Tables, Views and Sequences =========================== .. module:: pyrseas.dbobject.table The :mod:`table` and :mod:`view` modules define six classes, :class:`DbClass` derived from :class:`DbSchemaObject`, classes :class:`Sequence`, :class:`Table` and :class:`View` derived from :class:`DbClass`, :class:`MaterializedView` derived from :class:`View`, and :class:`ClassDict`, derived from :class:`DbObjectDict`. Database Class -------------- Class :class:`DbClass` is derived from :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbSchemaObject` and represents a table, view or sequence as defined in the Postgres `pg_class` catalog. .. autoclass:: DbClass Sequence -------- Class :class:`Sequence` is derived from :class:`DbClass` and represents a `sequence generator `_. Its :attr:`keylist` attributes are the schema name and the sequence name. The map returned by :meth:`to_map` and expected as argument by :meth:`ClassDict.from_map` has the following structure:: {'sequence seq1': {'cache_value': 1, 'data_type': 'integer', 'increment_by': 1, 'max_value': None, 'min_value': None, 'owner_column': 'c1', 'owner_table': 't1', 'start_value': 1 } } .. autoclass:: Sequence .. automethod:: Sequence.get_attrs .. automethod:: Sequence.get_dependent_table .. automethod:: Sequence.to_map .. automethod:: Sequence.create .. automethod:: Sequence.add_owner .. automethod:: Sequence.alter .. automethod:: Sequence.drop Table ----- Class :class:`Table` is derived from :class:`DbClass` and represents a database table. Its :attr:`keylist` attributes are the schema name and the table name. The map returned by :meth:`to_map` and expected as argument by :meth:`ClassDict.from_map` has a structure similar to the following:: {'table t1': {'columns': [ {'c1': {'type': 'integer', 'not_null': True}}, {'c2': {'type': 'text'}}, {'c3': {'type': 'smallint'}}, {'c4': {'type': 'date', 'default': 'now()'}} ], 'description': "this is the comment for table t1", 'primary_key': {'t1_prim_key': {'columns': ['c1', 'c2']} }, 'foreign_keys': {'t1_fgn_key1': {'columns': ['c2', 'c3'], 'references': {'table': 't2', 'columns': ['pc2', 'pc1']} }, 't1_fgn_key2': {'columns': ['c2'], 'references': {'table': 't3', 'columns': ['qc1']} } }, 'unique_constraints': {...}, 'indexes': {...} } } The values for :obj:`unique_constraints` and :obj:`indexes` follow a pattern similar to :obj:`primary_key`, but there can be more than one such specification. .. autoclass:: Table .. automethod:: Table.column_names .. automethod:: Table.to_map .. automethod:: Table.create .. automethod:: Table.drop .. automethod:: Table.diff_options .. automethod:: Table.alter .. automethod:: Table.alter_drop_columns .. automethod:: Table.data_export .. automethod:: Table.data_import Class Dictionary ---------------- Class :class:`ClassDict` is derived from :class:`~pyrseas.dbobject.DbObjectDict` and represents the collection of tables, views and sequences in a database. .. autoclass:: ClassDict .. automethod:: ClassDict.from_map .. module:: pyrseas.dbobject.view View ---- Class :class:`View` is derived from :class:`DbClass` and represents a database view. Its :attr:`keylist` attributes are the schema name and the view name. The map returned by :meth:`to_map` and expected as argument by :meth:`ClassDict.from_map` has a structure similar to the following:: {'view v1': {'definition': " SELECT ...;", 'description': "this is the comment for view v1" } } .. autoclass:: View .. automethod:: View.to_map .. automethod:: View.create .. automethod:: View.alter Materialized View ----------------- Class :class:`MaterializedView` is derived from :class:`View` and represents a `materialized view `_. Its :attr:`keylist` attributes are the schema name and the view name. .. autoclass:: MaterializedView .. automethod:: MaterializedView.to_map .. automethod:: MaterializedView.create