############################################################################### # # Makefile # ############################################################################### ## ## V A R I A B L E S ## # This Makefile has many input variables, # see link below for the standard vars offered by PGXS # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/extend-pgxs.html # The input variable below are optional # PSQL : psql client ( default = local psql ) # PGDUMP : pg_dump tool ( default = docker ) # REGRESS : run a specific test ( e.g. `REGRESS=noise make installcheck` ) # PG_TEST_EXTRA : extra tests to be run by `installcheck` ( default = none ) ## ## C O N F I G ## MODULES = anon EXTENSION = anon EXTENSION_VERSION=$(shell grep default_version $(EXTENSION).control | sed -e "s/default_version[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*'\([^']*\)'/\1/") DATA = anon/* # Use this var to add more tests #PG_TEST_EXTRA ?= "" REGRESS_TESTS = init extschema detection REGRESS_TESTS+= destruction noise shuffle random faking partial REGRESS_TESTS+= pseudonymization hashing hashing_and_dynamic_masking REGRESS_TESTS+= anonymize pg_dump_anon restore REGRESS_TESTS+= hasmask masked_roles masking masking_search_path REGRESS_TESTS+= generalization k_anonymity REGRESS_TESTS+= injection conflict_seclabel_vs_comment syntax_checks REGRESS_TESTS+=$(PG_TEST_EXTRA) # This can be overridden by an env variable REGRESS?=$(REGRESS_TESTS) MODULEDIR=extension/anon REGRESS_OPTS = --inputdir=tests OBJS = anon.o ## ## Mandatory PGXS stuff ## see https://github.com/postgres/postgres/blob/master/src/makefiles/pgxs.mk ## PG_CONFIG = pg_config PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs) include $(PGXS) all: extension ## ## H E L P ## # @echo "Available targets for $(MODULE) $(EXTENSION_VERSION):" default:: help help:: #: display this message. @echo @echo "Available targets for $(EXTENSION) $(EXTENSION_VERSION):" @echo @gawk 'match($$0, /([^:]*):.+#'': (.*)/, m) { printf " %-16s%s\n", m[1], m[2]}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort @echo ## ## I N S T A L L ## BINDIR ?= $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --bindir) install: install-bin install-bin: install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install -m 0755 bin/pg_dump_anon.sh $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/pg_dump_anon ## ## L I N T ## lint: lint-sh lint-md lint-sh: #: check the shell script syntax shellcheck bin/pg_dump_anon.sh lint-md: #: check the markdown syntax mdl docs/*.md *.md ## ## B U I L D ## .PHONY: extension extension: #: build the extension mkdir -p anon cp anon.sql anon/anon--$(EXTENSION_VERSION).sql cp data/default/* anon/ PG_DUMP?=docker exec postgresqlanonymizer_PostgreSQL_1 pg_dump -U postgres --insert --no-owner SED1=sed 's/public.//' SED2=sed 's/SELECT.*search_path.*//' SED3=sed 's/^SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout.*//' SED4=sed 's/^SET row_security.*//' SEDI=$(shell sed --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'sed -i --' || echo 'sed -i ""') sql/tables/%.sql: $(PG_DUMP) --table $* | $(SED1) | $(SED2) | $(SED3) | $(SED4) > $@ PSQL?=PGPASSWORD=CHANGEME psql -U postgres -h -p54322 PGRGRSS=docker exec postgresqlanonymizer_PostgreSQL_1 /usr/lib/postgresql/10/lib/pgxs/src/test/regress/pg_regress --outputdir=tests/ --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin' --inputdir=tests --dbname=contrib_regression --user=postgres unit ## ## D O C K E R ## docker_image: docker/Dockerfile #: build the docker image docker build -t registry.gitlab.com/dalibo/postgresql_anonymizer . --file $^ docker_push: #: push the docker image to the registry docker push registry.gitlab.com/dalibo/postgresql_anonymizer docker_bash: #: enter the docker image (useful for testing) docker exec -it docker_PostgreSQL_1 bash COMPOSE=docker-compose --file docker/docker-compose.yml docker_init: #: start a docker container $(COMPOSE) down $(COMPOSE) up -d @echo "The Postgres server may take a few seconds to start. Please wait." .PHONY: expected expected : tests/expected/unit.out tests/expected/unit.out: $(PGRGRSS) cp tests/results/unit.out tests/expected/unit.out ## ## S T A N D A L O N E ## # This is the schema the required extension (for instance tsm_system_rows) # will be installed EXTSCHEMA?=public .PHONY: standalone standalone: anon_standalone.sql #: build the standalone script anon_standalone.sql: anon.sql bin/standalone.sh $@ clean_standalone: rm -fr anon_standalone.sql ## ## L O A D ## .PHONY: load load: #: Load data from CSV files into SQL tables $(PSQL) -f data/load.sql ## ## D E M O & T E S T S ## #.PHONY: demo_masking demo_perf demo_random demo_partial demo_in := $(wildcard demo/*.sql) demo_out = $(demo_in:.sql=.out) .PHONY: demo demo:: $(demo_out) demo_blackbox #: launch the demo scripts demo/%.out: demo/%.sql $(PSQL) -c 'CREATE DATABASE demo;' $(PSQL) --echo-all demo < $^ > $@ 2>&1 $(PSQL) -c 'DROP DATABASE demo;' cat $@ demo_blackbox: ./demo/blackbox.sh clean_demo: rm $(demo_out) tests/sql/%.sql: $(PSQL) -f $@ ## ## C I ## .PHONY: ci_local ci_local: gitlab-ci-multi-runner exec docker make ## ## P G X N ## ZIPBALL:=$(EXTENSION)-$(EXTENSION_VERSION).zip .PHONY: pgxn $(ZIPBALL): pgxn pgxn: #: build the PGXN package # required by CI : https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum/issues/1351 git clone --bare https://gitlab.com/dalibo/postgresql_anonymizer.git git -C postgresql_anonymizer.git archive --format zip --prefix=$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/ --output ../$(ZIPBALL) master # open the package unzip $(ZIPBALL) # remove the zipball because we will rebuild it from scratch rm -fr $(ZIPBALL) # copy artefact into the package cp -pr anon ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/ # remove folders and files that are useless in the PGXN package rm -fr ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/images rm -fr ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/docker rm -fr ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/docs # rebuild the package zip -r $(ZIPBALL) ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION)/ # clean up rm -fr ./$(EXTENSION)_$(EXTENSION_VERSION) ./postgresql_anonymizer.git/