coordinator.includeFile('disorder/tests/BasicTest.js'); BulkAddingTest=function(coordinator,testResults) {,coordinator,testResults); this.testDescription='This test uses the bulk adding features to add' + 'tables and sequences'; } BulkAddingTest.prototype = new BasicTest(); BulkAddingTest.prototype.constructor = BulkAddingTest; /** * */ BulkAddingTest.prototype.getAddTableSlonikScript = function() { return this.tableAddCommands; } BulkAddingTest.prototype.runTest = function() { this.testResults.newGroup("Bulk Adding"); //this.prepareDb(['db1','db2','db3','db4','db5']); this.setupReplication(); /** * * before the slons are started we will * add some tables on multiple event nodes * to confirm that slonik checks other nodes * for he next available id. */ this.tableAddCommands = "set add table(set id=1,tables='disorder.do_customer',add sequences=true);"; this.addTables(); this.validateNode1(); /** * create a second set (id=3) on node 2, add some tables there */ var slonikScript = 'create set(id=3, origin=2);\n ' + "set add table(set id=3,tables='disorder.do_[iro].*');\n" + "set add sequence(set id=3,sequences='disorder.do_[iro].*');\n" + "set add table(set id=3, tables='disorder.do_config*',add sequences=true);\n"; var slonikPreamble = this.getSlonikPreamble(); slonik = this.coordinator.createSlonik('add on node 2',slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('second batch of adds okay',slonik.getReturnCode(),0); /** * validate that all sequence and tables on node 2 are > 1 * */ this.validateNode2(); /** * Start the slons. */ var slonArray=[]; for(var idx=1; idx <= this.getNodeCount(); idx++) { slonArray[idx-1] = this.coordinator.createSlonLauncher('db' + idx); slonArray[idx-1].run(); } /** * Now subscribe node 1 to set 3. */ this.subscribeSet(3,2,2,[1]); java.lang.Thread.sleep(60*1000); /** * move set 3 to node 1. */ this.moveSet(3,2,1); /** * subscribe node 3 to set 1, so the subscriptions are the same. */ this.subscribeSet(1,1,1,[2]); /** * merge the sets. * * */ slonikScript='merge set(id=1,add id=3,origin=1);\n' + 'wait for event(origin=1,confirmed=all,wait on=1);\n'; slonik = this.coordinator.createSlonik('merge set 1 and 3',slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('merge set is okay',slonik.getReturnCode(),0); this.seedData(1); /** * run some load through the system to make sure * everything replicates as expected. */ var populate=this.generateLoad('db1'); this.subscribeSet(1,1,1,[3]); java.lang.Thread.sleep(3*1000); populate.stop(); this.coordinator.join(populate); this.slonikSync(1, 1); this.compareDb('db1','db2'); this.compareDb('db1','db3'); slonikScript="drop set(id=1,origin=1);"; slonik = this.coordinator.createSlonik('drop set 1',slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('drop set okay',slonik.getReturnCode(),0); for(var idx=1; idx <= this.getNodeCount(); idx++) { slonArray[idx-1].stop(); this.coordinator.join(slonArray[idx-1]); } /** * try a slonik script with an admin conninfo node * to a database that does not exist. * * since slonik uses libpq we can declare a * unix socket style hostname to something * that is unlikely to exist. */ slonikPreamble = this.getSlonikPreamble(); slonikPreamble += "node 99 admin conninfo='dbname=none host=/tmp/no_socket';\n" slonikScript="create set(id=4, origin=1);\n" + "set add table(set id=4, fully qualified name='disorder.do_config');\n"; slonik=this.coordinator.createSlonik('add table - bad admin node', slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('slonik detected a non-existant conninfo', slonik.getReturnCode()!=0,true); /** * try it with a conninfo that points to a database that does not * have slony installed - yet. */ this.createDb(['db6']); this.getNodeCount=function() { return 6; } slonikPreamble=this.getSlonikPreamble(); slonikScript="set add table(set id=4, fully qualified name='disorder.do_config');\n"; slonik=this.coordinator.createSlonik('add table - node with slony not installed',slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('add table worked - conninfo for a node without slony',slonik.getReturnCode(),0); /** * try adding the table again via the bulk command. * this should fail. */ slonikScript="set add table(set id=4, tables='disorder.do_config*');\n"; slonik=this.coordinator.createSlonik('add table - duplicate', slonikPreamble,slonikScript);; this.coordinator.join(slonik); this.testResults.assertCheck('add table duplicate failed', slonik.getReturnCode()!=0,true); this.dropDb(['db6']); } BulkAddingTest.prototype.validateNode1=function() { var connection = this.coordinator.createJdbcConnection('db1'); var statement = connection.createStatement(); var rs=undefined; try { rs = statement.executeQuery('SELECT tab_id,tab_relname FROM _' + this.getClusterName() + '.sl_table'); var; this.testResults.assertCheck('table added to sl_table',hasRow,true); if(hasRow) { this.testResults.assertCheck('first table was assigned tab_id=1',rs.getInt(1),1); this.testResults.assertCheck('only one table was added for do_customer',,false); } rs.close(); rs = statement.executeQuery('SELECT seq_id,seq_relname FROM _' + this.getClusterName() + '.sl_sequence'); hasRow =; this.testResults.assertCheck('sequence added to sl_sequence',hasRow,true); if(hasRow) { this.testResults.assertCheck('first sequence was assigned seq_id=1',rs.getInt(1),1); this.testResults.assertCheck('only one sequence was added',,false); } } catch(e) { this.testResults.assertCheck('error checking slony state on db1 ' + ':'+e,true,false); } finally { if(rs != undefined) { rs.close(); } statement.close(); connection.close(); } } BulkAddingTest.prototype.validateNode2=function() { var connection = this.coordinator.createJdbcConnection('db2'); var statement = connection.createStatement(); var rs=undefined; try { rs = statement.executeQuery('SELECT tab_id,tab_relname FROM _' + this.getClusterName() + '.sl_table order by tab_id'); var; this.testResults.assertCheck('table added to sl_table',hasRow,true); if(hasRow) { this.testResults.assertCheck('first table was assigned tab_id=2',rs.getInt(1),2); this.testResults.assertCheck('more than one table was added on node 2',,true); } rs.close(); rs = statement.executeQuery('SELECT seq_id,seq_relname FROM _' + this.getClusterName() + '.sl_sequence order by seq_id'); hasRow =; this.testResults.assertCheck('sequence added to sl_sequence',hasRow,true); if(hasRow) { this.testResults.assertCheck('first sequence was assigned seq_id=2',rs.getInt(1),2); this.testResults.assertCheck('more than one sequence was added',,true); } } catch(e) { this.testResults.assertCheck('error checking slony state on db2 ' + ':'+e,true,false); } finally { if(rs != undefined) { rs.close(); } statement.close(); connection.close(); } }