0 )) ) elog( ERROR, "SPI_execute_with_args returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(ret)); /* * Make a copy of result tuple in previous memory context. Copying the * entire tuple is wasteful; it would be better to only copy the actual * attribute; but in this case the difference isn't very large. */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(cctx); tup = heap_copytuple(SPI_tuptable->vals[0]); out = heap_getattr(tup, 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull); // getTypeOutputInfo(typoid, &foutoid, &typisvarlena); /* Remember this frees everything palloc'd since our connect/push call */ _SPI_disc(do_pop); } /* End cruft */ PG_RETURN_DATUM(out); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_typmod_in); Datum variant_typmod_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ArrayType *arr = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0); Datum *elem_values; int arr_nelem; char *inputCString; Datum inputDatum; Datum out; Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must be strict */ deconstruct_array(arr, CSTRINGOID, -2, false, 'c', /* elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign */ &elem_values, NULL, &arr_nelem); /* elements, nulls, number_of_elements */ /* TODO: Sanity check array */ /* PointerGetDatum is equivalent to TextGetDatum, which doesn't exist */ inputCString = DatumGetCString(elem_values[0]); inputDatum = PointerGetDatum( cstring_to_text( inputCString ) ); /* TODO: cache this stuff */ /* Keep cruft localized to just here */ { bool do_pop = _SPI_conn(); bool isnull; int ret; Oid type = TEXTOID; char *cmd = "SELECT variant_typmod, variant_enabled FROM _variant._registered WHERE lower(variant_name) = lower($1)"; /* command, nargs, Oid *argument_types, *values, *nulls, read_only, count */ if( !(ret =SPI_execute_with_args( cmd, 1, &type, &inputDatum, " ", true, 0 )) ) elog( ERROR, "SPI_execute_with_args(%s) returned %s", cmd, SPI_result_code_string(ret)); Assert( SPI_tuptable ); if ( SPI_processed > 1 ) ereport(ERROR, ( errmsg( "Got %u records for variant.variant(%s)", SPI_processed, inputCString ), errhint( "This means _variant._registered is corrupted" ) ) ); if ( SPI_processed < 1 ) elog( ERROR, "variant.variant(%s) is not registered", inputCString ); /* Note 0 vs 1 based numbering */ Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[0]->atttypid == INT4OID); Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[1]->atttypid == BOOLOID); out = heap_getattr( SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 2, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull ); if( !DatumGetBool(out) ) ereport( ERROR, ( errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg( "variant.variant(%s) is disabled", inputCString ) ) ); out = heap_getattr( SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull ); if( isnull ) ereport( ERROR, ( errmsg( "Found NULL variant_typmod for variant.variant(%s)", inputCString ), errhint( "This should never happen; is _variant._registered corrupted?" ) ) ); _SPI_disc(do_pop); } PG_RETURN_INT32(out); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_typmod_out); Datum variant_typmod_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { StringInfoData outd; StringInfo out = &outd; char *variant_name; bool need_quote; char *tmp; Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must be strict */ variant_name = variant_get_variant_name(PG_GETARG_INT32(0)); /* TODO: cache this stuff */ initStringInfo(out); appendStringInfoChar(out, '('); need_quote = false; for (tmp = variant_name; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ',' || isspace((unsigned char) ch)) { need_quote = true; break; } } if(!need_quote) appendStringInfoString(out, variant_name); else { appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); for (tmp = variant_name; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"') appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); } appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); } appendStringInfoChar(out, ')'); PG_RETURN_CSTRING(out->data); } /* * text_(in|out): Same as variant_(in|out) except text instead of cstring */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_text_in); Datum variant_text_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Assert(!fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); Assert(fcinfo->nargs == 2); PG_RETURN_VARIANT( variant_in_int(fcinfo, TextDatumGetCString(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0)), PG_ARGISNULL(1) ? -1 : PG_GETARG_INT32(1) ) ); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_text_out); Datum variant_text_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_DATUM( CStringGetTextDatum( variant_out_int(fcinfo, PG_GETARG_VARIANT(0)) ) ); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_type_out); Datum variant_type_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { VariantCache *cache; Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must not be callable on NULL input */ make_variant_int(PG_GETARG_VARIANT(0), fcinfo, IOFunc_output); cache = GetCache(fcinfo); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(cache->formatted_name)); } /* * COMPARISON FUNCTIONS */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_cmp); Datum variant_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_INT32(variant_cmp_int(fcinfo)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_lt); Datum variant_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret < 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_le); Datum variant_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret <= 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_eq); Datum variant_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret == 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_ne); Datum variant_ne(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret != 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_ge); Datum variant_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret >= 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_gt); Datum variant_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int ret = variant_cmp_int(fcinfo); if(fcinfo->isnull) PG_RETURN_NULL(); PG_RETURN_BOOL(ret > 0); } /* * variant_image_eq: Are two variants identical on a binary level? * * Returns true iff a variant completely identical to another; same type and * everything. */ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(variant_image_eq); Datum variant_image_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Variant l = (Variant) PG_GETARG_DATUM(0); Variant r = (Variant) PG_GETARG_DATUM(1); int cmp; /* * To avoid detoasting we use _ANY variations on VAR*, but that means we must * make sure to use VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR, *not* VARSIZE_ANY! */ if(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(l) != VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(r)) PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* * At this point we need to detoast. We could theoretically leave data * compressed, but since there's no direct support for that we don't bother. */ l = (Variant) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(l); r = (Variant) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(r); cmp = memcmp(VARDATA_ANY(l), VARDATA_ANY(r), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(l)); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(l, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(r, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL( cmp = 0 ? true : false); } /* ******************** * SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ******************** */ static Variant variant_in_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, char *input, int variant_typmod) { VariantCache *cache; bool isnull; Oid intTypeOid = InvalidOid; int32 typmod = 0; text *orgType; text *orgData; VariantInt vi = palloc0(sizeof(*vi)); /* Eventually getting rid of this crap, so segregate it */ intTypeOid = getIntOid(); FmgrInfo proc; Datum composite; HeapTupleHeader composite_tuple; Oid typioparam; Oid typIoFunc; /* Cast input data to our internal composite type */ getTypeInputInfo(intTypeOid, &typIoFunc, &typioparam); fmgr_info_cxt(typIoFunc, &proc, fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt); composite=InputFunctionCall(&proc, input, typioparam, typmod); /* Extract data from internal composite type */ composite_tuple=DatumGetHeapTupleHeader(composite); orgType = (text *) GetAttributeByNum( composite_tuple, 1, &isnull ); if (isnull) elog(ERROR, "original_type of variant must not be NULL"); orgData = (text *) GetAttributeByNum( composite_tuple, 2, &vi->isnull ); /* End crap */ parseTypeString(text_to_cstring(orgType), &vi->typid, &vi->typmod, false); /* * Verify we've been handed a valid typmod * * TODO: validate that vi->typid is allowed to be used with this type of variant */ variant_get_variant_name(variant_typmod); cache = get_cache(fcinfo, vi, IOFunc_input); if (!vi->isnull) /* Actually need to be using stringTypeDatum(Type tp, char *string, int32 atttypmod) */ vi->data = InputFunctionCall(&cache->proc, text_to_cstring(orgData), cache->typioparam, vi->typmod); return make_variant(vi, fcinfo, IOFunc_input); } static char * variant_out_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, Variant input) { VariantCache *cache; bool need_quote; char *tmp; char *org_cstring; StringInfoData outd; StringInfo out = &outd; VariantInt vi; Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must be strict */ vi = make_variant_int(input, fcinfo, IOFunc_output); cache = GetCache(fcinfo); Assert(cache->formatted_name); /* Start building string */ initStringInfo(out); appendStringInfoChar(out, '('); need_quote = false; for (tmp = cache->formatted_name; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ',' || isspace((unsigned char) ch)) { need_quote = true; break; } } if(!need_quote) appendStringInfoString(out, cache->formatted_name); else { appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); for (tmp = cache->formatted_name; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); } appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); } appendStringInfoChar(out, ','); if(!vi->isnull) { org_cstring = OutputFunctionCall(&cache->proc, vi->data); /* * Detect whether we need double quotes for this value * * Stolen then modified from record_out. */ need_quote = (org_cstring[0] == '\0' ); /* force quotes for empty string */ if( !need_quote ) { for (tmp = org_cstring; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ',' || isspace((unsigned char) ch)) { need_quote = true; break; } } } if (!need_quote) appendStringInfoString(out, org_cstring); else { appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); for (tmp = org_cstring; *tmp; tmp++) { char ch = *tmp; if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ch); } appendStringInfoChar(out, '"'); } } appendStringInfoChar(out, ')'); return out->data; } /* * variant_get_variant_name: Return the name of a named variant */ char * variant_get_variant_name(int typmod) { Datum typmod_datum = Int32GetDatum(typmod); MemoryContext cctx = CurrentMemoryContext; bool do_pop = _SPI_conn(); bool isnull; Oid type = INT4OID; char *cmd = "SELECT variant_name, variant_enabled FROM _variant._registered WHERE variant_typmod = $1"; int ret; Datum result; char *out; /* command, nargs, Oid *argument_types, *values, *nulls, read_only, count */ if( !(ret =SPI_execute_with_args( cmd, 1, &type, &typmod_datum, " ", true, 0 )) ) elog( ERROR, "SPI_execute_with_args(%s) returned %s", cmd, SPI_result_code_string(ret)); Assert( SPI_tuptable ); if ( SPI_processed > 1 ) ereport(ERROR, ( errmsg( "Got %u records for variant typmod %i", SPI_processed, typmod ), errhint( "This means _variant._registered is corrupted" ) ) ); if ( SPI_processed < 1 ) elog( ERROR, "invalid typmod %i", typmod ); /* Note 0 vs 1 based numbering */ Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[0]->atttypid == VARCHAROID); Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[1]->atttypid == BOOLOID); result = heap_getattr( SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull ); if( isnull ) ereport( ERROR, ( errmsg( "Found NULL variant_name for typmod %i", typmod ), errhint( "This should never happen; is _variant._registered corrupted?" ) ) ); MemoryContextSwitchTo(cctx); out = text_to_cstring(DatumGetTextP(result)); result = heap_getattr( SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 2, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull ); if( !DatumGetBool(result) ) ereport( ERROR, ( errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg( "variant.variant(%s) is disabled", out ) ) ); _SPI_disc(do_pop); /* pfree's all SPI stuff */ return out; } /* * variant_cmp_int: Compare two variants */ static int variant_cmp_int(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo) { Variant l, r; VariantInt li; VariantInt ri; int result; Assert(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_strict); /* Must not be callable on NULL input */ l = PG_GETARG_VARIANT(0); r = PG_GETARG_VARIANT(1); /* * Presumably if both inputs are binary equal then they are in fact equal. * The only problem is two variants storing NULL would be binary equal but * can't be treated as-such. Given that issue, it doesn't seem worth trying * to optimize this. * * Note that we're not trying to play tricks with not detoasting or * un-packing, unlike variant_image_eq(). */ #ifdef NOT_USED if(VARSIZE(l) == VARSIZE(r) && memcmp(l, r, VARSIZE(l)) == 0) return 0; #endif /* * We don't care about IO function but must specify something * * TODO: Improve caching so it will handle more than just one type :( */ li = make_variant_int(l, fcinfo, IOFunc_input); ri = make_variant_int(r, fcinfo, IOFunc_input); /* * We need to special-case IS DISTINCT, because it considers NULL to be the * same as NULL. */ if(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_expr && IsA(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_expr, DistinctExpr)) { if( li->isnull && ri->isnull ) return 0; else if( li->isnull || ri->isnull ) return -1; } else if(li->isnull || ri->isnull ) PG_RETURN_NULL(); /* TODO: If both variants are of the same type try comparing directly */ /* TODO: Support Transform_null_equals */ /* Do comparison via SPI */ /* TODO: cache this */ { bool do_pop; int ret; char *cmd; Oid types[2]; Datum values[2]; bool nulls[2]; do_pop = _SPI_conn(); cmd = "SELECT CASE WHEN $1 = $2 THEN 0 WHEN $1 < $2 THEN -1 ELSE 1 END::int"; types[0] = li->typid; values[0] = li->data; nulls[0] = li->isnull; types[1] = ri->typid; values[1] = ri->data; nulls[1] = ri->isnull; if( !(ret = SPI_execute_with_args( cmd, 2, types, values, nulls, true, /* read-only */ 0 /* count */ )) ) elog( ERROR, "SPI_execute_with_args returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(ret)); /* Note 0 vs 1 based numbering */ Assert(SPI_tuptable->tupdesc->attrs[0]->atttypid == INT4OID); result = DatumGetObjectId( heap_getattr(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &fcinfo->isnull) ); _SPI_disc(do_pop); } return result; } /* * make_variant_int: Converts our external (Variant) representation to a VariantInt. */ static VariantInt make_variant_int(Variant v, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, IOFuncSelector func) { VariantCache *cache; VariantInt vi; long data_length; /* long instead of size_t because we're subtracting */ Pointer ptr; uint flags; /* Ensure v is fully detoasted */ Assert(!VARATT_IS_EXTENDED(v)); /* May need to be careful about what context this stuff is palloc'd in */ vi = palloc0(sizeof(VariantDataInt)); vi->typid = get_oid(v, &flags); #ifdef VARIANT_TEST_OID vi->typid -= OID_MASK; #endif vi->typmod = v->typmod; vi->isnull = (flags & VAR_ISNULL ? true : false); cache = get_cache(fcinfo, vi, func); /* * by-value type. We do special things with all pass-by-reference when we * store, so we only use this for typbyval even though fetch_att supports * pass-by-reference. * * Note that fetch_att sanity-checks typlen for us (because we're only passing typbyval). */ if(cache->typbyval) { if(!vi->isnull) { Pointer p = VDATAPTR_ALIGN(v, cache->typalign); vi->data = fetch_att(p, cache->typbyval, cache->typlen); } return vi; } /* we don't store a varlena header for varlena data; instead we compute * it's size based on ours: * * Our size - our header size - overflow byte (if present) * * For cstring, we don't store the trailing NUL */ data_length = VARSIZE(v) - VHDRSZ - (flags & VAR_OVERFLOW ? 1 : 0); if( data_length < 0 ) elog(ERROR, "Negative data_length %li", data_length); if (cache->typlen == -1) /* varlena */ { ptr = palloc0(data_length + VARHDRSZ); SET_VARSIZE(ptr, data_length + VARHDRSZ); memcpy(VARDATA(ptr), VDATAPTR(v), data_length); } else if(cache->typlen == -2) /* cstring */ { ptr = palloc(data_length + 1); /* Need space for NUL terminator */ memcpy(ptr, VDATAPTR(v), data_length); *(ptr + data_length + 1) = '\0'; } else /* Fixed size, pass by reference */ { if(vi->isnull) { vi->data = (Datum) 0; return vi; } Assert(data_length == cache->typlen); ptr = palloc0(data_length); Assert(ptr == (char *) att_align_nominal(ptr, cache->typalign)); memcpy(ptr, VDATAPTR(v), data_length); } vi->data = PointerGetDatum(ptr); return vi; } /* * Create an external variant from our internal representation */ static Variant make_variant(VariantInt vi, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, IOFuncSelector func) { VariantCache *cache; Variant v; bool oid_overflow=OID_TOO_LARGE(vi->typid); long variant_length, data_length; /* long because we subtract */ Pointer data_ptr = 0; uint flags = 0; cache = get_cache(fcinfo, vi, func); Assert(cache->typid = vi->typid); #ifdef VARIANT_TEST_OID vi->typid += OID_MASK; oid_overflow=OID_TOO_LARGE(vi->typid); #endif if(vi->isnull) { flags |= VAR_ISNULL; data_length = 0; } else if(cache->typlen == -1) /* varlena */ { /* * Short varlena is OK, but we need to make sure it's not external. It's OK * to leave compressed varlena's alone too, but detoast_packed will * uncompress them. We'll just follow rangetype.c's lead here. */ vi->data = PointerGetDatum( PG_DETOAST_DATUM_PACKED(vi->data) ); data_ptr = DatumGetPointer(vi->data); /* * Because we don't store varlena aligned or with it's header, our * data_length is simply the varlena length. */ data_length = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(vi->data); data_ptr = VARDATA_ANY(data_ptr); } else if(cache->typlen == -2) /* cstring */ { data_length = strlen(DatumGetCString(vi->data)); /* We don't store NUL terminator */ data_ptr = DatumGetPointer(vi->data); } else { Assert(cache->typlen >= 0); if(cache->typbyval) { data_length = VHDRSZ; /* Start with header size to make sure alignment is correct */ data_length = (long) VDATAPTR_ALIGN(data_length, cache->typalign); data_length += cache->typlen; data_length -= VHDRSZ; } else /* fixed length, pass by reference */ { data_length = cache->typlen; data_ptr = DatumGetPointer(vi->data); } } /* If typid is too large then we need an extra byte */ variant_length = VHDRSZ + data_length + (oid_overflow ? sizeof(char) : 0); if( variant_length < 0 ) elog(ERROR, "Negative variant_length %li", variant_length); v = palloc0(variant_length); SET_VARSIZE(v, variant_length); v->pOid = vi->typid; v->typmod = vi->typmod; if(oid_overflow) { flags |= VAR_OVERFLOW; /* Reset high pOid byte to zero */ v->pOid &= 0x00FFFFFF; /* Store high byte of OID at the end of our structure */ *((char *) v + VARSIZE(v) - 1) = vi->typid >> 24; } /* * Be careful not to overwrite the valid OID data */ v->pOid |= flags; Assert( get_oid(v, &flags) == vi->typid ); if(!vi->isnull) { if(cache->typbyval) { Pointer p = VDATAPTR_ALIGN(v, cache->typalign); store_att_byval(p, vi->data, cache->typlen); } else memcpy(VDATAPTR(v), data_ptr, data_length); } return v; } /* * get_oid: Returns actual Oid from a Variant */ static Oid get_oid(Variant v, uint *flags) { *flags = v->pOid & (~OID_MASK); if(*flags & VAR_OVERFLOW) { char e; Oid o; /* fetch the extra byte from datum's last byte */ e = *((char *) v + VARSIZE(v) - 1); o = ((uint) e) << 24; o |= v->pOid & 0x00FFFFFF; return o; } else return v->pOid & OID_MASK; } /* * get_cache: get/set cached info */ static VariantCache * get_cache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, VariantInt vi, IOFuncSelector func) { VariantCache *cache = (VariantCache *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra; /* IO type should always be the same, so assert that. But if we're not an assert build just force a reset. */ if (cache != NULL && cache->typid == vi->typid && cache->typmod == vi->typmod && cache->IOfunc != func) { Assert(false); cache->typid ^= vi->typid; } if (cache == NULL || cache->typid != vi->typid || cache->typmod != vi->typmod) { char typDelim; Oid typIoFunc; /* * We can get different OIDs in one call, so don't needlessly palloc */ if (cache == NULL) cache = (VariantCache *) MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt, sizeof(VariantCache)); cache->typid = vi->typid; cache->typmod = vi->typmod; cache->IOfunc = func; get_type_io_data(cache->typid, func, &cache->typlen, &cache->typbyval, &cache->typalign, &typDelim, &cache->typioparam, &typIoFunc); fmgr_info_cxt(typIoFunc, &cache->proc, fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt); if (func == IOFunc_output || func == IOFunc_send) { cache->formatted_name = MemoryContextStrdup(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt, format_type_with_typemod(cache->typid, cache->typmod)); } else cache->formatted_name="\0"; fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) cache; } return cache; } Oid getIntOid() { Oid out; int ret; bool isnull; bool do_pop = false; do_pop = _SPI_conn(); /* * Get OID of our internal data type. This is necessary because record_in and * record_out need it. */ if (!(ret = SPI_execute("SELECT '_variant._variant'::regtype::oid", true, 1))) elog( ERROR, "SPI_execute returned %s", SPI_result_code_string(ret)); out = DatumGetObjectId( heap_getattr(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], 1, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, &isnull) ); /* Remember this frees everything palloc'd since our connect/push call */ _SPI_disc(do_pop); return out; } static bool _SPI_conn() { if( SPI_connect() ) return false; SPI_push(); return true; } static void _SPI_disc(bool pop) { if(pop) SPI_pop(); else SPI_finish(); } /* * Stolen from fmgr.c and modified for typmod */ /* * Get the actual type OID of a specific function argument (counting from 0) * * Returns InvalidOid if information is not available */ static int32 get_fn_expr_argtypmod(FmgrInfo *flinfo, int argnum) { /* * can't return anything useful if we have no FmgrInfo or if its fn_expr * node has not been initialized */ if (!flinfo || !flinfo->fn_expr) return InvalidOid; return get_call_expr_argtypmod(flinfo->fn_expr, argnum); } /* * Get the actual type OID of a specific function argument (counting from 0), * but working from the calling expression tree instead of FmgrInfo * * Returns InvalidOid if information is not available */ static int32 get_call_expr_argtypmod(Node *expr, int argnum) { List *args; int32 argtypmod; if (expr == NULL) return -1; if (IsA(expr, FuncExpr)) args = ((FuncExpr *) expr)->args; else if (IsA(expr, OpExpr)) args = ((OpExpr *) expr)->args; else if (IsA(expr, DistinctExpr)) args = ((DistinctExpr *) expr)->args; else if (IsA(expr, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) // See below // args = ((ScalarArrayOpExpr *) expr)->args; elog(ERROR, "castnig a variant as part of an ANY/ALL [array] expression is not supported" ); else if (IsA(expr, ArrayCoerceExpr)) // See below // args = list_make1(((ArrayCoerceExpr *) expr)->arg); elog(ERROR, "castnig a variant as part of an array cast is not supported" ); else if (IsA(expr, NullIfExpr)) args = ((NullIfExpr *) expr)->args; else if (IsA(expr, WindowFunc)) args = ((WindowFunc *) expr)->args; else return -1; if (argnum < 0 || argnum >= list_length(args)) return -1; argtypmod = exprTypmod((Node *) list_nth(args, argnum)); /* * get_call_expr_argtyp has these hacks in place. I don't know if they're * needed for typmods or not. For now, punt. * * special hack for ScalarArrayOpExpr and ArrayCoerceExpr: what the * underlying function will actually get passed is the element type of the * array. */ if (IsA(expr, ScalarArrayOpExpr) && argnum == 1) // argtypmod = get_base_element_type(argtypmod); elog(ERROR, "castnig a variant as part of an ANY/ALL [array] expression is not supported" ); else if (IsA(expr, ArrayCoerceExpr) && argnum == 0) // argtypmod = get_base_element_type(argtypmod); elog(ERROR, "castnig a variant as part of an array cast is not supported" ); return argtypmod; } // vi: noexpandtab sw=2 ts=2