/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * versioning.c * * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Vladislav Arkhipov * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90300 #include "access/htup_details.h" #endif #include "access/xact.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "executor/spi.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rangetypes.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/timestamp.h" #include "temporal_tables.h" #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) #define nextafter(x, y) _nextafter(x, y) #endif PGDLLEXPORT Datum versioning(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PGDLLEXPORT Datum set_system_time(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(versioning); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(set_system_time); /* Warning if system period was adjusted. */ #define ERRCODE_WARNING_SYSTEM_PERIOD_ADJUSTED MAKE_SQLSTATE('0', '1', 'X', '0', '1') /* Cached data for versioning trigger. */ typedef struct VersioningHashEntry { Oid relid; /* hash key (must be first) */ Oid history_relid; /* OID of the history relation */ TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple descriptor of the versioned relation */ TupleDesc history_tupdesc; /* tuple descriptor of the history relation */ /* * The number of items in attnums or -1 if this cached data is invalid. * If attnums is not zero then tupdesc, history_tupdesc, attnums and * insert_history_plan contains not null values. */ int natts; /* * attnums[N] is a number of attribute in the versioned relation that is * also appears in the history relation. */ int *attnums; /* Cached plan of INSERT command into the history relation. */ SPIPlanPtr insert_history_plan; } VersioningHashEntry; /* true if datetimes are integer based. */ static bool integer_datetimes; /* true if integer_datetimes value was looked up. */ static bool integer_datetimes_set = false; /* Contains cached data for OID of versioned relation. */ static HTAB *versioning_cache = NULL; static bool parse_adjust_argument(const char *arg); /* * Local function prototypes. */ static TypeCacheEntry *get_period_typcache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, Form_pg_attribute attr, Relation relation); static void check_attr_type(Form_pg_attribute attr, Form_pg_attribute history_attr, Relation relation, Relation history_relation); static void fill_versioning_hash_entry(VersioningHashEntry *hash_entry, Relation relation, Relation history_relation, TupleDesc tupdesc, const char *period_attname); static void insert_history_row(HeapTuple tuple, Relation relation, const char *history_relation_argument, const char *period_attname); static void deserialize_system_period(HeapTuple tuple, Relation relation, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper); static void lookup_integer_datetimes(); static TimestampTz get_system_time(); static TimestampTz next_timestamp(TimestampTz timestamp); static void adjust_system_period(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper, const char *adjust_argument, Relation relation); static bool modified_in_current_transaction(HeapTuple tuple); static Datum versioning_insert(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum); static Datum versioning_update(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, const char *history_relation_argument, const char *adjust_argument); static Datum versioning_delete(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, const char *history_relation_argument, const char *adjust_argument); static void init_versioning_hash_table(); static void *hash_entry_alloc(Size size); static VersioningHashEntry *lookup_versioning_hash_entry(Oid relid, bool *found); /* * This trigger maintains the logic of versioned tables. * * Versioned table contains the current active rows. Archived rows are located * into the other table called the history table. When you insert, update or * delete rows in the versioned table, the current trigger automatically * inserts a copy of the old row into the corresponding history table. * * Versioned table must contains a special column of type tstzrange called * the system period. The begin of this period represents the time when the * row data became current. The end of this period represents the time when * the row data was no longer current. * * The common history table columns and versioned table columns must have the * same data types. * * To convert a table to a system versioned table: * 1. Create a system period column in the original table. * 2. Create a history table. * 3. Use CREATE TRIGGER on the original table as shown below. * * In CREATE TRIGGER you are to specify a system period column name, a history * relation name and "adjust" parameter: * * CREATE TRIGGER * BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON * FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE * versioning(, , ). */ Datum versioning(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata; Trigger *trigger; char **args; Relation relation; TupleDesc tupdesc; char *period_attname; int period_attnum; Form_pg_attribute period_attr; TypeCacheEntry *typcache; trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; /* Check that the trigger function was called in expected context. */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("function \"versioning\" was not called by trigger manager"))); /* Check proper event. */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event) || !TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("function \"versioning\" must be fired BEFORE ROW"))); if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event) && !TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event) && !TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("function \"versioning\" must be fired for INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE"))); trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger; /* Check number of arguments. */ if (trigger->tgnargs != 3) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("wrong number of parameters for function \"versioning\""), errdetail("expected 3 parameters but got %d", trigger->tgnargs))); args = trigger->tgargs; relation = trigdata->tg_relation; tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(relation); period_attname = args[0]; /* Check that system period attribute exists in the versioned relation. */ period_attnum = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, period_attname); if (period_attnum == SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist", period_attname, RelationGetRelationName(relation)))); period_attr = tupdesc->attrs[period_attnum - 1]; /* Check that system period attribute is not dropped. */ if (period_attr->attisdropped) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" does not exist", period_attname, RelationGetRelationName(relation)))); /* Check that system period attribute is not an array. */ if (period_attr->attndims != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("system period column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" is not a range but an array", period_attname, RelationGetRelationName(relation)))); /* Locate the typcache entry for the type of system period attribute. */ typcache = get_period_typcache(fcinfo, period_attr, relation); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) return versioning_insert(trigdata, typcache, period_attnum); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) return versioning_update(trigdata, typcache, period_attnum, period_attname, args[1], args[2]); else /* otherwise this is ON DELETE trigger */ return versioning_delete(trigdata, typcache, period_attnum, period_attname, args[1], args[2]); } /* * Set the system time value that is used by versioned triggers to the * specific value. Revert to the default behaviour if NULL is passed for the * argument. */ Datum set_system_time(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TemporalContext *ctx = get_current_temporal_context(true); if (PG_ARGISNULL(0)) { ctx->system_time_mode = CurrentTransactionStartTimestamp; } else { ctx->system_time_mode = UserDefined; ctx->system_time = PG_GETARG_TIMESTAMPTZ(0); } PG_RETURN_VOID(); } /* * Get the value that should be used as the system time by versioned * triggers. */ static TimestampTz get_system_time() { TemporalContext *ctx = get_current_temporal_context(false); switch (ctx->system_time_mode) { case CurrentTransactionStartTimestamp: return GetCurrentTransactionStartTimestamp(); case UserDefined: return ctx->system_time; } Assert(false); /* will never get here */ return 0; } /* * Parse argument value as boolean. The valid values are "true" for true, * "false" for false. * * If the string parses okay, return the parsed value, else throw an error. */ static bool parse_adjust_argument(const char *arg) { if (pg_strcasecmp(arg, "true") == 0) return true; if (pg_strcasecmp(arg, "false") == 0) return false; ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("invalid value \"%s\" for \"adjust\" parameter", arg), errdetail("valid values are: \"true\", \"false\""))); return false; } /* * Locate the typcache entry for the system period attribute. If the specified * attribute is not a range of timestamp with timezone, an error is thrown. */ static TypeCacheEntry * get_period_typcache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, Form_pg_attribute attr, Relation relation) { Oid typoid; HeapTuple type_tuple; Form_pg_type type; TypeCacheEntry *typcache; typoid = attr->atttypid; /* Search syscache for attribute type. */ type_tuple = SearchSysCache1(TYPEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(typoid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(type_tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for type %u", typoid); type = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(type_tuple); /* Check that type is a range. */ if (type->typtype != TYPTYPE_RANGE) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("system period column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" is not a range but type %s", NameStr(attr->attname), RelationGetRelationName(relation), format_type_be(typoid)))); /* Get cached information about the range type. */ typcache = range_get_typcache(fcinfo, typoid); /* Check that this is a range of timestamp with timezone. */ if (typcache->rngelemtype->type_id != TIMESTAMPTZOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("system period column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" is not a range of timestamp with timezone but of type %s", NameStr(attr->attname), RelationGetRelationName(relation), format_type_be(typcache->rngelemtype->type_id)))); ReleaseSysCache(type_tuple); return typcache; } /* * Check that the type of an attribute in the versioned table is the same as in * the history table. */ static void check_attr_type(Form_pg_attribute attr, Form_pg_attribute history_attr, Relation relation, Relation history_relation) { if (attr->atttypid != history_attr->atttypid || attr->attndims != history_attr->attndims || attr->atttypmod != history_attr->atttypmod) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" is of type %s but column \"%s\" of history relation \"%s\" is of type %s", NameStr(attr->attname), RelationGetRelationName(relation), format_type_with_typemod(attr->atttypid, attr->atttypmod), NameStr(history_attr->attname), RelationGetRelationName(history_relation), format_type_with_typemod(history_attr->atttypid, history_attr->atttypmod)))); } /* * Fill a newly created hash entry with the cached data. * * Note that hash entry must be zeroed and natts value of the entry must be * set to -1 prior to the call of this function. */ static void fill_versioning_hash_entry(VersioningHashEntry *hash_entry, Relation relation, Relation history_relation, TupleDesc tupdesc, const char *period_attname) { TupleDesc history_tupdesc; MemoryContext oldcontext; int attnums_size; int *attnums; StringInfoData querybuf; char *nspname; char *relname; int *history_attnums; int natts; int i; int ret; history_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(history_relation); /* Check that the history relation contains the system period attribute. */ if (SPI_fnumber(history_tupdesc, period_attname) < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("history relation \"%s\" does not contain system period column \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(history_relation), period_attname), errhint("history relation must contain system period column with the same name and data type as the versioned one"))); /* * Allocate versioned relation attributes array. attnums[N] contains the * number of the attribute in the versioned relation. */ attnums_size = Min(tupdesc->natts, history_tupdesc->natts); attnums = palloc(attnums_size * sizeof(int)); /* * The query string build is * INSERT INTO (, , ...) * VALUES ($1, $2, ...) */ initStringInfo(&querybuf); nspname = get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(history_relation)); relname = RelationGetRelationName(history_relation); appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "INSERT INTO %s.%s (", quote_identifier(nspname), quote_identifier(relname)); /* * Allocate history relation attributes array. history_attnums[N] is a * number of the attribute in the history relation that has the same name * as the attribute with the number attnums[N] in the versioned relation. */ history_attnums = palloc(attnums_size * sizeof(int)); /* Fill in common attributes array. */ natts = 0; for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; ++i) { Form_pg_attribute attr; Form_pg_attribute history_attr; int history_attnum; char *attname; attr = tupdesc->attrs[i]; if (attr->attisdropped) continue; attname = NameStr(attr->attname); history_attnum = SPI_fnumber(history_tupdesc, attname); if (history_attnum < 0) continue; history_attr = history_tupdesc->attrs[history_attnum - 1]; check_attr_type(attr, history_attr, relation, history_relation); attnums[natts] = attr->attnum; history_attnums[natts] = history_attnum; if (natts != 0) appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ", "); appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "%s", quote_identifier(attname)); natts++; } /* * If there are common attributes, then prepare and set the plan and * related information. */ if (natts != 0) { Oid *argtypes; SPIPlanPtr plan; appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ") VALUES ("); argtypes = palloc(sizeof(Oid) * natts); for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { if (i != 0) appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ", "); appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "$%d", i + 1); argtypes[i] = SPI_gettypeid(history_tupdesc, history_attnums[i]); } appendStringInfo(&querybuf, ")"); /* Prepare and save the plan. */ plan = SPI_prepare(querybuf.data, natts, argtypes); if (plan == NULL) elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned %d for %s", SPI_result, NameStr(querybuf)); if ((ret = SPI_keepplan(plan)) != 0) elog(ERROR, "SPI_keepplan returned %d", ret); hash_entry->insert_history_plan = plan; pfree(argtypes); /* Copy the constructed attribute list into TopMemoryContext. */ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); hash_entry->history_relid = RelationGetRelid(history_relation); hash_entry->tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopyConstr(tupdesc); hash_entry->history_tupdesc = CreateTupleDescCopyConstr(history_tupdesc); hash_entry->attnums = palloc(natts * sizeof(int)); memcpy(hash_entry->attnums, attnums, natts * sizeof(int)); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); } /* * Now when the cached data structure is filled we can set natts to mark * the entry valid. */ hash_entry->natts = natts; pfree(attnums); pfree(history_attnums); } /* * Insert a row into the history relation. * * tuple: a row to insert * relation: versioned relation * history_relation_name: qualified name of the history relation */ static void insert_history_row(HeapTuple tuple, Relation relation, const char *history_relation_name, const char *period_attname) { RangeVar *relrv; Relation history_relation; VersioningHashEntry *hash_entry; bool found; TupleDesc tupdesc; int ret; int natts; /* Open the history relation and obtain AccessShareLock on it. */ relrv = makeRangeVarFromNameList(stringToQualifiedNameList(history_relation_name)); history_relation = heap_openrv(relrv, AccessShareLock); /* Look up the cached data for the versioned relation OID. */ hash_entry = lookup_versioning_hash_entry(RelationGetRelid(relation), &found); tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(relation); if (found) { TupleDesc history_tupdesc; history_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(history_relation); /* * Check that the cached data is still valid. * * If natts is -1, then fill_versioning_hash_entry failed and the * cached data is invalid. * * If the trigger definition changes, then the cached history relation * OID may differs compared to the current one. * * Then check that the structure of the versioned table and the history * table is intact by comparing the cached TupleDesc with the current * one. */ if (hash_entry->natts == -1 || RelationGetRelid(history_relation) != hash_entry->history_relid || !equalTupleDescs(tupdesc, hash_entry->tupdesc) || !equalTupleDescs(history_tupdesc, hash_entry->history_tupdesc)) { /* Mark the entry invalid. */ hash_entry->natts = -1; /* If the cached data structure is invalid, free it's fields. */ if (hash_entry->tupdesc != NULL) { FreeTupleDesc(hash_entry->tupdesc); hash_entry->tupdesc = NULL; } if (hash_entry->history_tupdesc != NULL) { FreeTupleDesc(hash_entry->history_tupdesc); hash_entry->history_tupdesc = NULL; } if (hash_entry->attnums != NULL) { pfree(hash_entry->attnums); hash_entry->attnums = NULL; } if (hash_entry->insert_history_plan != NULL) { if ((ret = SPI_freeplan(hash_entry->insert_history_plan)) != 0) elog(ERROR, "SPI_freeplan returned %d", ret); hash_entry->insert_history_plan = NULL; } /* Make to refill the cached data entry. */ found = false; } } if ((ret = SPI_connect()) != SPI_OK_CONNECT) elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect returned %d", ret); /* * If there is no cached data or it is invalid, fill the cached data * structure. */ if (!found) { fill_versioning_hash_entry(hash_entry, relation, history_relation, tupdesc, period_attname); } natts = hash_entry->natts; /* Execute the plan. */ if (natts != 0) { Datum *values; char *nulls; int *attnums; SPIPlanPtr plan; int i; values = palloc(natts * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = palloc(natts * sizeof(char)); attnums = hash_entry->attnums; plan = hash_entry->insert_history_plan; for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { bool isnull; values[i] = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, attnums[i], &isnull); nulls[i] = isnull ? 'n' : ' '; } if ((ret = SPI_execp(plan, values, nulls, 0)) != SPI_OK_INSERT) elog(ERROR, "SPI_execp returned %d", ret); pfree(values); pfree(nulls); } /* Close the history relation. */ relation_close(history_relation, AccessShareLock); if ((ret = SPI_finish()) != SPI_OK_FINISH) elog(ERROR, "SPI_finish returned %d", ret); } /* * Deconstruct a range value of the system period attribute. * * If the value is null or is bounded on it's high side, an error is thrown. */ static void deserialize_system_period(HeapTuple tuple, Relation relation, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper) { bool isnull; Datum datum; RangeType *system_period; bool empty; datum = SPI_getbinval(tuple, RelationGetDescr(relation), period_attnum, &isnull); if (isnull) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED), errmsg("system period column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" must not be null", period_attname, RelationGetRelationName(relation)))); system_period = DatumGetRangeType(datum); range_deserialize(typcache, system_period, lower, upper, &empty); if (empty || !upper->infinite) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_EXCEPTION), errmsg("system period column \"%s\" of relation \"%s\" contains invalid value", period_attname, RelationGetRelationName(relation)), errdetail("valid ranges must be non-empty and unbounded on the high side"))); } /* * Look up "integer_datetimes" configuration option. */ static void lookup_integer_datetimes() { const char *value; value = GetConfigOption("integer_datetimes", false, true); integer_datetimes = (strcmp(value, "on") == 0); integer_datetimes_set = true; } /* * Add a minimal time interval to the specified timestamp. The returned value * is always not equal to this timestamp. */ static TimestampTz next_timestamp(TimestampTz timestamp) { if (!integer_datetimes_set) lookup_integer_datetimes(); /* If Timestamp is int64, add 1 microsecond. */ if (integer_datetimes) return (TimestampTz) ((int64) timestamp + 1); else { float8 ts; float8 next; /* * If Timestamp is double, try adding 1 microsecond. If microsecond * precision is not available for this value, return the next * representable floating-point number. */ ts = (float8) timestamp; next = ts + 1E-06; if (next != ts) return (TimestampTz) next; return (TimestampTz) nextafter(ts, DBL_MAX); } } /* * Check that the upper bound is greater than the lower bound. If it is not * the case and adjust argument of the trigger is set to false, an exception * is thrown. If adjust argument is set to true, then the upper bound is set * to the lower bound plus delta. */ static void adjust_system_period(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper, const char *adjust_argument, Relation relation) { if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, lower, upper) >= 0) { TimestampTz next_ts; if (!parse_adjust_argument(adjust_argument)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_EXCEPTION), errmsg("system period value of relation \"%s\" cannot be set to a valid period because a row that is attempted to modify was also modified by another transaction", RelationGetRelationName(relation)), errdetail("the start time of system period is %s but the start time of the current transaction is %s", lower->infinite ? "-infinity" : timestamptz_to_str(DatumGetTimestampTz(lower->val)), timestamptz_to_str(DatumGetTimestampTz(upper->val))), errhint("retry the statement or set \"adjust\" parameter of \"versioning\" function to true"))); ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_WARNING_SYSTEM_PERIOD_ADJUSTED), errmsg("system period value of relation \"%s\" was adjusted", RelationGetRelationName(relation)))); next_ts = next_timestamp(DatumGetTimestampTz(lower->val)); upper->val = TimestampTzGetDatum(next_ts); } } /* * Check if the tuple was inserted or updated in the current transaction. */ static bool modified_in_current_transaction(HeapTuple tuple) { TransactionId oldxmin; oldxmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple->t_data); return TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(oldxmin); } /* * Set system period attribute value of the current row to * "[system_time, )". */ static Datum versioning_insert(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum) { RangeBound lower; RangeBound upper; RangeType *range; int colnum[1]; Datum values[1]; char nulls[1]; /* Construct a period for the current row. */ lower.val = TimestampTzGetDatum(get_system_time()); lower.infinite = false; lower.inclusive = true; lower.lower = true; upper.infinite = true; upper.inclusive = false; upper.lower = false; range = make_range(typcache, &lower, &upper, false); /* Modify the current row and return it. */ colnum[0] = period_attnum; values[0] = RangeTypeGetDatum(range); nulls[0] = ' '; return PointerGetDatum(SPI_modifytuple(trigdata->tg_relation, trigdata->tg_trigtuple, 1, colnum, values, nulls)); } /* * Set system period attribute value of the current row to * "[system_time, )", insert the original row into the history table * with the system period attribute value "[lower, system_time)". * * If lower is greater than or equals to system_time, adjust argument * determines whether timestamps adjustment are made or transaction should * fail. * * When a transaction makes multiple changes to a row, a history row is * generated only once. */ static Datum versioning_update(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, const char *history_relation_argument, const char *adjust_argument) { HeapTuple tuple; Relation relation; RangeBound lower; RangeBound upper; RangeType *range; HeapTuple history_tuple; int colnum[1]; Datum values[1]; char nulls[1]; tuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; /* Ignore tuples modified in this transaction. */ if (modified_in_current_transaction(tuple)) return PointerGetDatum(trigdata->tg_newtuple); relation = trigdata->tg_relation; deserialize_system_period(tuple, relation, period_attnum, period_attname, typcache, &lower, &upper); /* Construct a period for the history row. */ upper.val = TimestampTzGetDatum(get_system_time()); upper.infinite = false; upper.inclusive = false; /* Adjust if needed. */ adjust_system_period(typcache, &lower, &upper, adjust_argument, relation); range = make_range(typcache, &lower, &upper, false); /* Construct and insert the history row. */ colnum[0] = period_attnum; values[0] = RangeTypeGetDatum(range); nulls[0] = ' '; history_tuple = SPI_modifytuple(relation, tuple, 1, colnum, values, nulls); insert_history_row(history_tuple, relation, history_relation_argument, period_attname); /* Construct a period for the current row. */ lower.val = upper.val; lower.infinite = false; lower.inclusive = true; upper.infinite = true; upper.inclusive = false; range = make_range(typcache, &lower, &upper, false); /* Modify the current row and return it. */ colnum[0] = period_attnum; values[0] = RangeTypeGetDatum(range); nulls[0] = ' '; return PointerGetDatum(SPI_modifytuple(relation, trigdata->tg_newtuple, 1, colnum, values, nulls)); } /* * Insert the original row into the history table with the system period * attribute value "[lower, system_time)". * * If lower is greater than or equals to system_time, adjust argument * determines whether timestamps adjustment are made or transaction should * fail. */ static Datum versioning_delete(TriggerData *trigdata, TypeCacheEntry *typcache, int period_attnum, const char *period_attname, const char *history_relation_argument, const char *adjust_argument) { HeapTuple tuple; Relation relation; RangeBound lower; RangeBound upper; RangeType *range; int colnum[1]; Datum values[1]; char nulls[1]; HeapTuple history_tuple; tuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; /* Ignore tuples modified in this transaction. */ if (modified_in_current_transaction(tuple)) return PointerGetDatum(tuple); relation = trigdata->tg_relation; deserialize_system_period(tuple, relation, period_attnum, period_attname, typcache, &lower, &upper); /* Construct a period for the history row. */ upper.val = TimestampTzGetDatum(get_system_time()); upper.infinite = false; upper.inclusive = false; /* Adjust if needed. */ adjust_system_period(typcache, &lower, &upper, adjust_argument, relation); range = make_range(typcache, &lower, &upper, false); /* Construct and insert the history row. */ colnum[0] = period_attnum; values[0] = RangeTypeGetDatum(range); nulls[0] = ' '; history_tuple = SPI_modifytuple(relation, tuple, 1, colnum, values, nulls); insert_history_row(history_tuple, relation, history_relation_argument, period_attname); return PointerGetDatum(tuple); } static void * hash_entry_alloc(Size size) { return MemoryContextAllocZero(TopMemoryContext, size); } /* * Initialize the internal hash table for cached data. */ static void init_versioning_hash_table() { HASHCTL ctl; memset(&ctl, 0, sizeof(ctl)); ctl.alloc = hash_entry_alloc; ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid); ctl.entrysize = sizeof(VersioningHashEntry); #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 90500 ctl.hash = oid_hash; #endif versioning_cache = hash_create("Versioning Hash", 128, &ctl, #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 90500 HASH_ALLOC | HASH_ELEM | HASH_FUNCTION #else HASH_ALLOC | HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS #endif ); } /* * Lookup for a versioned relation OID in the internal hash table of cached * data. If not found, return a new entry with all fields zeroed and * natts = -1. */ static VersioningHashEntry * lookup_versioning_hash_entry(Oid relid, bool *found) { VersioningHashEntry *entry; if (!versioning_cache) init_versioning_hash_table(); entry = (VersioningHashEntry *) hash_search(versioning_cache, (void *) &relid, HASH_ENTER, found); if (!*found) { /* Mark a newly created entry invalid. */ entry->natts = -1; } return entry; }