Version-independent hash functions for PostgreSQL ================================================= This package contains a PostgreSQL extension function vihashtext() that is similar to the built-in hashtext() but is guaranteed not to change over major releases, so that it can be used safely for partitioning or sharding, for example with PL/Proxy, in installations involving multiple PostgreSQL major versions. A PL/Proxy function usually looks something like this: CREATE FUNCTION ... LANGUAGE plproxy AS $$ CLUSTER '...'; RUN ON hashtext(arg); SELECT ... $$; The problem is that the hashtext() function is an implementation detail of PostgreSQL and may produce different results for the same input in different PostgreSQL major versions. When that happens, you cannot upgrade your PL/Proxy installation to a new major PostgreSQL version without redistributing the data. A change like this has in particular happened between PostgreSQL 8.3 and 8.4. See also . This package basically just wraps the hashtext() function from PostgreSQL 8.3 into a separate module. This way, you have a hash function that is backward compatible to the built-in hashtext() from PostgreSQL 8.0 through 8.3, and that can be used without concerns in the future. If you are already using PostgreSQL 8.4 or later, you cannot change to use this package without redistributing your data. To use it, install it into the database by running \i vihash.sql and replace RUN ON hashtext(arg); by RUN ON vihashtext(arg);