-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION --\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION powa" to load this file. \quit SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; CREATE TABLE powa_databases( oid oid PRIMARY KEY, datname name, dropped timestamp with time zone ); CREATE FUNCTION powa_stat_user_functions(IN dbid oid, OUT funcid oid, OUT calls bigint, OUT total_time double precision, OUT self_time double precision) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE c COST 100 AS '$libdir/powa', 'powa_stat_user_functions'; CREATE FUNCTION powa_stat_all_rel(IN dbid oid, OUT relid oid, OUT numscan bigint, OUT tup_returned bigint, OUT tup_fetched bigint, OUT n_tup_ins bigint, OUT n_tup_upd bigint, OUT n_tup_del bigint, OUT n_tup_hot_upd bigint, OUT n_liv_tup bigint, OUT n_dead_tup bigint, OUT n_mod_since_analyze bigint, OUT blks_read bigint, OUT blks_hit bigint, OUT last_vacuum timestamp with time zone, OUT vacuum_count bigint, OUT last_autovacuum timestamp with time zone, OUT autovacuum_count bigint, OUT last_analyze timestamp with time zone, OUT analyze_count bigint, OUT last_autoanalyze timestamp with time zone, OUT autoanalyze_count bigint) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE c COST 100 AS '$libdir/powa', 'powa_stat_all_rel'; CREATE TYPE powa_statements_history_record AS ( ts timestamp with time zone, calls bigint, total_time double precision, rows bigint, shared_blks_hit bigint, shared_blks_read bigint, shared_blks_dirtied bigint, shared_blks_written bigint, local_blks_hit bigint, local_blks_read bigint, local_blks_dirtied bigint, local_blks_written bigint, temp_blks_read bigint, temp_blks_written bigint, blk_read_time double precision, blk_write_time double precision ); /* pg_stat_statements operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_statements_history_diff AS ( intvl interval, calls bigint, total_time double precision, rows bigint, shared_blks_hit bigint, shared_blks_read bigint, shared_blks_dirtied bigint, shared_blks_written bigint, local_blks_hit bigint, local_blks_read bigint, local_blks_dirtied bigint, local_blks_written bigint, temp_blks_read bigint, temp_blks_written bigint, blk_read_time double precision, blk_write_time double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_statements_history_mi( a powa_statements_history_record, b powa_statements_history_record) RETURNS powa_statements_history_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_statements_history_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.calls = a.calls - b.calls; res.total_time = a.total_time - b.total_time; res.rows = a.rows - b.rows; res.shared_blks_hit = a.shared_blks_hit - b.shared_blks_hit; res.shared_blks_read = a.shared_blks_read - b.shared_blks_read; res.shared_blks_dirtied = a.shared_blks_dirtied - b.shared_blks_dirtied; res.shared_blks_written = a.shared_blks_written - b.shared_blks_written; res.local_blks_hit = a.local_blks_hit - b.local_blks_hit; res.local_blks_read = a.local_blks_read - b.local_blks_read; res.local_blks_dirtied = a.local_blks_dirtied - b.local_blks_dirtied; res.local_blks_written = a.local_blks_written - b.local_blks_written; res.temp_blks_read = a.temp_blks_read - b.temp_blks_read; res.temp_blks_written = a.temp_blks_written - b.temp_blks_written; res.blk_read_time = a.blk_read_time - b.blk_read_time; res.blk_write_time = a.blk_write_time - b.blk_write_time; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = powa_statements_history_mi, LEFTARG = powa_statements_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_statements_history_record ); CREATE TYPE powa_statements_history_rate AS ( sec integer, calls_per_sec double precision, runtime_per_sec double precision, rows_per_sec double precision, shared_blks_hit_per_sec double precision, shared_blks_read_per_sec double precision, shared_blks_dirtied_per_sec double precision, shared_blks_written_per_sec double precision, local_blks_hit_per_sec double precision, local_blks_read_per_sec double precision, local_blks_dirtied_per_sec double precision, local_blks_written_per_sec double precision, temp_blks_read_per_sec double precision, temp_blks_written_per_sec double precision, blk_read_time_per_sec double precision, blk_write_time_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_statements_history_div( a powa_statements_history_record, b powa_statements_history_record) RETURNS powa_statements_history_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_statements_history_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.calls_per_sec = (a.calls - b.calls)::double precision / sec; res.runtime_per_sec = (a.total_time - b.total_time)::double precision / sec; res.rows_per_sec = (a.rows - b.rows)::double precision / sec; res.shared_blks_hit_per_sec = (a.shared_blks_hit - b.shared_blks_hit)::double precision / sec; res.shared_blks_read_per_sec = (a.shared_blks_read - b.shared_blks_read)::double precision / sec; res.shared_blks_dirtied_per_sec = (a.shared_blks_dirtied - b.shared_blks_dirtied)::double precision / sec; res.shared_blks_written_per_sec = (a.shared_blks_written - b.shared_blks_written)::double precision / sec; res.local_blks_hit_per_sec = (a.local_blks_hit - b.local_blks_hit)::double precision / sec; res.local_blks_read_per_sec = (a.local_blks_read - b.local_blks_read)::double precision / sec; res.local_blks_dirtied_per_sec = (a.local_blks_dirtied - b.local_blks_dirtied)::double precision / sec; res.local_blks_written_per_sec = (a.local_blks_written - b.local_blks_written)::double precision / sec; res.temp_blks_read_per_sec = (a.temp_blks_read - b.temp_blks_read)::double precision / sec; res.temp_blks_written_per_sec = (a.temp_blks_written - b.temp_blks_written)::double precision / sec; res.blk_read_time_per_sec = (a.blk_read_time - b.blk_read_time)::double precision / sec; res.blk_write_time_per_sec = (a.blk_write_time - b.blk_write_time)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = powa_statements_history_div, LEFTARG = powa_statements_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_statements_history_record ); /* end of pg_stat_statements operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_user_functions_history_record AS ( ts timestamp with time zone, calls bigint, total_time double precision, self_time double precision ); /* pg_stat_user_functions operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_user_functions_history_diff AS ( intvl interval, calls bigint, total_time double precision, self_time double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_user_functions_history_mi( a powa_user_functions_history_record, b powa_user_functions_history_record) RETURNS powa_user_functions_history_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_user_functions_history_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.calls = a.calls - b.calls; res.total_time = a.total_time - b.total_time; res.self_time = a.self_time - b.self_time; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = powa_user_functions_history_mi, LEFTARG = powa_user_functions_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_user_functions_history_record ); CREATE TYPE powa_user_functions_history_rate AS ( sec integer, calls_per_sec double precision, total_time_per_sec double precision, self_time_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_user_functions_history_div( a powa_user_functions_history_record, b powa_user_functions_history_record) RETURNS powa_user_functions_history_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_user_functions_history_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.calls_per_sec = (a.calls - b.calls)::double precision / sec; res.total_time_per_sec = (a.total_time - b.total_time)::double precision / sec; res.self_time_per_sec = (a.self_time - b.self_time)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = powa_user_functions_history_div, LEFTARG = powa_user_functions_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_user_functions_history_record ); /* end of pg_stat_user_functions operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_all_relations_history_record AS ( ts timestamp with time zone, numscan bigint, tup_returned bigint, tup_fetched bigint, n_tup_ins bigint, n_tup_upd bigint, n_tup_del bigint, n_tup_hot_upd bigint, n_liv_tup bigint, n_dead_tup bigint, n_mod_since_analyze bigint, blks_read bigint, blks_hit bigint, last_vacuum timestamp with time zone, vacuum_count bigint, last_autovacuum timestamp with time zone, autovacuum_count bigint, last_analyze timestamp with time zone, analyze_count bigint, last_autoanalyze timestamp with time zone, autoanalyze_count bigint ); /* pg_stat_all_relations operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_all_relations_history_diff AS ( intvl interval, numscan bigint, tup_returned bigint, tup_fetched bigint, n_tup_ins bigint, n_tup_upd bigint, n_tup_del bigint, n_tup_hot_upd bigint, n_liv_tup bigint, n_dead_tup bigint, n_mod_since_analyze bigint, blks_read bigint, blks_hit bigint, vacuum_count bigint, autovacuum_count bigint, analyze_count bigint, autoanalyze_count bigint ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_all_relations_history_mi( a powa_all_relations_history_record, b powa_all_relations_history_record) RETURNS powa_all_relations_history_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_all_relations_history_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.numscan = a.numscan - b.numscan; res.tup_returned = a.tup_returned - b.tup_returned; res.tup_fetched = a.tup_fetched - b.tup_fetched; res.n_tup_ins = a.n_tup_ins - b.n_tup_ins; res.n_tup_upd = a.n_tup_upd - b.n_tup_upd; res.n_tup_del = a.n_tup_del - b.n_tup_del; res.n_tup_hot_upd = a.n_tup_hot_upd - b.n_tup_hot_upd; res.n_liv_tup = a.n_liv_tup - b.n_liv_tup; res.n_dead_tup = a.n_dead_tup - b.n_dead_tup; res.n_mod_since_analyze = a.n_mod_since_analyze - b.n_mod_since_analyze; res.blks_read = a.blks_read - b.blks_read; res.blks_hit = a.blks_hit - b.blks_hit; res.vacuum_count = a.vacuum_count - b.vacuum_count; res.autovacuum_count = a.autovacuum_count - b.autovacuum_count; res.analyze_count = a.analyze_count - b.analyze_count; res.autoanalyze_count = a.autoanalyze_count - b.autoanalyze_count; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = powa_all_relations_history_mi, LEFTARG = powa_all_relations_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_all_relations_history_record ); CREATE TYPE powa_all_relations_history_rate AS ( sec integer, numscan_per_sec double precision, tup_returned_per_sec double precision, tup_fetched_per_sec double precision, n_tup_ins_per_sec double precision, n_tup_upd_per_sec double precision, n_tup_del_per_sec double precision, n_tup_hot_upd_per_sec double precision, n_liv_tup_per_sec double precision, n_dead_tup_per_sec double precision, n_mod_since_analyze_per_sec double precision, blks_read_per_sec double precision, blks_hit_per_sec double precision, vacuum_count_per_sec double precision, autovacuum_count_per_sec double precision, analyze_count_per_sec double precision, autoanalyze_count_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_all_relations_history_div( a powa_all_relations_history_record, b powa_all_relations_history_record) RETURNS powa_all_relations_history_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_all_relations_history_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.numscan_per_sec = (a.numscan - b.numscan)::double precision / sec; res.tup_returned_per_sec = (a.tup_returned - b.tup_returned)::double precision / sec; res.tup_fetched_per_sec = (a.tup_fetched - b.tup_fetched)::double precision / sec; res.n_tup_ins_per_sec = (a.n_tup_ins - b.n_tup_ins)::double precision / sec; res.n_tup_upd_per_sec = (a.n_tup_upd - b.n_tup_upd)::double precision / sec; res.n_tup_del_per_sec = (a.n_tup_del - b.n_tup_del)::double precision / sec; res.n_tup_hot_upd_per_sec = (a.n_tup_hot_upd - b.n_tup_hot_upd)::double precision / sec; res.n_liv_tup_per_sec = (a.n_liv_tup - b.n_liv_tup)::double precision / sec; res.n_dead_tup_per_sec = (a.n_dead_tup - b.n_dead_tup)::double precision / sec; res.n_mod_since_analyze_per_sec = (a.n_mod_since_analyze - b.n_mod_since_analyze)::double precision / sec; res.blks_read_per_sec = (a.blks_read - b.blks_read)::double precision / sec; res.blks_hit_per_sec = (a.blks_hit - b.blks_hit)::double precision / sec; res.vacuum_count_per_sec = (a.vacuum_count - b.vacuum_count)::double precision / sec; res.autovacuum_count_per_sec = (a.autovacuum_count - b.autovacuum_count)::double precision / sec; res.analyze_count_per_sec = (a.analyze_count - b.analyze_count)::double precision / sec; res.autoanalyze_count_per_sec = (a.autoanalyze_count - b.autoanalyze_count)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = powa_all_relations_history_div, LEFTARG = powa_all_relations_history_record, RIGHTARG = powa_all_relations_history_record ); /* end of pg_stat_all_relations operator support */ CREATE TABLE powa_last_aggregation ( aggts timestamp with time zone ); INSERT INTO powa_last_aggregation(aggts) VALUES (current_timestamp); CREATE TABLE powa_last_purge ( purgets timestamp with time zone ); INSERT INTO powa_last_purge (purgets) VALUES (current_timestamp); CREATE TABLE powa_statements ( queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, userid oid NOT NULL, query text NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE ONLY powa_statements ADD CONSTRAINT powa_statements_pkey PRIMARY KEY (queryid, dbid, userid); CREATE INDEX powa_statements_dbid_idx ON powa_statements(dbid); CREATE INDEX powa_statements_userid_idx ON powa_statements(userid); CREATE TABLE powa_statements_history ( queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, userid oid NOT NULL, coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, records powa_statements_history_record[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL, maxs_in_range powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX powa_statements_history_query_ts ON powa_statements_history USING gist (queryid, coalesce_range); CREATE TABLE powa_statements_history_db ( dbid oid NOT NULL, coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, records powa_statements_history_record[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL, maxs_in_range powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX powa_statements_history_db_ts ON powa_statements_history_db USING gist (dbid, coalesce_range); CREATE TABLE powa_statements_history_current ( queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, userid oid NOT NULL, record powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE powa_statements_history_current_db ( dbid oid NOT NULL, record powa_statements_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE powa_user_functions_history ( dbid oid NOT NULL, funcid oid NOT NULL, coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, records powa_user_functions_history_record[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range powa_user_functions_history_record NOT NULL, maxs_in_range powa_user_functions_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX powa_user_functions_history_funcid_ts ON powa_user_functions_history USING gist (funcid, coalesce_range); CREATE TABLE powa_user_functions_history_current ( dbid oid NOT NULL, funcid oid NOT NULL, record powa_user_functions_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE powa_all_relations_history ( dbid oid NOT NULL, relid oid NOT NULL, coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, records powa_all_relations_history_record[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range powa_all_relations_history_record NOT NULL, maxs_in_range powa_all_relations_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX powa_all_relations_history_relid_ts ON powa_all_relations_history USING gist (relid, coalesce_range); CREATE TABLE powa_all_relations_history_current ( dbid oid NOT NULL, relid oid NOT NULL, record powa_all_relations_history_record NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE powa_coalesce_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 CYCLE; CREATE TABLE powa_functions ( module text NOT NULL, operation text NOT NULL, function_name text NOT NULL, added_manually boolean NOT NULL default true, enabled boolean NOT NULL default true, CHECK (operation IN ('snapshot','aggregate','purge','unregister','reset')) ); INSERT INTO powa_functions (module, operation, function_name, added_manually, enabled) VALUES ('pg_stat_statements', 'snapshot', 'powa_statements_snapshot', false, true), ('powa_stat_user_functions', 'snapshot', 'powa_user_functions_snapshot', false, true), ('powa_stat_all_relations', 'snapshot', 'powa_all_relations_snapshot', false, true), ('pg_stat_statements', 'aggregate','powa_statements_aggregate', false, true), ('powa_stat_user_functions', 'aggregate','powa_user_functions_aggregate', false, true), ('powa_stat_all_relations', 'aggregate','powa_all_relations_aggregate', false, true), ('pg_stat_statements', 'purge', 'powa_statements_purge', false, true), ('powa_stat_user_functions', 'purge', 'powa_user_functions_purge', false, true), ('powa_stat_all_relations', 'purge', 'powa_all_relations_purge', false, true), ('pg_stat_statements', 'reset', 'powa_statements_reset', false, true), ('powa_stat_user_functions', 'reset', 'powa_user_functions_reset', false, true), ('powa_stat_all_relations', 'reset', 'powa_all_relations_reset', false, true); CREATE FUNCTION powa_log (msg text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ BEGIN IF current_setting('powa.debug')::bool THEN RAISE WARNING '%', msg; ELSE RAISE DEBUG '%', msg; END IF; END; $_$; /* pg_stat_kcache integration - part 1 */ CREATE TYPE public.kcache_type AS ( ts timestamptz, reads bigint, writes bigint, user_time double precision, system_time double precision ); /* pg_stat_kcache operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_kcache_diff AS ( intvl interval, reads bigint, writes bigint, user_time double precision, system_time double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_mi( a kcache_type, b kcache_type) RETURNS powa_kcache_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_kcache_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.reads = a.reads - b.reads; res.writes = a.writes - b.writes; res.user_time = a.user_time - b.user_time; res.system_time = a.system_time - b.system_time; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = powa_kcache_mi, LEFTARG = kcache_type, RIGHTARG = kcache_type ); CREATE TYPE powa_kcache_rate AS ( sec integer, reads_per_sec double precision, writes_per_sec double precision, user_time_per_sec double precision, system_time_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_div( a kcache_type, b kcache_type) RETURNS powa_kcache_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_kcache_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.reads_per_sec = (a.reads - b.reads)::double precision / sec; res.writes_per_sec = (a.writes - b.writes)::double precision / sec; res.user_time_per_sec = (a.user_time - b.user_time)::double precision / sec; res.system_time_per_sec = (a.system_time - b.system_time)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = powa_kcache_div, LEFTARG = kcache_type, RIGHTARG = kcache_type ); /* end of pg_stat_kcache operator support */ CREATE TABLE public.powa_kcache_metrics ( coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, userid oid NOT NULL, metrics public.kcache_type[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range public.kcache_type NOT NULL, maxs_in_range public.kcache_type NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (coalesce_range, queryid, dbid, userid) ); CREATE INDEX ON public.powa_kcache_metrics (queryid); CREATE TABLE public.powa_kcache_metrics_db ( coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, metrics public.kcache_type[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range public.kcache_type NOT NULL, maxs_in_range public.kcache_type NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (coalesce_range, dbid) ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_kcache_metrics_current ( queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, userid oid NOT NULL, metrics kcache_type NULL NULL ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_kcache_metrics_current_db ( dbid oid NOT NULL, metrics kcache_type NULL NULL ); /* end of pg_stat_kcache integration - part 1 */ /* pg_qualstats integration - part 1 */ CREATE TYPE public.qual_type AS ( relid oid, attnum integer, opno oid, eval_type "char" ); CREATE TYPE public.qual_values AS ( constants text[], occurences bigint, execution_count bigint, nbfiltered bigint ); CREATE TYPE powa_qualstats_history_item AS ( ts timestamptz, occurences bigint, execution_count bigint, nbfiltered bigint ); /* pg_stat_qualstats operator support */ CREATE TYPE powa_qualstats_history_diff AS ( intvl interval, occurences bigint, execution_count bigint, nbfiltered bigint ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_history_mi( a powa_qualstats_history_item, b powa_qualstats_history_item) RETURNS powa_qualstats_history_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_qualstats_history_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.occurences = a.occurences - b.occurences; res.execution_count = a.execution_count - b.execution_count; res.nbfiltered = a.nbfiltered - b.nbfiltered; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = powa_qualstats_history_mi, LEFTARG = powa_qualstats_history_item, RIGHTARG = powa_qualstats_history_item ); CREATE TYPE powa_qualstats_history_rate AS ( sec integer, occurences_per_sec double precision, execution_count_per_sec double precision, nbfiltered_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_history_div( a powa_qualstats_history_item, b powa_qualstats_history_item) RETURNS powa_qualstats_history_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res powa_qualstats_history_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.occurences_per_sec = (a.occurences - b.occurences)::double precision / sec; res.execution_count_per_sec = (a.execution_count - b.execution_count)::double precision / sec; res.nbfiltered_per_sec = (a.nbfiltered - b.nbfiltered)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = powa_qualstats_history_div, LEFTARG = powa_qualstats_history_item, RIGHTARG = powa_qualstats_history_item ); /* end of pg_stat_qualstats operator support */ CREATE TABLE public.powa_qualstats_quals ( qualid bigint, queryid bigint, dbid oid, userid oid, quals public.qual_type[], PRIMARY KEY (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid), FOREIGN KEY (queryid, dbid, userid) REFERENCES powa_statements(queryid, dbid, userid) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_qualstats_quals_history ( qualid bigint, queryid bigint, dbid oid, userid oid, coalesce_range tstzrange, records powa_qualstats_history_item[], mins_in_range powa_qualstats_history_item, maxs_in_range powa_qualstats_history_item, FOREIGN KEY (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) REFERENCES public.powa_qualstats_quals (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_qualstats_quals_history_current ( qualid bigint, queryid bigint, dbid oid, userid oid, ts timestamptz, occurences bigint, execution_count bigint, nbfiltered bigint, FOREIGN KEY (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) REFERENCES powa_qualstats_quals(qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_qualstats_constvalues_history ( qualid bigint, queryid bigint, dbid oid, userid oid, coalesce_range tstzrange, most_used qual_values[], most_filtering qual_values[], least_filtering qual_values[], most_executed qual_values[], FOREIGN KEY (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) REFERENCES public.powa_qualstats_quals (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current ( qualid bigint, queryid bigint, dbid oid, userid oid, ts timestamptz, constvalues text[], occurences bigint, execution_count bigint, nbfiltered bigint, FOREIGN KEY (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) REFERENCES public.powa_qualstats_quals (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX ON powa_qualstats_constvalues_history USING gist (queryid, qualid, coalesce_range); CREATE INDEX ON powa_qualstats_constvalues_history (qualid, queryid); CREATE INDEX ON powa_qualstats_quals(queryid); /* end of pg_qualstats_integration - part 1 */ /* pg_wait_sampling integration - part 1 */ CREATE TYPE public.wait_sampling_type AS ( ts timestamptz, count bigint ); /* pg_wait_sampling operator support */ CREATE TYPE wait_sampling_diff AS ( intvl interval, count bigint ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION wait_sampling_mi( a wait_sampling_type, b wait_sampling_type) RETURNS wait_sampling_diff AS $_$ DECLARE res wait_sampling_diff; BEGIN res.intvl = a.ts - b.ts; res.count = a.count - b.count; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR - ( PROCEDURE = wait_sampling_mi, LEFTARG = wait_sampling_type, RIGHTARG = wait_sampling_type ); CREATE TYPE wait_sampling_rate AS ( sec integer, count_per_sec double precision ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION wait_sampling_div( a wait_sampling_type, b wait_sampling_type) RETURNS wait_sampling_rate AS $_$ DECLARE res wait_sampling_rate; sec integer; BEGIN res.sec = extract(EPOCH FROM (a.ts - b.ts)); IF res.sec = 0 THEN sec = 1; ELSE sec = res.sec; END IF; res.count_per_sec = (a.count - b.count)::double precision / sec; return res; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OPERATOR / ( PROCEDURE = wait_sampling_div, LEFTARG = wait_sampling_type, RIGHTARG = wait_sampling_type ); /* end of pg_wait_sampling operator support */ CREATE TABLE public.powa_wait_sampling_history ( coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, event_type text NOT NULL, event text NOT NULL, records public.wait_sampling_type[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range public.wait_sampling_type NOT NULL, maxs_in_range public.wait_sampling_type NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (coalesce_range, queryid, dbid, event_type, event) ); CREATE INDEX ON public.powa_wait_sampling_history (queryid); CREATE TABLE public.powa_wait_sampling_history_db ( coalesce_range tstzrange NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, event_type text NOT NULL, event text NOT NULL, records public.wait_sampling_type[] NOT NULL, mins_in_range public.wait_sampling_type NOT NULL, maxs_in_range public.wait_sampling_type NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (coalesce_range, dbid, event_type, event) ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_wait_sampling_history_current ( queryid bigint NOT NULL, dbid oid NOT NULL, event_type text NOT NULL, event text NOT NULL, record wait_sampling_type NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE public.powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db ( dbid oid NOT NULL, event_type text NOT NULL, event text NOT NULL, record wait_sampling_type NOT NULL ); /* end of pg_wait_sampling integration - part 1 */ -- Mark all of powa's tables as "to be dumped" SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_statements',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_statements_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_statements_history_db',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_statements_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_statements_history_current_db',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_user_functions_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_user_functions_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_all_relations_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_all_relations_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_functions','WHERE added_manually'); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_kcache_metrics',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_kcache_metrics_db',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_kcache_metrics_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_kcache_metrics_current_db',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_qualstats_quals',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_qualstats_quals_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_qualstats_quals_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_qualstats_constvalues_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_wait_sampling_history',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_wait_sampling_history_db',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_wait_sampling_history_current',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db',''); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_check_created_extensions() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ DECLARE BEGIN /* We have for now no way for a proper handling of this event, * as we don't have a table with the list of supported extensions. * So just call every powa_*_register() function we know each time an * extension is created. Powa should be in a dedicated database and the * register function handle to be called several time, so it's not critical */ PERFORM public.powa_kcache_register(); PERFORM public.powa_qualstats_register(); PERFORM public.powa_track_settings_register(); PERFORM public.powa_wait_sampling_register(); END; $_$; /* end of powa_check_created_extensions */ CREATE EVENT TRIGGER powa_check_created_extensions ON ddl_command_end WHEN tag IN ('CREATE EXTENSION') EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.powa_check_created_extensions() ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_check_dropped_extensions() RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ DECLARE funcname text; v_state text; v_msg text; v_detail text; v_hint text; v_context text; BEGIN -- We unregister extensions regardless the "enabled" field WITH ext AS ( SELECT object_name FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() d WHERE d.object_type = 'extension' ) SELECT function_name INTO funcname FROM powa_functions f JOIN ext ON f.module = ext.object_name WHERE operation = 'unregister'; IF ( funcname IS NOT NULL ) THEN BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', funcname)); EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(funcname) || '()'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS v_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, v_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, v_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, v_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT; RAISE WARNING 'powa_check_dropped_extensions(): function "%" failed: state : % message: % detail : % hint : % context: %', funcname, v_state, v_msg, v_detail, v_hint, v_context; END; END IF; END; $_$; /* end of powa_check_dropped_extensions */ CREATE EVENT TRIGGER powa_check_dropped_extensions ON sql_drop WHEN tag IN ('DROP EXTENSION') EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.powa_check_dropped_extensions() ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_take_snapshot() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE purgets timestamp with time zone; purge_seq bigint; funcname text; v_state text; v_msg text; v_detail text; v_hint text; v_context text; v_title text = 'PoWA - '; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || ' snapshot database list', false); PERFORM powa_log('start of powa_take_snapshot'); -- Keep track of existing databases PERFORM powa_log('Maintaining database list...'); WITH missing AS ( SELECT d.oid, d.datname FROM pg_database d LEFT JOIN powa_databases p ON d.oid = p.oid WHERE p.oid IS NULL ) INSERT INTO powa_databases SELECT * FROM missing; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('missing db: %s', v_rowcount)); -- Keep track of renamed databases WITH renamed AS ( SELECT d.oid, d.datname FROM pg_database AS d JOIN powa_databases AS p ON d.oid = p.oid WHERE d.datname != p.datname ) UPDATE powa_databases AS p SET datname = r.datname FROM renamed AS r WHERE p.oid = r.oid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('renamed db: %s', v_rowcount)); -- Keep track of when databases are dropped WITH dropped AS ( SELECT p.oid FROM powa_databases p LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON p.oid = d.oid WHERE d.oid IS NULL AND p.dropped IS NULL) UPDATE powa_databases p SET dropped = now() FROM dropped d WHERE p.oid = d.oid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('dropped db: %s', v_rowcount)); -- For all enabled snapshot functions in the powa_functions table, execute FOR funcname IN SELECT function_name FROM powa_functions WHERE operation='snapshot' AND enabled LOOP -- Call all of them, with no parameter BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('calling snapshot function: %I', funcname)); PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || quote_ident(funcname) || '()', false); EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(funcname)||'()'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS v_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, v_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, v_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, v_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT; RAISE warning 'powa_take_snapshot(): function "%" failed: state : % message: % detail : % hint : % context: %', funcname, v_state, v_msg, v_detail, v_hint, v_context; END; END LOOP; -- Coalesce datas if needed SELECT nextval('powa_coalesce_sequence'::regclass) INTO purge_seq; PERFORM powa_log(format('powa_coalesce_sequence: %s', purge_seq)); IF ( purge_seq % current_setting('powa.coalesce')::bigint ) = 0 THEN PERFORM powa_log(format('coalesce needed, seq: %s coalesce seq: %s', purge_seq, current_setting('powa.coalesce')::bigint )); FOR funcname IN SELECT function_name FROM powa_functions WHERE operation='aggregate' AND enabled LOOP -- Call all of them, with no parameter BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('calling aggregate function: %I', funcname)); PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || quote_ident(funcname) || '()', false); EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(funcname)||'()'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS v_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, v_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, v_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, v_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT; RAISE warning 'powa_take_snapshot(): function "%" failed: state : % message: % detail : % hint : % context: %', funcname, v_state, v_msg, v_detail, v_hint, v_context; END; END LOOP; UPDATE powa_last_aggregation SET aggts = now(); END IF; -- We also purge, at next pass IF ( purge_seq % (current_setting('powa.coalesce')::bigint ) ) = 1 THEN PERFORM powa_log(format('purge needed, seq: %s coalesce seq: %s', purge_seq, current_setting('powa.coalesce'))); FOR funcname IN SELECT function_name FROM powa_functions WHERE operation='purge' AND enabled LOOP -- Call all of them, with no parameter BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('calling purge function: %I', funcname)); PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || quote_ident(funcname) || '()', false); EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(funcname)||'()'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS v_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, v_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, v_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, v_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT; RAISE warning 'powa_take_snapshot(): function "%" failed: state : % message: % detail : % hint : % context: %', funcname, v_state, v_msg, v_detail, v_hint, v_context; END; END LOOP; PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || 'UPDATE powa_last_purge', false); UPDATE powa_last_purge SET purgets = now(); END IF; PERFORM powa_log('end of powa_take_snapshot'); PERFORM set_config('application_name', v_title || 'snapshot finished', false); END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_take_snapshot */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_statements_snapshot() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result boolean; ignore_regexp text :='^[[:space:]]*(DEALLOCATE|BEGIN|PREPARE TRANSACTION|COMMIT PREPARED|ROLLBACK PREPARED)'; v_funcname text := 'powa_statements_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN -- In this function, we capture statements, and also aggregate counters by database -- so that the first screens of powa stay reactive even though there may be thousands -- of different statements PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); WITH capture AS( SELECT pgss.* FROM pg_stat_statements pgss JOIN pg_roles r ON pgss.userid = r.oid WHERE pgss.query !~* ignore_regexp AND NOT (r.rolname = ANY (string_to_array(current_setting('powa.ignored_users'),','))) ), missing_statements AS( INSERT INTO powa_statements (queryid, dbid, userid, query) SELECT queryid, dbid, userid, query FROM capture c WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM powa_statements ps WHERE ps.queryid = c.queryid AND ps.dbid = c.dbid AND ps.userid = c.userid ) ), by_query AS ( INSERT INTO powa_statements_history_current SELECT queryid, dbid, userid, ROW( now(), calls, total_time, rows, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_written, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_written, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, blk_read_time, blk_write_time )::powa_statements_history_record AS record FROM capture ), by_database AS ( INSERT INTO powa_statements_history_current_db SELECT dbid, ROW( now(), sum(calls), sum(total_time), sum(rows), sum(shared_blks_hit), sum(shared_blks_read), sum(shared_blks_dirtied), sum(shared_blks_written), sum(local_blks_hit), sum(local_blks_read), sum(local_blks_dirtied), sum(local_blks_written), sum(temp_blks_read), sum(temp_blks_written), sum(blk_read_time), sum(blk_write_time) )::powa_statements_history_record AS record FROM capture GROUP BY dbid ) SELECT count(*) INTO v_rowcount FROM capture; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; -- For now we don't care. What could we do on error except crash anyway? END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_statements_snapshot */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_user_functions_snapshot() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result boolean; v_funcname text := 'powa_user_functions_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- Insert cluster-wide user function statistics WITH func(dbid, r) AS ( SELECT oid, powa_stat_user_functions(oid) FROM pg_database ) INSERT INTO powa_user_functions_history_current SELECT dbid, (r).funcid, ROW(now(), (r).calls, (r).total_time, (r).self_time)::powa_user_functions_history_record AS record FROM func; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_user_functions_snapshot */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_all_relations_snapshot() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result boolean; v_funcname text := 'powa_all_relations_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- Insert cluster-wide relation statistics WITH rel(dbid, r) AS ( SELECT oid, powa_stat_all_rel(oid) FROM pg_database ) INSERT INTO powa_all_relations_history_current SELECT dbid, (r).relid, ROW(now(),(r).numscan, (r).tup_returned, (r).tup_fetched, (r).n_tup_ins, (r).n_tup_upd, (r).n_tup_del, (r).n_tup_hot_upd, (r).n_liv_tup, (r).n_dead_tup, (r).n_mod_since_analyze, (r).blks_read, (r).blks_hit, (r).last_vacuum, (r).vacuum_count, (r).last_autovacuum, (r).autovacuum_count, (r).last_analyze, (r).analyze_count, (r).last_autoanalyze, (r).autoanalyze_count)::powa_all_relations_history_record AS record FROM rel; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_all_relations_snapshot */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_statements_purge() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_statements_purge'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- Delete obsolete datas. We only bother with already coalesced data DELETE FROM powa_statements_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range)< (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_statements_hitory) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); DELETE FROM powa_statements_history_db WHERE upper(coalesce_range)< (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_statements_history_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); -- FIXME maybe we should cleanup the powa_*_history tables ? But it will take a while: unnest all records... END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_statements_purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_user_functions_purge() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_user_functions_purge'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- Delete obsolete datas. We only bother with already coalesced data DELETE FROM powa_user_functions_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range)< (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); -- FIXME maybe we should cleanup the powa_*_history tables ? But it will take a while: unnest all records... END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_user_functions_purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_all_relations_purge() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_all_relations_purge'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- Delete obsolete datas. We only bother with already coalesced data DELETE FROM powa_all_relations_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range)< (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); -- FIXME maybe we should cleanup the powa_*_history tables ? But it will take a while: unnest all records... END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_all_relations_purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_statements_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_statements_aggregate'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- aggregate statements table LOCK TABLE powa_statements_history_current IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_statements_history SELECT queryid, dbid, userid, tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).calls),min((record).total_time),min((record).rows), min((record).shared_blks_hit),min((record).shared_blks_read), min((record).shared_blks_dirtied),min((record).shared_blks_written), min((record).local_blks_hit),min((record).local_blks_read), min((record).local_blks_dirtied),min((record).local_blks_written), min((record).temp_blks_read),min((record).temp_blks_written), min((record).blk_read_time),min((record).blk_write_time))::powa_statements_history_record, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).calls),max((record).total_time),max((record).rows), max((record).shared_blks_hit),max((record).shared_blks_read), max((record).shared_blks_dirtied),max((record).shared_blks_written), max((record).local_blks_hit),max((record).local_blks_read), max((record).local_blks_dirtied),max((record).local_blks_written), max((record).temp_blks_read),max((record).temp_blks_written), max((record).blk_read_time),max((record).blk_write_time))::powa_statements_history_record FROM powa_statements_history_current GROUP BY queryid, dbid, userid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_statements_history) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_statements_history_current; -- aggregate db table LOCK TABLE powa_statements_history_current_db IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_statements_history_db SELECT dbid, tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).calls),min((record).total_time),min((record).rows), min((record).shared_blks_hit),min((record).shared_blks_read), min((record).shared_blks_dirtied),min((record).shared_blks_written), min((record).local_blks_hit),min((record).local_blks_read), min((record).local_blks_dirtied),min((record).local_blks_written), min((record).temp_blks_read),min((record).temp_blks_written), min((record).blk_read_time),min((record).blk_write_time))::powa_statements_history_record, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).calls),max((record).total_time),max((record).rows), max((record).shared_blks_hit),max((record).shared_blks_read), max((record).shared_blks_dirtied),max((record).shared_blks_written), max((record).local_blks_hit),max((record).local_blks_read), max((record).local_blks_dirtied),max((record).local_blks_written), max((record).temp_blks_read),max((record).temp_blks_written), max((record).blk_read_time),max((record).blk_write_time))::powa_statements_history_record FROM powa_statements_history_current_db GROUP BY dbid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_statements_history_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_statements_history_current_db; END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_statements_aggregate */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_user_functions_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_user_functions_aggregate'); -- aggregate user_functions table LOCK TABLE powa_user_functions_history_current IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_user_functions_history SELECT dbid, funcid, tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).calls),min((record).total_time), min((record).self_time))::powa_user_functions_history_record, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).calls),max((record).total_time), max((record).self_time))::powa_user_functions_history_record FROM powa_user_functions_history_current GROUP BY dbid, funcid; TRUNCATE powa_user_functions_history_current; END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_user_functions_aggregate */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_all_relations_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_all_relations_aggregate'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- aggregate all_relations table LOCK TABLE powa_all_relations_history_current IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_all_relations_history SELECT dbid, relid, tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).numscan),min((record).tup_returned),min((record).tup_fetched), min((record).n_tup_ins),min((record).n_tup_upd), min((record).n_tup_del),min((record).n_tup_hot_upd), min((record).n_liv_tup),min((record).n_dead_tup), min((record).n_mod_since_analyze),min((record).blks_read), min((record).blks_hit),min((record).last_vacuum), min((record).vacuum_count),min((record).last_autovacuum), min((record).autovacuum_count),min((record).last_analyze), min((record).analyze_count),min((record).last_autoanalyze), min((record).autoanalyze_count))::powa_all_relations_history_record, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).numscan),max((record).tup_returned),max((record).tup_fetched), max((record).n_tup_ins),max((record).n_tup_upd), max((record).n_tup_del),max((record).n_tup_hot_upd), max((record).n_liv_tup),max((record).n_dead_tup), max((record).n_mod_since_analyze),max((record).blks_read), max((record).blks_hit),max((record).last_vacuum), max((record).vacuum_count),max((record).last_autovacuum), max((record).autovacuum_count),max((record).last_analyze), max((record).analyze_count),max((record).last_autoanalyze), max((record).autoanalyze_count))::powa_all_relations_history_record FROM powa_all_relations_history_current GROUP BY dbid, relid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_all_relations_history_current; END; $PROC$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* end of powa_all_relations_aggregate */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_reset() RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE funcname text; v_state text; v_msg text; v_detail text; v_hint text; v_context text; BEGIN -- Find reset function for every supported datasource, including pgss -- Also call reset function even if they're not enabled FOR funcname IN SELECT function_name FROM powa_functions WHERE operation='reset' LOOP -- Call all of them, with no parameter BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(funcname)||'()'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS v_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, v_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT, v_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, v_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, v_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT; RAISE warning 'powa_reset(): function "%" failed: state : % message: % detail : % hint : % context: %', funcname, v_state, v_msg, v_detail, v_hint, v_context; END; END LOOP; RETURN true; END; $function$; /* end of powa_reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_statements_reset() RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_statements_history'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_statements_history; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_statements_history_current'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_statements_history_current; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_statements_history_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_statements_history_db; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_statements_history_current_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_statements_history_current_db; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_statements'); -- if 3rd part datasource has FK on it, throw everything away TRUNCATE TABLE powa_statements CASCADE; RETURN true; END; $function$; /* end of powa_statements_reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_user_functions_reset() RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_user_functions_history'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_user_functions_history; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_user_functions_history_current'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_user_functions_history_current; RETURN true; END; $function$; /* end of powa_user_functions_reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.powa_all_relations_reset() RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_all_relations_history'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_all_relations_history; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_all_relations_history_current'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_all_relations_history_current; RETURN true; END; $function$; /* end of powa_all_relations_reset */ /* pg_stat_kcache integration - part 2 */ /* * register pg_stat_kcache extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_kcache_register() RETURNS bool AS $_$ DECLARE v_func_present bool; v_ext_present bool; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 INTO v_ext_present FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_stat_kcache'; IF ( v_ext_present ) THEN SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 INTO v_func_present FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_stat_kcache'; IF ( NOT v_func_present) THEN PERFORM powa_log('registering pg_stat_kcache'); INSERT INTO powa_functions (module, operation, function_name, added_manually, enabled) VALUES ('pg_stat_kcache', 'snapshot', 'powa_kcache_snapshot', false, true), ('pg_stat_kcache', 'aggregate', 'powa_kcache_aggregate', false, true), ('pg_stat_kcache', 'unregister', 'powa_kcache_unregister', false, true), ('pg_stat_kcache', 'purge', 'powa_kcache_purge', false, true), ('pg_stat_kcache', 'reset', 'powa_kcache_reset', false, true); END IF; END IF; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_register */ /* * unregister pg_stat_kcache extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_kcache_unregister() RETURNS bool AS $_$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('unregistering pg_stat_kcache'); DELETE FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_stat_kcache'; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_unregister */ /* * powa_kcache snapshot collection. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_snapshot() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; v_funcname text := 'powa_kcache_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); WITH capture AS ( SELECT * FROM pg_stat_kcache() k JOIN pg_roles r ON r.oid = k.userid WHERE NOT (r.rolname = ANY (string_to_array(current_setting('powa.ignored_users'),','))) ), by_query AS ( INSERT INTO powa_kcache_metrics_current (queryid, dbid, userid, metrics) SELECT queryid, dbid, userid, (now(), reads, writes, user_time, system_time)::kcache_type FROM capture ), by_database AS ( INSERT INTO powa_kcache_metrics_current_db (dbid, metrics) SELECT dbid, (now(), sum(reads), sum(writes), sum(user_time), sum(system_time))::kcache_type FROM capture GROUP BY dbid ) SELECT COUNT(*) into v_rowcount FROM capture; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_snapshot */ /* * powa_kcache aggregation */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; v_funcname text := 'powa_kcache_aggregate'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- aggregate metrics table LOCK TABLE powa_kcache_metrics_current IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_kcache_metrics (coalesce_range, queryid, dbid, userid, metrics, mins_in_range, maxs_in_range) SELECT tstzrange(min((metrics).ts), max((metrics).ts),'[]'), queryid, dbid, userid, array_agg(metrics), ROW(min((metrics).ts), min((metrics).reads),min((metrics).writes),min((metrics).user_time), min((metrics).system_time))::kcache_type, ROW(max((metrics).ts), max((metrics).reads),max((metrics).writes),max((metrics).user_time), max((metrics).system_time))::kcache_type FROM powa_kcache_metrics_current GROUP BY queryid, dbid, userid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_kcache_metrics) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_kcache_metrics_current; -- aggregate metrics_db table LOCK TABLE powa_kcache_metrics_current_db IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_kcache_metrics_db (coalesce_range, dbid, metrics, mins_in_range, maxs_in_range) SELECT tstzrange(min((metrics).ts), max((metrics).ts),'[]'), dbid, array_agg(metrics), ROW(min((metrics).ts), min((metrics).reads),min((metrics).writes),min((metrics).user_time), min((metrics).system_time))::kcache_type, ROW(max((metrics).ts), max((metrics).reads),max((metrics).writes),max((metrics).user_time), max((metrics).system_time))::kcache_type FROM powa_kcache_metrics_current_db GROUP BY dbid; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_kcache_metrics_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_kcache_metrics_current_db; END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_aggregate */ /* * powa_kcache purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_purge() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_kcache_purge'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); DELETE FROM powa_kcache_metrics WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_kcache_metrics) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); DELETE FROM powa_kcache_metrics_db WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_kcache_metrics_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_purge */ /* * powa_kcache reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_kcache_reset() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_kcache_reset'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_kcache_reset'); PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_kcache_metrics'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_kcache_metrics; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_kcache_metrics_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_kcache_metrics_db; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_kcache_metrics_current'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_kcache_metrics_current; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_kcache_metrics_current_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_kcache_metrics_current_db; END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_kcache_reset */ -- By default, try to register pg_stat_kcache, in case it's alreay here SELECT * FROM public.powa_kcache_register(); /* end of pg_stat_kcache integration - part 2 */ /* pg_qualstats integration - part 2 */ /* * powa_qualstats_register */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_qualstats_register() RETURNS bool AS $_$ DECLARE v_func_present bool; v_ext_present bool; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 INTO v_ext_present FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_qualstats'; IF ( v_ext_present) THEN SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 INTO v_func_present FROM public.powa_functions WHERE function_name IN ('powa_qualstats_snapshot', 'powa_qualstats_aggregate', 'powa_qualstats_purge'); IF ( NOT v_func_present) THEN PERFORM powa_log('registering pg_qualstats'); INSERT INTO powa_functions (module, operation, function_name, added_manually, enabled) VALUES ('pg_qualstats', 'snapshot', 'powa_qualstats_snapshot', false, true), ('pg_qualstats', 'aggregate', 'powa_qualstats_aggregate', false, true), ('pg_qualstats', 'unregister', 'powa_qualstats_unregister', false, true), ('pg_qualstats', 'purge', 'powa_qualstats_purge', false, true), ('pg_qualstats', 'reset', 'powa_qualstats_reset', false, true); END IF; END IF; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_register */ /* * powa_qualstats utility view for aggregating constvalues */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW powa_qualstats_aggregate_constvalues_current AS WITH consts AS ( SELECT qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, min(ts) as mints, max(ts) as maxts, sum(occurences) as occurences, sum(nbfiltered) as nbfiltered, sum(execution_count) as execution_count, constvalues FROM powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current GROUP BY qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, constvalues ), groups AS ( SELECT qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, tstzrange(min(mints), max(maxts),'[]') FROM consts GROUP BY qualid, queryid, dbid, userid ) SELECT * FROM groups, LATERAL ( SELECT array_agg(constvalues) as mu FROM ( SELECT (constvalues, occurences, nbfiltered, execution_count)::qual_values as constvalues FROM consts WHERE consts.qualid = groups.qualid AND consts.queryid = groups.queryid AND consts.dbid = groups.dbid AND consts.userid = groups.userid ORDER BY occurences desc LIMIT 20 ) s ) as mu, LATERAL ( SELECT array_agg(constvalues) as mf FROM ( SELECT (constvalues, occurences, nbfiltered, execution_count)::qual_values as constvalues FROM consts WHERE consts.qualid = groups.qualid AND consts.queryid = groups.queryid AND consts.dbid = groups.dbid AND consts.userid = groups.userid ORDER BY CASE WHEN execution_count = 0 THEN 0 ELSE nbfiltered / execution_count::numeric END DESC LIMIT 20 ) s ) as mf, LATERAL ( SELECT array_agg(constvalues) as lf FROM ( SELECT (constvalues, occurences, nbfiltered, execution_count)::qual_values as constvalues FROM consts WHERE consts.qualid = groups.qualid AND consts.queryid = groups.queryid AND consts.dbid = groups.dbid AND consts.userid = groups.userid ORDER BY CASE WHEN execution_count = 0 THEN 0 ELSE nbfiltered / execution_count::numeric END DESC LIMIT 20 ) s ) as lf, LATERAL ( SELECT array_agg(constvalues) as me FROM ( SELECT (constvalues, occurences, nbfiltered, execution_count)::qual_values as constvalues FROM consts WHERE consts.qualid = groups.qualid AND consts.queryid = groups.queryid AND consts.dbid = groups.dbid AND consts.userid = groups.userid ORDER BY execution_count desc LIMIT 20 ) s ) as me; /* end of powa_qualstats_aggregate_constvalues_current */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_snapshot() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; v_funcname text := 'powa_qualstats_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); WITH capture AS ( SELECT pgqs.*, s.query FROM pg_qualstats_by_query pgqs JOIN powa_statements s USING(queryid, dbid, userid) JOIN pg_roles r ON s.userid = r.oid AND NOT (r.rolname = ANY (string_to_array(current_setting('powa.ignored_users'),','))) ), missing_quals AS ( INSERT INTO powa_qualstats_quals (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, quals) SELECT DISTINCT qs.qualnodeid, qs.queryid, qs.dbid, qs.userid, array_agg(DISTINCT q::qual_type) FROM capture qs, LATERAL (SELECT (unnest(quals)).*) as q WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM powa_qualstats_quals nh WHERE nh.qualid = qs.qualnodeid AND nh.queryid = qs.queryid AND nh.dbid = qs.dbid AND nh.userid = qs.userid ) GROUP BY qualnodeid, queryid, dbid, userid RETURNING * ), by_qual AS ( INSERT INTO powa_qualstats_quals_history_current (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, ts, occurences, execution_count, nbfiltered) SELECT qs.qualnodeid, qs.queryid, qs.dbid, qs.userid, now(), sum(occurences), sum(execution_count), sum(nbfiltered) FROM capture as qs GROUP BY qualnodeid, qs.queryid, qs.dbid, qs.userid RETURNING * ), by_qual_with_const AS ( INSERT INTO powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current(qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, ts, occurences, execution_count, nbfiltered, constvalues) SELECT qualnodeid, qs.queryid, qs.dbid, qs.userid, now(), occurences, execution_count, nbfiltered, constvalues FROM capture as qs ) SELECT COUNT(*) into v_rowcount FROM capture; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; PERFORM pg_qualstats_reset(); END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_snapshot */ /* * powa_qualstats aggregate */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_qualstats_aggregate'); LOCK TABLE powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current IN SHARE MODE; LOCK TABLE powa_qualstats_quals_history_current IN SHARE MODE; INSERT INTO powa_qualstats_constvalues_history ( qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, coalesce_range, most_used, most_filtering, least_filtering, most_executed) SELECT * FROM powa_qualstats_aggregate_constvalues_current; INSERT INTO powa_qualstats_quals_history (qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, coalesce_range, records, mins_in_range, maxs_in_range) SELECT qualid, queryid, dbid, userid, tstzrange(min(ts), max(ts),'[]'), array_agg((ts, occurences, execution_count, nbfiltered)::powa_qualstats_history_item), ROW(min(ts), min(occurences), min(execution_count), min(nbfiltered))::powa_qualstats_history_item, ROW(max(ts), max(occurences), max(execution_count), max(nbfiltered))::powa_qualstats_history_item FROM powa_qualstats_quals_history_current GROUP BY qualid, queryid, dbid, userid; TRUNCATE powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current; TRUNCATE powa_qualstats_quals_history_current; END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_aggregate */ /* * powa_qualstats_purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_purge() RETURNS void as $PROC$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_qualstats_purge'); DELETE FROM powa_qualstats_constvalues_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); DELETE FROM powa_qualstats_quals_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_purge */ /* * powa_qualstats_reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_qualstats_reset() RETURNS void as $PROC$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_qualstats_reset'); PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_qualstats_quals'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_qualstats_quals CASCADE; -- cascaded : -- powa_qualstats_quals_history -- powa_qualstats_quals_history_current -- powa_qualstats_constvalues_history -- powa_qualstats_constvalues_history_current END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_reset */ /* * powa_qualstats_unregister */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_qualstats_unregister() RETURNS bool AS $_$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('unregistering pg_qualstats'); DELETE FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_qualstats'; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_qualstats_unregister */ SELECT * FROM public.powa_qualstats_register(); /* end of pg_qualstats integration - part 2 */ /* pg_track_settings integration */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_track_settings_register() RETURNS bool AS $_$ DECLARE v_func_present bool; v_ext_present bool; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 INTO v_ext_present FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_track_settings'; IF ( v_ext_present ) THEN SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 INTO v_func_present FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_track_settings'; IF ( NOT v_func_present) THEN PERFORM powa_log('registering pg_track_settings'); -- This extension handles its own storage, just its snapshot -- function and an unregister function. INSERT INTO powa_functions (module, operation, function_name, added_manually, enabled) VALUES ('pg_track_settings', 'snapshot', 'pg_track_settings_snapshot', false, true), ('pg_track_settings', 'unregister', 'powa_track_settings_unregister', false, true); END IF; END IF; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of pg_track_settings_register */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_track_settings_unregister() RETURNS bool AS $_$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('unregistering pg_track_settings'); DELETE FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_track_settings'; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_track_settings_unregister */ -- By default, try to register pg_track_settings, in case it's alreay here SELECT * FROM public.powa_track_settings_register(); /* end pg_track_settings integration */ /* pg_wait_sampling integration - part 2 */ /* * register pg_wait_sampling extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_wait_sampling_register() RETURNS bool AS $_$ DECLARE v_func_present bool; v_ext_present bool; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 INTO v_ext_present FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pg_wait_sampling'; IF ( v_ext_present ) THEN SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 INTO v_func_present FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_wait_sampling'; IF ( NOT v_func_present) THEN PERFORM powa_log('registering pg_wait_sampling'); INSERT INTO powa_functions (module, operation, function_name, added_manually, enabled) VALUES ('pg_wait_sampling', 'snapshot', 'powa_wait_sampling_snapshot', false, true), ('pg_wait_sampling', 'aggregate', 'powa_wait_sampling_aggregate', false, true), ('pg_wait_sampling', 'unregister', 'powa_wait_sampling_unregister', false, true), ('pg_wait_sampling', 'purge', 'powa_wait_sampling_purge', false, true), ('pg_wait_sampling', 'reset', 'powa_wait_sampling_reset', false, true); END IF; END IF; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_wait_sampling_register */ /* * unregister pg_wait_sampling extension */ CREATE OR REPLACE function public.powa_wait_sampling_unregister() RETURNS bool AS $_$ BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('unregistering pg_wait_sampling'); DELETE FROM public.powa_functions WHERE module = 'pg_wait_sampling'; RETURN true; END; $_$ language plpgsql; /* * powa_wait_sampling snapshot collection. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_wait_sampling_snapshot() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; v_funcname text := 'powa_wait_sampling_snapshot'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); WITH capture AS ( -- the various background processes report wait events but don't have -- associated queryid. Gather them all under a fake 0 dbid SELECT COALESCE(pgss.dbid, 0) AS dbid, s.event_type, s.event, s.queryid, sum(s.count) as count FROM pg_wait_sampling_profile s -- pg_wait_sampling doesn't offer a per (userid, dbid, queryid) view, -- only per pid, but pid can be reused for different databases or users -- so we cannot deduce db or user from it. However, queryid should be -- unique across differet databases, so we retrieve the dbid this way. LEFT JOIN pg_stat_statements(false) pgss ON pgss.queryid = s.queryid WHERE event_type IS NOT NULL AND event IS NOT NULL GROUP BY pgss.dbid, s.event_type, s.event, s.queryid ), by_query AS ( INSERT INTO powa_wait_sampling_history_current (queryid, dbid, event_type, event, record) SELECT queryid, dbid, event_type, event, (now(), count)::wait_sampling_type FROM capture ), by_database AS ( INSERT INTO powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db (dbid, event_type, event, record) SELECT dbid, event_type, event, (now(), sum(count))::wait_sampling_type FROM capture GROUP BY dbid, event_type, event ) SELECT COUNT(*) into v_rowcount FROM capture; perform powa_log(format('%I - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); result := true; END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_wait_sampling_snapshot */ /* * powa_wait_sampling aggregation */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_wait_sampling_aggregate() RETURNS void AS $PROC$ DECLARE result bool; v_funcname text := 'powa_wait_sampling_aggregate'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); -- aggregate history table LOCK TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history_current IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_wait_sampling_history (coalesce_range, queryid, dbid, event_type, event, records, mins_in_range, maxs_in_range) SELECT tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), queryid, dbid, event_type, event, array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).count))::wait_sampling_type, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).count))::wait_sampling_type FROM powa_wait_sampling_history_current GROUP BY queryid, dbid, event_type, event; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_wait_sampling_history) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_wait_sampling_history_current; -- aggregate history_db table LOCK TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db IN SHARE MODE; -- prevent any other update INSERT INTO powa_wait_sampling_history_db (coalesce_range, dbid, event_type, event, records, mins_in_range, maxs_in_range) SELECT tstzrange(min((record).ts), max((record).ts),'[]'), dbid, event_type, event, array_agg(record), ROW(min((record).ts), min((record).count))::wait_sampling_type, ROW(max((record).ts), max((record).count))::wait_sampling_type FROM powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db GROUP BY dbid, event_type, event; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_wait_sampling_history_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); TRUNCATE powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db; END $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_wait_sampling_aggregate */ /* * powa_wait_sampling purge */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_wait_sampling_purge() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_wait_sampling_purge'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log(format('running %I', v_funcname)); DELETE FROM powa_wait_sampling_history WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_wait_sampling_history) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); DELETE FROM powa_wait_sampling_history_db WHERE upper(coalesce_range) < (now() - current_setting('powa.retention')::interval); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_rowcount = ROW_COUNT; perform powa_log(format('%I (powa_wait_sampling_history_db) - rowcount: %s', v_funcname, v_rowcount)); END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_wait_sampling_purge */ /* * powa_wait_sampling reset */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION powa_wait_sampling_reset() RETURNS void as $PROC$ DECLARE v_funcname text := 'powa_wait_sampling_reset'; v_rowcount bigint; BEGIN PERFORM powa_log('running powa_wait_sampling_reset'); PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_wait_sampling_history'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_wait_sampling_history_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history_db; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_wait_sampling_history_current'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history_current; PERFORM powa_log('truncating powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db'); TRUNCATE TABLE powa_wait_sampling_history_current_db; END; $PROC$ language plpgsql; /* end of powa_wait_sampling_reset */ -- By default, try to register pg_wait_sampling, in case it's alreay here SELECT * FROM public.powa_wait_sampling_register(); /* end of pg_wait_sampling integration - part 2 */