#include "postgres.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "funcapi.h" #include "pgtime.h" #include "libpq/pqformat.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/datetime.h" #include "parser/scansup.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include #include "utils/date.h" #include "utils/array.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; Datum timestampandtz_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_recv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_typmodin(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_typmodout(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_pl_interval(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_mi_interval(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_mi(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_ne(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_scale(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_to_timestamptz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_to_timestamp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_timezone(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestamptz_to_timestampandtz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestamp_to_timestampandtz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_movetz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_to_char(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_trunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_trunc_at(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_part(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_eq_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_ne_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_gt_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_ge_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_lt_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_le_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_to_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_larger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_smaller(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); Datum timestampandtz_cmp_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); typedef struct TimestampAndTz { Timestamp time; short tz; } TimestampAndTz; #include "zones.c" #include "to_char.c" static void debug_tm(struct pg_tm *tm) { fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\n", tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_year, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } static void EncodeSpecialTimestamp(Timestamp dt, char *str) { if (TIMESTAMP_IS_NOBEGIN(dt)) strcpy(str, EARLY); else if (TIMESTAMP_IS_NOEND(dt)) strcpy(str, LATE); else /* shouldn't happen */ elog(ERROR, "invalid argument for EncodeSpecialTimestamp"); } static Timestamp dt2local(Timestamp dt, int tz) { #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP dt -= (tz * USECS_PER_SEC); #else dt -= tz; #endif return dt; } static int32 anytimestamp_typmodin(ArrayType *ta) { int32 typmod; int32 *tl; int n; tl = ArrayGetIntegerTypmods(ta, &n); /* * we're not too tense about good error message here because grammar * shouldn't allow wrong number of modifiers for TIMESTAMP */ if (n != 1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("invalid type modifier"))); if (*tl < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("TIMESTAMP(%d)%s precision must not be negative", *tl, " AND TIME ZONE"))); if (*tl > MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION) { ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("TIMESTAMP(%d)%s precision reduced to maximum allowed, %d", *tl, " AND TIME ZONE", MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION))); typmod = MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION; } else typmod = *tl; return typmod; } static char *anytimestamp_typmodout(int32 typmod) { if (typmod >= 0) { char *ret = palloc(6); sprintf(ret, "(%d)", (int) typmod); return ret; } else return ""; } static void AdjustTimestampForTypmod(Timestamp *time, int32 typmod) { #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP static const int64 TimestampScales[MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION + 1] = { INT64CONST(1000000), INT64CONST(100000), INT64CONST(10000), INT64CONST(1000), INT64CONST(100), INT64CONST(10), INT64CONST(1) }; static const int64 TimestampOffsets[MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION + 1] = { INT64CONST(500000), INT64CONST(50000), INT64CONST(5000), INT64CONST(500), INT64CONST(50), INT64CONST(5), INT64CONST(0) }; #else static const double TimestampScales[MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION + 1] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000 }; #endif if (!TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(*time) && (typmod != -1) && (typmod != MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION)) { if (typmod < 0 || typmod > MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("timestamp(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", typmod, 0, MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION))); /* * Note: this round-to-nearest code is not completely consistent about * rounding values that are exactly halfway between integral values. * On most platforms, rint() will implement round-to-nearest-even, but * the integer code always rounds up (away from zero). Is it worth * trying to be consistent? */ #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP if (*time >= INT64CONST(0)) { *time = ((*time + TimestampOffsets[typmod]) / TimestampScales[typmod]) * TimestampScales[typmod]; } else { *time = -((((-*time) + TimestampOffsets[typmod]) / TimestampScales[typmod]) * TimestampScales[typmod]); } #else *time = rint((double) *time * TimestampScales[typmod]) / TimestampScales[typmod]; #endif } } static Datum gen_timestamp(Timestamp stamp, int tz) { TimestampAndTz *result = (TimestampAndTz *) palloc0(sizeof(TimestampAndTz)); result->time = stamp; result->tz = tz; PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); } static Timestamp tolocal(TimestampAndTz *dt) { Timestamp result; struct pg_tm tm; fsec_t fsec; const char *tzn; int tz; pg_tz *tzp = NULL; if(TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(dt->time) || dt->tz == 0) { return DT_NOEND; } else { tzn = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); tzp = pg_tzset(tzn); /* convert from the local timestamp to a local tm struct */ if (timestamp2tm(dt->time, &tz, &tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); /* convert to timestamp, but leave in local time */ if (tm2timestamp(&tm, fsec, NULL, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("could not convert to time zone \"%s\"", tzn))); return result; } } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_in); Datum timestampandtz_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { char *str = PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0); int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(2); Timestamp timestamp; fsec_t fsec; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; int tz, dtype = 0, nf, dterr; char *field[MAXDATEFIELDS]; int ftype[MAXDATEFIELDS]; char workbuf[MAXDATELEN + MAXDATEFIELDS]; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; char *tzn; int tzid; int tz_index; tz_index = strcspn(str, "@"); if(tz_index < strlen(str)) { /* split the date/time string and the timezone string at the @ */ str = pstrdup(str); str[tz_index] = 0x00; tzn = pstrdup(&str[tz_index] + 1); /* trim end of date/time string */ while(isspace(str[strlen(str) - 1])) str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0x00; /* trim end and start of timezone */ while(isspace(*tzn)) tzn++; while(isspace(tzn[strlen(tzn) - 1])) tzn[strlen(tzn) - 1] = 0x00; /* find our timezone id */ tzid = tzname_to_tzid(tzn); } else { /* find our timezone id for the current session timezone */ tzn = pstrdup(pg_get_timezone_name(session_timezone)); tzid = tzname_to_tzid(tzn); } if(tzid == 0) { elog(ERROR, "missing timezone ID \"%s\" while parsing timestampandtz \"%s\"", tzn, str); return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } /* standard date/time parse */ dterr = ParseDateTime(str, workbuf, sizeof(workbuf), field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf); if(dterr == 0) dterr = DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, &tz); if(dterr != 0) DateTimeParseError(dterr, str, "timestamp and time zone"); /* set the timezone and determine the offset for the parsed date time (which is local time) */ tzp = pg_tzset(tzn); tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, tzp); switch(dtype) { case DTK_DATE: if(tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, &tz, ×tamp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range: \"%s\"", str))); break; case DTK_EPOCH: timestamp = SetEpochTimestamp(); break; case DTK_LATE: TIMESTAMP_NOEND(timestamp); break; case DTK_EARLY: TIMESTAMP_NOBEGIN(timestamp); break; case DTK_INVALID: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("date/time value \"%s\" is no longer supported", str))); TIMESTAMP_NOEND(timestamp); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unexpected dtype %d while parsing timestampandtz \"%s\"", dtype, str); TIMESTAMP_NOEND(timestamp); } AdjustTimestampForTypmod(×tamp, typmod); return gen_timestamp(timestamp, tzid); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_out); Datum timestampandtz_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); char *result; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; int tz; fsec_t fsec; char buf[MAXDATELEN + 1]; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; const char * tzname = NULL; /* does the argument have a valid timezone */ if(dt->tz != 0) { tzname = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); tzp = pg_tzset(tzname); } if(TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(dt->time)) EncodeSpecialTimestamp(dt->time, buf); else if(timestamp2tm(dt->time, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) == 0) EncodeDateTime(tm, fsec, false, tz, NULL, DateStyle, buf); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); /* output the string format of the local time and the set timezone */ result = palloc0(strlen(buf) + 3 + strlen(tzname) + 1); strcat(result, buf); strcat(result, " @ "); strcat(result, tzname); PG_RETURN_CSTRING(result); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_recv); Datum timestampandtz_recv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { StringInfo buf = (StringInfo)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(2); TimestampAndTz *result; /* input the timestamp and the timezone id */ result = (TimestampAndTz *) palloc0(sizeof(TimestampAndTz)); result->time = pq_getmsgint64(buf); result->tz = pq_getmsgint(buf, 2); AdjustTimestampForTypmod(&result->time, typmod); PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_send); Datum timestampandtz_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *arg = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); StringInfoData buf; /* output the timestamp and the timezone id */ pq_begintypsend(&buf); pq_sendint64(&buf, arg->time); pq_sendint(&buf, arg->tz, 2); PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(pq_endtypsend(&buf)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_typmodin); Datum timestampandtz_typmodin(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ArrayType *ta = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0); PG_RETURN_INT32(anytimestamp_typmodin(ta)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_typmodout); Datum timestampandtz_typmodout(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(0); PG_RETURN_CSTRING(anytimestamp_typmodout(typmod)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_scale); Datum timestampandtz_scale(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *arg = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); int32 typmod = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); Timestamp result; result = arg->time; AdjustTimestampForTypmod(&result, typmod); return gen_timestamp(result, arg->tz); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_timezone); Datum timestampandtz_timezone(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *zone = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); Timestamp result; int tz = dt->tz; char tzname[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1]; char *lowzone; int type, val; pg_tz *tzp; Timestamp time = dt->time; if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(time)) PG_RETURN_TIMESTAMPTZ(time); /* * Look up the requested timezone. First we look in the date token table * (to handle cases like "EST"), and if that fails, we look in the * timezone database (to handle cases like "America/New_York"). (This * matches the order in which timestamp input checks the cases; it's * important because the timezone database unwisely uses a few zone names * that are identical to offset abbreviations.) */ text_to_cstring_buffer(zone, tzname, sizeof(tzname)); lowzone = downcase_truncate_identifier(tzname, strlen(tzname), false); type = DecodeSpecial(0, lowzone, &val); if (type == TZ || type == DTZ) { tz = val * MINS_PER_HOUR; result = dt2local(time, tz); } else { tzp = pg_tzset(tzname); if (tzp) { /* Apply the timezone change */ struct pg_tm tm; fsec_t fsec; if (timestamp2tm(time, &tz, &tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); if (tm2timestamp(&tm, fsec, NULL, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("could not convert to time zone \"%s\"", tzname))); } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("time zone \"%s\" not recognized", tzname))); result = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } } PG_RETURN_TIMESTAMP(result); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_eq); Datum timestampandtz_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time == right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_ne); Datum timestampandtz_ne(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time != right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_le); Datum timestampandtz_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time <= right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_lt); Datum timestampandtz_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time < right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_ge); Datum timestampandtz_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time >= right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_gt); Datum timestampandtz_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(left->time > right->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_to_timestamptz); Datum timestampandtz_to_timestamptz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); PG_RETURN_TIMESTAMP(dt->time); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_to_timestamp); Datum timestampandtz_to_timestamp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); PG_RETURN_TIMESTAMP(tolocal(dt)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestamptz_to_timestampandtz); Datum timestamptz_to_timestampandtz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampTz timestamp = PG_GETARG_TIMESTAMPTZ(0); char *tzn; int tzid; /* find our timezone id for the current session timezone */ tzn = pstrdup(pg_get_timezone_name(session_timezone)); tzid = tzname_to_tzid(tzn); if(tzid == 0) { elog(ERROR, "missing timezone ID \"%s\"", tzn); return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } return gen_timestamp(timestamp, tzid); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestamp_to_timestampandtz); Datum timestamp_to_timestampandtz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Timestamp timestamp = PG_GETARG_TIMESTAMP(0); Timestamp result; struct pg_tm tm; fsec_t fsec; char *tzn; int tzid, tz; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; /* find our timezone id for the current session timezone */ tzn = pstrdup(pg_get_timezone_name(session_timezone)); tzid = tzname_to_tzid(tzn); if(tzid == 0) { elog(ERROR, "missing timezone ID \"%s\"", tzn); return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } /* convert from the local timestamp to a local tm struct */ if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, NULL, &tm, &fsec, NULL, NULL) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); /* get the local offset for the tm local time */ tzp = pg_tzset(tzn); tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(&tm, tzp); /* convert from the local timezone to utc timestamp */ if (tm2timestamp(&tm, fsec, &tz, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("could not convert to time zone \"%s\"", tzn))); return gen_timestamp(result, tzid); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_cmp); Datum timestampandtz_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz * left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz * right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); if(left->time > right->time) PG_RETURN_INT32(1); else if(left->time < right->time) PG_RETURN_INT32(-1); else PG_RETURN_INT32(0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_pl_interval); Datum timestampandtz_pl_interval(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); Interval *span = PG_GETARG_INTERVAL_P(1); Timestamp timestamp = dt->time; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; const char * tzname = NULL; int tz; if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(timestamp) || dt->tz == 0) { return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } else { tzname = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); tzp = pg_tzset(tzname); if (span->month != 0) { struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; fsec_t fsec; if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); tm->tm_mon += span->month; if (tm->tm_mon > MONTHS_PER_YEAR) { tm->tm_year += (tm->tm_mon - 1) / MONTHS_PER_YEAR; tm->tm_mon = ((tm->tm_mon - 1) % MONTHS_PER_YEAR) + 1; } else if (tm->tm_mon < 1) { tm->tm_year += tm->tm_mon / MONTHS_PER_YEAR - 1; tm->tm_mon = tm->tm_mon % MONTHS_PER_YEAR + MONTHS_PER_YEAR; } /* adjust for end of month boundary problems... */ if (tm->tm_mday > day_tab[isleap(tm->tm_year)][tm->tm_mon - 1]) tm->tm_mday = (day_tab[isleap(tm->tm_year)][tm->tm_mon - 1]); /* determine the new time offset for the new day */ tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, tzp); if (tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, &tz, ×tamp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); } if (span->day != 0) { struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; fsec_t fsec; int julian; if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); /* Add days by converting to and from julian */ julian = date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) + span->day; j2date(julian, &tm->tm_year, &tm->tm_mon, &tm->tm_mday); /* determine the new time offset for the new day */ tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, tzp); if (tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, &tz, ×tamp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); } timestamp += span->time; } return gen_timestamp(timestamp, dt->tz); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_mi_interval); Datum timestampandtz_mi_interval(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); Interval *span = PG_GETARG_INTERVAL_P(1); Interval tspan; tspan.month = -span->month; tspan.day = -span->day; tspan.time = -span->time; return DirectFunctionCall2(timestampandtz_pl_interval, gen_timestamp(dt->time, dt->tz), PointerGetDatum(&tspan)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_movetz); Datum timestampandtz_movetz(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); text *zone = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); char tzname[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1]; int tzid; /* find our timezone id */ text_to_cstring_buffer(zone, tzname, sizeof(tzname)); tzid = tzname_to_tzid(tzname); if(tzid == 0) { elog(ERROR, "missing timezone ID \"%s\"", tzname); return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } return gen_timestamp(dt->time, tzid); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_mi); Datum timestampandtz_mi(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *left = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *right = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); Interval *result; result = (Interval *) palloc(sizeof(Interval)); if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(left->time) || TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(right->time) || left->tz == 0 || right->tz == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("cannot subtract infinite timestamps"))); result->time = left->time - right->time; result->month = 0; result->day = 0; result = DatumGetIntervalP(DirectFunctionCall1(interval_justify_hours, IntervalPGetDatum(result))); PG_RETURN_INTERVAL_P(result); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_trunc); Datum timestampandtz_trunc(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *units = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); TimestampTz result; int tz; int type, val; char *lowunits; fsec_t fsec; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; const char * tzname = NULL; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(dt->time) || dt->tz == 0) return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); tzname = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); tzp = pg_tzset(tzname); lowunits = downcase_truncate_identifier(VARDATA_ANY(units), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(units), false); type = DecodeUnits(0, lowunits, &val); if (type == UNITS) { if (timestamp2tm(dt->time, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); switch (val) { case DTK_WEEK: { int woy; woy = date2isoweek(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday); /* * If it is week 52/53 and the month is January, then the * week must belong to the previous year. Also, some * December dates belong to the next year. */ if (woy >= 52 && tm->tm_mon == 1) --tm->tm_year; if (woy <= 1 && tm->tm_mon == MONTHS_PER_YEAR) ++tm->tm_year; isoweek2date(woy, &(tm->tm_year), &(tm->tm_mon), &(tm->tm_mday)); tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_min = 0; tm->tm_sec = 0; fsec = 0; break; } /* one may consider DTK_THOUSAND and DTK_HUNDRED... */ case DTK_MILLENNIUM: /* * truncating to the millennium? what is this supposed to * mean? let us put the first year of the millennium... i.e. * -1000, 1, 1001, 2001... */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = ((tm->tm_year + 999) / 1000) * 1000 - 999; else tm->tm_year = -((999 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 1000) * 1000 + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_CENTURY: /* truncating to the century? as above: -100, 1, 101... */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = ((tm->tm_year + 99) / 100) * 100 - 99; else tm->tm_year = -((99 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 100) * 100 + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_DECADE: /* * truncating to the decade? first year of the decade. must * not be applied if year was truncated before! */ if (val != DTK_MILLENNIUM && val != DTK_CENTURY) { if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = (tm->tm_year / 10) * 10; else tm->tm_year = -((8 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 10) * 10; } /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_YEAR: tm->tm_mon = 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_QUARTER: tm->tm_mon = (3 * ((tm->tm_mon - 1) / 3)) + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_MONTH: tm->tm_mday = 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_DAY: tm->tm_hour = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_HOUR: tm->tm_min = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_MINUTE: tm->tm_sec = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_SECOND: fsec = 0; break; case DTK_MILLISEC: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP fsec = (fsec / 1000) * 1000; #else fsec = floor(fsec * 1000) / 1000; #endif break; case DTK_MICROSEC: #ifndef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP fsec = floor(fsec * 1000000) / 1000000; #endif break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not " "supported", lowunits))); result = 0; } tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, tzp); if (tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, &tz, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not recognized", lowunits))); result = 0; } return gen_timestamp(result, dt->tz); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_to_date); Datum timestampandtz_to_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; fsec_t fsec; DateADT result; if (TIMESTAMP_IS_NOBEGIN(dt->time) || dt->tz == 0) DATE_NOBEGIN(result); else if (TIMESTAMP_IS_NOEND(dt->time)) DATE_NOEND(result); else { Timestamp local = tolocal(dt); if (timestamp2tm(local, NULL, tm, &fsec, NULL, NULL) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); result = date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) - POSTGRES_EPOCH_JDATE; } PG_RETURN_DATEADT(result); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_trunc_at); Datum timestampandtz_trunc_at(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *units = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); text *zone = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(2); TimestampTz result; int tz; int type, val; char *lowunits; fsec_t fsec; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; const char *source_tzname = NULL; pg_tz *source_tzp = NULL; char target_tzname[TZ_STRLEN_MAX + 1]; int target_tzid; pg_tz *target_tzp = NULL; if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(dt->time) || dt->tz == 0) return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); /* find the target timezone id */ text_to_cstring_buffer(zone, target_tzname, sizeof(target_tzname)); target_tzid = tzname_to_tzid(target_tzname); if(target_tzid == 0) { elog(ERROR, "missing timezone ID \"%s\"", target_tzname); return gen_timestamp(DT_NOEND, 0); } target_tzp = pg_tzset(target_tzname); /* find the source timezone id */ source_tzname = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); source_tzp = pg_tzset(source_tzname); lowunits = downcase_truncate_identifier(VARDATA_ANY(units), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(units), false); type = DecodeUnits(0, lowunits, &val); if (type == UNITS) { /* get the tm time for the time in the target timezone : UTC -> target */ if (timestamp2tm(dt->time, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, target_tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); switch (val) { case DTK_WEEK: { int woy; woy = date2isoweek(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday); /* * If it is week 52/53 and the month is January, then the * week must belong to the previous year. Also, some * December dates belong to the next year. */ if (woy >= 52 && tm->tm_mon == 1) --tm->tm_year; if (woy <= 1 && tm->tm_mon == MONTHS_PER_YEAR) ++tm->tm_year; isoweek2date(woy, &(tm->tm_year), &(tm->tm_mon), &(tm->tm_mday)); tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_min = 0; tm->tm_sec = 0; fsec = 0; break; } /* one may consider DTK_THOUSAND and DTK_HUNDRED... */ case DTK_MILLENNIUM: /* * truncating to the millennium? what is this supposed to * mean? let us put the first year of the millennium... i.e. * -1000, 1, 1001, 2001... */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = ((tm->tm_year + 999) / 1000) * 1000 - 999; else tm->tm_year = -((999 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 1000) * 1000 + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_CENTURY: /* truncating to the century? as above: -100, 1, 101... */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = ((tm->tm_year + 99) / 100) * 100 - 99; else tm->tm_year = -((99 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 100) * 100 + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_DECADE: /* * truncating to the decade? first year of the decade. must * not be applied if year was truncated before! */ if (val != DTK_MILLENNIUM && val != DTK_CENTURY) { if (tm->tm_year > 0) tm->tm_year = (tm->tm_year / 10) * 10; else tm->tm_year = -((8 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 10) * 10; } /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_YEAR: tm->tm_mon = 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_QUARTER: tm->tm_mon = (3 * ((tm->tm_mon - 1) / 3)) + 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_MONTH: tm->tm_mday = 1; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_DAY: tm->tm_hour = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_HOUR: tm->tm_min = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_MINUTE: tm->tm_sec = 0; /* FALL THRU */ case DTK_SECOND: fsec = 0; break; case DTK_MILLISEC: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP fsec = (fsec / 1000) * 1000; #else fsec = floor(fsec * 1000) / 1000; #endif break; case DTK_MICROSEC: #ifndef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP fsec = floor(fsec * 1000000) / 1000000; #endif break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not " "supported", lowunits))); result = 0; } /* convert back to UTC in target time zone */ tz = DetermineTimeZoneOffset(tm, target_tzp); if (tm2timestamp(tm, fsec, &tz, &result) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not recognized", lowunits))); result = 0; } return gen_timestamp(result, dt->tz); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_part); Datum timestampandtz_part(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *units = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); TimestampAndTz *dt = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); Timestamp timestamp = dt->time; float8 result; int tz; int type, val; char *lowunits; double dummy; fsec_t fsec; struct pg_tm tt, *tm = &tt; pg_tz * tzp = NULL; const char * tzname = NULL; if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(timestamp) || dt->tz == 0) { result = 0; PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(result); } tzname = tzid_to_tzname(dt->tz); tzp = pg_tzset(tzname); lowunits = downcase_truncate_identifier(VARDATA_ANY(units), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(units), false); type = DecodeUnits(0, lowunits, &val); if (type == UNKNOWN_FIELD) type = DecodeSpecial(0, lowunits, &val); if (type == UNITS) { if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); switch (val) { case DTK_TZ: result = -tz; break; case DTK_TZ_MINUTE: result = -tz; result /= MINS_PER_HOUR; FMODULO(result, dummy, (double) MINS_PER_HOUR); break; case DTK_TZ_HOUR: dummy = -tz; FMODULO(dummy, result, (double) SECS_PER_HOUR); break; case DTK_MICROSEC: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP result = tm->tm_sec * 1000000.0 + fsec; #else result = (tm->tm_sec + fsec) * 1000000; #endif break; case DTK_MILLISEC: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP result = tm->tm_sec * 1000.0 + fsec / 1000.0; #else result = (tm->tm_sec + fsec) * 1000; #endif break; case DTK_SECOND: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP result = tm->tm_sec + fsec / 1000000.0; #else result = tm->tm_sec + fsec; #endif break; case DTK_MINUTE: result = tm->tm_min; break; case DTK_HOUR: result = tm->tm_hour; break; case DTK_DAY: result = tm->tm_mday; break; case DTK_MONTH: result = tm->tm_mon; break; case DTK_QUARTER: result = (tm->tm_mon - 1) / 3 + 1; break; case DTK_WEEK: result = (float8) date2isoweek(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday); break; case DTK_YEAR: if (tm->tm_year > 0) result = tm->tm_year; else /* there is no year 0, just 1 BC and 1 AD */ result = tm->tm_year - 1; break; case DTK_DECADE: /* see comments in timestamp_part */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) result = tm->tm_year / 10; else result = -((8 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 10); break; case DTK_CENTURY: /* see comments in timestamp_part */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) result = (tm->tm_year + 99) / 100; else result = -((99 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 100); break; case DTK_MILLENNIUM: /* see comments in timestamp_part */ if (tm->tm_year > 0) result = (tm->tm_year + 999) / 1000; else result = -((999 - (tm->tm_year - 1)) / 1000); break; case DTK_JULIAN: result = date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday); #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP result += ((((tm->tm_hour * MINS_PER_HOUR) + tm->tm_min) * SECS_PER_MINUTE) + tm->tm_sec + (fsec / 1000000.0)) / (double) SECS_PER_DAY; #else result += ((((tm->tm_hour * MINS_PER_HOUR) + tm->tm_min) * SECS_PER_MINUTE) + tm->tm_sec + fsec) / (double) SECS_PER_DAY; #endif break; case DTK_ISOYEAR: result = date2isoyear(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday); break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not supported", lowunits))); result = 0; } } else if (type == RESERV) { switch (val) { case DTK_EPOCH: #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP result = (timestamp - SetEpochTimestamp()) / 1000000.0; #else result = timestamp - SetEpochTimestamp(); #endif break; case DTK_DOW: case DTK_ISODOW: if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); result = j2day(date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday)); if (val == DTK_ISODOW && result == 0) result = 7; break; case DTK_DOY: if (timestamp2tm(timestamp, &tz, tm, &fsec, NULL, tzp) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("timestamp out of range"))); result = (date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) - date2j(tm->tm_year, 1, 1) + 1); break; default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not supported", lowunits))); result = 0; } } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("timestamp with time zone units \"%s\" not recognized", lowunits))); result = 0; } PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(result); } static Timestamp date2timestamp(DateADT dateVal) { Timestamp result; if (DATE_IS_NOBEGIN(dateVal)) TIMESTAMP_NOBEGIN(result); else if (DATE_IS_NOEND(dateVal)) TIMESTAMP_NOEND(result); else { #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP /* date is days since 2000, timestamp is microseconds since same... */ result = dateVal * USECS_PER_DAY; /* Date's range is wider than timestamp's, so check for overflow */ if (result / USECS_PER_DAY != dateVal) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATETIME_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE), errmsg("date out of range for timestamp"))); #else /* date is days since 2000, timestamp is seconds since same... */ result = dateVal * (double) SECS_PER_DAY; #endif } return result; } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_eq_date); Datum timestampandtz_eq_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) == 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_ne_date); Datum timestampandtz_ne_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) != 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_lt_date); Datum timestampandtz_lt_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) < 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_gt_date); Datum timestampandtz_gt_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) > 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_le_date); Datum timestampandtz_le_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) <= 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_ge_date); Datum timestampandtz_ge_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_BOOL(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2) >= 0); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_cmp_date); Datum timestampandtz_cmp_date(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); DateADT dateVal = PG_GETARG_DATEADT(1); Timestamp dt2; dt2 = date2timestamp(dateVal); PG_RETURN_INT32(timestamp_cmp_internal(tolocal(dt1), dt2)); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_smaller); Datum timestampandtz_smaller(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *dt2 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); if(timestamp_cmp_internal(dt1->time, dt2->time) < 0) return gen_timestamp(dt1->time, dt1->tz); else return gen_timestamp(dt2->time, dt2->tz); } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(timestampandtz_larger); Datum timestampandtz_larger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TimestampAndTz *dt1 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); TimestampAndTz *dt2 = (TimestampAndTz *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); if(timestamp_cmp_internal(dt1->time, dt2->time) > 0) return gen_timestamp(dt1->time, dt1->tz); else return gen_timestamp(dt2->time, dt2->tz); }