\unset ECHO \i test/setup.sql SELECT plan(128); --SELECT * from no_plan(); -- These will be rolled back. :-) SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE TABLE public.pk ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT DEFAULT '' ); CREATE TABLE public.fk ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, pk_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES pk(id) ); CREATE TABLE public.pk2 ( num int NOT NULL, dot int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (num, dot) ); CREATE TABLE public.fk2 ( pk2_num int NOT NULL, pk2_dot int NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(pk2_num, pk2_dot) REFERENCES pk2( num, dot) ); CREATE TABLE public.fk3( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, pk_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES pk(id), pk2_num int NOT NULL, pk2_dot int NOT NULL, foo_id INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(pk2_num, pk2_dot) REFERENCES pk2( num, dot) ); RESET client_min_messages; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_fk(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'public.fk should have an fk' ), true, 'has_fk( schema, table, description )', 'public.fk should have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_fk( 'fk', 'fk should have an fk' ), 'true', 'has_fk( table, description )', 'fk should have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_fk( 'fk' ), true, 'has_fk( table )', 'Table fk should have a foreign key constraint' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_fk( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_class', 'pg_catalog.pg_class should have an fk' ), false, 'has_fk( schema, table, description ) fail', 'pg_catalog.pg_class should have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_fk( 'pg_class', 'pg_class should have an fk' ), false, 'has_fk( table, description ) fail', 'pg_class should have an fk' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_fk(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'public.fk should not have an fk' ), false, 'hasnt_fk( schema, table, description )', 'public.fk should not have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_fk( 'fk', 'fk should not have an fk' ), 'false', 'hasnt_fk( table, description )', 'fk should not have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_fk( 'fk' ), false, 'hasnt_fk( table )', 'Table fk should not have a foreign key constraint' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_fk( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_class', 'pg_catalog.pg_class should not have an fk' ), true, 'hasnt_fk( schema, table, description ) pass', 'pg_catalog.pg_class should not have an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_fk( 'pg_class', 'pg_class should not have an fk' ), true, 'hasnt_fk( table, description ) pass', 'pg_class should not have an fk' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test col_is_fk(). SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'pk_id', 'public.fk.pk_id should be an fk' ), true, 'col_is_fk( schema, table, column, description )', 'public.fk.pk_id should be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk', 'pk_id', 'fk.pk_id should be an fk' ), true, 'col_is_fk( table, column, description )', 'fk.pk_id should be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk', 'pk_id' ), true, 'col_is_fk( table, column )', 'Column fk(pk_id) should be a foreign key' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'name', 'public.fk.name should be an fk' ), false, 'col_is_fk( schema, table, column, description )', 'public.fk.name should be an fk', ' Table public.fk has foreign key constraints on these columns: pk_id' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk3', 'name', 'fk3.name should be an fk' ), false, 'col_is_fk( table, column, description )', 'fk3.name should be an fk', ' Table fk3 has foreign key constraints on these columns: pk2_num, pk2_dot pk_id' ); -- Check table with multiple FKs. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk3', 'pk_id' ), true, 'multi-fk col_is_fk test', 'Column fk3(pk_id) should be a foreign key' ); -- Check failure for table with no FKs. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'public', 'pk', 'name', 'pk.name should be an fk' ), false, 'col_is_fk with no FKs', 'pk.name should be an fk', ' Table public.pk has no foreign key columns' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'pk', 'name' ), false, 'col_is_fk with no FKs', 'Column pk(name) should be a foreign key', ' Table pk has no foreign key columns' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test col_is_fk() with an array of columns. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'public', 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'id + pk2_dot should be an fk' ), true, 'col_is_fk( schema, table, column[], description )', 'id + pk2_dot should be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'id + pk2_dot should be an fk' ), true, 'col_is_fk( table, column[], description )', 'id + pk2_dot should be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_is_fk( 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'] ), true, 'col_is_fk( table, column[] )', 'Columns fk2(pk2_num, pk2_dot) should be a foreign key' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test col_isnt_fk(). SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'pk_id', 'public.fk.pk_id should not be an fk' ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( schema, table, column, description )', 'public.fk.pk_id should not be an fk', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk', 'pk_id', 'fk.pk_id should not be an fk' ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( table, column, description )', 'fk.pk_id should not be an fk', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk', 'pk_id' ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( table, column )', 'Column fk(pk_id) should not be a foreign key', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'public', 'fk', 'name', 'public.fk.name should not be an fk' ), true, 'col_isnt_fk( schema, table, column, description )', 'public.fk.name should not be an fk', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk3', 'name', 'fk3.name should not be an fk' ), true, 'col_isnt_fk( table, column, description )', 'fk3.name should not be an fk', '' ); -- Check table with multiple FKs. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk3', 'pk_id' ), false, 'multi-fk col_isnt_fk test', 'Column fk3(pk_id) should not be a foreign key', '' ); -- Check failure for table with no FKs. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'public', 'pk', 'name', 'pk.name should not be an fk' ), true, 'col_isnt_fk with no FKs', 'pk.name should not be an fk', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'pk', 'name' ), true, 'col_isnt_fk with no FKs', 'Column pk(name) should not be a foreign key', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test col_isnt_fk() with an array of columns. SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'public', 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'id + pk2_dot should not be an fk' ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( schema, table, column[], description )', 'id + pk2_dot should not be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'id + pk2_dot should not be an fk' ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( table, column[], description )', 'id + pk2_dot should not be an fk' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( col_isnt_fk( 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'] ), false, 'col_isnt_fk( table, column[] )', 'Columns fk2(pk2_num, pk2_dot) should not be a foreign key' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test fk_ok(). SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'public', 'pk', ARRAY['id'], 'WHATEVER' ), true, 'full fk_ok array', 'WHATEVER' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'public', 'pk2', ARRAY['num', 'dot'] ), true, 'multiple fk fk_ok desc', 'public.fk2(pk2_num, pk2_dot) should reference public.pk2(num, dot)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'public', 'pk', ARRAY['id'] ), true, 'fk_ok array desc', 'public.fk(pk_id) should reference public.pk(id)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'pk', ARRAY['id'] ), true, 'fk_ok array noschema desc', 'fk(pk_id) should reference pk(id)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk2', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'pk2', ARRAY['num', 'dot'] ), true, 'multiple fk fk_ok noschema desc', 'fk2(pk2_num, pk2_dot) should reference pk2(num, dot)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'pk', ARRAY['id'], 'WHATEVER' ), true, 'fk_ok array noschema', 'WHATEVER' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', 'pk_id', 'public', 'pk', 'id', 'WHATEVER' ), true, 'basic fk_ok', 'WHATEVER' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', 'pk_id', 'public', 'pk', 'id' ), true, 'basic fk_ok desc', 'public.fk(pk_id) should reference public.pk(id)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', 'pk_id', 'pk', 'id', 'WHATEVER' ), true, 'basic fk_ok noschema', 'WHATEVER' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', 'pk_id', 'pk', 'id' ), true, 'basic fk_ok noschema desc', 'fk(pk_id) should reference pk(id)', '' ); -- Make sure check_test() works properly with no name argument. SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', 'pk_id', 'pk', 'id' ), true ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'public', 'pk', ARRAY['fid'], 'WHATEVER' ), false, 'fk_ok fail', 'WHATEVER', ' have: public.fk(pk_id) REFERENCES public.pk(id) want: public.fk(pk_id) REFERENCES public.pk(fid)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'public', 'pk', ARRAY['fid'] ), false, 'fk_ok fail desc', 'public.fk(pk_id) should reference public.pk(fid)', ' have: public.fk(pk_id) REFERENCES public.pk(id) want: public.fk(pk_id) REFERENCES public.pk(fid)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'pk', ARRAY['fid'], 'WHATEVER' ), false, 'fk_ok fail no schema', 'WHATEVER', ' have: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES pk(id) want: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES pk(fid)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'pk', ARRAY['fid'] ), false, 'fk_ok fail no schema desc', 'fk(pk_id) should reference pk(fid)', ' have: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES pk(id) want: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES pk(fid)' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk', ARRAY['pk_id'], 'ok', ARRAY['fid'], 'WHATEVER' ), false, 'fk_ok bad PK test', 'WHATEVER', ' have: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES pk(id) want: fk(pk_id) REFERENCES ok(fid)' ); -- Try a table with multiple FKs. SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk3', 'pk_id', 'public', 'pk', 'id' ), true, 'double fk schema test', 'public.fk3(pk_id) should reference public.pk(id)', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk3', 'pk_id', 'pk', 'id' ), true, 'double fk test', 'fk3(pk_id) should reference pk(id)', '' ); -- Try the second FK on that table, which happens to be a multicolumn FK. SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk3', ARRAY['pk2_num', 'pk2_dot'], 'public', 'pk2', ARRAY['num', 'dot'] ), true, 'double fk and col schema test', 'public.fk3(pk2_num, pk2_dot) should reference public.pk2(num, dot)', '' ); -- Try FK columns that reference nothing. SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'public', 'fk3', 'id', 'public', 'foo', 'id' ), false, 'missing fk test', 'public.fk3(id) should reference public.foo(id)', ' have: public.fk3(id) REFERENCES NOTHING want: public.fk3(id) REFERENCES public.foo(id)' ); -- Try non-existent FK colums. SELECT * FROM check_test( fk_ok( 'fk3', ARRAY['pk2_blah', 'pk2_dot'], 'pk2', ARRAY['num', 'dot'] ), false, 'bad FK column test', 'fk3(pk2_blah, pk2_dot) should reference pk2(num, dot)', ' have: fk3(pk2_blah, pk2_dot) REFERENCES NOTHING want: fk3(pk2_blah, pk2_dot) REFERENCES pk2(num, dot)' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Finish the tests and clean up. SELECT * FROM finish(); ROLLBACK;