CREATE FUNCTION statsd.add_timing(text, int4, text, int4) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_add_timing' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.add_timing(text, int4, text, int4) IS 'Add a timing value in milliseconds to statsd for the given metric name (host, port, metric_name, value)'; CREATE FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_increment_counter' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text) IS 'Increment a counter by one (host, port, metric_name)'; CREATE FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text, int4) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_increment_counter_with_value' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text, int4) IS 'Increment a counter by the specified value (host, port, metric_name, value)'; CREATE FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text, int4, float8) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_increment_sampled_counter' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.increment_counter(text, int4, text, int4, float8) IS 'Increment a counter by the specified value with a sample rate (host, port, metric_name, value, sample_rate)'; CREATE FUNCTION statsd.set_gauge(text, int4, text, float8) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_set_gauge_float8' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.set_gauge(text, int4, text, float8) IS 'Sets a gauge value (host, port, metric_name, value)'; CREATE FUNCTION statsd.set_gauge(text, int4, text, int4) returns void as 'statsd', 'statsd_set_gauge_int32' language C immutable; COMMENT ON FUNCTION statsd.set_gauge(text, int4, text, int4) IS 'Sets a gauge value (host, port, metric_name, value)';