\c postgres <%= @pg_role %> CREATE EXTENSION treasuredata_fdw; CREATE SERVER treasuredata_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER treasuredata_fdw; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE td_www_access ( time integer, code integer, size integer, method varchar ) SERVER treasuredata_server OPTIONS ( apikey '<%= @apikey %>', database 'sample_datasets', query_engine '<%= @query_engine %>', table 'www_access' ); SELECT * FROM td_www_access ORDER BY TIME LIMIT 5; time | code | size | method ------------+------+------+-------- 1412320845 | 200 | 62 | GET 1412320861 | 200 | 115 | GET 1412320878 | 200 | 75 | GET 1412320895 | 200 | 50 | GET 1412320911 | 200 | 93 | GET (5 rows) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access; count ------- 5000 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access WHERE time < 1412320911; count ------- 4 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access WHERE SUBSTR(method, 1, 3) = 'POS'; count ------- 376 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access WHERE method LIKE '%ET' AND code = 200; count ------- 4605 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access WHERE method NOT LIKE '%ET' AND code NOT IN (404); count ------- 376 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(1) FROM td_www_access WHERE time in (SELECT MIN(time) FROM td_www_access); count ------- 1 (1 row) CREATE FOREIGN TABLE td_www_access_dst ( time integer, code integer, size integer, method varchar ) SERVER treasuredata_server OPTIONS ( apikey '<%= @apikey %>', database 'treasuredata_fdw', query_engine '<%= @query_engine %>', table 'www_access_dst', import_file_size '50000', atomic_import 'true' ); INSERT INTO td_www_access_dst SELECT * FROM td_www_access; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE td_array_test ( str_array text[], int_array integer[], long_array bigint[], float_array float[], double_array float[], str_array_array text[][], int_array_array integer[][], long_array_array bigint[][], float_array_array float[][], double_array_array float[][] ) SERVER treasuredata_server OPTIONS ( apikey '<%= @apikey %>', database 'treasuredata_fdw', query_engine '<%= @query_engine %>', table 'array_test' ); SELECT * FROM td_array_test; str_array | int_array | long_array | float_array | double_array | str_array_array | int_array_array | long_array_array | float_array_array | double_array_array -----------------+-----------+------------------------------------+---------------+---------------------+--------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------- {one,two,three} | {1,2,3} | {1000000000,2000000000,3000000000} | {1.1,2.2,3.3} | {1.111,2.222,3.333} | {{one,two},{three,four}} | {{1,2},{3,4}} | {{1000000000,2000000000},{3000000000,4000000000}} | {{1.1,2.2},{3.3,4.4}} | {{1.111,2.222},{3.333,4.444}} (1 row) DROP FOREIGN TABLE td_www_access_dst; DROP FOREIGN TABLE td_www_access; DROP FOREIGN TABLE td_array_test; DROP SERVER treasuredata_server; DROP EXTENSION treasuredata_fdw CASCADE;