CHANGELOG =============================================================================== 2019FIXME : 0.3 - In-place Anonymization and Anonymous dumps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Dependencies:__ - tms_system_rows - ddlx * In-place Anonymization : Permanently remove sensitive data with `anonymize_database()`, `anonymize_table()` or `anonymize_column()`. * Anonymous dumps : Export the entire anonymized database with the new `dump()` function. For instance: ```console $ psql -q -t -A -c 'SELECT anon.dump()' the_database ``` * Dynamic Masking : new functions `start_dynamic_masking()` and `stop_dynamic_masking()` * shuffle an entire column with the new function : ```sql SELECT anon.shuffle_column('employees','salary', 'id'); ``` * Add +/-33% of noise to a column with: ```sql SELECT anon.numeric_noise_on_column('employee','salary',0.33); ``` * Add +/-10 years of noise to a date with : ```sql SELECT anon.datetime_noise_on_column('employee','birthday','10 years'); ``` * Renamed faking functions for clarity * FIX #43 : Using unlogged tables was a bad idea * FIX #51 : tests & doc about explicit casting * Add `autoload` parameter to `mask_init` function. Default to TRUE for backward compatibility * Add `anon.no_extension.sql` for people in the cloud * [masking] Improve security tests 20181029 : 0.2 - Dynamic masking and partial functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Declare masking rules within the DDL : * Declare a masked column with : ```sql COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'MASKED WITH FUNCTION anon.random_last_name()'; ``` * Declare a masked role with : ```sql COMMENT ON ROLE untrusted_user IS 'MASKED'; ``` ## New functions for partial scrambling * `partial()` will partially hide any TEXT value * `partial_email()` will partially hide an email address Checkout `demo/partial.sql` and `demo/masking.sql` for more details 20180918 : 0.1.1 - Load a custom dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [doc] How To Contribute * Add tsm_system_rows in `requires` clause * Allow loading à custom dataset * use UNLOGGED tables to speed extension loading 20180831 : 0.0.3 - PGXN Fixup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIX #12 : bad package version 20180827 : 0.0.2 - Minor bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIX #11 : install error 20180801 : 0.0.1 - Proof of Concept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * `random_date()` and `random_date_between()`` * `random_string()` * `random_zip()` * `random_company()`, `random_siret()`, `random_iban()` * `random_first_name()`, `random_last_name()` * Docker file for CI * tests * PGXN package