Function to send mail by smtp in 9.3+ #No tested in 9.2- ====================================== This PostgreSQL extension implements a function to send mail by smtp using plpython IMPORTANT: There're bugs in the existing version, please contact to me. This extentsion in only executable by admid user, because use untrusted language plpython Building and install -------- Install postgresql-plpython:sudo apt-get install postgresql-plpython-9.x (where x >=3) Run make install In postgresql execute: CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu; create extension pgsmtp; Example ------- #insert data(user, smtpserver,port,password) about the sender user un into table pgsmtp.user_smtp_data, is required to send mail INSERT INTO pgsmtp.user_smtp_data VALUES ('','',587,'mypass') #sending mail pgsmtp.pg_smtp_mail(sender, receiver, cc,topic,text) with cc select pgsmtp.pg_smtp_mail('','',array['',''],'Test mail','Mail from postgres using pgsmtp :D'); #sending mail pgsmtp.pg_smtp_mail(sender, receiver, cc,topic,text) without cc select pgsmtp.pg_smtp_mail('','',array[''],'Test mail','Mail from postgres using pgsmtp :D'); -- Anthony R. Sotolongo leon